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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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"We'll be doing 6 waves between now and the end of 2023"


"But when are the tracks coming?!"
Isn’t that the issue? Is too broad of a timeframe it makes consumers unable to known when they should expect new tracks. Something like we are planning to release another wave Summer 2022 would make things easier
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I don’t agree really. They did give a “map” of 2023 honestly.

But putting in specific quarters for release before the content it made would just cause delays and rushing to put it out. Nintendo has actually always finished the season pass content for all their games ahead of time. But there’s was delays that occur during it that we hear about after it’s done.
The big picture of two years and six waves is good. As things get closer they should announce stuff with either dates or windows. These waves shouldn’t be shadowdrops. We should know when the next wave is coming about a month in advance so we can plan for it.
Has there been any update about that Japanese 7-11 display with Mario Kart? How could 7-11 be wrong?!

Expanding teams and/or adding enough development resources to form a new team can be a pretty lengthy thing depending on how good/modern/flexibel your pipeline is.
Yeah, I remember something like 2026 for the year when they wanted the expansion to be complete (but may also be confusing it with the new building).
Sanity check time. We're all in agreement that listening to random "insider" twitter accounts for leaks is the modern day equivalent of "Use push on the truck to get Mew" right?
If Nintendo dosen‘t plan to drop the last few waves one after the other, I don‘t think that they‘ll able to meet their own plan of releasing all tracks until the end of 2023.
We’ve said this about Smash, Fire Emblem and Xenoblade for their season passes.

They’ve met all those with time to spare.

The funny thing is that the first-two waves always took the longest to get going. After that they were releasing them Pretty close together. 5 waves left with 16-17 months? Yeah. They’ll probably finish it.
It’s been over 5 months since the first wave of DLC was announced, I don’t think it’s an unrealistic expectation to have information on Wave 2 by this point.
I mean yes? It's only been 4 months since wave 1 released, people need to RELAX. If the dlc is shadow dropped August 2nd vs if the 8 new tracks are confirmed today and released August 2nd... they still come out August 2nd (this is a random date I have no idea when wave 2 is coming).
lol more Xenoblade, of course

That being said, on Mario Kart specifically, though, the big reason us in the ST trusted in the course list comes from here:
It was so annoying forcing myself to be more silent around here, but I guess if the cat (or rat) is out of the bag...

I have my own reason to believe that list is correct, as surprising as a random SamusHunter parody being accurate seems. It's SNES Mario Circuit 3 specifically (a surprise since Circuit 1 was on the datamined banner), and the last course is one you haven't seen before; a fun twist I think people will be happy with. Hope we do see them tonight but I wouldn't know anything about reveal or release timing. We'll have to wait and see.
...which even then placed the reveal date into question. So the courses mentioned may still be in play, even if the trailer wasn't out today. We'll need to wait and see.
If Nintendo dosen‘t plan to drop the last few waves one after the other, I don‘t think that they‘ll able to meet their own plan of releasing all tracks until the end of 2023.
Even if Nintendo waits a few more weeks to release wave 2, they can still have wave 6 release in December 2023 while releasing waves 4 months apart.
Hey so like, why did we actually believe that guy? He was literally just some random Twitter user, is it because of SyluxHunter? That shouldn't just make us start believing these randos, for crying out loud Sylux even said these Twitter leakers are full of shit in their interview, only bothering to blame the big ones people recognized.

There was NOTHING pointing to BCP news today, why would Nintendo announce an update for Mario Strikers two days before release, only to announce and release an update for THE Mario spinoff before then. This is the "speculation" thread, and out of everything I've seen us humour, fame or era, this has to be the lowest we've ever sunk, I'm ashamed in myself for even thinking about it
Seriously why do you guys ever trust twitter randos

Scene: Furukawa's office

Some intern: People want a Direct, Mr. President, and in the absence of a genuine Direct, they’ll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want a Direct. They’re so thirsty for it they’ll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there’s no water, they’ll drink the sand.

President: Listen, we’ve had presidents who were beloved, who couldn’t play games with two hands and a Game Genie. People don’t drink the sand because they’re thirsty. They drink the sand because they don’t know the difference.

Shamelessly and poorly derived from The American President
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