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Idk why there was doubt on Star Fox. It’s annoying people act like it’s a dead series. We’ve gotten a game every generation since its inception. Yes, the time between might be long, but we still get one every gen.

Star Fox isn't a dead series but it's been on life support since the Gamecube.
The problem with Star Fox is that, after 64, Nintendo and other companies involved in the franchise's development seem unable to hit one out of the park. You always need to squint to find the good among all the problems in these games. At least that's how I feel about it.

This gives the impression that the franchise is lost and, to some, dead.
I think NecroLipe misunderstood what Liam said, and because he might have heard rumours about Nintendo looking for partners, he jumped to conclusions.

He said to Liam he’s heard from sources that Nintendo was looking for a studio for a project (and just that, looking for), but in his rumour he says it’s already in development for some time. That’s quite a leap.

I wouldn’t look too much into it. Just hoping that if Nintendo finally does something with the franchise, it’s a brand new game and not a redo of SF64…
The problem with Star Fox is that, after 64, Nintendo and other companies involved in the franchise's development seem unable to hit one out of the park. You always need to squint to find the good among all the problems in these games. At least that's how I feel about it.

This gives the impression that the franchise is lost and, to some, dead.

These type of comments have been going on for over 20 years and they still made more. Other than recency bias, I don't know why now is that much different than any other period after Star Fox 64.
So, LiveALive reviews tomorrow, Xenoblade reviews seem to be happening Tuesday, and then likely Pokemon news the following Tuesday? Maybe Mario Kart could be squeezed in there somewhere. But it wouldn't surprise me if that's all we're getting until mid-August or so (Splat 3 Direct around there sometime)
Thread does read a little like performance art satirising angry Nintendo fans at times. It's fun reading.
Idk why there was doubt on Star Fox. It’s annoying people act like it’s a dead series. We’ve gotten a game every generation since its inception. Yes, the time between might be long, but we still get one every gen.
Star Fox has Miyamoto, one of the senior most staff at Nintendo, to vouch for it. Having a sympathetic figure in a key position seems important to getting these franchises out; so long as Miyamoto is around, there's odds that things like Star Fox and Pikmin get some love.
The problem with Star Fox is that, after 64, Nintendo and other companies involved in the franchise's development seem unable to hit one out of the park. You always need to squint to find the good among all the problems in these games. At least that's how I feel about it.

This gives the impression that the franchise is lost and, to some, dead.
Nintendo found out by the hard way that the "nostalgia" and "back to basics" direction didn't work with the series. Newer generation of gamers didn't appreciate the aged gameplay design coming back. Series needs to be heavily rebooted with accordance with new gaming trends. Gameplay wise, like, SF could really benefit from open world style universe.
Nintendo found out by the hard way that the "nostalgia" and "back to basics" direction didn't work with the series. Newer generation of gamers didn't appreciate the aged gameplay design coming back. Series needs to be heavily rebooted with accordance with new gaming trends. Gameplay wise, like, SF could really benefit from open world style universe.
trends are the bane of quality
Nintendo found out by the hard way that the "nostalgia" and "back to basics" direction didn't work with the series. Newer generation of gamers didn't appreciate the aged gameplay design coming back. Series needs to be heavily rebooted with accordance with new gaming trends. Gameplay wise, like, SF could really benefit from open world style universe.

It wasn't really the "aged gameplay" people had an issue with in regards to Zero. It was the simple fact that the game was build around completely unintuitive motion controls.
Star Fox Assault should have become the baseline for all SF games after it's release. Bigger battles that involving fighting on foot, in a landmaster, or in an arwing fit the universe like a glove and would do very well in our online multiplayer world. The biggest flaw Assault had was making the default control scheme not be twin stick (it was movement option B or something) so a lot of people quickly wrote it off for controlling weird. People at the time were upset that Assault only had 3 classic SF on rails levels, and tbh the game probably would have been better of trading in those 3 for another 1-2 open arena style missions that fit the games mechanics better.
Star Fox but you're going to fighter pilot school and you can level up your relationships with classmates.
It wasn't really the "aged gameplay" people had an issue with in regards to Zero. It was the simple fact that the game was build around completely unintuitive motion controls.
Command wasn't a success either, it was kind of a "scrap everything Assault has done" release. But Assault performed well enough to be a Player's Choice title.

