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You're saying people shouldn't complain because there isn't a 2D Zelda missing on Switch, but there's a big glaring 'New 2D Zelda' shaped hole in its line-up.
I'd add a New 2D Mario in there too, and a Mario (&Luigi) RPG that isn't Paper Mario.

Plus, I think you're kinda missing the point of 'handheld games' on Switch. At least, when I talk about missing that specific gamefeel is the experimental games by Nintendo and third parties. A Detective Pikachu, Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Pocket Card Jockey, GTA: Chinatown Wars, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Electroplankton, Project Rub, Nintendogs and loads and loads more that share that feel of 'i haven't played this before but it makes so much sense' that was so abundant on the DS and 3DS.

The list was meant to highlight that many series people consider handheld series have made its way onto the Switch. People act like Nintendo hasn't been putting handheld series on the Switch at all which is not true. For many series, they either merged with the its console counterpart or in had officially released on Switch with at least one game.

Your new post does highlight another thing people are doing, they are comparing the entire 3DS library or worst, Nintendo's entire handheld library with the current 5-year lifespan of the Switch. People act like we were swimming in handheld experiences in a 2-year span but in reality, many handheld series only got one entry per system over 6-7 year system lifespan. Many of the handheld series people are talking about have been dead for decades that didn't even make it on the DS or 3DS. Keeping things to within the past decade, looking at the 3DS catalogue alone, most of the biggest series that were one that system specifically have had an entry on Switch. I think it's fair if you want more handheld games to appear on the Switch. But to say that Switch has been lacking them is simply not true.
Personally be it 2D or 3D, I'd love a new classic style Zelda period. I love BotW, but another LTTP or OoT style puzzle box game would really scratch an itch that open world Zelda (probably) can't really get to.
There's many developers making superior games to Nintendo on the Switch* (some of them, anyway). If you look at a game like Elechead, you wouldn't bat an eye if HAL Labs released this as it's got the kind of charm and creativity they're known for.

But because it's not a Nintendo published title, many people on this board haven't played it.

But this game and many others like it fit the bill perfectly when it comes to "smaller handheld releases", or eshop releases.

*when I say that, just pointing out how some have been unsatisfied with Strikers and Switch Sports etc.
Personally be it 2D or 3D, I'd love a new classic style Zelda period. I love BotW, but another LTTP or OoT style puzzle box game would really scratch an itch that open world Zelda (probably) can't really get to.
Given 3-D Zelda seems to be headed into open-world territory for a long while, I think Nintendo could fill the traditional 3-D Zelda hole with another like IP of theirs, like Kid Icarus. It's a wild dream I know will never happen, but it sure would be cool!
There goes the Switch Pro. It was just to much power for any charging cable.

Don't worry, Nintendo already contacted nVidia and their CEO, Hypeman Jensen, has agreed to add a miniature of his leatherjacket to every Drake. These things are so cool, you will never feel any heat from Drake now!
I don't know enough to contribute to the dev cycle conversation, but I never knew that AC: New Horizons was in development for so long. That's wild.
Things like New Horizons taking so long compared to other AC games prove that just because EPD X hasn’t released a game in 4-5 years it doesn’t mean they will do soon(ish)
Ok, so talking dev cycles... I genuinely think that Nintendo is preparing its next "2017" lineup to coincide with the launch of a new system. Switch's success has afforded them this position that they're currently in, which gives them more time to prepare a successful launch to their next system. Everyone is excited about the (likely) September direct, but I don't think we will see many new titles for next year. We will get one new surprise announcement for this holiday (Metroid probably), one for Jan or Feb 2023 (perhaps a Captain Toad sequel) and the focus will be their big Spring title, Breath of the Wild 2. Botw2 will be the first party "Swan Song" of the Switch and will launch with the successor next year. Nintendo will then launch its 2023/2024 software on both systems, but will gradually phase Switch 1 out by the end of 2024.
This year has been a bad Nintendo year for me, but I definitely acknowledge that Nintendo has put out a ton of stuff this year, that's very popular with a lot of people. Just not me, sadly.
I still have to pick up Kirby at some point, but in general I have to agree.

I say that as someone who isn't a fan of JRPGs though.

Ok, so talking dev cycles... I genuinely think that Nintendo is preparing its next "2017" lineup to coincide with the launch of a new system. Switch's success has afforded them this position that they're currently in, which gives them more time to prepare a successful launch to their next system. Everyone is excited about the (likely) September direct, but I don't think we will see many new titles for next year. We will get one new surprise announcement for this holiday (Metroid probably), one for Jan or Feb 2023 (perhaps a Captain Toad sequel) and the focus will be their big Spring title, Breath of the Wild 2. Botw2 will be the first party "Swan Song" of the Switch and will launch with the successor next year. Nintendo will then launch its 2023/2024 software on both systems, but will gradually phase Switch 1 out by the end of 2024.
Assuming that is the case I wonder if we'll see Nintendo releasing two versions of their software or just one? I'm personally hoping for the latter.
I thought I would humor this, this person had leaked 1 thing correct and then everything else was wrong lol. But apparently they might be hinting Octopath Traveler 2?

