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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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I don’t want a relationship with Nintendo. They can be my entertainment daddy, and I their loyal pay pig. I’m good with that.

I do wish entertainment daddy would slide me some of that sweet, sweet Pikmin nectar a bit more often, but I think Nintendo gets off on withholding.
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I agree with Nintendo chosing to not make Directs as a celebration event.
They are a product supplier and I'm a consumer. I don't "celebrate" products nor I want to and I especially hate corporations that makes new products an event to celebrate.

The only corporations to "celebrate" are sports teams.
Unpopular opinion but I hated the puppets. I'm amazed they're so popular, didn't like them back then and I don't like them now.
Judging by the reactions to Directs back in the day, I don't think it's that unpopular an opinion :p

The puppets were fun, just not a good replacement for showing actual games. At the time I sort of understood... yeah, it's the Wii U era, they don't have a whole lot to show this year, I get it. Now that they have a steady stream of content, they probably feel that stuff isn't needed. But I would still like to see some of that personality back, just on a different context. Also Bowser doesn't strike me as the kind of person who'd enjoy participating in those skits. I for sure thought we'd be seeing more of him.
I like video games, but I really like video game development. I don't care about "celebration" of the products, but I love celebration of their development and the people who contributed to them.

Do the developers at Nintendo even want to be celebrated? I am pretty sure the vast majority of them don't even have a social media account to interact with fans.
Do the developers at Nintendo even want to be celebrated? I am pretty sure the vast majority of them don't even have a social media account to interact with fans.
Nintendo has all their employees under NDA so they don’t talk about anything game related
I like video games, but I really like video game development. I don't care about "celebration" of the products, but I love celebration of their development and the people who contributed to them.
This this this this this

Even if it isn't in a "Direct," give me back the Developer Story segment.
two-way interaction is very different from sharing details about creative decisions and technical solutions

They restarted the "Iwata ask" like feature and I hope they continue to do that, but this has nothing to do with Directs or celebrations, they are interviews and behind the scene features.
They restarted the "Iwata ask" like feature and I hope they continue to do that, but this has nothing to do with Directs or celebrations, they are interviewers and behind the scene.
Directs used to have segments like that though. Rewatch the E3 2014 Splatoon reveal, or E3 2015
While we are fans, I think it's important to remember that our relationship with Nintendo or any other company isn't a personal one. It's a business one. They make thing. You either buy or don't buy thing. That's fundamentally it. We joke about Nintendo not loving us but it's true. They don't love you. But they don't hate you either (well most of you). Nintendo isn't out there cancelling Directs and withholding Tweets to scorn anyone. They are looking at it purely form their business perspective whether it's timing things for maximum advertising or simply the games are not in a state ready to be shown.

Corporations exist to make money and every decision they make is done with that mind. Even when companies actively engage with community, they are doing so for financial reasons and don't pretend otherwise. If a company doesn't think engagement is worthwhile or even think it is detrimental, they probably won't do it. And gamers act like engagement with the community is always a positive for the company. We learned how Pro Smash players demanded more recognition from Nintendo only to find out that many of them are sex pests and do some fucked up with behind the scenes. That's one way to get a company to ignore you.

Corporations are not your friends. You'll be more at ease when you come to terms with that.
Even if it's a bit off-topic, I would like to explain why I'm not satisfied with the way Nintendo is doing things lately.
  • The Switch ecosystem needs to evolve. At this point, it's just a portable console that conects to the TV, not an "hybrid" console. It's just not powerful enough to have not only modern third party games or modern experiences for first party games, but basic stuff like voice chat, themes, music in the background, a better friend/account system...
Why? It's getting a steady stream of new games from both Nintendo and third parties, quite literally being the single platform that's thriving, and most users seem to be happy with it. You wanting it to evolve is fair. It definitely doesn't need to.

