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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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They're not Elite Beat Agents fans.
False!! My love for Rhythm Heaven and Elite Beat Agents is equal! (Only one of the two franchises has any real shot at getting a new game on Switch, though…)

Tune in on September 1st for a roughly one minute Nintendo Direct focused on the next installment of the Sushi Striker series
If only… =( That sequel tease will forever haunt me.
Grubb called the "multiple smaller presentations" in June, so as much as I like ? forum speculation I'd put more stock in what he has to say.
Quite rightly.

Mathematicians expect us to believe imaginary numbers are a thing.

As if imaginary things aren't... you know... imaginary.

Silly mathematicians.
the square root of negative one is a good friend of mine. you wouldn't know her, she posts on a different forum
Call it assholish behaviour, but i certainly don't want to see Aonuma again saying it's too early to talk about BotW 2 and here's something else instead.

It was barely okay the first time, at least we got Skyward Sword out of the Wii prison. But this won't fly a second time especially when it's "just" about ports of the HD versions of TP and WW.

I just wish Nintendo would apply this short timeframe between announcement and release they now usually do to Zelda too. Even without the pandemic, this game should've never been announced in 2019.
That EΒ³ Direct was great, they didn't even need that announcement ....
Not an assholish behavior at all. I don't think any of us expected a 2023 release for this game back in 2019.
The strategy of varying between ignoring the game entirely, showing something else and saying they have nothing to show, or showing yet another time without even giving the game a title is deception to anyone that's been watching closely the game since 2019.
And I totally agree they should apply the shorter release to reveal cycle to Zelda 3D games. They themselves have been saying since TP launched they wouldn't want 5 year dev cycles/long reveal to release, but ever since then it hasn't been possible.
I agree, the announcement was sick when I was personally still hoping it could make 2020 since it presumambly used much of the same mechanics and map and was a smaller (meaning smaller than Breath of the Wild) project. It's obviously not that which is great but then whyyyyy announce it in a year when you really didn't need to announce it
Exactly. They've shown more of the game than they did of the first and was in engine. We didn't have the "revealing games for making hiring calls" knowledge back then either. We also did give some underestimating on what the project would end up being. But just assuming it was in dev since early 2017 and would heavily reuse assets would make a holiday 2020 release very probable.
Maybe the scope of the game changed in development along with Covid delays etc.

I think they’ll either ignore the game entirely or just say β€˜don’t worry, the game is still on track for Spring 2023’ before maybe showing off WW/TP.
I think it was mostly the game being that ambitious from the start and COVID happening. When they announced the first game in 2014 for 2015, had we known development only started in January 2013... I mean it wasn't getting done in 2.5 years no matter what.
We didn't expect that this time because engine and assets were already done, so "no reason to announce the game early", but they did have a reason - hire people to work on the project. They could've done it in a less painful way tho, like they did with Splatoon 3 - way longer cycle than either before, but still nowhere close announcing a game to release almost four years later.
And I make a distinction between what happened with Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4 here - those franchises were uncertain and the second didn't get a game for a decade, announcing they would come made sense. They needed it.
Now, Zelda having a remake coming in 3 months, and BotW having a prequel coming the following year, while also selling stellar, didn't really need to announce it would get a new game almost as soon as it started full development.

Tbh I won’t be happy with this either lol
I (and I think also a lot of more people) want a full reveal. We need a long trailer that finally shows off the game mechanic + the existence of dungeons + the title.
The date can still be β€œSpring 2023” if they want to say it in Feb direct or in a dedicated one. But we need all the other infos now
I will be super happy if we got at least a title.
Been relatively calm since. Only exciting-ish thing is Tecmo Koei is supposed to update their TGS line up on September 2nd. Could point to a September 1st Direct.
Is there any chance of a late port of this upcoming linear 40h campaign game coming next year? I forgot the name but sounds like a great game.
Maybe Nioh late port would still work too.
Two disclaimers before I go on a rant: nobody wants this game revealed and released properly more than the people who have been working on this for ~5 years. I wish the devs (and all devs for that matter) nothing but health and good luck.

Disclaimer two: on one hand the transaction is simple: Nintendo offers a game. If we like the value proposition we buy it. That's it. However, that's not really how this works if you think just a little bit beyond standard company-customer transactions. Which is why I appreciate the times when Nintendo has gone out of it's way to be transparent to customers.

This being said, in my opinion Zelda 2's communication with fans has been borked, and it's reaching the point of memeability.

