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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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by all accounts, Prime 4 has been ready to be shown for most of 2023, so that logic also doesn't work

Yes, I did say "if" :)

By the way, during the February 2023 Direct, Nintendo gave some news about Metroid Prime 4. Development was progressing well....

A year later, it would be a good opportunity to show it. We'll have to wait and see :)

that doesn't make any sense

in 2021 did prime 4 have a better chance than dread? in 2022 a better chance than pikmin? it truly means nothing

So.... Before 2023, it was very clear to me that Metroid Prime 4 was far from ready. Don't forget that development has been rebooted.
Everything is better with giant robots. That's why the WiiU flopped! Because they killed that robot game. Also why the Switch hasn't surpassed the PS2 yet. Because there's not enough giant robot games on it.
Oh, I assume the gameplay will be revamped in a major way.
It’s all to be seen, that’s why i’m hyped for it, there’re tons of choices they can make for the remake and none of them are the clear right one to make, I just want to see what they do with it.
I dont think it's big enough for that, unless Nintendo really don't have anything else to show
If they're waiting for Switch 2 to reveal MP4, they very well may not. At least, nothing bigger than a FE remake.

I mean last time they ended on a Paper Mario remake.
All I want is TPHD, WWHD and MP4 as the closer, though I wouldn't be surprised if MP4 is held off and revealed as a Switch/Switch 2 cross-gen title.
If both DK and Prime 4 are here DK ends the show and Prime 4 is in the middle. I can see its segment being one of those "so, what did you think? This next game is one fans have been waiting a long time to see, we're excited to finally show it" or something to that effect.

FE4 remake opens the show.
When a Direct starts with a FE for a third time.


Someone had to say it.
Having a hard date to look forward to gets the Direct hype going for me. Bring on the 15th!

Fuck that's so far away in marketing anticipation terms. Pain.
Would be nice to have a new DK game... either DK or Metroid Prime 4 would break internet anyways
Would you prefer a 3D or 2D DK game?

Me personally, I'm still bummed out Nintendo never tried 3D again after DK 64. While it was clunky, there's a ton of charm and good ideas in there and I'd like to see them try a 3D DK akin to DK64 again
I remember. That was easily a top 3 Direct closer for me.
The reveal trailer is so perfect, you don't know it's Splatoon but then you see the Inkling, takes of the hood. It's literally perfect, the slow intro with character creation, the ambient music. Top notch.
It's not hiding, we know where it is.

On Horii's PC.
MFer is there having fun play-testing and aiding/leading development on the game while all we get are his dumb teases.

"News are coming soon!" Dec. 2022 wasn't it? Months pass, no news. Rinse and repeat this year. He has blue-balled us long enough 😭
Full credit to John Finnamore's Cabin Pressure for the template for this joke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Nintendo Chief of Operations Shuntaro Furukawa here. Just to let you know that we're making our final approach to what I am fairly sure is the end of the Switch's lifetime... unless it's the announcement of the successor. Or just maybe 2025. It's not 2023 because that was last year.

I should perhaps explain that Microsoft's Phil Spencer and I are having a sportsman-like little bet on about who can have a better February after drinking a liter of vodka through a straw. Spencer was first, you may have noticed the past week being a little bumpy, particularly with the fanbase. Now it's me to have our financial statements... just as soon as I decide for which of these two dates for a Nintendo Direct to aim for. I am happy to tell you that I feel lucky.

So on the behalf of all of us at Nintendo today, may I just say GEROMINO!!!"
think this is the first time I've seen a Cabin Pressure reference out in the wild
think this is the first time I've seen a Cabin Pressure reference out in the wild
I didn't expect someone to have also listened to Cabin Pressure also. We're a rare type of person.

Comedy gold, I intend to find another appropriate use of a quote from the show in the near future, don't you worry.
MFer is there having fun play-testing and aiding/leading development on the game while all we get are his dumb teases.

"News are coming soon!" Dec. 2022 wasn't it? Months pass, no news. Rinse and repeat this year. He has blue-balled us long enough 😭

And the worst thing, he didn't even slip up announce the game or DQXII for Switch 2, at least.

He gave us nothing.
We did know about Metroid Prime 4 when Dread was announced and released, so It doesn't mean much

A New DK could be shown and released before Metroid Prime 4. Or a New Wii Music

I Hope Is a new Wii Music
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