  • Releasing games with cut content. As MKBHD says, never buy a tech product based on the promise of future software updates. Releasing a game like Mario Strikers or Switch Sports and having to wait months to have all the content is just a bad policy.
...they aren't releasing games with cut content. The content is outright not developed yet. They're not cutting the content to release it later, they're outright developing more game after release. Please stop using the wrong words for things so they sound worse than they are.

Both games you've mentioned are mainly multiplayer. The content isn't the draw of the game. The gameplay is. You're not getting your fun out of there being 300 characters at release, but out of playing with other people. Content appearing over time is just giving people excuses to check on the game after release, and keep that multiplayer alive.

  • They simply don't care about the community. Kit and Krysta said that they were literally told that Directs are just for showing trailers, and NOT a celebration with the community, so fans can celebrate things if they want, but it's not Nintendo's problem. Not wanting to be part of the videogame community isn't good for anyone.

...this point is outright terrible, come on. Nintendo doesn't owe you a commercial you can hype to be "part of the community", what the frick. Not saying the're like, constantly celebrating the community, but directs ain't it. They have tournaments, and events, and the like, for that kinda thing. Directs have always been just ads. That's it.

That's why I hope they release new hardware, because it's the first step to evolve. They are very confortable at the moment, and that's not necessarily a good thing for us consumers.

No. You want new hardware and are pissed you're not getting it, and trying to make this as some sort of first step towards an evolution they don't actually need to make.
They make thing. You either buy or don't buy thing.
I agree with your broader sentiment, but this absolutely isn't true for anyone in this thread. Many of us follow development and are enthusiasts of the creators as much as the creations. That's why some forms of "celebration" appeal to me.
I agree with your broader sentiment, but this absolutely isn't true for anyone in this thread. Many of us follow development and are enthusiasts of the creators as much as the creations. That's why some forms of "celebration" appeal to me.

That ties into marketing which ultimately ends with you buying or not buying the product. Every tweet, developer interview, Treehouse, etc. exists to sell the game. Celebrations or conventions or whatever are also forms of advertisement. That's not to say there aren't other benefits but at its core, Nintendo's goal to sell games to the consumer.

Given the fact that they have yet to make a new Wario Land/World, this is patently false. They're definitely out to get me.

That's why I said Nintendo hate most you. We all know Mr. and Mrs. Nintendo have a deep seeded anger towards you specifically so that's why they are keeping all new Wario games to themselves.
That ties into marketing which ultimately ends with you buying or not buying the product. Every tweet, developer interview, Treehouse, etc. exists to sell the game. Celebrations or conventions or whatever are also forms of advertisement. That's not to say there aren't other benefits but at its core, Nintendo's goal to sell games to the consumer.
ah okay, from their perspective that's definitely true. I was taking it to mean both sides, but my relationship with Nintendo is different from Nintendo's relationship with me
If someone found that volleyball match boring, than you are lost.
... it's me, I'm that guy. The Switch Sports segment of that Direct was the only time I was actually watching the clock wondering how much longer it was going to go so we could get on to other announcements.

But I know that Switch Sports is very much not for me, and that's okay. The skit itself as a way to advertise the game was fun, I just thought it was a bit too long. Probably just me being overeager to get to other stuff.
I love developer insight moments like Iwata Asks or the somewhat similar interviews we get nowadays, like the one for Switch Sports. I don't particularly want those moments in a Direct though.

For Directs I honestly prefer the straight approach of tons of trailers with little interruptions.
Nintendo not pulling out all the stops to engender cult loyalty via fostering a sense of "community" is a ultimately good thing, whether by luck or by judgement. It means their success is dependent purely on their products. If the desirable products dry up, so does their success because no-one is going to buy their stuff purely out of an emotional attachment to the corporation.

It is an innate human instinct to seek out community. Seeking it out in the arms of a corporation that just wants to sell you stuff is big red flag though.

They still need to give more information on BCP though.

If someone find that volleyball match boring, than you are lost.

