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StarTopic Nintendo eShop |ST July 2024|





Jul 05 The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak, Jul 17 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate, Jul 18 Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, Jul 25 Tokyo Xanadu eX+, Jul 11 ACE COMBAT 7: Skies Unknown, Jul 26 One Piece Odyssey



Jul 02 - The Battle Cats Unite!


Jul 03 - River Tails: Stronger Together


Jul 04 - MACHI KORO With Everyone


Jul 15 - Darkest Dungeon II


Jul 18 - Bo Path of the Teal Lotus


Jul 18 - SCHiM


Jul 25 - Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure

All Releases

Week 1
Jul 02 Food Truck Simulator
Jul 02 Hot Blood
Jul 02 The Battle Cats Unite!
Jul 02 Wild West Tycoon Empire
Jul 03 River Tails: Stronger Together
Jul 04 Air Hockey: Casual Table Arcade
Jul 04 Art of Glide 2
Jul 04 Brain Training!! Number Search
Jul 04 Choose and Easy NUMBER IQ QUIZ
Jul 04 Clock Maker : My Pendulum Clock
Jul 04 MACHI KORO With Everyone
Jul 04 Mini Golf League: Sports Simulator
Jul 04 Replik Survivors
Jul 04 Scoop it! Goldfish
Jul 04 Sir Happenlance
Jul 04 Taboo Trial
Jul 04 The Five Covens
Jul 04 Uphill Stunt Driver: Extreme Racing Simulator
Jul 05 Bouncy Chicken
Jul 05 Cats Hidden in Cozy Places
Jul 05 Cthulhu tower
Jul 05 Cyber Citizen Shockman Zero
Jul 05 Highway Zombie Survival - Car Apocalypse
Jul 05 Sea under the sea under the sea
Jul 05 Summer Games Beach Volley
Jul 05 The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak
Jul 05 The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak - Digital Deluxe Edition
Jul 05 The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak - Ultimate Edition
Jul 06 Baking Time: Powerful Edition
Jul 06 Cooking Arena Sushi Master
Jul 06 Jetpack Race
Jul 06 My Horse Stories: Sunny Edition
Jul 07 Editor's Hell - Newspaper Story
Jul 07 Rocket Car: Ultimate Ball League Machines Premium Edition

Week 2
Jul 08 Kubits Gallery
Jul 09 Cyberpank Parkour Uprising
Jul 09 Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master
Jul 10 Retro Battle
Jul 10 True Colours - A Date With Deception
Jul 11 ACE COMBAT 7: Skies Unknown
Jul 11 Anomaly Pools
Jul 11 Bleach: Brave Souls
Jul 11 Brawl Arena: Arcade Shooter
Jul 11 Danger Stunt Drive: Extreme Racing Simulator
Jul 11 Gluck
Jul 11 Hamster Playground
Jul 11 HoneyLand
Jul 11 Muv-Luv / Muv-Luv Alternative Remastered Double Pack
Jul 11 Muv-Luv Alternative Remastered
Jul 11 Muv-Luv Remastered
Jul 11 Night Reverie
Jul 11 OGRE TALE -鬼譚-
Jul 11 Parasol Stars - The Story of Bubble Bobble III
Jul 11 Princess Maker 2 Regeneration
Jul 11 Sunlight Scream
Jul 11 WEJAM
Jul 12 Ballz
Jul 12 Deathchron
Jul 12 DROS
Jul 12 Fantasy Saga Frenzy
Jul 12 Fitness Boxing Hatsune Miku
Jul 12 Shy Dogs Hidden Orchestra
Jul 13 Falling Number
Jul 13 The GhostX : Sniper Simulator (Tactical Shooting & Eliminator) PREMIUM EDITION
Jul 13 Vac Attack
Jul 14 Project Drift Japan Challenge

Week 3
Jul 15 Darkest Dungeon II
Jul 15 Oblivion Edition
Jul 16 Hot Lap Racing
Jul 16 Let's School
Jul 16 Return To Abyss
Jul 17 RPM - Road Punk Mayhem
Jul 17 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate
Jul 18 Bo Path of the Teal Lotus
Jul 18 Magnus Trilogy
Jul 18 Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
Jul 18 Over Horizon X Steel Empire
Jul 18 Rivalia: Dungeon Raiders
Jul 18 Satryn DX
Jul 18 SCHiM
Jul 18 The Gravity Trickster
Jul 19 A Lost Note
Jul 19 Spy Guy Animals Junior

Week 4
Jul 22 The New DENPA Men
Jul 23 CONSCRIPT - Digital Deluxe Edition
Jul 23 F1 Manager
Jul 24 Super Woden GP II
Jul 25 Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure
Jul 25 Monument: Invasion
Jul 25 Some Some Convenience Store
Jul 25 Speed Overflow
Jul 25 Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Jul 26 One Piece Odyssey
Jul 26 Sportitions’24
Jul 28 Deliver Us the Moon

Week 5

Previous Threads

2021 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Nov Dec
2022 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun --- --- --- --- --- ---
Surprisingly big month, unusual for Julys. Not complaining though. I do need some more games to play during our annual visit to Cabo.

