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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST4 Jan. 2022| Resurrections

The next Switch model will be called...

  • Nintendo Switch 2

    Votes: 40 23.5%
  • Nintendo Switch Pro

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Nintendo Switch 4k

    Votes: 13 7.6%
  • Nintendo Switch U

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Nintendo Switch +

    Votes: 11 6.5%
  • Nintendo Switch Max

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Nintendo Switch Up

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • New Nintendo Switch

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • Nintendo Switch Advance

    Votes: 11 6.5%
  • Super Nintendo Switch

    Votes: 53 31.2%
  • Nintendo Switch Super

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Nintendo Switchxty Four

    Votes: 4 2.4%
  • Nintendo Switchcube

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Nintendo Swiitch

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Nintendo Change

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo Modify

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nintendo Adjust

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Nintendo Wii U 2

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • Other (Please specify)

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • Switch Plus

    Votes: 5 2.9%

  • Total voters
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Well, ELO ripped it off a Gregorian chant, which ripped it off an ancient Sumerian notation, which supposedly was an attempt at transcribing the indescribable utterances of the Old One Kos, which.... well, it's best I stop there.
or some say Kosm
I lent Breath of the Wild, Links Awakening and Diablo 3 to one of my friends who just bought a Switch OLED. He brought it with him on a trip, left his tent in a campsite for about 30-40 minutes unattended, and in that time somebody nicked the Switch, the games, and his wallet. I feel pretty bad for him, told him not to be fussed about my games, but...

I'm craving my next 20-30 hour crack at Breath of the Wild master mode. I blame @Marce-chan for this one. Just need to wait for a digital sale
Imagine wanting to tease Banjo-Kazooie fans but you only end up wanting to replay it yourself but you can't wait for it to hit NSO so you just download it off Game Pass.

Couldn't be me tho
If I was playing Banjo-Kazooie, and I'm not saying that I am or even that I reached Rusty Bucket Bay because it was my day off, then I'd be in the same position.
BK is pretty short if you know the game fairly well, I think my last playthrough I got 100% in like 8-10 hours. If you're not going for 100% it'd be pretty easy to beat the game in one sitting.

Plus Click Clock Wood is my favorite level, so I always plow through to get to it anyway.
Today was a good day.

Getting a new trailer and date for Kirby started things on a high note.

I'm currently coming off nerve pain medication for the cancer surgery I had in 2020, and my doctor reckons that since the pains haven't come back so far, they're probably gone for good, at last.

My little brother, who has a congenital heart condition and so is at high risk, finally got his booster shot.

Even in difficult times, sometimes the sun breaks out from behind the clouds. And eventually, the clouds pass.
Imagine if you are in that level you'll get to the engine room. That part was a nightmare, more so on N64 than Xbox

I don't have to imagine that D:

BK is pretty short if you know the game fairly well, I think my last playthrough I got 100% in like 8-10 hours. If you're not going for 100% it'd be pretty easy to beat the game in one sitting.

Plus Click Clock Wood is my favorite level, so I always plow through to get to it anyway.

Haven't played it in ages but I think it only took me around 4h to reach Mad Monster Mansion so yeah... but I've been going for 100% so far.
You're all making me want to play Bloodborne again. I'm trying to hold off on any Soulslikes until Elden Ring, but huuuurgh I have the urge

Just succumb. I'm sucked back in and brought my threaded cane skill build up to SL220...

...and right now I'm throwing myself against the Shinobi Owl Father because I still haven't beaten Sekiro 🙃
I don't have to imagine that D:

Haven't played it in ages but I think it only took me around 4h to reach Mad Monster Mansion so yeah... but I've been going for 100% so far.
Get most notes on n64 and you die, you have to collect them all again. Xbox, you don’t have to

At least with NSO it will have save states to help with hat better
... I somehow had never heard of this, despite having played the game like five times, that's hilarious. I might do that!
I hadn't heard of it until early last year, was a nice little incentive to get back into it
No one told me these exist and now im sweating

Kids today have it so nice lol. Target is plastered with Animal Crossing and Mario merch. I spent my childhood looking at what japan had online and wishing it was easier to import

Also, Ninty totally missed out on not expanding Mario Kart live or making it customizable. I would have bought this in a heartbeat

The WHAT now?

