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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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Seems like a good package! First F-Zero 99 and now this, shoutout to NST
The NST comeback has definitely been an unexpected surprise. Very cool to see them back out of the "development support" mines and regaining some independence

e: not to put the cart before the horse, but maybe if we're lucky someday we'll see them take another crack at Wave Race or 1080 like they did on Gamecube
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The new Mario Vs Donkey Kong trailer is definitely an interesting development for the Direct speculation front. Not sure what it could mean exactly yet.

Simply as a trailer though, heck yeah! I was already picking it up since I liked the original game, but 50ish new levels is awesome especially since they haven’t made one like it since!
This is what I want from remakes with Nintendo now. Apparently the GBA version of Mario vs DK had 84 levels and this has over 130. They added around 50 new levels. The value looks a whole lot better for people at $50.
And they’re not cooing about the new levels in the marketing, just the total number- The only reason they wouldn’t be (Especially when the hardcore likely to look for the first new trailer are those asking the $50 question) is if they plan to in a Direct. And the game releases February 16th, would they make big announcements the same week a game comes out? Probably not.

February 6th, Nintendo Direct, lock it in.
The new Mario Vs Donkey Kong trailer is definitely an interesting development for the Direct speculation front. Not sure what it could mean exactly yet.

Simply as a trailer though, heck yeah! I was already picking it up since I liked the original game, but 50ish new levels is awesome especially since they haven’t made one like it since!
It does feel a bit early for that doesn’t it? The game is still over a month out. I would take it as three possibilities:

1) This was just a set of basically reminder tweets coming back from the holiday break - “hey remember these are our games coming in Q1!” - because the Direct isn’t going to be for several weeks and they want to get them back in the public eye sooner.

2) The Direct wasn’t really going to feature Mario vs. DK much anyway - probably just a quick mention, or even a sizzle reel spot

(Similar to 2):

3) They’re going to get a lot of currently-known game trailers and other info out now to clean up a bit before the Direct which will focus on a lot of new stuff. Maybe even earlier Switch 2 than we thought?

Bonus: It doesn’t really mean anything and it’s just small bits of marketing. They have another trailer for DK they’ll have in the Direct that’s more in-depth so showing this one now is just pacing things out.

I still highly doubt we’re getting anything Switch 2 before March, and also doubt they have enough brand new stuff to warrant the #3 option. So IMO it’s just reminders.
Forget predicting the Direct date; the new contest is to predict when Zippo will claim the Direct was originally scheduled for January but "slipped a week" into February.
I actually hope Derachi's stated date ends up correct because that shit's timestamped 🤣
I remembered you had a post for this last year in this thread Derachi so you qualify, do you want me to add you to the badge challenge in the OP? You get a cool badge if you get the right date :)
This is what I want from remakes with Nintendo now. Apparently the GBA version of Mario vs DK had 84 levels and this has over 130. They added around 50 new levels. The value looks a whole lot better for people at $50.
This! I was on the fence but I’m in day one on this one!! Maybe they’ll get me back with Luigi’s Mansion 2 once more is known.
Derachi plus seven others :)
My question with the Direct for the 7th speculation is that Nintendo has an Earnings release on the 6th.

Do they tend to do Directs like a day or two after Earnings releases?
I want to say they have had them nearby before. Someone here probably keeps track of that.
My question with the Direct for the 7th speculation is that Nintendo has an Earnings release on the 6th.

Do they tend to do Directs like a day or two after Earnings releases?
Given how their fiscal year works and when they put their earning reports out (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/earnings/index.html), I think February is the only time a general direct can normally line up with an earnings release, and while it doesn't always happen, it also doesn't never happen.

For example, looks like last year they had an earnings release on February 7th, and then a direct on February 8th. However, in 2022 the earnings release was on the 3rd and the direct was on the 9th
Can you please add me also to the badge challenge? I'm guessing Jan 17th.
Sorry I can’t! The badge challenge was open for guesses at the start of the thread until New Years Eve at 11:59PM. Anyone who had an unedited post with their prediction in this thread qualified.

If I or anyone else wants to run the same challenge for a future show, the Direct Badge is in the system, so it might be available to claim again in the future.
Decided to threadmark today’s Mario Vs Donkey Kong Trailer for easy reference.

