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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Which would kind of be a dick move on their part, no?
Which I believe has happened before. I believe in some podcast they stated that devs do not know in what kind of direct they will be at. Could be a Partner, Indie World, Mini or General. I also believe the developers in that case weren't happy of course they were featured in a non general instead of a big one. As they had different expectations. So I wouldn't be surprised if that would still be the case.

I can't remember which podcast it was :c
Which I believe has happened before. I believe in some podcast they stated that devs do not know in what kind of direct they will be at. Could be a Partner, Indie World, Mini or General. I also believe the developers in that case weren't happy of course they were featured in a non general instead of a big one. As they had different expectations. So I wouldn't be surprised if that would still be the case.

I can't remember which podcast it was :c
I would hope they have learned and now make sure they’re aware of what they’re being part of. The different formats have different viewership and coverage, you know?
I think you guts are desperate morons. At this point I'd rather skip any direct. Partner or not, you pretend like either would be good. That princess Peach game looks like it's for mouth breathing nintoddlers
I know Nintendo occasionally dabbles in viral marketing, something they're probably doing for Princess Peach game.

I'm no expert but I am sure this is not how one is supposed to do viral marketing.
Couldn't the Partner Showcase still be announced today? It could be 8PM EST/5PM PST, that way it would be morning in Japan.
I wouldn't rule it out. I still think it's possible to be either announced then, or shadowdropped in the morning. No real reason to think otherwise yet.
I know Nintendo occasionally dabbles in viral marketing, something they're probably doing for Princess Peach game.

I'm no expert but I am sure this is not how one is supposed to do viral marketing.

maybe they have a new AI marketing bot that's trying to piece together what "viral" means by looking at a dictionary
Which I believe has happened before. I believe in some podcast they stated that devs do not know in what kind of direct they will be at. Could be a Partner, Indie World, Mini or General. I also believe the developers in that case weren't happy of course they were featured in a non general instead of a big one. As they had different expectations. So I wouldn't be surprised if that would still be the case.

I can't remember which podcast it was :c
I believe Nate said this on the Game and Talk podcast a week or two ago, I remember I was watching to see if there was any additional information for the Direct!! :)
I think you guts are desperate morons. At this point I'd rather skip any direct. Partner or not, you pretend like either would be good. That princess Peach game looks like it's for mouth breathing nintoddlers
what baffles me about this post is that every other post about the game on here is some 34 year old being like "I still don't get what this game is"

it's not for nintoddlers, it's for literal toddlers
Couldn't the Partner Showcase still be announced today? It could be 8PM EST/5PM PST, that way it would be morning in Japan.
I think this is still possible! I looked back at the last time we had a February without a General Direct (2020 with the Animal Crossing Direct) and, while they announced it roughly two days early, they did announce it at 5 PM EST!
what baffles me about this post is that every other post about the game on here is some 34 year old being like "I still don't get what this game is"
Wait, really? I thought people were pretty jazzed for it

it's not for nintoddlers, it's for literal toddlers
I thought it was for 38-year old nerds who enjoy musical theatre and grew up watching Sailor Moon 🤨
me. I'm talking about me.
I think it makes total sense.

Sorry, but this is just naïve. It makes zero sense.

NCL is the one dating things, not NoA.

As Reggie showed us in his book, NoA is just a PR branch, they do not have power to alter big things.

No one but people in niche forums care about a "business podcast", to delay a Nintendo Direct because of this is simply absurd.

I hope that you are trolling though.
I think you guts are desperate morons. At this point I'd rather skip any direct. Partner or not, you pretend like either would be good. That princess Peach game looks like it's for mouth breathing nintoddlers
lmfao bro really thought they did something there
what if Furukawa reads Famiboards and it's been killing him inside that we don't give Directs perfect ratings?

I actually can't think of a better way to stack up those highly coveted 5/5 Famiratings than doing exactly what they've done so far and then shadowdropping a Direct with FE4 remake, Prime 4, a TTYD trailer with a release date and meaty new content etc
They don't have any generals, though. Advance Wars was last year and according to this thread, the Fire Emblem 4 remake is canned. Serious absence of generals at Nintendo now.
It's his time to shine

It's always Partner Showcase this, Partner Direct that, how about you go show your partner some love on Valentines Day instead huh?
I'm single by choice, but I wish my friends, family, and of course, my Famiboards a very good day and hope you all do something nice for yourselves today!
We need to have a baby Mario game where you have to do child rearing. We have the name for you Nintendo!
When Bowser does finally get his solo game I really do think it should focus on him taking care of all his kids and how much he actually LOVES that

Nintendo will establish the Glad Dad genre of videogame
If i'm not mistaken, the first ever Partner Showcase in 2020 was announced at that hour.
Nah that one was announced at Midnight EST I'm pretty sure. Fun times

Anyways the lack of an announcement is pretty concerning, since the imo good Partner Showcases (September 2020 and June 2022) were announced beforehand. Think this'll be a pretty weak one

So yeah how about that March Switch 2 presentation everyone?
If Sony didn't shut down the studios responsible for those in the first place then I would be more inclined to believe that. Kind of the reason why I don't care about Playstation that much nowadays.
Well, they did show this recently. Even though the people responsible for the series are making Ratatan now, a spiritual successor. Clearly Patapon needed to be in realistic snowy mountains that look like they're from God of War?
Nah that one was announced at Midnight EST I'm pretty sure. Fun times

Anyways the lack of an announcement is pretty concerning, since the imo good Partner Showcases (September 2020 and June 2022) were announced beforehand. Think this'll be a pretty weak one

So yeah how about that March Switch 2 presentation everyone?
All the signs are really pointing toward this being a very low-key show and the Switch reveal being a lot bigger deal than I expected. Which is exciting! I'd much rather have a big event 2017-style reveal for Switch 2 in March than a bigger Direct now.
Nah that one was announced at Midnight EST I'm pretty sure. Fun times

Anyways the lack of an announcement is pretty concerning, since the imo good Partner Showcases (September 2020 and June 2022) were announced beforehand. Think this'll be a pretty weak one

So yeah how about that March Switch 2 presentation everyone?
my expectations are so in the floor right now personally speaking that i'll probably think it was a good Direct at this point if there's even a single thing I sort of care about a little bit
So I'm guessing what happened was

1. Nintendo has a few games signed up for Direct marketing
2. Nintendo suddenly gets gunshy about doing a full Direct because they don't have any major announcements for the Switch and people will complain about the Switch 2.
3. Nintendo moves their first-party stuff from the Direct to social media or after the Switch 2's announcement so people get less mad.
4. Nintendo tells third-parties without marketing contracts that it will be a small Direct so they don't have to bother waiting for the Direct
5. Small partner Direct
Considering that your first post in this forum involves directly insulting its members, it's clear you are not here to engage with the community in good faith. For this you have been permanently banned. - Barely Able, mariodk18, TC, blg
You guys gonna cry when Nintendo doesn't announce anything?
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