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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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If we're even having a Partner at all, it would be weird to have the Tomb Raider, Ys, etc announcements being posted at a regular cadence. Given what Grubb said, they might have just canned the presentation due to the Xbox news and are announcing things early
If we're even having a Partner at all, it would be weird to have the Tomb Raider, Ys, etc announcements being posted at a regular cadence. Given what Grubb said, they might have just canned the presentation due to the Xbox news and are releasing the news early

what if they cancelled the Switch 2 itself due to the Xbox show and the final tweet will be them symbolically dropping a prototype into an active volcano like this is lord of the rings or something
Their is gonna be one for sure soon though the eShop kinda gives it away the game release calendar is much smaller by the end of March/start of April and usually a direct airs 45-60 days before that window every time.
what if they cancelled the Switch 2 itself due to the Xbox show and the final tweet will be them symbolically dropping a prototype into an active volcano like this is lord of the rings or something
Furukawa when he realizes he'll never have to answer a Switch 2 question at an investor meeting again:

what if they cancelled the Switch 2 itself due to the Xbox show and the final tweet will be them symbolically dropping a prototype into an active volcano like this is lord of the rings or something
The idea of Nintendo canceling their marketing event because of Microsoft's potential "beginning of the end" podcast thing is funny. While I do agree the MS news will absorb headlines, that'd be true even if Nintendo was doing a general.
So, is the "nintendo cancelled the direct because of the xbox podcast" the new theory now?
I mean, its a great scapegoat for the insiders that said it was this week, so it doesnt look like they are backpedaling, so theres that.
Maybe it’s cancelled because Phil is going to physically walk over to NOA on the podcast with random game cases for the third party releases and meet Doug…

Then they will merge into Dill Spowser
The idea of Nintendo canceling their marketing event because of Microsoft's potential "beginning of the end" podcast thing is funny. While I do agree the MS news will absorb headlines, that'd be true even if Nintendo was doing a general.

Nintendo defeated by a podcast. Damn.
Even if we don't get much this month, this thread has been wildly entertaining.

On that note, I would like to share that I'm a Pokemon insider. Don't get too excited though - I mean I'm literally stuck inside a PokeBall. I can't actually tell you anything about the next Pokemon game. But I am a Pokemon insider.
If we're even having a Partner at all, it would be weird to have the Tomb Raider, Ys, etc announcements being posted at a regular cadence. Given what Grubb said, they might have just canned the presentation due to the Xbox news and are announcing things early
Tomb Raider was announced 5 months ago, this was a release trailer, wouldn’t be in a partner showcase. NIS likes to do their own announcements. They 100% would not can a direct of any kind over a podcast
If this is somehow proven true I'll eat my crow, but I can't take this potential cancellation because of the podcast seriously.
That Xbox podcast will simultaneously be the most viewed Xbox podcast ever and also not have nearly the amount of eyes on it as a Direct. I don't understand why they'd halt a Partner Direct of all things over it lol.

If anything I was expecting the Partner Direct to show HFR or Pentiment and then the Xbox Podcast to be a few hours later for them to "explain".
That Xbox podcast will simultaneously be the most viewed Xbox podcast ever and also not have nearly the amount of eyes on it as a Direct. I don't understand why they'd halt a Partner Direct of all things over it lol.

If anything I was expecting the Partner Direct to show HFR or Pentiment and then the Xbox Podcast to be a few hours later for them to "explain".
Here's the thing. Everyone on here is disregarding it because it's a podcast, but this is a big deal. There's a reason why Microsoft potentially going third party has dominated gaming news for the last two weeks. This could be the biggest gaming news in years.
Honestly feel safe in saying there's probably no Direct this month. Can't say I'm too broken up about it, as long as we actually get Switch 2 anything next month.
4 minutes and still no new tweet.

Nintendo is definitely in the midst of declaring bankruptcy and going under 😭 😭 😭
Here's the thing. Everyone on here is disregarding it because it's a podcast, but this is a big deal. There's a reason why Microsoft potentially going third party has dominated gaming news for the last two weeks. This could be the biggest gaming news in years.
The Internet could also have collectively overblown just how big this news is going to be.

Multi-platform games while continuing to sell consoles and prioritise GamePass first wouldn't be all that surprising. I highly doubt we're getting Microsoft waving the white flag, and I also doubt the internal debate within Microsoft about the future of their gaming division is fully settled yet.
Couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn trying to insult us lmfao

How do you pronounce lumpyo

Is it “lump, yo”
Or “lump-i-yo”
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