1). E3 2019: sort of kind of announcement? Seems very quick after BotW, and looks iterative in nature. Many people think the game is far along because of this teaser - when in reality this was part of a recruitment drive. Not sure how much of this was the fans drawing conclusions and how much could've been avoided by Nintendo.
2). Early 2020: COVID messes stuff up and all development is impacted.
3). September 2020: Age of Calamity announcement: Aonuma appears! It's not BotW2 and development is ongoing. Good bit of communication and appreciated.
4). Early 2021: Skyward Sword HD announced. Aonuma appears! Still no BotW2. Alright, makes sense, COVID and all. We'll wait for E3.
5). E3 2021: Aonuma appears! Bare minimum trailer. Still very iterative - Bokoblins, Moblins and Taluses again? Music seemed truncated. No title. Vague release date. Alright, more is coming soon so it's fine.
6). More didn't come. September '21 and February '22 Directs had no Zelda.
7). Early 2022: Aonuma appears! Delay to Spring 2023. Alright, delays happen. We'll get some juicy info in the June Direct right?
8). June 2022: Despite having plenty of first party material for an E3 (Bayo, Xeno, Kirby, Splatoon) there was no first party June Direct. So no Zelda. Not sure if on purpose, but it's another BotW2 ergh? moment.
9). September 2022... We'll see. Aonuma appears with some good communication around BotW2 finally? Or another half-trailer? Or nothing at all?

One thing's for sure: I'm now in the "only get hyped for Zelda when it's released" camp, because this has been an exercise in frustration :S . COVID has been a factor of course, and Drake as well, in all likelihood. But it also looks like the regular weird-ass Zelda communication that has hung around the series since ~1997: announce too early & delay.
Exactly this!!
I think back in E3 2019 they would've done it extremely great with or without Zelda. The early announcement was probably for hiring purposes but they had other ways to do it.
I think it would've been better if they announced Age of Calamity or Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition there tbh.
Sorry I couldn't understand you. I don't understand Rhythm Heaven fans.
my mug says I’m a cool mom but I’m willing to risk it all to take away your allowance
Probably not in September. If the catalog is anything to go by, we'll get new content every three months or so. December makes the most sense.

from my understanding updates will be quarterly in 3 which kind of annoys me

I really wanted that live experience from 1 and 2
That wasn't the impression I got. They only specified catalogs as quarterly.

EDIT: New weapons will release alongside the catalogs too, but no mention of stages being attached to that.
Then what is negative zero?

They're same number


  • negative 1 and 1 both have a magnitude (absolute value) of 1, which means they're equidistant from zero
  • negative 1, moved by its own magnitude towards positive 1, lands you on negative zero
  • positive 1, moved by its own magnitude towards negative 1, lands you on zero
  • negative 0, moved by its own magnitude (0), lands on zero
  • positive 0, moved by its own magnitude (0), lands on zero
Knowing the Direct date 2 weeks advance is good but it's also not that good. I feel like these September ones dates are almost always known, with a few exceptions.
Why not.
It's a similiar situation as New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe and Super Mario Maker 2, and these two had a 5 months release gap.

WWHD+TPHD releasing in early October for example would be 5 months before BOTW2 if it releases in March 2023.
There's absolutely no need for that sort of schedule filler right now, though, let alone two schedule filler games at once, which makes absolutely no sense. The only reason to even consider it is if Nintendo really doesn't want to break their Zelda streak, but like, this is the time they should be seriously starting to talk about BotW 2 instead of some random unnecessary diversion.

Just on every level, releasing WW and TP this fall makes absolutely no sense. BotW 2 is close, there's no clear gap that needs filling, and I've yet to see anything resembling a convincing argument why the games should be paired together.
On the hiring call thing:
To me it can be done in a great way like they did with Splatoon 3 - a game that would come the following year, if anything delayed to the next.
The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was announced way early into development.
I think sometimes we worry too much about what EPD 8 is doing, but they're just the same as the Zelda team with the difference that their projects are only announced way closer to release.
We had hiring calls for a new 3D action game(obviously a new 3D Mario/Odyssey 2, come on) back in late 2019. That's exactly when Monolith Soft made their hiring call for Zelda too. IIRC they've entered the project in 2019. Both 3D Mario and 3D Zelda were on pre production and prototyping stuff right after their last games came, but they didn't start full development right after, simply because they didn't need to. They could've been in development only by the leads and smaller teams and the bulk of personpower and "FULL development" only began taking place in 2019 with the massive hiring calls.
Zelda did it by having an E3 reveal and Mario is still silent. In both cases we are in pain lol.
But I really do hope they get to announce the next 3D Zelda at most 23 months before release, please.
It's like what Batman said, if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world stays the same
That's too deep, unless he was a killer to begin with though in which case a new serial killer rose... Unless he already was a serial killer in the first place in which case...? Profit!
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