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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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Am I the only one that has the following advertisement song always playing in their minds?
  • Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liiiberrtyyy, Liiibertyy (Liberty Mutual, I think they're an insurance)
I have type 2 diabetes but I manage it well, it’s a little pill with a big story to tell! I take once daily Jardiance at each day’s start!

Ha called Carrey being back
Also It is time, for us to get Eggman and Stone's freestyle E.G.G.M.A.N. Mix. Now that would be in character.

First real snow storm of the year hits me tomorrow night. Biggest one so far was 6”. This one could be 2-3’ in 36 hrs, with another day of heavy snow and more days of snow to follow. I uh probably should go over the hill and stock up on a couple final things before it hits
If Hayden Christensen is voicing Shadow, I’ll play every sonic game possible till the sonic movie 3. I have Hayden’s autograph

How much are dreamcasts these days?
love is patient
love is kind
love’s a dollar ninety-nine
love is available for a limited time only
love in droves at low low prices
love fought the war but the war won
love, love is a long time
love is beautiful, love is doomed
love is inevitable
love laugh love
who shall I say is loving?
what is love for 500
where did you love from, where did you go
when the party’s lover
why did the lovin’ cross the road?
how now love cow
love, into the night
love, outta sight
love, yer goddamn right

I strike the ABYSS in the name of LOVE!
everyone else caught up, but abyss is truly falling behind — what happened to those original 11 votes?

Brilliant, glad to see Carrey back.

And despite what the purple forum says, the wedding scene in Sonic 2 was awful. Please don't waste as much time on something like that this tkme around.
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everyone else caught up, but abyss is truly falling behind — what happened to those original 11 votes?
I have faith that my fellow denizens will rally, time works differently amidst the incandescent void; we sleep, wake and browse threads all at once. The voted, voters and those yet to vote will be unified by the terrible beauty of the inky black. We will consume all, feasting upon the impermanence of base notions. The Abyss is all that ever was and shall be, the acceptance of which shall lead you all to boundless experiences; LOVE beyond imagining, knowledge so vast it could not be contained in mere BOOKS and an expanse incapable of measure such that a TWO would wither in the face of the infinite.
There is no stopping it, tis an inevitable cycle.

I strike BOOKS in the name of ABYSS!

Wow, we sure MANIFESTED this announcement into being!

Since this is the third movie in a trilogy and focuses heavily on rivals…

All STRIKES against your RIVAL Factions are worth 3x instead of 2x for the whole day — including ones made since the announcement!
My 30something ass is gonna be so embarrassing when this movie comes out

I inwardly squeed when the Fury Bowser theme played in the Mario movie.

I have no idea what I'll do if Live and Learn actually drops.
There's only one direction they can go with Sonic movie 4


It's time
I want Metal Sonic to be Sonic 4’s villain
They will definitely have a hard time escaping Carrey's legacy in future movies as I expect this to be his last hurrah. They might change the ending of SA2 where he dies instead of Shadow. They could have him have a resentful son that's still technically Dr. Robotnik in future movies, I dunno.

I'm still curious how they will avoid Shadow's character arc not feeling like a repeat of Knuckles's in 2.
Talking about Sonic...

...I bought Sonic 06 the other day. On PS3, even.

I feel like it's going to come to life and taunt me to play it, like I'm in the shitty comedy skit of an old AVGN ripoff.

I just realized I never did see the second movie, was it better than the first?

Didn't dislike it, just felt like it was missing a certain pizzazz (sorry Choco 💙) That being said I got a good feeling about the threequel

Yall come eat

I had to reconfirm which song it was they were teasing, and as dope as Live & Learn is I really hope Open Your Heart makes a debut here too
Look 😅

When you're in a rural area and you like Italian-ish food it's like an oasis

I know it's neither authentic or really all that great but just to help yall understand how bleak it is out here: when we had family visiting years ago and we did a little road trip, it fell on me to figure out where to have dinner because I knew how to google stuff. So I suggested Olive Garden because I thought it'd be simple enough for the family but still different enough to be special.

My grandparents couldn't read the menu because it was "in a foreign language," nobody understood what they were getting, and at the end of the evening my dad chided me for picking "an exotic restaurant" because he assumed I was trying to be pretentious and weird.

It's bad out here. 😅
I am roughly half Italian, have been to Rome, and took years of Italian in high school. I know more Japanese than I do Italian. I do not, by any means, speak Italian. I have zero connection to Italian culture or Italy, nor does my family. I have never so much as seen The Godfather. But I'm from Long Island. The meaning of "penne" and "rigatoni" is ingrained in me like any English word. Grandma pizza is my homeland pride. I eat something with sauce, cheese, and olive oil on it at least five times a week. A few hours ago I had ravioli and homemade meatballs for dinner. Reading this post is the first time that anything about my life experience has ever been made to feel foreign or exotic.

I should also note that I've started reading "Manga in Theory and Practice". I'm only a dozen pages in, but it's still nice to see Araki's insight on how he writes his manga and the concept of a "royal road".
So this is how I learn that the website's name actually means something, and that it's hilarious.
They will definitely have a hard time escaping Carrey's legacy in future movies as I expect this to be his last hurrah. They might change the ending of SA2 where he dies instead of Shadow. They could have him have a resentful son that's still technically Dr. Robotnik in future movies, I dunno.