Although that's nothing to leak about since the team behind Octopath Traveler had already confirmed back in 2018/2019 they're already working on the next console game after announcing the mobile gacha game.

Yeah its nothing new. After BD2 released they mention they started the story brain-storming on the next entry. And they reiterated that they have multiple games in dev. Given they had a ton of assists studios work on different projects (Acquire, Historia, Claytech, etc.) I would be suprise that next year we get DQ3 early and then Octopath 2 maybe summer/fall, kinda like this year (TS in March and Live a Live in July)
I feel this will be quiet week. Indie world next week and a final Splatoon trailer to end the month. I know September direct is typically before TGS, but I am feeling a late September direct of some kind this year giving Splatoon 3 some space.
Ok, so talking dev cycles... I genuinely think that Nintendo is preparing its next "2017" lineup to coincide with the launch of a new system. Switch's success has afforded them this position that they're currently in, which gives them more time to prepare a successful launch to their next system. Everyone is excited about the (likely) September direct, but I don't think we will see many new titles for next year. We will get one new surprise announcement for this holiday (Metroid probably), one for Jan or Feb 2023 (perhaps a Captain Toad sequel) and the focus will be their big Spring title, Breath of the Wild 2. Botw2 will be the first party "Swan Song" of the Switch and will launch with the successor next year. Nintendo will then launch its 2023/2024 software on both systems, but will gradually phase Switch 1 out by the end of 2024.

Switch Deluxe Spring 2023
Zelda Spring 2023
3D Mario Christmas 2023
Indie World this week? The week after is Gamescom, then Pax West, then Splatoon 3 launch, then TGS… so I guess they’ll want to put the spotlight on their indie partners this week indeed.
I really wish they did a Direct this week instead and make the Indie World on the PAX week.
I still have to pick up Kirby at some point, but in general I have to agree.

I say that as someone who isn't a fan of JRPGs though.

Assuming that is the case I wonder if we'll see Nintendo releasing two versions of their software or just one? I'm personally hoping for the latter.
I think they will handle it similar to how Xbox has 🤞
A quality shitpost but honest I forgot about this scene. People can say what they want about Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, but this definitely qualifies as a pic that goes hard

This year has been a bad Nintendo year for me, but I definitely acknowledge that Nintendo has put out a ton of stuff this year, that's very popular with a lot of people. Just not me, sadly.
In the same boat as you. Loved Pokemon Legends Arceus (technically Game Freak), and I'm looking forward to Bayonetta 3 (technically Platinum) and Scarlet/Violet (also technically Game Freak), but everything else that's been announced and released just has not been to my taste. Kirby might be the lone exception that I'll pick up later on down the line, but this has been an incredibly uneventful year for me that's only been buoyed by some select indies and third parties.

Direct pre TGS week?

That timeline tracks, yeah. And "about three weeks" gives some wiggle room, since it could be anywhere from 2.5 weeks to 4 weeks I'd say.

Or he could just be talking about Splatoon 3.

Or, it could also be a Playstation Showcase, as we're approaching the time that I'm expecting to see one of those, too.
I've seen a lot of people complaining about the lack of handheld series on Switch but honestly what is missing at this point?

Pokemon? Check
Fire Emblem? Check
Kirby? Check
Luigi's Mansion? Check
Animal Crossing? Check
3D Mario? Check
2D Zelda? Check
Wario Ware? Check
Smash Bros? Check
Paper Mario? Check

These are all series that appeared on the 3DS. I guess Mario and Luigi are missing. And maybe a new Kid Icarus game is you consider that more than just a one off. There's not much missing. Many of these "handheld series" have console counterparts so on a hybrid console, the devs are going to focus on more console level productions. They're not going to make Kirby Console Version and Kirby Handheld Version. Not to mention that jumping from the 3DS to the Switch is a big leap so devs aren't going to be able to pump out games as quickly as they used to.

When I think of the lack of handheld series, I think it's from the lack of support from third parties. I'm thinking of Sega and Atlus in particular. We haven't had a bunch of Sonic games and a glut of Atlus RPGs that were on the 3DS. I think Square has done a decent job if you see the HD-2D games as handheld experiences plus Bravely Default II. But there are some handheld specific handheld series that they haven't brought over yet.
As you said, the biggest thing I can think of that was a pretty big staple of the DS/3DS era that hasn't appeared yet is Etrian Odyssey. Which... I could swear they said that the next one is being worked on like 3-4 years ago now, so maybe we'll get one at some point?

Direct pre TGS week?