Getting for sure:
Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown (no Nintendo decals but still a ACo game on the go. what more can I ask?)
One Piece Odyssey (separate story always go good thing. I'm several tens of volumes behind lol)
Tokyo Xanadu Ex (finished this on Vita but gonna be great to try again with better framerate and extras)
Trails through Daybreak (played the demo. I'm so ready for this! No more Rean Shitzer)
TMNT Splintered Fate (great game but was unplayable due to touch controls. Saved from dark depths of Apple Arcade!)
Darkest Dungeon II (it's been nearly 9 years since I played the first on Vita)
Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master (in case people don't know: Naheulbeuk is a popular comedy French bd/comic. This is the second game of the series on Switch)
Let's School (looks more serious than Two Point Campus)
Deliver Us the Moon (got to play it a little when it was on Game Pass, now is the perfect opportunity to beta the game)
Conscript (Super interesting. mixes arcade style run n gun with traditional survival horror)
Star Named EOS

Need to see some reviews first:
Nintendo Championships NES Edition
Bo the Path of Teal Lotus
Hot Lap Racing
Princess Maker 2
River Tails
I was going to get the NES Championship game but I just cancelled my preorder. I need to cut back on spending and I know I won't play it enough to warrant a purchase.
Thanks as always for the great OP @Joedev!

Anyone have recs on the following games on sale?

Later Alligator - $4.49
Lost in Random - $3
Master Key - $10

I don't think any of these games have disturbing content or violence involving animals, but that's the one main thing I always avoid with games.

At $3 I know I'm for sure going to pick up Clockwork Aquario.

Hey @MisterSpo, how did you end up liking Master Key? 🗝️ 😀
Lost in Random - $3
Yeah, that's basically steal for that price. Fun little 3D platformer/adventure game with Burton artstyle. If you like that, check out studio's other titles as well: Fe and Wavetale. Both go into deep discounts pretty often.
Thanks @9-Volt. Yeah, I suppose it's tough to go wrong for less than $5 on something these days. That's candy bar territory in this economy. 🍫 It's definitely more about the time investment. Is it more of a PnC like Broken Age or Tangle Tower, or does it lean into the platforming?
Thanks @9-Volt. Yeah, I suppose it's tough to go wrong for less than $5 on something these days. That's candy bar territory in this economy. 🍫 It's definitely more about the time investment. Is it more of a PnC like Broken Age or Tangle Tower, or does it lean into the platforming?
Combat has a mechanic pretty similar to Kingdom hearts Chain of Memories. You have cards and you can use them as powerups by throwing a dice and matching a number. The rest is pretty much a regular action game with slingshot and a sword.

I don't remember any PnC elements but there were a lot of talking in the game. And yes there are some platforming.
Hey @MisterSpo, how did you end up liking Master Key? 🗝️ 😀
I loved it. I wrote about it in the Completed Games thread, pasted here for your convenience:
15. Master Key (Switch)
First thing's first: I really, really loved this, and would recommend it to anyone searching for a challenging 2D Zelda style adventure game. That being said, there are some rough edges: sometimes finicky controls with lag, missed inputs, and sudden changes of direction in battle; performance drops during boss fights; and multiple crashes during gameplay for no discernible reason. I'd also say the difficulty curve is slightly off: the first boss gave me mountains of trouble and really put me off the game, but persevering was more than worthwhile. I'd recommend searching out weapon upgrades, an armour upgrade later in the game, and don't be afraid to make use of the difficulty slider included in the game, which is a great thing to have given the game's intended difficulty.

The lo-fi visuals, catchy music, and lack of dialogue combined with the very very subtle and loose signposting made for a childlike sense of discovery that's easily lost on adults, or anyone who's become very literate with a genre or style of game. While my classic Zelda brain whirred into gear, and really came to the fore in the game's inventive and enjoyable dungeons, it sometimes worked against me. Zelda, especially in the 2000s, became about rigid structure and linear progression almost like a set of rituals that were followed without thinking. That meant I'd sometimes get myself stuck thinking I was pursuing the 'correct' route forward, only to be bashing my head against a wall.

And that's where Master Key improves on classic Zelda: it returns to the looser, freer structures without dropping the dungeon-item-progress dynamic. There are always other routes forward, things you've missed, and optional pick ups which will improve your experience in meaningful ways, even if the game can (as far as I can tell) be completed without them. Zelda's commitment to series rituals led to games that (literally, in 2009) railroaded you into a single route, one objective after another. Master Key embraces some non-linearity and freedom while still smartly working within the central hero's journey of classic Zelda, giving you both structure and freedom.

If EPD3 ever want to return to the dungeon-item-progress mode, they'd do well to learn a few things from Master Key. This is an action adventure I'd rank as highly as Death's Door and Tunic, perhaps higher for its commitment to narrative and signposting minimalism and mostly superb dungeons and bossfights.
Hi everyone, let's celebrate July with a brand new and shiny giveaway, if you don't mind!
This time we are gifting our followers with a digital copy o TOKYO XANADU eX+, for the EU eShop!

You can see the givaway here: TOKYO XANADU eX+ GIVEAWAY

join is very simple - you just need to leave a comment within Sunday, July 14th!
Anyone have recs on the following games on sale?

Later Alligator - $4.49

Later Alligator is short (around 3-4 hours I believe) but nice. It's like a point and click+minigame collection with nice animations and funny dialogue. Not all the minigames are great, and overall nothing is terribly difficult, but overall it's very charming. The only violence towards animals I can remember is there's a minigame where you have to swat bugs that are swarming around one of the gators. It's not grotesque or anything.

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