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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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Why do you guys believe random accounts with no track records and like 5 followers?
If you are talking about KRool he got two things right and seemed confident in this, no problem in giving him benefit of the doubt. Worst case he’s wrong and we just move on to the next rando and let the cycle continue
Nintendo suddenly remembered Mario has been dead for a while, so they silently cancelled the remaining course packs for MK8.
Syluxhunter was once a Twitter rando….
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
In the end, he was not able to predict when the tracks would drop because he had no...track record.

EDIT: This is post 13456, kind of nifty.
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Nintendo is only giving us two major Pokémon games, Xenoblade 3, reviving Wii Sports and Mario Strikers, releasing Bayonetta 3, and licensing a sequel to Mario + Rabbids this year. Truly a horrible year.
Play more games
No, I only like one series and if there isn't one game in that series every 2 months Nintendo sucks.
Even with MP1 this year is a bad year for Nintendo. Without MP1, this is a terrible year. And I say that as a massive PLA fan.
If it's December 31st, 2022, and Metroid Prime Remake was never officially announced, I am literally never trusting anyone ever again.
In the end, he was not able to predict when the tracks would drop because he had no...track record.


Playing the Spyro Trilogy in a subway while eating a delicious Sandwich.....thats life right there.
A...Subway sandwich?
Nintendo just randomly threw out a whole new Kirby game last week.

It's the reason, and nothing else.
Do you really think that if already annouced big games like Prime 4 or BotW 2 were ready we would be in this situation?
Forgotten Land was a whole new Kirby, not a little digital-only multiplayer game.

I don't think the reason is just they didn't want to do it, or that they didn't want to be part of Summer Game Fest either.
They didn't want to do it because people are expecting BotW 2, and recording Aonuma again saying "I'm sorry, it's not ready" is not a very good image, just like not having any AAA quality new announcements.

That's why I think they didn't make a Direct, that's my opinion, but it's nice to have this conversation even if we don't agree.
If you are talking about KRool he got two things right and seemed confident in this, no problem in giving him benefit of the doubt. Worst case he’s wrong and we just move on to the next rando and let the cycle continue
What did he get right? The Bayonetta 3 trailer he was off by an hour iirc.
I played the first one on PC and thought it was decent, but never got into it. Might give this one a go when it goes on sale.
Hey, at least you can timeloop for permanent announcements!
Actually the way the timegates work can't create loops. You basically go back a set number of years, so if it's 8:00am on July 20, 2022 and you go into a timegate, it'll take you back to 8:00am on July 20, 600AD. Then if you spend, let's say five minutes there, and reenter the timegate at 8:05am on July 20, 600AD, it'll take you to 8:05am on July 20, 2022.

It's a weird thing in Chrono Trigger, the idea that even with time travel at your disposal, you can't go back and fix things you goofed. I don't think many time travel stories deal much with inevitability and the inability to change history except for maybe The Time Traveler's Wife.

I know this is way more than your comment warranted, sorry. LOL
Thats it Nintendo im selling my Switch for an Intellivision Amico, they becoming incompetent gaming company at the moment.
everyone sell your Nintendo Switches now before the rest of the market catches on to the fact that they're worthless
Playing the Spyro Trilogy in a subway while eating a delicious Sandwich.....thats life right there.
I had to delete that game yesterday because I needed room for Monster Hunter and apparently Spyro takes up north of 10 GB?! How does that game take up more space than Odyssey? Other developers, get it together.
Wipe-out is not F-Zero. The former is loose and wobbly and slow compared to the latter. Also the former has plenty of modern-ish iterations and clones, and the latter has a stuttering emulated version. Sorry Sylux, this is a miss :p .

Also the folks that made Redout threw Digital Foundry under the bus in a super ugly way so I'm not enthused either way. the sentence "fake news" was used
Do you really think that if already annouced big games like Prime 4 or BotW 2 were ready we would be in this situation?
Forgotten Land was a whole new Kirby, not a little digital-only multiplayer game.

I don't think the reason is just they didn't want to do it, or that they didn't want to be part of Summer Game Fest either.
They didn't want to do it because people are expecting BotW 2, and recording Aonuma again saying "I'm sorry, it's not ready" is not a very good image, just like not having any AAA quality new announcements.

That's why I think they didn't make a Direct, that's my opinion, but it's nice to have this conversation even if we don't agree.

Here's the thing, just like every year, there will be a medium to big(ish) announcement of a to date not announced, maybe rumored, game between now and September which is also going to release in 2022.

Nintendo shows exactly what they want, when they want.

Directs are planned and produced for a long time, there is no sudden "Yeah ... no, we dont have anything at all". If Nintendo didn't want to have a June Direct because there was no E³, then it's been a decision made by them by pure marketing reasons and not because they don't have anything.

What happens when you do sudden decisions, here's a very fresh example: The Collectors Edition Xenoblade 3 release in EU. Chaos, unfinished productions, missed deadlines.

Actually the way the timegates work can't create loops. You basically go back a set number of years, so if it's 8:00am on July 20, 2022 and you go into a timegate, it'll take you back to 8:00am on July 20, 600AD. Then if you spend, let's say five minutes there, and reenter the timegate at 8:05am on July 20, 600AD, it'll take you to 8:05am on July 20, 2022.

It's a weird thing in Chrono Trigger, the idea that even with time travel at your disposal, you can't go back and fix things you goofed. I don't think many time travel stories deal much with inevitability and the inability to change history except for maybe The Time Traveler's Wife.

I know this is way more than your comment warranted, sorry. LOL

You definitely go out now and buy a Watermelon. That is an order.
Thats it Nintendo im selling my Switch for an Intellivision Amico, they becoming incompetent gaming company at the moment.


I played the first one on PC and thought it was decent, but never got into it. Might give this one a go when it goes on sale.
Just saw a little preview of it and it looks like it has some performance issues right now. Maybe they'll tweak it and by the time it goes on sale it might be OK.

Goddamn I have been on a roll with the predictions, somebody set me up a Patreon for more prescient wisdom
So F-Zero and keeping expectations in check.

I'm thinking it's going to be some low-key stuff. I'm not entirely feeling the MK8 DLC secretly getting more crossover tracks, but I wouldn't be opposed to it.

Which leaves basically NSO. I don't think it's related to a GBA NSO app because the timing isn't right. Usually new NSO systems have popped up in September/October, so if there's an announcement imminent it's not that.

In my opinion this leaves two other possibilities other than MK8 DLC:
  • BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 is coming to the SNES app. This would actually be a big deal for preservationists since there's a bounty out for a full dump. This would also be interesting because it opens the potential for other SatellaView games.
  • F-Zero X Expansion Kit for the N64 app. We know the existing roadmap for the 64 app is either done or almost done. But 64DD support would be a very weird lift given how few titles were released and the JP exclusivity of the device.
EDIT: LOL. In the time it took me to write that... LOL :ROFLMAO:
WipEout and its numerous clones will never be able to fill the void left by F-Zero in my shattered heart.
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