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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST6| It’s Prime Time For Some More Wonderful Speculation! (Spoiler Crowd, Remain In This Thread Until The Direct Ends!)

What Metroid Prime Games Are Showing Up At The Next Nintendo Direct?

  • Metroid Prime 4! I #trusttheprocess.

  • Metroid Prime 2! I #trusttheprocess.

  • Metroid Prime 2 and 3! I #trusttheprocess.

  • Metroid Prime 2 and 4! I #trusttheprocess.

  • Metroid Prime 2, 3, and 4! I #trusttheprocess.

  • No Numbered Games, But Something New And / Or Cool! I #trusttheprocess.

  • I #trusttheprocess, but it will test us with nothing for now.

  • The process has forsaken us and I have forsaken it.

  • Only Metroid Prime Federation Force HD For Some Reason.

  • Just A Random JPEG Of Sylux In HD.

  • Nothing, Not Even Metroid Prime Pinball. Crocomire Is Still Dead. Just Endless Despair.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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I've never played the Star Ocean series - with limited time for gaming (partially due to health reasons), RPGs are less exicting than they normally would be because I know I'm going to have to limit what I'm getting.

I got Octopath Traveler 2 at launch and still haven't got around to it - hoping I find the time for it in November/December, because it's a 2023 game I wanted to play in 2023.

Ah right, very much remember you buying it early but did not know you hadnt played it yet.
Enjoy it when the time comes, one of the best of the year.
Nintendo Direct was very good in June :)

Super Mario Wonder, I was very happy ! Not only is Switch will have its own 2D Mario, but I much prefer 2D to 3D.... Wonder seems to have great ideas. I can't wait to play.

For me, the real problem with this Direct is Pokemon. Pokemon has no place in a Nintendo Direct, TPC have their Pokemon Present and that's enough !
Seriously, I think people are sleeping on just how good Wonder will be and how much it will sell, because of the negative aftertaste left by the New series
The New games sold well and reviewed well, and even the port of the WiiU version to Switch has sold ~15 million copies. There's no reason to think 2d Mario isn't going to be a big deal, especially coming off the heels of the billion dollar film.
What’s Pokémon week and would it actually interfere?

Why September 13th?
So, Pokémon Week isn't really a thing. It simply refers to the first half of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC, which releases that week on September 13th. For those who think the Direct won't be on that week, the idea is the Nintendo would rather avoid having a Direct on the same week as an already dated first-party release, since they've never done so before. They've naturally had Directs with shadow-drops or games dated for later in the week, but they've never had a Direct on a week where we already know we're getting a first-party game or DLC. Of course, they could always break that pattern, and most September Directs have not only been smack dab in the middle of the month, but on September 13th exactly.

As an extension, that does technically knock out the following week as an option, since that's when we'll see the physical release of Pikmin 1+2. But we don't know how to really treat "digital shadowdrop, retail later" situations yet as part of the wider Direct pattern. So we're ignoring it and just acknowledging that Nintendo has done Directs immediately ahead of Tokyo Game Show before. Though if done that week, given that the Monday is a Japanese national holiday, the only possible days are the 19th and maybe the 20th. And if it's the 19th, they'd have to announce it on a Friday. Not impossible, though.

To round things out, the first full week of September is also there. Nintendo has done early September Directs before, and the possibility they'll do so again has gotten stronger thanks to the realization that people have begun getting hands-on impressions of Super Mario Bros. Wonder behind closed doors, so chances are good Nintendo will give us new Wonder news soon and open the floodgates for press and influencers to chat about it. Granted, they could do a separate thing for Wonder outside of the Direct, but this is the main reason why I personally abandoned Team TGS Week.

