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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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sshhh rip

Direct for next week ? I'm OK with this !

Still hoping for :

Fire Emblem 4
Metroid Prime 4

Maybe a New Donkey Kong ? Maybe more smaller game like Tomodachi ?

Curious to hear Nate's podcast
After 21 years on this planet I failed so miserably. Nintendo won against me, this is the end. Leave luck to heaven.
Jk. You still have my sword, king.

Anyway, I’m very intrigued to see what they show here. I’d love to be wrong about MP4. Fire Emblem Remake seems like an obvious shoe-in (it’s been over a year now since Engage).
Nintendo just defeated Lukas, Team H1 release and Team acknowledgement in investors meeting in a single shot. Are they the most evil corporation in the world?
H1 is still (barely) alive:

Now these points of data
make a beautiful line,
Switch 2 is out of beta
and releasing on time.
Re: Ace Attorney 7 being announced in this Direct - Hopefully, but I doubt it. It could coast on the just released Apollo Justice Trilogy, the series has had a historical release of second half of the year (June in Japan mostly). I doubt the game is coming this year, and it'd be waaay too soon to announce a next year release. Assuming AA7 isn't next gen exclusive to the Switch 2, they could promote it on the eventual Switch 2 event.
Full credit to John Finnamore's Cabin Pressure for the template for this joke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Nintendo Chief of Operations Shuntaro Furukawa here. Just to let you know that we're making our final approach to what I am fairly sure is the end of the Switch's lifetime... unless it's the announcement of the successor. Or just maybe 2025. It's not 2023 because that was last year.

I should perhaps explain that Microsoft's Phil Spencer and I are having a sportsman-like little bet on about who can have a better February after drinking a liter of vodka through a straw. Spencer was first, you may have noticed the past week being a little bumpy, particularly with the fanbase. Now it's me to have our financial statements... just as soon as I decide for which of these two dates for a Nintendo Direct to aim for. I am happy to tell you that I feel lucky.

So on the behalf of all of us at Nintendo today, may I just say GEROMINO!!!"
What a twist, but tbh the xbox business report had already killed the chance for a direct this week
While it will be next week this isn't how this really works. Direct dates are planned months in advance, they just can't postpone it because something else happens in the industry (only if there is catastophore like an earthquake).
Could this also just refer to the "not in the Direct" part? Someone already chimed in yesterday and said that Nate doesn't expect it to be there. The datamine seems conclusive to me and the outlets that picked up on the rumurs said that an announcement for PS5 and Switch would be coming this month.

I don't know though, game is not playable natively on Xbox One right? A Switch 2 launch is not outlandish, but I would question why the datamine already included Switch-exclusive content.. as long as it's not scrapped, long-forgotten content of course!
I’m starting to get hyped, we may be a week away from my dream remake to be announced, even if right now I’m starting to think that I would have preferred for the fe4 remake to be for next switch to see how good it would look.
But I guess I’ll have to wait a couple of years for a true next gen fire emblem game (pls don’t use the warrior engine)
I'm a bit confused with timezones and daylight savings, at what time would an announcement typically come from Nintendo at this time of year?
3pm UK time (Which is GMT at this time of year).
So basically the time is 11:52 as of this comment, so around 3 hours and 8 minutes from now.

Edit: Or 2pm UK time, i forgot that 2 of the three Nintendo Directs happen in Daylight Savings at 3pm but might change to 2pm. I forgor
In America it’s supposed to be 9 am Eastern right now because that’s 11 PM in Japan.

To make sure I checked

February 2023- 9 am Eastern announced
February 2022- 9 am Eastern announced
February 2021- 9 am Eastern announced

So yeah in 2 hours an announcement would happen.
3pm UK time (Which is GMT at this time of year).
So basically the time is 11:52 as of this comment, so around 3 hours and 8 minutes from now.

Edit: Or 2pm UK time, i forgot that 2 of the three Nintendo Directs happen in Daylight Savings at 3pm but might change to 2pm. I forgor
the only W us brits get for nintendo announcement timings...
Isn't next week more likely? Maybe my memories are tricking me but I don't remember having seen a Direct the same week as Nintendo's financial results or at least not in a very long time
Why are People still beliving that is gonna be this Week, isn't it already confirmed that it's gonna be next week?
"Confirmed" is probably a slightly strong word, but yeah, it's looking very unlikely we see anything this week.

That said, resetting the clock is an important tradition, it can't be abandoned just because it "doesn't make sense."
I'm assuming Microsoft will only speak of Hi-Fi Rush coming to PlayStation next week if anything, as if it's possible a Switch port of Hi-Fi Rush was scrapped I don't think Microsoft is going to say anything about "it's coming to Nintendo's next system".
"Confirmed" is probably a slightly strong word, but yeah, it's looking very unlikely we see anything this week.

That said, resetting the clock is an important tradition, it can't be abandoned just because it "doesn't make sense."

Sure, I know that tradition, I still gonna spam the F5 on Twitter / X on CEST 15:00 and 16:00.
The one weird thing about the Switch version of Hi-Fi Rush getting possibly scrapped is that we just had that console exclusive t-shirt (along with the PS5 one) get data-mined in the recent anniversary update.
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