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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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I'm also in the 'not massively excited' camp, for a combination of reasons. Sure, the most exciting things probably are on new hardware (and certainly, the biggest efforts will be heading there), but Switch will be my default system until I can replace it with next Switch. Partially my lack of excitement is deliberate - I've got a ton of stuff to get through already and I don't really feel like getting caught up in the Must Consume Next Thing mode I've been in for the last couple of years. For me, I'm most excited to perhaps finally see Metroid Prime 4 and to finally see what the Fire Emblem 4 remake will be like. Stuff like Star Fox, DK, Xenoblade X potentially coming back - I'd rather have that on new hardware.

What I am interested in, and what I do think we'll get, is some sort of NSO Expansion Pack update. With Mario Kart DLC coming to an end and Mega Drive drops seemingly vanishing (or being reduced to a couple of updates per year), there's a need for Nintendo to do more with their premium tier. They do seem to be aware of that - we got 3 N64 titles in December and 2 GBA titles in January, but that's not a rate of releases they'd be able to keep up all that long. With the recent GC controller stuff floating around - the kind of smoke which has preceeded systems coming to NSO - I'm very interested to see if Nintendo surprise me and start slowly adding GC titles in some fashion. I'd assumed that'd come with a price hike, or with a different method of delivery to the app-based system, especially with Nintendo already re-releasing multiple GC titles in different ways, but who knows.
hey man, whatever it takes to get Star Fox Adventures on a modern console
Think to yourselves, do you deserve a Nintendo Direct next week? Be honest...
I'm cherished by family, friends and the members of my community and have literally never done anything wrong in my life.

If the Direct is this week, I really hope this is the one where we see the FE4 remake. I've played the original game multiple times and it's definitely one of my favourite entries in the series and I feel as though a remake could be absolutely incredible if done right.
I can't wait for another round of

  • Arguments over who Lachesis's best husband is
  • Jokes regarding the Jugdral family tree
  • "Arden stuck at the castle" memes
  • BBQ jokes
  • Lewyn being a deadbeat dad
  • Arguments over whether Ishtar is a good person or not
Think to yourselves, do you deserve a Nintendo Direct next week? Be honest...
sweats over whether Process™️ trusters end up being rewarded for their commitment to the cause, only to have their loyalties tested with another absence
hope to see DQ 3 HD 2D, the game is MIA and I can't wait to play it. I don't feel we'll see Metroid Prime 4, but I thinbk we're in for a couple of small announcement. My excitement is all for Switch 2 announcement at the moment.
Since Nate delayed his podcast, doesn‘t know when the direct is airing, and isn‘t sure what march is referring to, we know of 3 important events without a date. It feels like a MP4 situation./s
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On a scale of 99%-100% how confident are we in something Star Fox related being announced?
Like 5%. It's pretty unlikely, but also kind of just the sort of thing that I could see dropping near the end of a console's lifespan.

Star Fox should come out like right now (when the Switch has a huge userbase) or near launch (when there are fewer games to pick from and hype is high) for it to succeed, I think.
billbill-kun's tweet seems to be hinting at an indie game that's getting shadowdropped, so probably not Hifi Rush (it could still show up as a shadowdrop, just probably not the one being referred to here)

Personally I think billbill is probably hinting at one of either Penny's Big Breakaway, Pizza Tower, or Silksong
have we trought of the possibility,of instead of a mini/general Direct or a Partner Showcase, we have a Indie World Showcase?
It's not about telling the truth or trying to hide where the info comes from. The information he had about Everybody 1-2 Switch literally could not have come from Youtube since nothing was uploaded to Youtube about it for an entire month after he first leaked it. Nintendo just announced it on Twitter with nothing else about it for a whole month.

My point isn't that they are specifically a YT backend leaker, just that if they were they obviously wouldn't say so.

I'm still fairly confident I know how Pyoro gets most of their info, and it's likely a mix of places.
What do you mean with "communications coming"? like someone heard there are rumors coming about the new console or communications as in, some internal thing within GameStop's retail system?
maybe he meant, Gamespot, Best Buy, any of this retailers, are preparing themselfs for Switch sucessor launch
Retailers receiving communication from their corporate entity feels too random of a rumor. Regardless of when the console is releasing, communication with major retailers should be happening
Retailers receiving communication from their corporate entity feels too random of a rumor. Regardless of when the console is releasing, communication with major retailers should be happening
Too soon to confirm "It's happening", but a different "It's happening" is for sure happening.

The start of the cycle of hell called "The Schrodinger's 'It's Happening' rumors". It's both not and is happening until we confirm if the rumor is bullshit or not.
Too soon to confirm "It's happening", but a different "It's happening" is for sure happening.

The start of the cycle of hell called "The Schrodinger's 'It's Happening' rumors". It's both not and is happening until we confirm if the rumor is bullshit or not.

Or they misunderstood the rumor to “prepare less retail space for the OG Switch” 🤣
"Communication from corp to retail" was a rumor that came from YT sphere few days ago. Is it possible the Discord chatter is simply repeating what they saw in a recent YT video? Or was that chatter stand-alone?
I wasn't aware of the YT sphere rumor. Good to know. From my understanding it's from verified GS employees in the chatter.
Retailers receiving communication from their corporate entity feels too random of a rumor. Regardless of when the console is releasing, communication with major retailers should be happening
well retailers need to know, well in advance when is new console is launching, so they could prepare for it launch.
The “Pyoro’s wings were clipped” feels like a weekly/biweekly basis

If he goes radio silence before a Direct, that’s when we’ll know
Pyoro just leaked Golden Sun on NSO releasing like two weeks ago y'all are just impatient lol
One could try and argue Pyoro not leaking the Mario vs DK demo was a sign their source is compromised. Their source may have also not known about the demo, or Pyoro may not have cared to share it, or perhaps they couldn't share it because not enough people knew about it to give their source cover, etc. If the direct comes and goes with no peep from Pyoro then we can guess they were compromised in some way.
One could try and argue Pyoro not leaking the Mario vs DK demo was a sign their source is compromised. Their source may have also not known about the demo, or Pyoro may not have cared to share it, or perhaps they couldn't share it because not enough people knew about it to give their source cover, etc. If the direct comes and goes with no peep from Pyoro then we can guess they were compromised in some way.
Huh? I thought Pyoro's forte was Directs, not mentioning demos that might drop. Or am I mistaken? What demos did Pyoro mention in the past that happened completely outside a Direct window?

pyoro hasn’t leaked anything because Nintendo hasn’t privately uploaded the trailers to Youtube yet
Exactly. I don't think Pyoro would find out about MvDK demo beforehand, because that isn't something that would show up in a YT channel.
Pretty much every big webservice has some sort of "backend". Famiboards has a backend, too. ^^

But they're all built differently, and you can't tell who is able to access such things and how they're able, so lets just leave it at that.

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