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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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Here is what I expect for the new coming direct from Nintendo:

2D or 3D Mario (let’s be real, it’s been a while since a new game in the series). New art style for 2d and different worlds besides the usual grass, ice, lava, etc).
Dormant Nintendo IP (think, kid Icarus, ice climbers, pikmin or star tropics) they will reveal something dormant for switch cause it will sell due to being on Nintendo switch and might revitalize the franchise
Metroid prime remake and Metroid prime 4 (it’s been long rumoured for the remake) and they can show something from 4 by now. Metroid Prime 4 had lost a lot of buzz in my opinion since retro took over, they need to ignite anticipation
2D or 3D donkey Kong ? My most anticipated game to be revealed (even if it does not exist) 😥
Breath of the Wild 2 (they have barely showed anything for this game) do people even remember this game is coming out? They will let you know with a big reveal trailer reminiscent of the first games
Here is what I expect for the new coming direct from Nintendo:

2D or 3D Mario (let’s be real, it’s been a while since a new game in the series). New art style for 2d and different worlds besides the usual grass, ice, lava, etc).
Dormant Nintendo IP (think, kid Icarus, ice climbers, pikmin or star tropics) they will reveal something dormant for switch cause it will sell due to being on Nintendo switch and might revitalize the franchise
Metroid prime remake and Metroid prime 4 (it’s been long rumoured for the remake) and they can show something from 4 by now. Metroid Prime 4 had lost a lot of buzz in my opinion since retro took over, they need to ignite anticipation
2D or 3D donkey Kong ? My most anticipated game to be revealed (even if it does not exist) 😥
Breath of the Wild 2 (they have barely showed anything for this game) do people even remember this game is coming out? They will let you know with a big reveal trailer reminiscent of the first games

I think expecting Mario + DK + Zelda + Metroid to show up in the same direct is unrealistic. Doubt that's ever happened.
If I were Nintendo, I'd just pretend that Star Fox Zero never existed. I'd remove every trace of the game from the eShop and other official channels and buy the 5 remaining copies that are still in circulation. Every time someone asks me about the Wii U original, I'd just go like "nope, don't know what you're talking about". The only Star Fox related project that was released on the Wii U was Star Fox Guard. When confronted with the actual game I'd act all surprised that fans made a project of such scope (of course, I'd then have to hit it with a C&D). I'd keep the lie up for a few years until people largely give up. Most don't know about the game anyway and the ones that do would be treated like loonies.

And then, because it's such a cool name, I'd release a new game called Star Fox Zero

with a different weird gimmick
This. Treat it like some weird drunken weekend that they'd rather not acknowledge. Move on with a fresh start or just continue Assault's story.

And then wonder why Panther's in your bathroom.
The actual biggest mistake Nintendo made was the e-Reader.

not really but I just want to shitpost about the e-Reader, an accessory I actually owned
everyone older than me is out of touch and everyone younger than me is an idiot

I'm sorry everyone this is simply how it is
I refuse to believe that Nintendo reads this site

ResetEra sure, but not here

You know the leaks are getting real when you see pages upon pages of View hidden content is available for registered users!
with the Direct date basically spoken for and talk of Nintendo listening, I think it's about time that we fully transition to wishlist mode

here are my top 8 most wanted things from Nintendo:

Ice Climber 99? Wrecking Crew 99? I don't know, I don't care, but I'd love to see it before the Switch is dead.

please, let me play a good Animal Crossing on Switch. I'll take any of them, old or new.

I'm not sure who would make a new F-ZERO, and I'm not sure who I'd even want to make a new F-ZERO. All the same, I'd like one anyway.

It's coming, right? No matter where they take the series next, I'll be there on day one.

I'm hoping that we see one more entirely new project from an EPD studio or partner in the end of the Switch's life. This would probably come from EPD 4, but I suspect they're either working on ideas for new hardware or...

I'm wary of the game's potential given the absence of a camera, microphone, or touch screen, but I still would love to see the series return.

Immaculate controls, immaculate vibes, immaculate music, everything anyone could ask for.

I've been playing Pikmin 3 Deluxe again recently, and this has catapulted to my most anticipated project. I think it will be the best looking EPD game by far and very likely the most inspired and best designed of its contemporaries. A masterpiece in the making, assuming it actually gets made and doesn't get farmed out to a studio that isn't equipped to live up to the masterful design and art of 3.
the only think I want from this Direct is an actual new game. I don't care what it is. It could be stinky horse, Style Savvy, anything. but if the entire Direct is games that already exist I am going to freak out
You would be extremely surprised to hear which famous Nintendo executives had accounts over at Resetera. I would know this because I approved some of those accounts during my brief 1-year stint as an administrator over there. To protect their privacy, I won't reveal any names or usernames. But the main point is: Nintendo isn't the bubble that people think it is. They do secretly get out there and interact with the fans on the internet.
That's wild! I always figured that NoA and NoE were pretty tuned in, but NCL (or at least the management) were unaware, especially the number of times they've admitted in interviews they were surprised that English-speaking audiences liked certain games or characters and wanted them to return, when it's a near constant drumbeat on western social media.
Here are my top 8 most wanted things from Nintendo:

8: Chrono Trigger

7: Seriously Square's doing jack shit with it

6: Pitch a collab to Square, have Monolith work with Asano on it

5: It'll be the New Dream Team, like how the first one was a collab between industry giants

4: Release the original on NSO or for like $20 as an anniversary eShop title

3: Maybe even an actual physical release with a bunch of extra goodies, don't even have to change the game, put the effort into the packaging and extra stuff instead

2: Then while everyone's tripping out over CT finally being on a modern system, announce Monolith/Asano's Chrono Break

1: Cash the check
I apologize for taking so long to respond to everyone. For the record, I do read everyone's posts. Please don't think I'm ignoring you.

You would be extremely surprised to hear which famous Nintendo executives had accounts over at Resetera. I would know this because I approved some of those accounts during my brief 1-year stint as an administrator over there. To protect their privacy, I won't reveal any names or usernames. But the main point is: Nintendo isn't the bubble that people think it is. They do secretly get out there and interact with the fans on the internet.

Over at Era, there were so many instances when Nintendo Era members didn't realize they were arguing with famous Nintendo senior producers. :LOL: Cerium and I would see Nintendo fans telling a senior Japanese Nintendo executive: "You're an idiot. You don't know what you're talking about"... Because they didn't know the user worked at Nintendo. 😬
That last part actually made me laugh out loud. Just imagine!
a "leaker" from what I understand, he is also followed by team nintenleaks, kelios and necro felipe. could take a look at his tweet if you have time to judge its reliability please? I'm not very good at disentangling true and false 😅
He is not a Leaker, he analyzes the market and talks about patents, among other things.
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