It's funny because I'm not into sports at all and I sort of lament that Haikyuu is so focused on the court rather than more the characters' lives around their sport like Free or Salaryman's Club, but damn if they don't make those volleyball matches engrossing. Also Hinata is just too adorable.
you guys are such news gluttons

for me a 40 minute direct with like eight or nine games sounds better than what we've gotten recently
... it's me, I'm that guy. The Switch Sports segment of that Direct was the only time I was actually watching the clock wondering how much longer it was going to go so we could get on to other announcements.

But I know that Switch Sports is very much not for me, and that's okay. The skit itself as a way to advertise the game was fun, I just thought it was a bit too long. Probably just me being overeager to get to other stuff.
I mean, I get your point. Everyone has a different opinion but to me personally that Direct was one of the most well paced ever, I would rather spend 2 minutes on match with two top tier guys at NCL rather then 2 minute of boring sizzle reel with games coming out or old ass ports.
ah okay, from their perspective that's definitely true. I was taking it to mean both sides, but my relationship with Nintendo is different from Nintendo's relationship with me

That's because you're an individual who is capable of having interests beyond just money. Nintendo is an entity, a thing, that purely exists to make money, albeit through the creation of art and games. I guess a better way to phrase it is that the relationship is between Nintendo and the gaming public. Individuals at Nintendo of course have interests beyond making money and each individual consumer has their own interests but collectively it's a business transaction. Nintendo, a thing that represents hundreds/thousands of people, wants to get money from millions of consumers. At that level and scale, any relationship can't be personal.
Keep the developer interviews, deep dives and such to youtube where they belong. Keep the direct focused on headlines and surface level dives into the gameplay.
That's because you're an individual who is capable of having interests beyond just money. Nintendo is an entity, a thing, that purely exists to make money, albeit through the creation of art and games. I guess a better way to phrase it is that the relationship is between Nintendo and the gaming public. Individuals at Nintendo of course have interests beyond making money and each individual consumer has their own interests but collectively it's a business transaction. Nintendo, a thing that represents hundreds/thousands of people, wants to get money from millions of consumers. At that level and scale, any relationship can't be personal.
yeah, I totally get what you're saying now

as an enthusiast who's interested in the development process, marketing that happens to share information about development benefits that tertiary hobby
Splatoon has no fear with Pokemon.
Just downloaded Stray (on my PS5) and played it for around 40 minutes, and i really like it so far. So if you have PS Plus Extra or Premium, go download it ASAP.
But I kinda miss "oh here is one more thing". There were two Directs recently when they did that, March 2018 with Smash and E3 2019 Takahashi whispering that he has one more thing and then showing BOTW2. Nowadays it's just "our next game will be the last announcement". And that's kinda it, bring back the good old one more thing hype.
What i wouldnt give for a big fat first party direct stuffed with lots of first party announcements, and hardware news lol i know it wont happen, but let me have this dream
Pull the string and I'll wink at you
I'm your puppet
I'll do funny things if you want me to
I'm your puppet
With the talks about Nintendo being a business and all that.
it can be helpful to make a distinction between the different structures of Nintendo.
there is the marketing departement, maybe they dont care too much about fanfare, and its main focus is on making money. This goes for the business executives as well.

the game developers however are a different story. just look through the art book of Mario odyssey, and it is apparent how much care and attention goes into the games, and how the developers and artists of Nintendo are committed to creating fun and innovative experiences that shape Nintendos artistic and creative legacy.
they probably care about the fans, how people enjoy their games, and strive for excellence.

to speak about Nintendo as one big unit, without making distinctions could go wrong.
the developers and artists need to be celebrated, but for some reason, the marketing and twitter feeds get most of the attention these days :-/
With the talks about Nintendo being a business and all that.
it can be helpful to make a distinction between the different structures of Nintendo.
there is the marketing departement, maybe they dont care too much about fanfare, and its main focus is on making money. This goes for the business executives as well.

the game developers however are a different story. just look through the art book of Mario odyssey, and it is apparent how much care and attention goes into the games, and how the developers and artists of Nintendo are committed to creating fun and innovative experiences that shape Nintendos artistic and creative legacy.
they probably care about the fans, how people enjoy their games, and strive for excellence.