This has been a OctoSplattack Recap.
I wonder if you’re an insider and you know when Mario Wonder previews are dropping, you’ll equate it to the direct date.
I thought the June Direct was fairly boring but it did have several announcements that I liked. At this point in the Switch's life and with the successor roughly a year away that's really all I can ask. Usually systems run out of steam way faster for me.
I think a big part of the issue with Super Mario Bros Wonder discourse/Dring discourse is that, as much as people flat out misrepresent what Dring said (and I say that as a person who repeatedly lampooned Dring for his 'no major titles after Zelda', 'Nintendo pulled out of E3 because they have nothing to show' takes), what Dring has said also has significant flaws in it. Both Dring's arguments/'leaks' about 2023 were clearly bull (especially the E3 claim), but the key point is major titles. I said it ages ago, when Dring first started 'hinting' that 2023 would be quiet post-Zelda, that I didn't really buy his arguments but that a key problem is how people define 'major titles'. Ultimately 2D Mario isn't going to 'count' for many journalists the way that Zelda 'counted'; Zelda, as a big budget open world game, is ultimately a very conventional big game in today's market (I'm not talking about the mechanics or gameplay so much as I'm talking about genre and how genres are 'measured' or perhaps 'weighted' by critics).

I made the hypothetical point that if Nintendo announce something like Mario Party, or Tomodachi, for late 2023, many journalists would sleep on them and not recognise them as a 'big deal', even if Party is a 10 to 20 million seller on Switch. That's to an extent understandable; commercial potential alone doesn't necessarily qualify what a 'major title' is, because there's the element of cultural and creative prestige to account for, and Mario Party and Tomodachi don't have those elements the way that the Legend of Zelda does. But that in turn raises very valid conversations about what gaming culture attaches prestige and importance to; especially in an industry where going bigger and better and more prestigious is joined at the hip to dodgy business models, sometimes terrible working conditions, over-inflated consumer expectations, and the general sustainability of the entire enterprise.

It's odd to me that there's even a question about whether a new, mainline, EPD-developed Super Mario title should count as a 'major title', but that does feel more like people like Christopher Dring and Andy Robinson trying to stick by their original - deeply flawed and perhaps badly informed - prognosis for Nintendo in 2023 than admitting that they called things wrong. But it can in part be explained by that very simple angle that a side-scrolling title simply doesn't qualify as a prestigious or significant game the way that a 3D Super Mario title would qualify or the way that Zelda qualified in the eyes of a lot of industry writers. If Nintendo had produced Metroid Prime 4 this Christmas, I suspect that, as the adult-facing, more serious in tone, first-person title, Prime 4 would be viewed as the real 'big title' versus 2D Mario. But if we're not attaching cultural or creative value to a flagship Super Mario title - more than anything, Nintendo's historical, definitive series - then I think the conversation that journalists have is deeply flawed.

Certainly, there's no question that outside of Wonder, Nintendo's line-up really isn't all that big with two budget titles and a remake; but Wonder itself is likely going to be a top 10 lifetime Switch title.
I like mario but I'm going to be honest with 2d mario I'm like " ok cool I will play it" it dosent get me as hype as when they show 3d mario "I need to play this right now" its probably cause 2d mario has been so oversaturated in the recent decade with all the new super mario games and 3d mario games feel more like a event. Why I am not too hyped for mario wonder just lukewarm about it. So for me the direct wasent the greatest thing Even as a mario fan, also mario rog remake is cool but it is just a remake of a snes game so I know what to expect, I'm interested to play it but I'm not over the moon hyped about it

Yes exactly. 2D Mario has deliberately held back for the twilight years because it is a series itself in its twilight years, and one that only really appeals to video game conservatives. After the Wii U catastrophe they wouldn't dare have it anywhere near launch: wheel it out at the end, 84 on Metacritic, and job's a good one.

I just find it odd that people are now going around saying "no F-Zero, no Prime 4, no Kirby, no TOTK DLC, no Metal Slug: Tactics, this Direct will be a victory lap for the 3/10 June Direct + DLC". How have we ended up in that situation where Nintendo are doing a victory lap for their underwhelming summer direct?
Yes exactly. 2D Mario has deliberately held back for the twilight years because it is a series itself in its twilight years, and one that only really appeals to video game conservatives. After the Wii U catastrophe they wouldn't dare have it anywhere near launch: wheel it out at the end, 84 on Metacritic, and job's a good one.

