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StarTopic Xenoblade 3 |ST| Σ Become One

I was just running around Great Cotte Falls when I stumbled across
another one of those trick ruin puzzles. It wasn't its own min-dungeon like in Danagh Desert, but still really cool to see there are more of those hidden around the world.
I’ve said it elsewhere, but I think Mio is the best character in XC3 by a distance. She carries the emotional and thematic weight of the game on her back for about 70-80% of the story‘s runtime.

Eunie is excellent too. Taion is a lot of fun as well. Lanz is pretty good, Noah too (but nothing special). I like Sena, she’s adorable, but she doesn’t get loads to work with on the critical path.

Mio rules. I love all the "carries the narrative weight" characters in Xeno games, but I definitely find her more compelling and likeable than Elly or Elma.

She's also in my opinion the best designed of the lot. The silver jacket suits her so well, and goes hand-in-hand with the dress. I'm always all for cat ears, but that she also has small cat teeth too is just so cute.
I think the music in The City is bugged - it skips a bit whenever it loops back to the start.
I’m missing one Hero and I can’t find them at all.

I’m betting it’s one of those “ya have to do a bunch of specific quests/stuff before you can get them”. Ugh, gonna give up soon lol
Chapter 4 and I have finally hit a wall in the game.

This Ethel and Cammuravi tag team fight is killing me. Level 38 and the best I can do it is get to halfway with one boss.

Gonna have to strategize better lol

one thing to note is that they are machines which means that unlike most bosses there's enemy type accessories you can use to get a pretty sizable damage boost
Chapter 4 and I have finally hit a wall in the game.

This Ethel and Cammuravi tag team fight is killing me. Level 38 and the best I can do it is get to halfway with one boss.

Gonna have to strategize better lol
Along with what @rickyson33 said, Valdi is extremely useful as a hero in that fight for a reason you may not have discovered yet, but was introduced to you in his Hero Quest's concluding boss fight.
I said it before when I was on chapter 4.

But now I can definitely confirm that Lanz and Ryen are nothing alike. Other then body frame lol

By the way Lanz is definitely the better character too. Probably contention for strongest in the Xenoblade 3. I feel he’s the only one that shared a strong connection to every single party member in a cutscene. Pretty remarkable
That's not surprising at all, and I agree. I like Reyn a lot, for who he is, but he's also barely a character. He has SOME growth and good interactions but it's pretty subtle and few and far between compared to Lanz.
I'm at the end of Chapter 4 now and started to get a hang of the Chain Attack system. There are accessories which boost the damage on enemies with status (dazed, launched, toppled). Combine that with some Arts which also do the same thing, shit stacks up pretty fast and I managed to dish out this much on a nice occasion, at around level 4x in Hard mode.

So far what I like in the XC3 combat system is its flexibility on how to deal damage. It is more similar to XC1 than 2 in this regard, but at the same time there are 2 combo paths to choose instead of 1. Additionally chain attacks seem to be no longer the key source of damage, but just a way to reset the party and maintain the flow, since for some reasons the party gauge fills up much faster here than previous game (one possible reason is that we have full control over the party in combat, so one can spam the shoulder button and cancelling arts non-stop). Consequently I don't need to wait near the end to initiate the chain attack, but instead just go for one asap and by the end another would already be pending for activation.
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Man, the stuff they tucked away in optional sidequests is just incredible. There are major pieces of character development, meaty lore reveals, and some genuinely cool happenings regarding the colonies.

What a wonderful job Monolith did with this one.
lol human D was just Agnian Mumkhar

Really going hard on those Metal Face comparisons. He even has stubble, which none of these other supposed 19-20 year olds have
One thing I also like about the side quests, is that generally speaking, that's where you get most of the levity in the game. A lot of the subject matter can be heavy in terms of the main story, so I like that it's balanced with the side quests' lighter moments.
I am currently in Ch. 5. Do show up anyway or do you have to do something to trigger them
Each character has a quest that levels up their respective class, will be a yellow hero quest.

Only a few are available in Chapter 5, most are later.
I got every Hero.

Oh golly, finally. Some quests sucked. Some were great.