I'm still curious how they will avoid Shadow's character arc not feeling like a repeat of Knuckles's in 2.
If they're on the ball, the Knuckles mini and this movie should be doing even more worldbuilding, so that the franchise can still go on even if Carrey's Robotnik gets sunset'd.

For example: Movie 2 gave us some nice lore reference about "Birds" that could loop in anything ranging from the Babylonians to the Battle Cuckoos. Shadow's very presence likely means that "Satan the Starfish" and his minions are out there. And I'm still hoping Chaos will get his due when we bother to dig in deeper to Knuckles and his tribe's past. And of course, Agent Stone is still there.

The movie series is pretty much like old/pre-SGW Archie in that it could do a whole lot of interesting things that doesn't have to involve the good Doctor at all. Let's just hope Fowler and co don't drop the ball like Archie allowed its writing staff to do.
Huh so now that I'm founding out Granblue Fantasy: Relink is basically a ... Monster Hunter game? ... it's got my attention. Looks like a mixture of Monster Hunter and Tales Of, sounds hype af. Might get it whenever it goes on sale
Oh, good, a soul yet untainted by Ken Penders.

absolutely unfuckinghinged

oh. my god.

the unreal uh. 90s comic femme chipmunk?? in a rad as hell jean vest… at a grave labelled “Sonic the Hedgehog”…

This being MANIFESTed into my psyche shows me that BOOKS are capable of great violence to LOVE

+10 to BOOKS
-10 to LOVE
Just started my pre-Rebirth replay of FFVII Remake and, damn, it was so liberating to look at the 20 trophies I'd yet to get - including hard mode - and just go "Nope. Not gonna bother getting those and just enjoy the replay on Normal." Trophies are fun to get sometimes but others they do definitely hinder your potential enjoyment of a game.
Been a while since I was active here

Hows everyone doing?

Where is Starfox Assault remake?

Why is the rum gone?

Where is the Switch 2?

Is Sonic Frontiers worth 20 bucks nowadays?

Is a hot pocket a ravioli?

But... but...

We already have a book thread.

Lotsa catching up to do, wow

Am I the only one that has the following advertisement song always playing in their minds?
  • Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Liiiberrtyyy, Liiibertyy (Liberty Mutual, I think they're an insurance)
the 877 CASH NOW has been in my head because of my recent stumble across this:

Anytime I see Olive Garden mentioned it reminds me of the live action Resident Evil Netflix series.

It's literally the Sonic Adventure 2 logo.
yall I am doing such big happ right now

Also It is time, for us to get Eggman and Stone's freestyle E.G.G.M.A.N. Mix. Now that would be in character.
godDAMMIT now I want this to happen so bad

For those among us who are not in the know, the Dreamcast was like the peak era of "ridiculous but taking themselves totally seriously" Sonic and it gave us bangers like this:

Bring back the Chao Garden you cowards!
very very very yes

I'm still curious how they will avoid Shadow's character arc not feeling like a repeat of Knuckles's in 2.
Leaning into his backstory with Gerald and Maria Robotnik would be a very different path I think. Especially if they go to space.

I just realized I never did see the second movie, was it better than the first?

Didn't dislike it, just felt like it was missing a certain pizzazz (sorry Choco 💙) That being said I got a good feeling about the threequel
omg SO much better

you're right that the first one was missing pizzazz, the director and writers have been interviewed about it in the years since and they said their first drafts/pitch were much closer to the games, with Tails, Chaos Emeralds, the works, but the studio kept whittling the actual Sonic elements out because they assumed audiences wouldn't get any of it. So then after the outrage of the first trailer (you know the one) had them go back to the drawing board they actually took time to not only fix Sonic's design but to add other elements as well (the echidnas who attacked him in the beginning were initially generic lizard people and his home island didn't look like Green Hill Zone) because they were sorta taken aback that there was this huge contingent of Sonic fans actually wanting this to be Sonicy. The studio figured they were basically buying into an IP where parents would take their kids and they had no idea what the fandom was. But the director actually got his start doing cinematic scenes in Sonic games and the writers (and some of the cast even) are big fans, so they knew.

So after that movie succeeded they basically let the director and writers make the movie they wanted to make all along, and that was Sonic 2. It still has some of the cheesy family movie elements and the human characters (though some like Agent Stone have actually gained big fanbases in the fandom so it works) but they dial the Sonicness way, way up and have several locations and setpieces that come straight out of the games and they fixed Robotnik's look and Tails flies a red biplane and and and

yeah it's so good dude, watch it

And I'm still hoping Chaos will get his due when we bother to dig in deeper to Knuckles and his tribe's past. And of course, Agent Stone is still there.

The movie series is pretty much like old/pre-SGW Archie in that it could do a whole lot of interesting things that doesn't have to involve the good Doctor at all. Let's just hope Fowler and co don't drop the ball like Archie allowed its writing staff to do.
yes 👆 to 👆 all 👆 this 👆
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