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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Unless we hear something in the next few days or Nintendo's been reaaaaaallly keeping things under wraps, I'm fully prepared for it to fall on Valentine's Day

valentines day direct where they announce a remake of the first fire emblem game to include romance

we're so back
I didn’t mind it for that style of game. I just wish they would give us pro controller support for lets go. That being said, I hope all future full 3d titles like scarlet or legends use the catching system from legends. And I hope things like trainer damage return
I just could not jive with that catching mechanic at all, sadly, haha. But yess, Pro Controller support and such, please. The game was just uncomfortable for me to play, so I could not finish them -w-
And at least I hope we get a new actual Legends game.
We could reminisce about the good ole days of "Stinky Horse Person Game" speculation

those were the days huh
Just put at least Gen 1 and 2 on NSO, you damn cowards. Maybe even Gen 3 as well. Or sell them to me individually, I don't care as long as they are available.
I am actually thinking. It wouldn't surprise me they will put them on NSO the moment they shutdown the 3DS store and then you are able to catch these Pokémon on NSO and send them to Home.... right? RIGHT?
I am actually thinking. It wouldn't surprise me they will put them on NSO the moment they shutdown the 3DS store and then you are able to catch these Pokémon on NSO and send them to Home.... right? RIGHT?
The 3DS eshop has been down for months and there hasn't been news. If that had any bearing on Pokemon games being put on Switch, we'd have seen the results by now. I'm expecting them to sell the games for serious cash at some point, or even make a Pokemon tier of NSO because why not? They can get away with it after all.

Oh you just need a little persuasion. I'm good at persuasion. I tied you to a very uncomfortable chair and glued a Switch controller to your hands. There is a timer counting down. I gave you a generous 50 hours to 100% the game. Pay no attention to the scary guy holding a toolbox. He's just there to persuade you further. :)
Oh you just need a little persuasion. I'm good at persuasion. I tied you to a very uncomfortable chair and glued a Switch controller to your hands. There is a timer counting down. I gave you a generous 50 hours to 100% the game. Pay no attention to the scary guy holding a toolbox. He's just there to persuade you further. :)
If Pokemon NSO happens then Nintendo will have to kick back a hefty percentage of the sub revenue to TPC. I don't think so. It'll be either standalone releases on the eShop or exclusive to expansion pack (or even a tier above expansion pack...)
As much as I want a Direct next week, part of me doesn't want one in all of February because this thread hasn't had a good panic session since 2022 and it'd be funny.
If we get through next week with dead silence there will probably still be a fair bit of panic
Man, this thread died down. Have we all given up hope on a Direct next week?
Next week is very unlikely unless we start seeing leaks tomorrow or friday.

Week of the 11th or 18th seems much more likely, would also line up with a March Switch 2 reveal (hardware reveals for Switch 1 have always been in the month after one of their "main" (February/June/September) Directs).
I remember someone here in 2022, after the Mini Partner Showcase in June, more or less said "I guess Nintendo is done with the Direct format. What happened?" and I was like, omg, chill.
Oh you just need a little persuasion. I'm good at persuasion. I tied you to a very uncomfortable chair and glued a Switch controller to your hands. There is a timer counting down. I gave you a generous 50 hours to 100% the game. Pay no attention to the scary guy holding a toolbox. He's just there to persuade you further. :)
this you?
It must be a joy to be a employee at the marketing team from Nintendo, you can see the direct before everyone else and laugh about people like us speculating and panicing.
Nah that's my cousin Billy. I'm not as handsome.
Would this “Billy” happen to be Billy Rillsy? If so, he is a convicted felon in 18 countries. Even if he is more handsome, you have nothing to prove to that jerk (who is also my second cousin if you couldn’t gather)

The only reason I posted this last week was because my scheduled post malfunctioned and accidentally posted it a week early. That's exactly what happened, honest.

The only reason I posted this last week was because my scheduled post malfunctioned and accidentally posted it a week early. That's exactly what happened, honest.
If only Nintendo did accidentally drop the direct earlier. If not DOA./s
Would this “Billy” happen to be Billy Rillsy? If so, he is a convicted felon in 18 countries. Even if he is more handsome, you have nothing to prove to that jerk (who is also my second cousin if you couldn’t gather)

Lol not familiar with that Billy I'm afraid.

Edit: We really really could use some Nintendo news right about now. Shit is so dire we're talking serial killers and shit lol.
Well there's a Playstation show in less than two hours, so maybe we'll get something from that. It's at least something that's happening. For other Nintendo news, the earnings report will be next week regardless of anything else!
Well there's a Playstation show in less than two hours, so maybe we'll get something from that. It's at least something that's happening. For other Nintendo news, the earnings report will be next week regardless of anything else!
Now after Foamster and Palworld, I‘m definitely expecting something which clones a Nintendo game. Maybe a WarioWare Clone?
Well there's a Playstation show in less than two hours, so maybe we'll get something from that. It's at least something that's happening. For other Nintendo news, the earnings report will be next week regardless of anything else!

Can't wait to be reminded how Nintendo is always working on new products and that they have nothing new to share at this time lol.
Baten Kaitos is making me want a new Monolith Soft IP but also a new Baten Kaitos. What better to showcase the power of the Drake than a card-based RPG? After all, you can't spell "Drake" without "Karde"!
Do you guys think a new Mario Party will release this year? Switch, Switch2, Cross Gen? Any probability of it appearing in this Direct?
I expect the next MP game to be a Fall 2025 release. Don't think Nintendo will want to wait too long to get Mario Party out there and NDCube pumps out games pretty frequently.
Do you guys think a new Mario Party will release this year? Switch, Switch2, Cross Gen? Any probability of it appearing in this Direct?
Definitely feels like we're due for one. Also feels like the kind of thing that could probably be cross-gen, realistically

Personally I'm sorta between "they'll do a Superstars 2 that pulls boards from the Gamecube/Wii games" and "they'll pull a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and do DLC for one of the Switch games way after we all gave up hope"
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