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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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I can’t believe it…this is really happening…after three long months of speculation, we finally won. We did it everyone…WE DID IT!!
To move on from this 500 pound/227 kilo degenerate hot garbage that's lasted/lasting longer than it should:

Still praying for any new FE news as usual. What I'm fruitlessly doing tho, is hoping a December 2022 release is possible lmao.
Yes, I'm happy to move on. Here's a fun story from earlier today:

I have a lot of gaming t shirts, primarily Nintendo shirts. Most of them are Zelda themed. Shockingly, I have only one Wario t shirt (if anybody knows a reputable vendor of Wario themed clothing, kindly point them out to me). I nearly put it on this morning, but then I remembered there should well be a Direct on Tuesday or perhaps Wednesday. And so I know that I should wear my Wario shirt only on Direct Day, so that my wearing it might manifest positive vibes and potentially Wario Land games on Switch.

Kum by wah, and so on.

When choosing what PJ’s to wear tonight, I have purposefully left my Mario ones for the day the Direct is…..
Remember folks, we are closer to the direct than we were yesterday.

Please be excited :)

Also chance of me getting my steam deck email this week after a big bump Thursday. On the steam deck calculator I am at 88% and the record emails last Thursday reached April 7 and I reserved mine May 12.:: I got my fingers on my good hand crossed for my deck email this week and the direct will make life good. Plus my doctor visit to the orthopedic climic

First round tomorrow

Given your age I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't know the full context of this meme's origins lol, so I'll let it slide......... this time
Direct starts. Black screen. Slowly, a figure fades into existence. A mere silhouette. The image becomes brighter. More saturated. It is no other than Captain Falcon himself.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without my fans."

Spring 2023.

Mark my words.
Given your age I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't know the full context of this meme's origins lol, so I'll let it slide......... this time
I'm in my 30's and I don't know the origin of this meme, and now I'm concerned to google it
I played a GBA game on my Steam Deck, and it made me realize that if Nintendo puts in even just a little effort, GBA games will look phenomenal when/if they come to NSO.
Tomorrow I'll be standing outside all day long, staring directly at the sun in order to manifest a Golden Sun remaster/remake/reboot/revival

jk, we don't have sun where I live
ngl I'm getting kinda scared. For the sake of this thread, that Direct better be announced tomorrow lol. I'm also scared of whether or not the new mainline FE will be revealed, and if it is, I'm terrified of what it'll look like and what the reaction will be lmao. Hopefully it looks great!
I work graveyard shifts so I’ll be wide awake and on lunch when the tweet is suppose to hit. I’ll probably will be here to post.

And if it doesn’t happen. I’ll happily be able to avoid the doom posting and depression
Last night after playing a few hours of Splatoon 3 before bed (with my Xenoblade 3 cart sitting unfinished in my Switch) I had a dream where the plot of Xenoblade 3 played out but this time it was a new Kingdom Hearts spin off and the main character was Roxas with black eyeliner, a dangly earring, and a face tattoo. Thoughts?

Later on in the dream I found an ARG teaser for Kingdom Hearts 5 playing on a screen above a toilet at the heart of a maze
ngl I'm getting kinda scared. For the sake of this thread, that Direct better be announced tomorrow lol. I'm also scared of whether or not the new mainline FE will be revealed, and if it is, I'm terrified of what it'll look like and what the reaction will be lmao. Hopefully it looks great!
I don't

My vacation just started

I don't have to go to work

Everything will be peachy
Both Kirby and Splatoon 3 means this has already been an awesome Nintendo year for me, but I am still ridiculously hyped for this direct. I’m hoping for:

Advance Wars date (not likely)
Anything Kirby (yes, I’m greedy)
Donkey Kong
Ring Fit dlc
Rhythm Heaven (no chance)
Professor Layton collection (again, no chance)

And even if none of these appear then I will still be hyped because Splatoon 3 is amazing and makes me incredibly happy. Absolutely loving it!
If we don't get anything BoTW 2 related in this direct I'm going to have to replay BoTW again. My excuse the first time I replayed it was going from the Wii U to the Switch version and buying the DLC. What's my excuse now? Do I have to emulate the damn thing and play it at 4k 120FPS or some nonsense?

Aonuma better not do me dirty. I can only imagine his chuckle as he tells me "we have nothing to show today regarding Botw 2 but here is a new Zelda plushie" forcing me to feverishly hack my OG Switch and deal with the nightmare of .ini files and other such diabolical things. A truly evil man
Just a reminder:
In the past few years, general Directs have been announced at 23:00 Japan Time. What changes is the announcement time for Western territories

During Daylight Savings Time (between the end of March and the end of October) - 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 16:00 CEST / 23:00 JT

During Winter Time (between November and March) - 06:00 PT / 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET / 23:00 JT

Assuming that the September Direct is

1) a general
2) is confirmed in less than 24 hours

Going by the past few years, the announcement will come at 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 16:00 CEST / 23:00 JT; this is also the time when the September 2021 general was announced, as you can see from the old tweet here:

Thus, slightly less than 16 hours to go; that's the time limit for the Direct announcement window.

Okay, bye, you’re not interested in responding to criticism in good faith if that’s legit your takeaway here. Keep shitting on other people in your industry while you make videos about their information, I’m sure that’ll work out well for you.
"In my industry"

"Shitting on"

Treated rumors with skepticism isnt shitting on anyone. I have no issues with criticism, but you folks are just upset I said something critical of ALL people who post unverifiable information. I didn't call anyone specifically out at all. Who is Nate? Who is Emily? Who are you? I am in front of a camera daily, my full legal name out there, a business registered to my name, yada yada. It's easy to figure out who I am and where I came from. Nate and Emily have always been wonderful and Emily in particular, I really enjoyed her writing. The piece she wrote on Iwata many years ago was one of the best pieces of writing I've seen on Nintendo in ages.

Maybe best ever.

And that had criticism of Nintendo themselves in it.

I'm also skeptical and critical of Nitendo..

Critiques are welcome. But simply not liking that someone is catious and skeptical is silly.

If anyone thinks these responses aren't in good faith because I simply don't agree with you is also not seemingly willing to consider any other view point either. But I'm the one that's not speaking in good faith because I put forth skepticism?
Just a reminder:
In the past few years, general Directs have been announced at 23:00 Japan Time. What changes is the announcement time for Western territories

During Daylight Savings Time (between the end of March and the end of October) - 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 16:00 CEST / 23:00 JT

During Winter Time (between November and March) - 06:00 PT / 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET / 23:00 JT

Assuming that the September Direct is

1) a general
2) is confirmed in less than 24 hours

Going by the past few years, the announcement will come at 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 16:00 CEST / 23:00 JT; this is also the time when the September 2021 general was announced, as you can see from the old tweet here:

Thus, slightly less than 16 hours to go.

Damn. I forgot. Why did this direct announcement received so many likes lol.

Was it the first since covid?
And my predictions guest is................................

Jeff Grubb
Nice! Really looking forward to listening tomorrow. After a few wild days, my mom was finally discharged from the hospital today as they ruled out a lot of stuff like mastoiditis, shingles, etc., so it feels like I can take a deep breath and properly get back to hyping and speculating
Being a beagle owner... they tend to be too vocal.
There are some beagles near where my parents live and when I walk their dog, the beagles bark at us until we come to say hi. They just have to yell about how happy they are to see their friend.
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