Potential is still there but a new title needs to turn some heads. Even non-Nintendo fandom ones. Big enough to put it back on gaming world map. I think Star Fox need its "BotW" moment more than any other Nintendo franchise. Even more than Kirby I think, who recently got its own.
Star Fox but you're going to fighter pilot school and you can level up your relationships with classmates.
And get married. And have kids. And have those kids playable characters:
Here are my thoughts, people point to Nintendo not figuring out how to modernize Star Fox as a reason why the series won't continue but contrary, I think that is the specific reason why the series keeps going despite its faults. "How to do you bring Star Fox into the modern era?" is a question Nintendo wants to solve. Now many will just say to make the games like Star Fox 64 but a pure onrails shooter is a hard sell, especially at full price, nowadays. For better or worst, Nintendo does use the series to experiment and try out new ideas. That's why the games are often so different from each other.

So I think that is why the series will continue. From purely the creator's standpoint, it's an intriguing problem to solve and a place to experiment and that's why Nintendo will keep returning to the series.
I thought the general consensus was that Star Fox Grand Prix turned out to be the DLC racing add on for Starlink?

If anyone is working on a new Star Fox right now I bet it’s Namco Bandai, hell maybe that rumour of them working on a remaster of Nintendo action game is Star Fox Assault
Here are my thoughts, people point to Nintendo not figuring out how to modernize Star Fox as a reason why the series won't continue but contrary, I think that is the specific reason why the series keeps going despite its faults. "How to do you bring Star Fox into the modern era?" is a question Nintendo wants to solve. Now many will just say to make the games like Star Fox 64 but a pure onrails shooter is a hard sell, especially at full price, nowadays. For better or worst, Nintendo does use the series to experiment and try out new ideas. That's why the games are often so different from each other.

So I think that is why the series will continue. From purely the creator's standpoint, it's an intriguing problem to solve and a place to experiment and that's why Nintendo will keep returning to the series.
Yeah…no. It’s because of Miyamoto. When he’s gone the series will stop unless Nintendo figures it out before he’s gone.
I know what I am proposing does not satisfy Nintendo's philosophy of being creative and taking franchises to new places, but I think a Star Fox game that is basically "Star Fox 64, but bigger" would make a lot of people (including me) happy.
Command wasn't a success either, it was kind of a "scrap everything Assault has done" release. But Assault performed well enough to be a Player's Choice title.

Potential is still there but a new title needs to turn some heads. Even non-Nintendo fandom ones. Big enough to put it back on gaming world map. I think Star Fox need its "BotW" moment more than any other Nintendo franchise. Even more than Kirby I think, who recently got its own.

Command wasn't even really a "back to basics" game either lol. It was trying to be more of its own unique thing, being a strategy/flight simulator kinda game built around stylus controls. Even if its Arwing only unlike Adventures and Assault, it's still kind of a far cry from Star Fox's usual vehicle combat arcade shooter genre, which SF1, SF2, SF64 and even Assault and Zero fall under.

For the record, Command was also a very low budget experimental release so while obviously not a monster hit, I don't think Nintendo lost any real money on it, IIRC Dylan Cuthbert said the game actually sold better than expected. Like his company Q Games were brought back to work on Star Fox 64 3D, so I don't really think Nintendo was that upset over it.
Yeah…no. It’s because of Miyamoto. When he’s gone the series will stop unless Nintendo figures it out before he’s gone.

And guess who currently works at Nintendo and has a significant influence on the games that get made? Miyamoto . So what exactly are you disagreeing with?
I don’t get the appeal of a modern Star Fox in general, if you are going to revamp and make the series a totally different thing it makes more sense imo to just make a new IP to not be limited by Star Fox elements
I still do think there's a lot one can do with Star Fox as an arcade shooter.