I give the best one due to the hilarity and simplicity to Ashera. Funny, easy, and above all. a beast for chain attacks.

I think what I liked most about the Hero quest was guessing which Main Cast was gonna inherit the class first lol. I got about 90% right. There were a few I was off.
Alright. How about next Xeno game we give Vandham and his Voice actor
more screen time then 1 chapter. Too good to be given so little time for a third time
One of my favorite things about Xenoblade 3 is that for the first time in the non-X games the world is finally so huge that I can largely abandon the plot at any moment and have a huge optional area to explore (not just an extra small part of one of the story areas). Right now in chapter 4, I’m supposed to be storming a fortress of sorts, instead the moment I hit level 40 I went back to the Fornis Region and explored that one valley on the left side of the map Elaice Highway to pick up a hero and see the sights beyond. At the same time I could also hop over to the bottom right side of the map and for no reason explore the Urayan Trail. I only pick fights that look interesting and boss fights have tons of HP regardless, so I don’t care about being overleveled for the story or anything and I could always temporarily switch up to hard. I do agree they should let you level down from the start though. That’s such a weird exclusion.
Learning about N & how he became that way was also great

Yeah the farther in I get the less I disagree with this lame villains narrative I see going around
I think what the game needed was a Metal Face type character. It probably should have been
D since he kills Mwamba and Mio group's 4th when you got the Ouroboros powers. Have him show up at least 2 more times to the party in the early game and I think it would really help people's perception of the Consul as a whole.
I think what the game needed was a Metal Face type character. It probably should have been
D since he kills Mwamba and Mio group's 4th when you got the Ouroboros powers. Have him show up at least 2 more times to the party in the early game and I think it would really help people's perception of the Consul as a whole.
If you combine some of the quick jokier consuls they kinda become a metal face like
I know his weapon was completely generic but it's pretty lame that we don't get to have Mwamba back in the party now that he's reborn. He had Arts and skills and everything! Justice for Mwamba

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Ethel was reborn since I still need to do an Ascension Quest for Flash Fencer, though idk how that's gonna work with her being a child now. I was expecting her to come back for that and because she keeps leveling up, but I guess Lv. 99 Ethel will have to wait for NG+.

It looks like I've got all the heroes now based on the interface, so I should probably finish the game soon. Got 75 hours logged this far. Kind of a shame that the menu spoils all of the classes, but what can you do. Should probably do another run through all of the colonies and wrap up a few other quests before I take on the final battles.
Did anyone else make it through the poison swamp area in Erythia Sea, sort of on the lower East side of the sea? I eventually was able to sneak past enough enemies and make it to an area called "Demihuman Gutter" that had two level 102 unique monsters, along with a ton of 98-100 leveled enemies. There was a chest behind the unique enemies that had a ring that gives a 40% increase to healing. Pretty tense getting through there lol.
I made it up to Chapter 5 today at about 60 hours. Been doing pretty much everything as I go so it's been a pretty slow go of things lol. I think I've basically fully checked all the maps so far as much as possible and done all the quests I could find. Really enjoying my time with the game a lot.

I stand by my earlier opinion that the changes to gems is probably the single best thing about this game. It's streamlined in all the best ways possible, and not having to mess around with a bunch of them in this game is a great feeling.

The story's held up as being really good. Pretty sure it's the best story in the series for me right now, and I'm hoping it lands the ending (when I eventually get there in forever).

The stuff with the party finding out about actual families and babies and the such was done really well I thought. There was a surprising amount of emotion in those reactions from the cast at seeing all of it. I still think the game has done a shockingly good job at sticking with its premise and sticking with this main party's background. I think a lesser game easily could have lost its way here a number of times this late into the game.

The story and revamped character progression options are definitely the highlights for me. The battle system feels like it's more or less pretty much the same as previous games. Obviously not exactly the same, but it feels very much like playing Xenoblade. I think it may be a bit less fun to play than Xenoblade 2, though. Chain attacks are a pretty big weakness here, and the sudden moments of hit stops or whatever in the battle system when aggro changes and the such are a pretty big annoyance. I've had so many cancels messed up because of it. Haven't looked for an option to turn it off, but it really shouldn't be there in the first place if you ask me. I'm still having fun of course, and I generally like the battle systems in this series, but it doesn't really feel like much of a step forward to me.

