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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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Hate to say it folks: it’s my birthday week and it looks like I won’t be blessing us with another Metroid shadow drop.
Nintendo could've given me a birthday Direct but they disappointed me

Meanwhile Sony gave me a Rebirth demo the day before I even got my birthday PS5, so I hate to say it but Sony has won the console war /s
Nintendo could've given me a birthday Direct but they disappointed me

Meanwhile Sony gave me a Rebirth demo the day before I even got my birthday PS5, so I hate to say it but Sony has won the console war /s
If it’s your birthday today, happy birthday!
tbh it’s not THAAAT hard once you understand the rules…
But you're like, THE Yakuza guy around here

As if this game will be over when the month ends. The game is our lives now.
Please I just wanna be able to say I finished a game huhuhu

Hate to say it folks: it’s my birthday week and it looks like I won’t be blessing us with another Metroid shadow drop.



We are but ants in the endless storm of existence. Always in the dark, always unsure where to go. But even in the infinite ABYSS exists beacons of light. We might feel lost, but there will always be a way, to find a way.

Take HEART. Have faith. Trust the process.
But you're like, THE Yakuza guy around here

Please I just wanna be able to say I finished a game huhuhu



We are but ants in the endless storm of existence. Always in the dark, always unsure where to go. But even in the infinite ABYSS exists beacons of light. We might feel lost, but there will always be a way, to find a way.

Take HEART. Have faith. Trust the process.
I believe.
Once February is over and this TTRPG wraps up I am going to include "Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity" in my list of completed games for2024

I'm not even kidding

We need an all hands on deck assault on the abyss!

I call a Unity GAMBIT!

Like the the engine platform leadership, we are placing a “Dignity Fee” on ABYSS AND BOOKS as they are at or over the threshold of 350 dignity. 10% of all dignity earned over the threshold is given to each of house TWO and LOVE (20% total) until a successful COMMUNITY OUTCRY GAMBIT is placed or 20 strikes per house are levied as repudiation of this gambit.
We need an all hands on deck assault on the abyss!

I call a Unity GAMBIT!

Like the the engine platform leadership, we are placing a “Dignity Fee” on ABYSS AND BOOKS as they are at or over the threshold of 350 dignity. 10% of all dignity earned over the threshold is given to each of house TWO and LOVE (20% total) until a successful COMMUNITY OUTCRY GAMBIT is placed or 20 strikes per house are levied as repudiation of this gambit.
This is outrageous! It's not our fault that we're profiting from LOVE and TWO's ongoing squabbles among each other. We earned that dignity fair and square!
Tonight I get REM sleep.
Tomorrow I enter the R.E.M. zone and start barreling through their discography.


I call a GAMBIT! Summoning the Man on the Moon! Let’s play Twister. Let’s Play Risk!

The Man on the Moon Spins the twister board and this gambit shuffles the dignity scores of the Houses and Choruses!
* VolcanicDynamo was restless. Memories of the previous night kept swirling around in his head. It's smile lingered in his mind's eye. 2uswave had a way to maintain contact, but Suswave seemed to be in even more danger. Not even a good BOOK could calm Volcanic down.

* Volcanic put his novella down and picked up his phone. Perhaps it was time to check back in with the world.

What a night. Seems like some things never change. Nice to see Bingle doing well at least! You think we'll get another...silly meme?

* The board wouldn't have to wait very long.

2us! Glad to-


* Volcanic stared at the video, dumbfounded. Before...hysterically laughing! The sloppy, chaotic editing, the sped up music - was that Bingle? 2uswave might not have liked making it, but it was a work of art.

*But the fun would not last.


...the game is keeping them alive. But it's also powering...that thing. And 2uswave is here...because Suswave is...?


I need to talk to 2us. But I can't stop playing the game. Even so...just because I have to keep playing doesn't mean I have to give into infighting. We can do this together...and I think I have an idea.

Let's see...I've made peace with LOVE, and I've aided TWO when they were attacked. But how is ABYSS doing? They seem to have a lot of points. What about a good snack? But I'm out of bananas...maybe a new recipe will do? Cookbook, don't let me down.

GAMBIT: I approach ABYSS with a friendly offering: a fresh batch of pumpkin muffie cookies. I wish to get to know their ranks more. Perhaps we can find some common ground, and maybe we could get a hold of another 2us message?
There’s this 7 hour 100+ song REM on BBC album that I might do if I enjoy all the other albums.
*watches Bingle curl up and sleep against their reflection in the sideways mirror beside the dog bowl*

hehe, looks kinda like Bingle got a buddy
bingle buddy, bingle buddy🎶
Rewatching the Rebirth presentation and I'm in love with all I see, except that I'm just so over skill trees in modern games.

Like, you ramp up your SP, and then go to a menu and press some buttons and presto, you now have a 5% more critical rate or something. It feels so overused yet underutilized.
I'm just so over skill trees in modern games
Skill trees would be cooler if 1) each skill you unlocked felt significant (honestly, who can even feel a 5% increase of anything) and 2) if you actually had to pick and choose which "branch" you have to flesh out.
I'm enjoying Tekken 8, but there's only one problem: you can't get your character to say stuff like "I'm Tekken-you-down!" or "I'm Tekken-out the trash!" Huge miss quite frankly
you can't get your character to say stuff like "I'm Tekken-you-down!"
You're right, this needs to be a feature lol

Speaking or which, let's start Tekken ABYSS down. <deep breaths> <circulates qi around body> <swirly arm movements> I STRIKE ABYSS IN THE NAME OF TWO


I call a GAMBIT! Summoning the Man on the Moon! Let’s play Twister. Let’s Play Risk!

The Man on the Moon Spins the twister board and this gambit shuffles the dignity scores of the Houses and Choruses!
Someone's barely able to stomach not being on the winning team :p
*watches Bingle curl up and sleep against their reflection in the sideways mirror beside the dog bowl*

hehe, looks kinda like Bingle got a buddy
bingle buddy, bingle buddy🎶
*stumbles bleary eyed into the House LOVE kitchen on this cold and rainy Thursday morning*

Hey man you've been hogging BINGLE! I wanna be the one to fill their BOWL today
Rewatching the Rebirth presentation and I'm in love with all I see, except that I'm just so over skill trees in modern games.

Like, you ramp up your SP, and then go to a menu and press some buttons and presto, you now have a 5% more critical rate or something. It feels so overused yet underutilized.

I hate skill trees so much it's unreal
I think the problem is not skilltrees generally but the surroundings.

If the game is stingy with re-specc options, or if the game forces you to re-specc for some reason, thats annoying.

Don't be stingy with re-speccs and also make sure that every build is viable for playing/beating a game, and not just a few.
If you're not able to commit to those two things, just don't do skilltrees at all.
Don't be stingy with re-speccs and also make sure that every build is viable for playing/beating a game, and not just a few.
I'm also not a fan of skill trees where you can just unlock everything. Like the point of branches is to force you to specialize! If you can get everything it's a regular ol' checklist.
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