The chalice dungeon code for 83000 blechoes instantly

Ohhh yeah. It absolutely breaks the game! So I wouldn't recommend it at all unless you want to remove a lot of the challenge of the game.

Otherwise, the cum dungeon is perfect for rushing new builds up to competitive ready. Just brought all my stats up to 50 in a few hours this way.

I had all three Heir runes equipped and was getting 140k blood echoes every 30 seconds or so. Absolutely insane.

Today was a good day.

Getting a new trailer and date for Kirby started things on a high note.

I'm currently coming off nerve pain medication for the cancer surgery I had in 2020, and my doctor reckons that since the pains haven't come back so far, they're probably gone for good, at last.

My little brother, who has a congenital heart condition and so is at high risk, finally got his booster shot.

Even in difficult times, sometimes the sun breaks out from behind the clouds. And eventually, the clouds pass.

This was really good to read, I'm vicariously happy for you!
Just succumb. I'm sucked back in and brought my threaded cane skill build up to SL220...

...and right now I'm throwing myself against the Shinobi Owl Father because I still haven't beaten Sekiro 🙃
I might have to, there's still plenty of time before Elden Ring anyway. And I love Sekiro, different as it is. But yeah, Owl Father is a right bastard. He (much like the final boss) is IMO a super fun fight once you get a feel for him, but he's very tough.
I'm waiting on hold and sipping some kombucha so this is the perfect time to reply to some things I grabbed to quote later.

This is a weird thing to dig up, but do yall remember Aaron Webber, aka RubyEclipse? He ran the Sonic social media for a while (he's the one who turned the official Sonic twitter into a meme-spitting snark-fest), and ran a lot of their events, acting as sort of a community liason. A year or so ago he left the social media team, having been promoted to a pretty good position in Sega of Japan (Director of Strategy, Studio & Community Relations), and ever since I've been wondering:

What are the chances that these new directions, like open-world Sonic, their announcement that they were going to spread out releases in order to give the team more time to work/polish (which is why they said Rangers/Frontiers is missing the 30th anniversary), are at least in part due to this guy who was the Sonic fan community conduit being promoted to a position within the company where he could go to high-level Sega people and say "Guys, respectfully, here's how our fans think we're fuckin up and here's what we need to change"?

I'm obviously exaggerating a bit and I know corporate crap is not that simple, but I do wonder if Aaron's fingerprints can be found on Sonic's development now.

I don't remember why I quoted this but I really like the idea of this and I can see it happening. It seems logical that Sega of Japan was aware of how Sonic was marketed by Aaron in NA and got a deeper understanding of the West's complex fascination with Sonic this way.

I've been clamoring for a modernized Sonic Adventure for years. Honestly that's kinda what I'm hoping Sonic Frontiers is.

Also, can I just say I actually preferred the same "Sonic Rangers?" 😅

You mean Dark Gaia? Where they tried to out-grimdark Perfect Chaos?

Maybe these were quotes from a Sonic thread. Oops. I really wonder why I quoted this. Maybe just that I really like Sonic Rangers too.

Just saw La La Land for the first time. Such a lovely film.

Also if Nintendo has anything else in the pipeline for March we could find out within just a few weeks and I think that's pretty cool.

Hey, within a few weeks we did find out! This post is probably from within a few weeks ago. Are you excited for Kirby?

But yeah I quoted this because I absolutely love La La Land. It's one of my favorite movies. The soundtrack has been on repeat in my head for ... I can't believe it's been five years now. Feels like just yesterday I saw it in the theatre.

One of my hobbies is studying Japanese and I like to try to translate the songs from La La Land into Japanese in my head. 星の街。。。What's kinda cool is that City of Stars translates just like Kirby of the Stars.


Not my food entry since I’ll keep the other one, but I’m having fun posting my creations. I’ll probably make this a routine thing. Home made honey mustard chicken salad. Easy dressing (1 part Dijon, apple cider vinegar, EVOO to 3/4 part honey, then S/P to taste). Candied the pecans with some bourbon barrel maple syrup and cinnamon. Could be veg easily (not sure what a good vegan honey sub is. Probably agave due to consistency).