I just find it odd that people are now going around saying "no F-Zero, no Prime 4, no Kirby, no TOTK DLC, no Metal Slug: Tactics, this Direct will be a victory lap for the 3/10 June Direct + DLC". How have we ended up in that situation where Nintendo are doing a victory lap for their underwhelming summer direct?

This part makes no sense. It’s not a twilight series or a series in its twilight years. It’s just as strong as ever. 2D Mario was not a big issue for the Wii U failing. It played a role, but there were many role players in the demise of the Wii U.

Those games you listed can show up. Everyone has their opinions on if they’ll show up or not. I don’t see a majority of people saying no F-Zero, Prime 4, TOTK dlc, etc.
Questions the next Direct should answer:

- Is Tears of the Kingdom getting DLC?
I feel like, if this is happening, it has to be announced soon. As full a game as Tears is right now, the absence of one notable character is the closest thing we have to DLC like smoke.
- what's coming in Q1 2024?
By way of comparison, September 2022 Direct revealed two of Q1 2023's four releases - the Kirby remaster and Fire Emblem Engage. Bayonetta Origins followed at TGA, and Metroid Prime Remastered getting released during the February Direct itself. But right now 2024 is very vague, so the January through March window should get at least something planted there.
- when's Splatoon 3 Side Order launching?
Depending on the Direct date, Side Order might be one of the 'available now' items. September 6th as a Direct date, for example, brings us mighty close to Splatoon 3's 1 year anniversary, which lines up with the gap from Splatoon 2 to its major expansion. It would also make September a little stronger on the first-party front, with DLC for Pokemon and Splatoon joining the physical release of the Pikmin ports.
- is there anything else this holiday season?
This might not be answered during the next Direct. At least some things - Zelda DLC, Side Order, a HAL eShop title - will either get announced or dated. Other things, like surprise remaster drops, can't be ruled out. But there's a couple of other options that might surface in the next few months, like a new 99 game to replace Pac-man when that vanishes in October, or perhaps a December budget title from a developer like indieszero (Rhythym Heaven?), that might not necessarily feature just yet. Stuff like Pacman 99 and Big Brain Academy were social media announcements independent of any Direct.
So, Pokémon Week isn't really a thing. It simply refers to the first half of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC, which releases that week on September 13th. For those who think the Direct won't be on that week, the idea is the Nintendo would rather avoid having a Direct on the same week as an already dated first-party release, since they've never done so before. They've naturally had Directs with shadow-drops or games dated for later in the week, but they've never had a Direct on a week where we already know we're getting a first-party game or DLC. Of course, they could always break that pattern, and most September Directs have not only been smack dab in the middle of the month, but on September 13th exactly.

As an extension, that does technically knock out the following week as an option, since that's when we'll see the physical release of Pikmin 1+2. But we don't know how to really treat "digital shadowdrop, retail later" situations yet as part of the wider Direct pattern. So we're ignoring it and just acknowledging that Nintendo has done Directs immediately ahead of Tokyo Game Show before. Though if done that week, given that the Monday is a Japanese national holiday, the only possible days are the 19th and maybe the 20th. And if it's the 19th, they'd have to announce it on a Friday. Not impossible, though.

To round things out, the first full week of September is also there. Nintendo has done early September Directs before, and the possibility they'll do so again has gotten stronger thanks to the realization that people have begun getting hands-on impressions of Super Mario Bros. Wonder behind closed doors, so chances are good Nintendo will give us new Wonder news soon and open the floodgates for press and influencers to chat about it. Granted, they could do a separate thing for Wonder outside of the Direct, but this is the main reason why I personally abandoned Team TGS Week.

This has been a OctoSplattack Recap.
Thanks for the thorough answer :)
This part makes no sense. It’s not a twilight series or a series in its twilight years. It’s just as strong as ever. 2D Mario was not a big issue for the Wii U failing. It played a role, but there were many role players in the demise of the Wii U.