Liam has good Capcom and Platinum sources. Idk about what other news he's consistently been on top off, so I'd think less a Direct and more a fan-favorite Platinum/Capcom franchise, maybe?
I don't know enough to contribute to the dev cycle conversation, but I never knew that AC: New Horizons was in development for so long. That's wild.
This is why when people talk about "three year dev cycles" I laugh it off, since most Nintendo games actually are 3 years minimum, with many bright an additional 1-2 years post-release dev for updates/DLC.
Sometimes I feel like I have way different standards than most people on videogame message boards or I just play way less games than most people online, but I think liking 3 games from a single publisher is a pretty damn good year. This year I have picked up only three Nintendo games: Pokemon Legends, Fire Emblem Warrios Three Hopes, and Xenoblade 3. With those alone, I feel this year in gaming has been super satisfying. I would say that majority of Nintendo games aren't for me. I don't pick up any of the Mario Sports game, don't have much interest in the Sports series. Mario Party does nothing for me. I'm not even a huge fan of Mario Kart. But I recognize that not everything a game company makes can and will be for me. I think it's good for a publisher to have a diverse lineup even if that means I don't get exactly what I want 100% of the time.

This is where we will see Nintendo attempts at a new Epic Mickey and Hawkeye (the greatest avenger)

/s Lol Star Wars Hunter most likely

Santa will bring a DisneyDew Valley Direct for good switch children.

F2P gatcha card game if you've been naughty.
Would love to finally see Sports Story resurface in the next indie world - it just feels like the right time. I could totally go for another Sport-based RPG Story game right about now! Golf Story was fantastic and 100% scratched that old-style Mario Golf/Tennis itch.
I'm hoping for release dates for Sports Story, WrestleQuest, Little Kitty, Big City, and River City Girls 2.
I feel this will be quiet week. Indie world next week and a final Splatoon trailer to end the month. I know September direct is typically before TGS, but I am feeling a late September direct of some kind this year giving Splatoon 3 some space.
Wind Waker HD Twitter announcement incoming lol

This is where we will see Nintendo attempts at a new Epic Mickey and Hawkeye (the greatest avenger)

/s Lol Star Wars Hunter most likely

It's honestly hard for me to imagine an event I'm less interested in, lol. I guess good news for Marvel fans, though, and there are a lot of Marvel games that could use news and updates
One other thing for people to take into consideration with the Direct timing for September is that Apple historically does their annual iPhone event on the Tuesday of the second full week in September. Nintendo has usually stayed clear of that day.

So I wouldn't put any bets on 9/13 this year.
It's honestly hard for me to imagine an event I'm less interested in, lol. I guess good news for Marvel fans, though, and there are a lot of Marvel games that could use news and updates
I am on the same boat. Never been a marvel fan, so maybe something on the disney side could be cool (doubt it)
One other thing for people to take into consideration with the Direct timing for September is that Apple historically does their annual iPhone event on the Tuesday of the second full week in September. Nintendo has usually stayed clear of that day.

So I wouldn't put any bets on 9/13 this year.
I think last year the apple event was the 14 and the direct was the following week.
I'm weird about superhero stuff in that I'll watch and really enjoy the movies and TV shows but I have no interest in any other superhero media including games and actual comic books.
Sometimes I feel like I have way different standards than most people on videogame message boards or I just play way less games than most people online, but I think liking 3 games from a single publisher is a pretty damn good year. This year I have picked up only three Nintendo games: Pokemon Legends, Fire Emblem Warrios Three Hopes, and Xenoblade 3. With those alone, I feel this year in gaming has been super satisfying. I would say that majority of Nintendo games aren't for me. I don't pick up any of the Mario Sports game, don't have much interest in the Sports series. Mario Party does nothing for me. I'm not even a huge fan of Mario Kart. But I recognize that not everything a game company makes can and will be for me. I think it's good for a publisher to have a diverse lineup even if that means I don't get exactly what I want 100% of the time.
I generally agree, in my case I bought already 5 games plus an expansion and It's already a huge year for me (and I had to not buy other game that interested me like three hopes or triangle strategy) and I'll probably buy splatoon 3 bayo 3 and pokemon and that will be it for me. I feel pretty satisfied with this line up especially in comparison to other weaker years like 2020 or 2018 and even then I still bought like 7/8 games per year.
I think last year the apple event was the 14 and the direct was the following week.
Yet still before Tokyo Game Show last year, which is earlier this year (starting on Sept. 15th). As another user said, I wonder if they could opt for a Direct later than usual this year (after TGS). We’re gonna need some patented reassurance soon.

This is where we will see Nintendo attempts at a new Epic Mickey and Hawkeye (the greatest avenger)

/s Lol Star Wars Hunter most likely

The whole world will be talking about Splatoon, too bad for them that they will not have any media coverage. /s
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