This looks amazing. I like the Cobb salad-type plating here with all of the portions of ingredients beautifully segmented into their own areas of the plate, like a delicious color wheel.

Well, I'm mostly over covid at this point, and was feeling well enough to actually play and beat a video game!

Decided to play Tangle Tower, a beautifully designed and animated mystery game that I bought a few months back but hadn't played... for no adequate reason. It's actually the third game in a trilogy, but the other two games are mobile games and a bit primitive in style compared to this one. It endd up being a very short game, only about 3-4 hours, but it's filled with tons of intrigue and charm. The character design if fantastic, the mystery is strange and compelling, and the atmosphere and music give me chills at time. If you like mysteries and have an afternoon to burn, I reccomend it!

Here's a trailer!

Tangle Tower was one of my favorite games I played in 2019. It's such a good PnC with a mix of Layton elements. I thought the OST and voice acting was top-notch, too. I hope we get a sequel soon. My other favorite PnC on Switch is Broken Age, so please give that a look sometime if you haven't yet.

I’ve been playing through the Kirby series. Did Dream Land 1,2,3 and Adventure and now I’m going on to Super Star. Don’t know if I’ll actually play through every mainline game of the series before the new one but definitely want to do a good amount. Might skip over the more modern games that I already played.

I think I just quoted this to say this is a really neat series for a playthrough. I think Canvas Curse and Mass Attack are must-plays - not to mention Epic Yarn - so I hope you give them a spin as part of your playthrough if haven't played them before.

I did enjoy Hey Pikmin. Thought it’s fun little game

Hey! Pikmin is a super under-appreciated game. I know @TheMoon will back me up here. And the moon is the size of billions of Pikmin. But yeah it's a brilliant translation of the series into 2D and I hope other Pikmin fans here like @Raccoon enjoyed it a great deal. The only miss for me is the choppy framerate on my OG 3DS for one of the levels. It made it feel impossible to get a Gold medal in that level. And they were really tough to get to begin with. But that's just part of the fun of Pikmin - mind-numbing difficulty to 100%. See also the brilliant and underrated Pikmin attraction in Nintendo Land.

Was gone for a bit and I have a lot of thoughts on the last 30 pages:

This NSMB praise pleases my soul.

While a new Mario Kart being in active development is about as obvious as the sky being blue, it’s just nice to have some Assurance™ that the game seems to be coming sooner rather than later, especially considering Tour seems to have eaten up a lot of manpower and is still getting consistent content updates over 2 years after launch.

This happened to me too. My circle pad started feeling weird almost immediately after playing Smash for the first time, then just a few months later it fell off.

Unrelated but the possibility of Kirby getting a release date within just a couple of weeks is every exciting, and a Direct just a few weeks after that even more so. Real life has been kinda meh lately, but Nintendo’s potential offerings for the near future fill me with joy.

I'm sorry to hear real life has been meh and I hope you are very glad about Kirby's release date. You and other posters who said similar things seemed to have willed it into existence. I'm really psyched it's coming out near my birthday. Tunic is coming out not long beforehand so I hope they both turn out to be amazing and make it really difficult for me to pick which to play.

I just want assurance that DK exists tbh. If I get that then I'll wait as long as I have to.

Same here. I mean, I know DK exists, because he resides on a little podium with the other amiibo in the closet in Pinto's bedroom/my office. But I would be very glad if DK exists

(Pinto is my kitty.)

This .gif is so wholesome and adorable. Dream Land 3 is filled with animations like this. I hope they revisit the style one day.

Man, it seems everyone is beating a game here. Just went through my first run of Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, no where done with playing, but still counts as beating a game I guess. lol

How are you liking SKPD? I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet.



not sure if it counts since it was mostly assembly but this is romantic charcuterie

Charcuterie is so good. Love the berries on there too.

I really hope they announce a release date for Pac-Man Museum+ soon. I've got a Pac-Man Fever that only that collection can cure.

I've even got Pac-Fever dreams. I legit last night dreamt of a Pac-Man game for the Wii wherein Pac-Man's son is turned into a ghost, and Pac-Man has to come to terms with his son's condition. it was a visual novel like game and had a weirdly somber mood to it as Pac-Man struggled with concepts of mortality.