Those games you listed can show up. Everyone has their opinions on if they’ll show up or not. I don’t see a majority of people saying no F-Zero, Prime 4, TOTK dlc, etc.
I also wouldn't call 2D Mario a series in its twilight years when the port of a Wii U game sold 16 million copies alone, not counting the Wii U version.
Im still shocked by the stupidity of Namco not doing an HD 2D remake of Tales of Phantasia, especially now that we have Star Ocean

It always amaze me on how terribly Namco is on old Tales game
I also wouldn't call 2D Mario a series in its twilight years when the port of a Wii U game sold 16 million copies alone, not counting the Wii U version.
2d mario seems to sell a ton for Nintendo seems like they could put anything out and it doesn't matter how good the game is as long as its 2d mario people will buy it for some reason. majority of the "new" series are mediocre and they sell millions reminds me of the latest pokemon games as well. Kinda wish 3d mario had the same level of sales as 2d
I don't think I'll ever be able to play TOTK Master Mode.. the base game is much harder than BOTW already, It could be because I don't remember early game BOTW very well, but I feel like I had a much tougher time in early game TOTK than BOTW.
It depends on the way MM is implemented, I think. BotW's was really bad because it basically just turned enemies into damage sponges.

For TotK I'd like something a bit more nuanced. Stuff like restricting fast travel and eating food for example would go a long way to make it a little more challenging for more experienced players without completely messing with the balance.
It depends on the way MM is implemented, I think. BotW's was really bad because it basically just turned enemies into damage sponges.

For TotK I'd like something a bit more nuanced. Stuff like restricting fast travel and eating food for example would go a long way to make it a little more challenging for more experienced players without completely messing with the balance.

BotW's MM felt too easy because you got a shitload of strong weapons through those floating platforms.
I had less trouble with MM than with the base game, but both are essentially super easy when you're able to upgrade armor.
BotW's MM felt too easy because you got a shitload of strong weapons through those floating platforms.
I had less trouble with MM than with the base game, but both are essentially super easy when you're able to upgrade armor.
I don't think your experience with MM is very representative tbh.
Im still shocked by the stupidity of Namco not doing an HD 2D remake of Tales of Phantasia, especially now that we have Star Ocean

It always amaze me on how terribly Namco is on old Tales game
Namco is infuriatingly slow for bringing the old games to modern consoles. there are TONS of Tales games waiting to be resurfaced, two of them never got localized at all!

Not to mention they never had official re-releases for older Tekken, Ace Combat or Ridge Racer games. Only some dumps of PS1 classics. This should be a gaming world crime.
Splatoon Side Order feels like a guarantee to be in the direct.
Agreed. It'd also explain why September seems light from Nintendo - Pikmin physical, Pokemon wave 1 DLC, and Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC could all be out that month along with some more NSO additions; we're due for a Mega Drive update in all probability as well as something for GBA or N64.
I’m pretty hopeful on a new Mario Wonder trailer materializing today. It can’t be tomorrow as that would run into Mario and Rabbids Rayman DLC and I don’t think they’ll sit on previews for too long.
Namco is infuriatingly slow for bringing the old games to modern consoles. there are TONS of Tales games waiting to be resurfaced, two of them never got localized at all!

Not to mention they never had official re-releases for older Tekken, Ace Combat or Ridge Racer games. Only some dumps of PS1 classics. This should be a gaming world crime.
Two? I wish it was only two that didn't get officially localized. Here is the list of titles we have no official translation of (* means a fan translation exists)

Tales of Destiny 2 (the real Destiny 2, our Destiny 2 was Eternia)
Tales of Rebirth
Tales of the Tempest*
Tales of Innocence*

But if you include remakes and/or community consensus where the remake we got was worse, the list expands to

Tales of Phantasia: We only got the worst version localized (GBA) with an awful translation (Ragnarok got translated as Kangaroo).

Tales of Destiny: We only got the ps1 version, not the vastly superior remake.

Tales of Hearts: We only got the Vita remake, many consider the original DS version superior.

