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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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He didn’t post anything about the June direct until a day or two before, evidence exists for a direct on the 7th, and chances are even if it isn’t on the 7th the direct will be the next week, so it’s not like the wait will be so much longer or anything. Calm down, wait for the smoke to build up, have faith in Lucas (whoever that is)
Hello everyone! After a long time lurking I'm happy to finally participate to this nice place. There's only one problem: everytime I think I caught up, there's like 5 new pages in this thread!? How shall I manage this?
Anyway, there will be a direct (whatever format) in february and the switch 2 reveal in march, this is where we're at, right? Sounds great to me. But don't think this'll be the last switch 1 direct, ok? Remember 3ds-directs?
I'm losing hope for next week, folks. The week after, and potentially a Mini, seems more likely at this point.
Hello everyone! After a long time lurking I'm happy to finally participate to this nice place. There's only one problem: everytime I think I caught up, there's like 5 new pages in this thread!? How shall I manage this?
Anyway, there will be a direct (whatever format) in february and the switch 2 reveal in march, this is where we're at, right? Sounds great to me. But don't think this'll be the last switch 1 direct, ok? Remember 3ds-directs?
Welcome!!! Just don't fake any Pyoro messages...
Hello everyone! After a long time lurking I'm happy to finally participate to this nice place. There's only one problem: everytime I think I caught up, there's like 5 new pages in this thread!? How shall I manage this?
Anyway, there will be a direct (whatever format) in february and the switch 2 reveal in march, this is where we're at, right? Sounds great to me. But don't think this'll be the last switch 1 direct, ok? Remember 3ds-directs?
Keep a tab open and refresh, is what I do. And watch for your notifications. Also from one long-term-lurker-turned-member to another, welcome!
Hello everyone! After a long time lurking I'm happy to finally participate to this nice place. There's only one problem: everytime I think I caught up, there's like 5 new pages in this thread!? How shall I manage this?
Anyway, there will be a direct (whatever format) in february and the switch 2 reveal in march, this is where we're at, right? Sounds great to me. But don't think this'll be the last switch 1 direct, ok? Remember 3ds-directs?
Give the page a good refresh pretty frequently and you should keep up. It’s much less active most of the time so don’t sweat it, and welcome to famiboards, you can’t leave. Like seriously, I’ve tried and failed 100’s of times
Hello everyone! After a long time lurking I'm happy to finally participate to this nice place. There's only one problem: everytime I think I caught up, there's like 5 new pages in this thread!? How shall I manage this?
Anyway, there will be a direct (whatever format) in february and the switch 2 reveal in march, this is where we're at, right? Sounds great to me. But don't think this'll be the last switch 1 direct, ok? Remember 3ds-directs?
Welcome! Good time to join the Board I say. Lots of “fun” speculation happening now (quotes only because moderating said speculation isn’t always fun).
Keep a tab open and refresh, is what I do. And watch for your notifications. Also from one long-term-lurker-turned-member to another, welcome!
You could even become the website’s most prolific poster even though you started as a lurker!
This whole situation is so weird, damn. Pyoro in the dark, Nate knowing contents and format instead of a date for once, and a different trustworthy insider saying next week. What is happening lol
I think we've gotten three different perspectives on a Direct from three credible sources.

This has truly been the Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Yeah, much as I would love to see the original artstyle return that EAD did, I think NLG is set in stone on their art - not that it's a bad thing; they are right to be proud of what they've accomplished on Switch tech looking like a damn near Pixar movie.
Oh, yeah, they've done a really good job in that regard.

A Burtonesque sort of style would probably work well for a new title as well, if still a very different vibe from the original game, and provide opportunity for NLG to shine similarly to how they did with LM3. One of those "spooky" sort of situations if they can get the atmosphere right. Could still visually set the series apart from the rest of Mario, while keeping it similar enough.

I still miss the original style though, alas.

I'm just stubborn in liking the more spooky aesthetics from the first game as opposed to the more cartoonish/arcade-y style of the sequels. Like, within the confines of an E rating LM had a way to get your blood pumping when you're doing your damnedest to win against Bogmire or Boolossus. Even the minion ghosts were more distinctive and ominous

Even then, while I vastly prefer the first set of designs for this, they're still kind of goofy. It's obviously intentional, of course, and lends more to that goofy "spooky" element.

In any case, it had a certain something to it.
This whole situation is so weird, damn. Pyoro in the dark, Nate knowing contents and format instead of a date for once, and a different trustworthy insider saying next week. What is happening lol
I think we've gotten three different perspectives on a Direct from three credible sources.

This has truly been the Fire Emblem: Three Houses

The continuing story of the Fami classic The Romance of the Three Sources ... next week, on Famiboards.
I don't see Nintendo having separate SKUs for Switch 1 versions and Switch 2 versions of the same game. If there are significant enough differences between these versions, it would be logistically easier to handle them Smart Delivery style. Therefore, I just use the term "cross-gen" to refer to any title that might release after the Switch 2 console while also being playable on the Switch 1, though if Nintendo does go with separate SKUs then all bets are off.

This is similar to how I figured my ideal handling of cross-gen would be, in which the game releases playable on the current Switch but contains the data to upgrade it when played on Nextendo. There would probably have to be some visual identifier for these games.

It simplifies purchasing choices, streamlines supply chains, maintains more efficient use of retail space.

Which means ...
Like 5%. It's pretty unlikely, but also kind of just the sort of thing that I could see dropping near the end of a console's lifespan.

Star Fox should come out like right now (when the Switch has a huge userbase) or near launch (when there are fewer games to pick from and hype is high) for it to succeed, I think.
imo Star Fox feels like it has a better chance as an early Switch 2 game than a late Switch 1 game; it can sorta fit that tech demo niche that Nintendo sometimes like to have early on

Star Fox revival to release for the Nintendo Switch audience numbers, with the next system noticeably upgrading it.
personally, I'm not buying it, but definitely one to keep an eye on in case it pans out

As for what they're claiming, I feel like it'd be weird as hell to pair a wireless Gamecube controller with TTYD
He’s been tweeting stuff out for a bit now, hates Pyoro for some reason. Always like keeping track of people like this to see they’re legit or not 😂
Scary hours.

I’m all in on next week still. If it doesn’t happen, we go again the following week! Eventually there’ll be a direct or a switch 2 reveal 😁
Same FE Direct also reveals:

FE Warriors 2: Now with more Three Houses!

New FE being developed for Switch 2

Another FEH Channel built in as part of the FE Direct.
I can’t wait to try Genealogy for the first time. I started fire emblem with awakening. I still have the first echoes to play and I hope to play that soon.

So is this guy a fraud or nah

Don’t buy it. They redid the UI in the TTYD HD remake to have the A button prompt be red. Why would they recolour the button prompts just to include a controller where it doesn’t match?
Someone said that Sonic X Shadow Generations was from somewhere else and he said it afterwards. I could be wrong though.
Shepshal_Nick leaked "Sonic Generations Remastered". The whole Shadow part and the subtitle didn't come in until afterwards from other people.
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