Now I really want to play that. Please make that game. 🕹️

I only played a handful of Kirby games, but forgotten land is something I’m really excited for as well.

I also hope Kirby 64 comes to NSO before then, really want to check that out

Kirby 64 is really under-appreciated. One of the rare 2D console games from Nintendo in that era and they nailed it. Kirby's copy ability combos are incredibly awesome too.

I just walked into a beef bowl place (small town, nobody else in here, triple-vaxxed and masked, don't worry) and they're blasting, believe it or not, fuckin Japanese city pop. I know all these songs.

This never happens. In all my 30sumethin years of being a weeb, I've never walked into a place where they're blasting Japanese pop songs that I actually know. Hell, that didn't happen in the two weeks I was actually in Japan.

This is so cool. ❤️

I loved this story. This happened to me at an izakaya once. They were playing Anata ni by mongol800. I was like...oh shit, it's the theme song for Osozaki no Himawari. Amazing show and amazing song.

Just had an amazing day off :)

Morning: Waste time because there's not enough time before lunch to start anything substantial

Afternoon: Waste time because there's not enough before the dogs need feeding and my Mum gets home from work to start anything substantial

Evening: Waste time because there's not enough time before dinner to start anything substantial

Night: Waste time because there's not enough time before I have to go to sleep to start anything substantial

Fuck I just want to escape this cycle :( I barely do anything anymore except shitpost on the internet and mindlessly browse Reddit/Tik-Tok/whatever.

I feel you dude. Days off get sucked up like Kirby with a strawberry shortcake 🍰 sometimes. I'v found that for me the trick is to schedule yourself blocks of specific things you wanna do on your time off.

The COVID movie binge continued tonight with Once (2007). Really charming, scrappy little indie musical. Super simple, super romantic through a shared love of music between the two leads, and an incredible original soundtrack to back it up.

The guy who made this movie went on to produce and showrun the wonderful anthology Modern Love on Amazon Prime. If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend it.

Kirby looking promising in a first 3D game is great, but part of my brain is now demanding Cube Boy and see UFO as the next 3D games from HAL.
Brilliant. Cube Boy starring Qwerty.
You're all making me want to play Bloodborne again. I'm trying to hold off on any Soulslikes until Elden Ring, but huuuurgh I have the urge
This is my dilemma with not just Elden Ring but Breath of the Wild. I want to replay Breath of the Wild this year, but I'm also worried because I know the sequel will probably come out later this year and feature many of the same locations, so I don't want to get burn out. I fully believe Nintendo will justify revisiting Hyrule, I just don't know if it's wise to replay the original earlier this year before the sequel ... but man I really want to :/
If I was playing Banjo-Kazooie, and I'm not saying that I am or even that I reached Rusty Bucket Bay because it was my day off, then I'd be in the same position.
Save states at least. Plus I can do the game in a weekend. Still need to finish my revisit of Tooie tho I’m like 70% to 100% since it was the first one I played.

Need to work on my backlog before Kirby delays it again
Save states at least. Plus I can do the game in a weekend. Still need to finish my revisit of Tooie tho I’m like 70% to 100% since it was the first one I played.

Need to work on my backlog before Kirby delays it again

I started on my backlog some last week and beaten four games within a week. I took a break due to feeling a little burnt out and had some headaches as well but man it felt good to enjoy some games for once.
I want to replay Breath of the Wild this year, but I'm also worried because I know the sequel will probably come out later this year and feature many of the same locations, so I don't want to get burn out. I fully believe Nintendo will justify revisiting Hyrule, I just don't know if it's wise to replay the original earlier this year before the sequel ... but man I really want to :/

I refuse to believe much of the experience will feel familiar or samey. I also think it's near impossible to erase my memory of this Hyrule, so not playing more of Breath of the Wild won't change a thing.

Your humble abode in Hateno is getting dusty @AngryAlchemist - you should probably head back
Only played a couple of Kirby games, Planet Robobot and Star Allies. Robobot is my favorite of the two. Thought about digging out the 3ds to play some of the Kirby games I miss there or on NSO
Hey, within a few weeks we did find out! This post is probably from within a few weeks ago. Are you excited for Kirby?