And there's a ton of spin offs that never got localized like Radiant Mythologies 2-3, the Narikiri Dungeon titles, and other spinoffs like Vs and Twin Brave.
I noticed Gamexplain put out videos for playing Sonic Superstars and Mario + Rabbids Rayman dlc very early. Almost as if they had to get those out of the way for a bigger preview today…
I noticed Gamexplain put out videos for playing Sonic Superstars and Mario + Rabbids Rayman dlc very early. Almost as if they had to get those out of the way for a bigger preview today…
I was just gonna say - Nintendo of Europe tweeted this at a really random time, almost as if there's going to be something on the hour

Edit: I guess not 😅
There's a new private video in the NoA Pikmin 4 playlist.

Oh golly oh gee! Wonder what this could be?

Unrelated: but it’s crazy we basically already know when the direct is, wasn’t expecting things to be this cut & dry so soon
I like mario but I'm going to be honest with 2d mario I'm like " ok cool I will play it" it dosent get me as hype as when they show 3d mario "I need to play this right now" its probably cause 2d mario has been so oversaturated in the recent decade with all the new super mario games and 3d mario games feel more like a event. Why I am not too hyped for mario wonder just lukewarm about it. So for me the direct wasent the greatest thing Even as a mario fan, also mario rog remake is cool but it is just a remake of a snes game so I know what to expect, I'm interested to play it but I'm not over the moon hyped about it

there were 2 nsmb games in the 2000s and 2 nsmb games in the 2010s, 0 of which have been in the last decade as you put it lol

edit: theres been more 3d marios than nsmb since the release of nsmbds lol
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I had some small hopes for Mario wonder, but it makes more sense to be part of a direct.

I was thinking when we get previews isn’t it usually over stuff we’ve only seen? We got the reveal trailer. It would feel better to have a second trailer showing more and getting previews based off that info.
there were 2 nsmb games in the 2000s and 2 nsmb games in the 2010s, 0 of which have been in the last decade as you put it lol

edit: theres been more 3d marios than nsmb since the release of nsmbds lol
yeah ok should have extended that timeframe but in the last 15 years or so we saw like 6 2d mario games and it didnt help unlike the 3d games they all are very similar in looks and gameplay. While the 3d mario games are all very different from galaxy to 3d world to odyssey. Since the formula for 2d mario has been done so many time I just cant get that excited for another 2d Mario game unlike a new 3d one. i will play mario wonder but I know what to expect for the most part
Mario Wonders should sell very very well as its new (not counting maker titles) 2D Mario in 11 years, new art style, etc.

+20-30 millions is a reasonable range of its LTD sales.
Yes exactly. 2D Mario has deliberately held back for the twilight years because it is a series itself in its twilight years,
2D Mario as a whole ain't in its twilight years. Miyamoto and Tezuka said they wanted it to co-exist with 3D Mario since they offered different experiences.
The New Super Mario Bros. subseries specifically is definitely done, though; the last new game with that branding came out in 2012.

I wouldn't say that Wonder was deliberately held back for the end of the Switch's life either. I see it as them taking their time to cook, like with TotK and Pikmin 4. Nintendo was likely aware of the NSMB fatigue and knew they couldn't just rush out another new one with the same assets and style for the Switch, so they kept their next 2D Mario in the oven for longer and used Mario Maker 2 and NSMBUDX to fill in the gaps. Back in 2015, even Tezuka said he wanted to make a game that surpassed the NSMB series. Wonder might be that game.

and one that only really appeals to video game conservatives.
Those 30 million copies of NSMBWii weren't exclusively sold to jaded NES and SNES oldheads. Kids back in the Wii days enjoyed it too.
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Mario Wonders should sell very very well as its new (not counting maker titles) 2D Mario in 11 years, new art style, etc.

+20-30 millions is a reasonable range of its LTD sales.
yeah it will 100% sell very well I don't think anyone is saying it wont sell well, 2d mario games are not my favorite compared to the 3d games but the general public def likes them more probably cause they are more accessible compared to the 3d games.
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