to speak about Nintendo as one big unit, without making distinctions could go wrong.
the developers and artists need to be celebrated, but for some reason, the marketing and twitter feeds get most of the attention these days :-/
Most higher ups in Nintendo come from the developer/artist branch to not say almost all, there is only a couple of exceptions. Even someone considered 'buisness' compared to Iwata like Takahashi started in the graphics department and most of his time in the company has been working on games, I think there is just a certain Nintendo culture all around about how to make things that for the better or worse makes Nintendo do things the way they do, and isn't only money even if of course is a factor.
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Most higher ups in Nintendo come from the developer/artist branch to not say almost all, there is only a couple of expections. Even someone considered 'buisness' compared to Iwata like Takahashi started in the graphics department and most of his time in the company has been working on game, I think there is just a certain Nintendo culture all around about how to make things that for the better or worse makes Nintendo do things the way they do, and isn't only money.
Shinya Takahashi co-directed Wave Race 64
Shinya Takahashi co-directed Wave Race 64
I said that he started on graphics to show that even at the start he was involved in games and he hasn't only directed Wave Race but multiple other games and was producer for years (and still is) of dozens of Nintendo titles. And even then is considered as 'buisness', I think we tend to idolize developers as people who just do it for the art/fun (which they do it for sure, there are better paid jobs than game development) but that doesn't mean they can't also be business focused and Nintendo is the example of that. It is still a company run by developers
Most higher ups in Nintendo come from the developer/artist branch to not say almost all, there is only a couple of expections. Even someone considered 'buisness' compared to Iwata like Takahashi started in the graphics department and most of his time in the company has been working on game, I think there is just a certain Nintendo culture all around about how to make things that for the better or worse makes Nintendo do things the way they do, and isn't only money even if of course is a factor.

I really don’t think that is the case at all. They have specific marketing and business people that are hired for specific purposes. Do you believe the epd Tokyo team suddenly are asked to be involved in a marketing campaign, and that they supervise what is tweeted and how a game is marketed in France?
that is ridiculous.
I said that he started on graphics to show that even at the start he was involved in games and he hasn't only directed Wave Race but multiple other games and was producer for years (and still is) of dozens of Nintendo titles. And even then is considered as 'buisness', I think we tend to idolize developers as people who just do it for the art/fun (which they do it for sure, there are better paid jobs than game development) but that doesn't mean they can't also be business focused and Nintendo is the example of that. It is still a company run by developers
oh for sure

just corroborating with a fun fact
I really don’t think that is the case at all. They have specific marketing and business people that are hired for specific purposes. Do you believe the epd Tokyo team suddenly are asked to be involved in a marketing campaign, and that they supervise what is tweeted and how a game is marketed in France?
that is ridiculous.
Of course not but the marketing team and sales people are under the higher-ups which come from the development teams, they are there for guidance and to make sure that the games are marketed correctly but in the end who has the final say are the higher-ups. Something as small as how the game is marketed in France or in X region of course is something the regional branch should do but that has nothing to do with my point about how the fact that Nintendo does things isn't only because sales/marketing people trying to optimize sales, there is a certain culture and brand around it and how things are done.
Directs used to have segments like that though. Rewatch the E3 2014 Splatoon reveal, or E3 2015

I know, I watched this Directs live and they were horribly paced as if they were an old Microsoft E3. Directs should be just trailers, with extra features being the Treehouse or (video)interviews as blogposts or YouTube videos.
I know, I watched this Directs live and they were horribly paced as if they were an old Microsoft E3. Directs should be just trailers, with extra features being the Treehouse or (video)interviews as blogposts or YouTube videos.
I simply disagree
I like video games, but I really like video game development. I don't care about "celebration" of the products, but I love celebration of their development and the people who contributed to them.
This is why i loved that botw and God of War doc. Loved seeing the build up until the game. The God of War one i really enjoyed. I watched it a few times.

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