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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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I find it a bit odd when people think there’s no gaming market for Nintendo between toddlers and 30-something adults. My daughter is really looking forward to the Peach game as she loves dressing up. She’s 8. When I was her age I loved relatively simple sidescrollers too, meanwhile her peers are largely into Roblox and Minecraft (and probably other gaming series that are huge but barely get touched on by both a community like this and gaming media that largely aims at us). Sometimes I wonder if it’s adults who seem to have forgotten that children and young people exist between being 3 feet high and starting their career, as calling younger gamers ‘toddlers’ is a bit condescending, as if kids don’t know what good games are. Not like there isn’t plenty of games we talk about on the regular that I don’t think are much good either, despite their increased complexity. Tons of series that have been popular for decades now, and that we largely all love to talk about, were aimed squarely at kids back then but everyone now. No need to pull the ladder up behind us, as if games aimed only at adults are somehow superior.
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You guys gonna cry when Nintendo doesn't announce anything?
I find it a bit odd when people think there’s no gaming market for Nintendo between toddlers and 30-something adults. My daughter is really looking forward to the Peach game as she loves dressing up. She’s 8. When I was her age I loved relatively simple sidescrollers too, meanwhile her peers are largely into Roblox and Minecraft (and probably other gaming series that are huge but barely get touched on by both a community like this and gaming media that largely aims at us). Sometimes I wonder if it’s adults who seem to have forgotten that children and young people exist between being 3 feet high and starting their career, as calling younger gamers ‘toddlers’ is a bit condescending, as if kids don’t know what good games are. Not like there isn’t plenty of games we talk about on the regular that I don’t think are much good either, despite their increased complexity.

and I mean lets be honest it's not like most mainstream games are really even THAT much more complex

someone could honestly make a much more coherent sounding condescending argument about say Sony games being for "toddlers" compared to "real adult games" like Zachtronics games or Grand Strategy games or whatever than something like Sony games compared to Princess Peach
Lol r u all gonna poo ur selves when the Nintensilly Getwrekt is just kiddy games and farms and no teraflops lol

I am very smart
I want to get a game for the long weekend and you all have me convinced Penny's Big Breakaway is shadow dropping tomorrow. Better not let me down!!

(I'm getting Ultros on PS5 if there's nothing)
NoA hasn't done this many first party announcement tweets without it being a direct since...well, ever, right? this is absolutely a sign of something.
Honestly not counting on a direct at this point until either Pyoro starts hinting or Nintendo announces it. I get the feeling it'll just be a shadow dropped partner at this point.
Hopefully Pyoro does provide a hint and their sources of info didn't get cut.

Sorry, but this is just naïve. It makes zero sense.

NCL is the one dating things, not NoA.

As Reggie showed us in his book, NoA is just a PR branch, they do not have power to alter big things.

No one but people in niche forums care about a "business podcast", to delay a Nintendo Direct because of this is simply absurd.

I hope that you are trolling though.
I’m not, but okay!

If you read my other posts I do say that it’s probably primarily an NOA concern. I understand that! You don’t have to be so condescending to me.

“No one but people in niche forums care about a business podcast” This is an extremely bad faith simplification of what it actually is. We don’t know what it Xbox has to say but this has to potential to be on the magnitude of Sega’s exit from the video game hardware business. If you don’t think that “one of the three major hardware manufacturers has a big ominous announcement” has to potential to eat up all the video game headlines that day, you’re wildly uninformed. Nintendo does not want to compete for headlines. They want their Direct, partner or otherwise, to be THE story of the day. They’ll happily delay it a week just to make sure that is the case.

I’m not even saying they WILL delay it: again, I’m pretty sure it’s primarily an NOA concern, and there’s also a solid shot NCL says “who cares do it anyway” but to say no one cares about Xbox’s thing just tells me you’re oblivious.
if nintendo doesn't announce anything at this partner showcase I WILL cry I WILL seethe I WILL mald and there's nothing the (former) xbox fans can do to stop me
if nintendo doesn't announce anything at this partner showcase I WILL cry I WILL seethe I WILL mald and there's nothing the (former) xbox fans can do to stop me
I was literally shaking with anger during that conference. Tears formed in my eyes and my fists were clenched. "Announce something," I shrieked at my computer. My mom knocked on my bedroom door and had to ask if I was ok. Then, they started showing me a bunch of losers playing instruments dressed as Mario and I just turned it off. It was actually unbelievable.

Now, I'm 31 years old and this was, without a doubt, the worst conference I've ever seen in my life. It's clear that Nintendo is not just done with the Wii U but done with the company. There is no recovering from a conference that bad. They'll talk about the NX at next E3, but people will ignore it after remembering Blast Balls.

I loved this company and put my heart and soul into dedicating my gaming life to them. But now, I have nothing. I'm an empty shell.
I think you guts are desperate morons. At this point I'd rather skip any direct. Partner or not, you pretend like either would be good. That princess Peach game looks like it's for mouth breathing nintoddlers
The Nintendo Direct discourse brings out the best in us.
I'm going to be sad tomorrow because I can't pull my deeply juvenile "Oh no, I can't believe I HAVE to buy that game they just released in today's Silly Marketing Stream for Toddlers!!" stunt

remembers Penny's Big Breakaway

oh no
If this is literally the same guy, I genuinely wonder why someone would waste precious seconds of their life on something so fruitless and negative. Fatherless behaviour.

Anyway to keep this post from being called pointless by moderators, I want to point out that I think the Direct is being shadowdropped. Nintendo posting something on their twitter every hour for the past couple of hours at least implies they're planning the next couple of days, so it wasn't a delayed direct or something. There's nothing to worry about imo.
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