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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
Most would say Fire Emblem. I'll say...Kirby spin-off.
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
That every beautiful 3rd party game we just saw was running on their new console because that's the power of the Super Switch.
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
they're shutting down because the toddler comments upset them
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
Miyamoto leaps out whatever screen you're watching on and throws surprisingly sharp, dense confetti at you before vanishing
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
“Thank you for watching our Partners Direct. However we are now NintenDOOMED. Accept our apologies”
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
TTYD HD date
Really hoping we get a localization of HOP! STEP! DANCE! announced in the Partner Showcase. Maybe it could even be published by Nintendo like the first two Fitness Boxing games…

You don’t have to be so condescending to me.
Sorry, this is not my intention. As I am learning english, sometimes I can not express myself the way I was thinking.

I wanted to say that we do not have precedents about Nintendo changing their dates because of other companies. And it would be good if Nintendo subsidiaries were more independent. Nintendo is still very insular.

You can delete my post. I had no intention to be rude, sorry.
What if we're all currently in the Nintendo Direct right now and we just haven't realized it yet?
Twitter Directs... They're wonderful things...
But don't ever think they'll cure all of your ills...

I personally think it's kind of over. September was it. That's it. Pack it up. Donezo. End of generation.

That or a Mini on Tuesday. Oof.
Wonder if Nintendo just decided to call it and instead of a Video-format Direct, they bring back the Twitter/X Direct like I believe they did before at least once.
All the announcements get posted on Social Media (IG, Twitter/X, etc.), with the trailers and gameplay get their Youtube trailers.
The Ys X feels like something that Nintendo would have shown off in a Partner Direct, instead of Falcom doing their own reveal of it.
I think you guts are desperate morons. At this point I'd rather skip any direct. Partner or not, you pretend like either would be good. That princess Peach game looks like it's for mouth breathing nintoddlers
Somehow you made an account just to share this nugget of retrospection with us, what compelled you?
As long as Paper Mario and LM2 don’t have dates I’m confident the Switch 2 reveal is going to be a Direct in all but name, and those will be announced in the “here’s what’s coming to Nintendo Switch and plays best on Switch 2” segment.

They could be Twitter dropped (and probably will be now I’ve jinxed it) but it’s just weird that Nintendo really aren’t committing to anything after Peach so far.
I can see something like that. Big late 3DS energy.
The Winter Direct season is fucking wild. "General" -> "Mini?" -> "Partner's" -> "Shadowdropped Partner's" -> "Twitter Direct". It's never been more over for Switch 1
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
chibi robo remake it will never happen
Wonder if Nintendo just decided to call it and instead of a Video-format Direct, they bring back the Twitter/X Direct like I believe they did before at least once.
All the announcements get posted on Social Media (IG, Twitter/X, etc.), with the trailers and gameplay get their Youtube trailers.
The Ys X feels like something that Nintendo would have shown off in a Partner Direct, instead of Falcom doing their own reveal of it.

I doubt any plans were changed. Directs aren't just a spur of the moment thing. Nintendo makes agreements with companies to feature their games in them, and it would really hurt their relationship to change it a last minute Twitter post instead. Whatever happens, it was likely their plan all along.
Let's say there is indeed a partner direct tomorrow, but Nintendo announces it by tweeting out "check out our partner direct with 30 minutes of games from our partners, and one surprise from us at the end!"... what is the one Nintendo surprise?
The Switch “Snap” but the logo looks noticeably different. Red background remains, but that new logo is then replaced with “2024” before cutting to black.
this is a new direct format: Nintendo direct ikea. They give us the videos and then each one makes the direct at home.

they could even make and sell some "Direct Maker" software with various assets you can use to make things like sizzle reels, silly Koizumi/Takahashi expressions for you to use etc
Are people really starting to doubt even the existance of the direct? The only one of the tweets that was Partner Showcase tier was Ys X, this changes nothing.

I mean the YS one IS pretty weird

lets see what happens in the next couple hours if they keep tweeting out more stuff I guess
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