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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Its going to be quite odd next General directs being about both Switches.
Imagine emphasising which game comes out for both or which game is exclusive to the Super Switch. Or also, which ones will have a next gen patch...

They need to think carefully about the format of those Directs imo.
if fire emblem genealogy of the holy war may be cross gen what'll the switch 2 exclusive fire emblem game be? :unsure:
Something original like Three Houses. Fire Emblem 3H was meant to be a launch title game. Could be that FE4 Remake is going to occupy the launch year Fire Emblem slot, as Intelligent Systems finishes next gen FE game.
Its going to be quite odd next General directs being about both Switches.
Imagine emphasising which game comes out for both or which game is exclusive to the Super Switch. Or also, which ones will have a next gen patch...

They need to think carefully about the format of those Directs imo.
They'll probably handle it like they did with 3DS / Switch Directs.
The first half will be Switch 1 cross-gen games, while the second will be Switch 2 only.
They'll probably handle it like they did with 3DS / Switch Directs.
The first half will be Switch 1 cross-gen games, while the second will be Switch 2 only.
That could also work. What I wonder is what part will be the first segment: Switch 1 or 2 games first, and then the contrary
Since Directs are basically advertising, but nice, you can expect any game that is cross-gen being shown via the Switch 2 version.

They wanna sell stuff, so they gotta show stuff the best way. ;D
So with Nintendo going for a partner direct and sony announcing that they don’t have any major games this fiscal year, what game even is coming after march?
Let’s really hope for an early switch 2 because this year looks to be bleak after the first quarter.
I imagine it'll be something like: "Also available on Nintendo Switch"


So with Nintendo going for a partner direct and sony announcing that they don’t have any major games this fiscal year, what game even is coming after march?
Let’s really hope for an early switch 2 because this year looks to be bleak after the first quarter.

Yes, embrace Team H1 2024.

That said, Unicorn Overlord and Dragons Dogma 2 will keep me busy for a good part of summer.
Yeah, I can totally picture Nintendo just jumping to Switch 2 Directs and having a banner in the screen saying "Also available on Nintendo Switch". I presume the Switch 2 event will be all 100% exclusives, maybe a cross gen here and there, and then Directs will feature the "Also available on Switch 1" bit
Re: Direct delayed due to Xbox - Does anyone in their mind really think that Nintendo planned and scheduled a Direct format with anticipation, probably weeks or a month at max in advance, just to delay because Corporate Competitor X also has something scheduled as well? There is no overlap between the Microsoft audience and the Nintendo audience in the sense that Direct viewers are not the same type of consumer that will take time to listen to an Xbox podcast, of all things. Saying the sentence "Xbox is gonna do a podcast" is so unappealing, unlike "Nintendo's video presentation is on"
We know for a fact that the companies do coordinate events.

All Grubb said was he thought yhere were some people in Nintendo of America who were concerned about the overlap. In a company with thousands of employees you will have a lot of different opinions on things.
We know for a fact that the companies do coordinate events.

All Grubb said was he thought yhere were some people in Nintendo of America who were concerned about the overlap. In a company with thousands of employees you will have a lot of different opinions on things.
Thinking it more, it's kinda understandable. The noise of the Xbox Podcast could be loud, depending on what's said there. There's also the possibility of Xbox content being present in the Partners Showcase, so the overlap could be negative noise that affects Nintendo in some way.
We know for a fact that the companies do coordinate events.

All Grubb said was he thought yhere were some people in Nintendo of America who were concerned about the overlap. In a company with thousands of employees you will have a lot of different opinions on things.
I doubt NOA could do much though as the final word is always on NCL. Also, the overlap with Partner Showcase imao.

2 hours to go! The end is coming into sight!

I’m happy I got to swap this one in with MissingNo snagging Future Awaits earlier. This song is great fun and plays well in the opening movie or in combat. Weird fun thing, in UNI2 the main character is called the Unknown Actor at one point since he is a wild card presence. Didn’t know the song was about Hyde.

2 hours to go! The end is coming into sight!

I’m happy I got to swap this one in with MissingNo snagging Future Awaits earlier. This song is great fun and plays well in the opening movie or in combat. Weird fun thing, in UNI2 the main character is called the Unknown Actor at one point since he is a wild card presence. Didn’t know the song was about Hyde.

the feels

That could also work. What I wonder is what part will be the first segment: Switch 1 or 2 games first, and then the contrary
If I were Nintendo, I would do something like this regarding first party announcements on Directs from now on:
  • "Big game" opener (probably Switch 2 exclusive)
  • Segment of games playable on both systems, making it really clear that's the case (e.g. "<Game> launches simultaneously on Nintendo Switch 2 and Nintendo Switch later this year.")
  • Sizzle reel of Switch 1 games that got Switch 2 enhancements to get newcomers interested (read in Nintendo Direct's announcer voice: "These Nintendo Switch games are better than ever on Nintendo Switch 2!")
  • Segment of Switch 2 only games
  • "Big game" closer (again, probably Switch 2 exclusive)
For the company famous for “The Metroid Prime Remastered Game” and such, I’m not too worried about them communicating what games are going to be on Switch, Switch 2, and both platforms.
For the company famous for “The Metroid Prime Remastered Game” and such, I’m not too worried about them communicating what games are going to be on Switch, Switch 2, and both platforms.
The Dragon Quest XII game for the Switch 2 - but not Switch - family of systems
Hey everyone! So what’s the temperature looking like? A shadow dropped Mini? A planned partner?
Unclear on an announcement or not in 80 mins, but Partner is the more likely of the two options. Mini got a small dash of hope with a few asterisks attached so it’s not over until it’s over.
I was not expecting that many more transformations for peach.
I was actually in a camp who thought Peach would have 12 total... (though I guess we can expect Princess to be a final transformation of sorts?)


Seeing fighting game music with lyrics, here’s one from my youth when I was far more into Fate/Nasuverse:

(The artist Tainaka Sachi recorded an extended version of the track which can be heard here - not actually sure if this is a common thing to do nowadays with fighting game music with lyrics)

70 minutes to go! We’re in the final stretch!

Posting a little early just in case of a 5:00 AM tweet. I’m ending my own posts tonight at least on my favorite song of last year, Alan Wake II’s epic Herald of Darkness. It’s catchy, it’s fun, it’s silly, and it rocks hard. This is the music video version which clocks in at nine minutes, but the full song is an epic 13.5 min odyssey and the way it is used in game is amazing. Feels like it has been out there enough to openly post, but if you are planning to play the game, maybe hold off to keep the surprise for yourself. While this is my last song, feel free to keep sharing your favs until our first tweet of the day!

I’ll make sure to get a final post in when we lock the thread, but yeah wow if this is the end soon, what an awesome journey we’ve shared together. I can’t believe we had 250+ pages of hanging out together without any major leaks to drive us and I’m really glad we’ve all kept the good vibes going throughout. It’s been awesome hanging out and getting excited about games together. I’ll be hyping with you through whatever tweet we get or don’t get now, but yeah thanks again and hopefully whatever kind of show it is, we’ll get some cool games to be excited about :)
No general, No mini but a third more sinister thing
For the company famous for “The Metroid Prime Remastered Game” and such, I’m not too worried about them communicating what games are going to be on Switch, Switch 2, and both platforms.
nintendo: the extra planets paid dlc for the metroid prime 4 game for the nintendo switch 2 family of systems
No Peach trailer… but ofc MvDK embargo was today how could we forget about that
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