I'll just repost this again:

I really do think people need to realize that Star Fox was never really even meant to be purely a "rail-shooter", SF1 and SF64 were only even that purely because of technical limitations. Dylan Cuthbert has said this many times.

Star Fox 2 is literally living, breathing proof that the series was never going to stay on-rails for too long. There's literally no traditional rail-shooting in that game, just all ranged mode and third person shooting with the Walkers. Star Fox, if anything, was always meant to be a vehicular combat arcade shooter, not necessarily just a rail-shooter.

For the record, that means I do think turning SF into "furry mass effect" is a stupid idea. I just wish people had more imagination and realize there's still a lot more one can do with a "arcade shooter" outside of just "uh just make Star Fox 64 with new levels", I think Star Fox 2 is a perfect example of that. There's lots of things one could properly build upon from SF1, SF2, SF64 and even the "lesser" installments like Assault, Command and Zero.

For example; multiple different playable ships and characters, selecting a different leader character and three wingmen for different missions with those wingmen having different specific abilities that come into play in those missions, more weapons besides lasers and smart bombs, earning currency from combat and using to buy ship upgrades and items, Wing Commander-style hub worlds, more complex level designs kinda like the Zoness revisit from Zero that aren't really on-rails but are still linear in nature with different areas to explore with branching paths, third person shooter stages with the Walkers or even the pilots jumping out on-foot and switching between vehicles like in Assault (but actually good), etc
I'd be interested in a Starfox roguelike, Hades style. Levels changing and each death you end in some sci-fi time loop or alternate dimension until you defeat Andross and his doohickey that's causing it all.

Or if you hate roguelikes then even Deathloop style (I loved that game) Same story idea as above but the levels are structured and you play them at different times of days or take different alternate paths until you find out how to win within the timeframe

I'm having more thoughts as I type this, sorry 😂 the whole time loop thing/dimension thing could be a subtle nod to how Zero remade Corneria etc Fox has always been in a loop saving the same place but didn't really know until now

ill stop now 😬
I thought the general consensus was that Star Fox Grand Prix turned out to be the DLC racing add on for Starlink?

If anyone is working on a new Star Fox right now I bet it’s Namco Bandai, hell maybe that rumour of them working on a remaster of Nintendo action game is Star Fox Assault
I think people started to throw around that it might have been the Starlink DLC because they couldn’t accept they were played for months by fake information.

I’m not saying the insiders who talked about it were doing it on purpose though. I think they were played too.
Can you believe that it's been 10 years since everyone reported that Miyamoto had retired and then a day later Nintendo said "No he fucking didn't"?
I'd be interested in a Starfox roguelike, Hades style. Levels changing and each death you end in some sci-fi time loop or alternate dimension until you defeat Andross and his doohickey that's causing it all.

Or if you hate roguelikes then even Deathloop style (I loved that game) Same story idea as above but the levels are structured and you play them at different times of days or take different alternate paths until you find out how to win within the timeframe

I'm having more thoughts as I type this, sorry 😂 the whole time loop thing/dimension thing could be a subtle nod to how Zero remade Corneria etc Fox has always been in a loop saving the same place but didn't really know until now

ill stop now 😬

Star Fox 2 actually already kinda has roguelike elements lol.
This one knows 🤘
#TeamBackBacon :love:

I always wanted a Star Fox when you do the missions and after go explore and talk with the members like a Normandy in Mass Effect. The more you talk and do side quests for them the more they help in battle. Heck, if you really want to sell Star Fox nowdays, put romance and whatevar.
That'd actually be really cool to get some more story into it!

Apparently Liam never even said anything about a new Star Fox?

Now I'm all confused.


The frustrating thing about Star Fox is that it never feels like it's iterating on what it's done before outside of SNES/64 stuff. Either Assault or Command would've been fine entries to draw from in expanding what they can do with the gameplay, but then we got Zero which went in yet another direction, and whatever comes next will go off somewhere else. You end up with entries that do rail shooting pretty well because that's what the OGs got right, and then some other thing that may or may not work out alongside that. Hard to sell the brand when the coherent identity is based entirely on games from the 90s.
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