But yeah I quoted this because I absolutely love La La Land. It's one of my favorite movies. The soundtrack has been on repeat in my head for ... I can't believe it's been five years now. Feels like just yesterday I saw it in the theatre.

One of my hobbies is studying Japanese and I like to try to translate the songs from La La Land into Japanese in my head. 星の街。。。What's kinda cool is that City of Stars translates just like Kirby of the Stars.
I am very excited for Kirby. I always wanted to get into the series, but I’ve only ever played the first two games. I’d expended what little remains of my mental energy into manifesting a March release date, and I’m glad to see it paid off, with an awesome trailer to boot. This will be my first game purchase of 2022 and I think it’ll be the perfect start to what is shaping up to be a perfect year (at least as far as gaming is concerned)

La La Land has an awesome soundtrack. This past summer a friend of mine did an arrangement of the epilogue music and we got to play it in an orchestra concert with a bunch of other great film and video game music.

Also good luck with your Japanese studies! Learning a language is no easy feat, and I applaud your determination.
I finally got to catch up with the new Kirby trailer, and wow. I am impressed. I was already hyped for the game, Nintendo, you didn’t need to come at me with all that!

My history with the Kirby franchise is spotty. I was introduced to him in Smash 64, where he became my favorite character thanks to his copy abilities (and he could fly!). Then I played Kirby’s Dreamland on Game Boy. I wouldn’t play another Kirby game until Epic Yarn on Wii (this grass feels like pants!), then Triple Deluxe on 3DS, and finally I played through Kirby’s Adventure on NSO. I’ve got Star Allies in the backlog, as well as a bunch of games available on NSO. I adore Kirby as a character (remember the Saturday morning cartoon? Kirby RIGHT BACK AT YA!), but I just don’t have a ton of experience with the games.

This new game seems to be everything I’ve wanted from a Kirby game for years. It looks like Banjo Kazooie, but with Kirby. And I am here for it.
I started on my backlog some last week and beaten four games within a week. I took a break due to feeling a little burnt out and had some headaches as well but man it felt good to enjoy some games for once.
Problem is my main game right now is Super Robot Wars X and I’m lucky to chip away at 1 let alone 2 missions a day. And I’m only down 35 out of like 52 not including bonus missions. That and I need to click on FFIX still
Problem is my main game right now is Super Robot Wars X and I’m lucky to chip away at 1 let alone 2 missions a day. And I’m only down 35 out of like 52 not including bonus missions. That and I need to click on FFIX still

My last game was to the moon which I did in one sitting

I guess Nintendo is not doomed yet

I made the mistake of reading the comments and it's always amazing how peeved some people get about these things, especially when it's Nintendo who's on top. You could pull a muscle with the reaches some make in trying to argue that the Switch isn't a competing system.
Today was a good day.

Getting a new trailer and date for Kirby started things on a high note.

I'm currently coming off nerve pain medication for the cancer surgery I had in 2020, and my doctor reckons that since the pains haven't come back so far, they're probably gone for good, at last.

My little brother, who has a congenital heart condition and so is at high risk, finally got his booster shot.

Even in difficult times, sometimes the sun breaks out from behind the clouds. And eventually, the clouds pass.
That was motivating and inspiring to read

Lets gooooo
I lent Breath of the Wild, Links Awakening and Diablo 3 to one of my friends who just bought a Switch OLED. He brought it with him on a trip, left his tent in a campsite for about 30-40 minutes unattended, and in that time somebody nicked the Switch, the games, and his wallet. I feel pretty bad for him, told him not to be fussed about my games, but...

I'm craving my next 20-30 hour crack at Breath of the Wild master mode. I blame @Marce-chan for this one. Just need to wait for a digital sale
Damn I'm sorry for your friend and your games :(
Just the thought of losing my Switch scares the hell out of me.

I'm not sorry for reminding you of how great BotW is tho!! Damn I love that game so much. I don't know if I can face master mode tho. In the mean time while we wait for a digital sale, let us play some Captain Toad for free!!
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