I think my biggest issue with the game right now is some of the main quest design is a bit obnoxious. I don't really remember this in XC1 or XC2, but in this game it feels like there are so many cases of having a string of main quest objective markers in very very quick succession. Like walk 10 feet, short cutscene, walk 10 feet, there's a campfire, walk 10 feet, etc. It's not a constant reality, but it does seem surprisingly frequent when I actually focus on the main quest.

The section after Colony Tau was probably a highlight of this issue with me. It was especially aggravating since I had the Tirkin sidequest that I wanted to do and the game just refused to let me do it until I did those stupid main quest objectives near the campfire. JUST LET ME KILL THE TIRKINS

But yeah game's really really good. Xenoblade 1 and 2 are both really great games and I'm happy 3 is as well.
Since some of the voice acting lists seem to have spoilers in them, can anyone tell me the English voice for Cammuravi?
Finally got to the end of chapter 4. Really took a while to get there lol. Just want to say:

To the non-believers, I told you so. At least on Melia's part.

I finally got the chance to sit down and listen to the soundtrack on its own, and god damn it's incredible. The sheer size of it alone is impressive, but so much of it is incredibly high quality, it's mind boggling. Definitely my favorite Nintendo soundtrack of the current generation, and probably one of my favorite soundtracks of all time.
I feel like I'm getting close to the end. I'm at the part where:
I'm collecting origin metal to build the better ship

I've been trying to go through the ascension quests and I still need to get the last hero. But part of me really wants to push ahead with the story and see the ending and there are so many heroes left to do the ascension quests for that it's starting to feel overwhelming doing them one after the other. So far I've done five (Zeon, Valdi, Gray, Fiona, Ghondor) and four main character side stories (Mio, Sena, Eunie, and Taion).
The end of Chapter 5 and the beginning of Chapter 6 has been on my mind for the past couple days. The emotional punch stuck with me.

Trapped in an abusive relationship with someone who is a shell of the person you fell in love with, where that person is long gone and replaced with a fearful idealizing monster, and death feels like the only way out... that resonates with me hard.

I love the way the fight against M foreshadows these events without you even knowing. The battle shows you that she can transfer her mind into others' bodies and control them. You get a hands-on feel of what is mechanically about to happen.

And it happens, right in front of us. That moment between M and Mio I felt was surprisingly short. I expected a private conversation to happen between them, similar to Seven's Zanza.... Zanza! moment in Xenoblade 1. But no, it's over in an instant. It's not even until later that you realize.... that was the switch.

And god, "my noah"... I've never seen one line get so much retrospective impact than that one. God, I cried through that whole revelation.
I feel like I'm getting close to the end. I'm at the part where:
I'm collecting origin metal to build the better ship

I've been trying to go through the ascension quests and I still need to get the last hero. But part of me really wants to push ahead with the story and see the ending and there are so many heroes left to do the ascension quests for that it's starting to feel overwhelming doing them one after the other. So far I've done five (Zeon, Valdi, Gray, Fiona, Ghondor) and four main character side stories (Mio, Sena, Eunie, and Taion).
Just go for the ending. But make sure you have them all unlocked for at least one person, I will say that.

I had to finish the game tonight since I just needed the weight off my shoulders. I want to have a chill time grinding my way to oblivion.

Plus I will say that the game gets more "complete" after you beat it. I'll say no more than that.

I'd love to hear your impressions of the story once you roll credits. I have a lot I want to say, but I feel like there's too much to hide behind spoiler tags. Too many people still playing.
I just hit 70 hours. Still on Chapter 5. There is SO MUCH to do now, but I’m eager to get to this chapter transition already, too
Oh wow, what part of Chapter 5 are you on? (Spoiler tag for others pls)
Is there another "explosive" series of scenes in the game after the end of chapter 5/intro of 6? I really enjoyed that but I don't like how a lot of the lore/world-building elements are still tucked away, hoping for a mechonis core/chapter 10 equivalent in XC3. Enjoying the monado icons tease with the new noah talent art tho

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