The first two full weeks of February in the current absence of a Peach Trailer and a Switch 2 announcement seem the most likely candidates for a Direct. If we don’t get a Peach Trailer ahead of time, I’ll probably be gravitating more towards the February 7th week versus the Valentine’s Day week I was originally leaning towards. The latter has Mario Vs DK in it which would seem weird to go in, but I think with Mario on the box Nintendo wouldn’t be worried about overshadowing it. They definitely need to tell us about Peach soon since that’s the big final game of the year, so if they don’t talk about it this week, I think we are on track for the earlier February week.
One more thought while I’m here, when I originally picked my February 15th date I forgot to account for shadow drop potential. If we get a shadowdrop, the prior week makes more sense since why would they double up on releases.
One more thought while I’m here, when I originally picked my February 15th date I forgot to account for shadow drop potential. If we get a shadowdrop, the prior week makes more sense since why would they double up on releases.
I'd have to pull up the exact data but IIRC they don't seem to mind doing Directs the week before or after a release, but I don't think they ever do them the week of. Might be an exception to that but I seem to remember looking that up before. So the week of the 15th seems less likely.
2) The Direct wasn’t really going to feature Mario vs. DK much anyway - probably just a quick mention, or even a sizzle reel spot

This. Nintendo did the same for Pikmin 4 before June 2023 Direct.

I haven't changed my mind. I think the next Direct will be at 7th or 8th February :D
Weekly Questions Week 3
Our first two weeks of this thread have flown by and while we of course can’t rule anything out as Nintendo has a regular degree of unpredictability in their actions, after this week of speculation it seems we are getting a clearer consensus on when to expect the next Nintendo Direct! Before this week’s discussion question, the only greater thread business I want to touch on is we did have a fun new poll this past week. It will close somewhere on Friday night or on Saturday and be replaced with a new poll given it was tied to this week specifically. While inspiration may strike, I’ll just say if you have suggestions for fun polls that can garner 300+ votes by all means share them in thread. I do read every post here even when it gets wild :) Onto this week’s question then!

Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.

For my own answer, a new 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4 are definitely my top two. It’s been far too long since Odyssey and certainly too long since Prime 3 so I really want these two games to be there ideally at launch. I’d also like to a see a Definitive Edition of Xenoblade Chronicles X on Switch 2 in year 1 that adds a significant amount of new story and perhaps a new area to explore somehow. With the trilogy done, I really want to get back to Mira and open world Xenoblade and I think a Definitive Edition done right would really be a showpiece for the system. For my fourth and final pick, I’m going to pick a new Advance Wars game. It won’t be a graphical showcase I imagine, but it’s something that done right I’d be playing for years to come.
Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.

I guess all of those are likely to be cross-gen releases, but I want to see them asap during Switch 2's life either way.
  • Monolith Soft's next release: Whether it's going to be an all-new game or a remaster (I second X Definitive Edition would be great since I never got the chance to play it), I'm really looking forward to see their next game, and it releasing on new hardware is a bonus.
  • Metroid Prime 4: We have waited for so long. I need it yesterday, but I'm going to settle for a year one release for Switch 2.
  • Fire Emblem: We'll probably get the rumored FE4 remake next, and I'm looking forward to that one.
  • New 2D Zelda: I'm really grasping at straws here, but we haven't gotten a new 2D Zelda game since –checks notes– A Link Between Worlds in 2013. Come on, Nintendo. It is time, treat the classic Zelda fanbase. At least throw us another remake if nobody wants to make a new one. Minish Cap's 20th is coming up, just saying.
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Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.
1. Chrono Break
Why: because it's me. I've wanted this for decades, it's time. Whether they follow in Cross' footsteps and do a semi-overhead 3D style, or they go full FF and make a modern, graphically intense game that knocks everyone's eyes out, either way it would be a lovely, hype-filled showcase for the new system. And with the story revolving around time-travel you could revisit some of the locations from Trigger with modern graphics and exploration, which'd be a fun way to get that FFVIIR-style revisitation without having to remake (and possibly goof up) the original. It's like a safe best-of-both-worlds way to go. And if the Switch 2 ends up being Super Nintendo themed, what better system to herald the return of Chrono??

2. MonolithSoft Fantasy Game
Why: I'm still mesmerized by the concept art and I really, really want it to be real. I know it's been years and I don't care. Action game or otherwise, I want to play that concept art in a game made by Monolith. I wanna see what worlds Honne can design with that level of power. I want.

3. New Star Fox
Why: I'd love to see a gorgeous, high-spec Star Fox game. My gameplay desires have been covered in other threads but to recap I'm totally on Team Keep Them In The Ships, even if it goes open world or something. But I'd still love to have the mix of linear and all-range that they had in 64, just done really well. Zero was so close. I believe they can do something amazing, especially with the power of the 2.

4. ya know what fuck it, Shenmue Trilogy (with announcement of Shenmue IV)
Why: I don't like how Shenmue 1&2 is a separate thing from Shenmue III, which itself is so different that it's jarring. If Deep Silver were able to come together with Sega and do a co-release, maybe even nudge Suzuki to do some QOL improvements on III, then the whole thing as a pack could be pretty appealing. I just really think this historic series should be playable on Switch, and with the Switch 2 there'll be enough power to run Shenmue III without downgrades. Not that it's a particularly groundbreaking game graphically, but that's something at least. And the Switch Sales Bump™ could give them the help they need to get a final game off the ground.

Anyway those are the dream picks. I have no realistic ones.
wait so they just randomly drop a trailer that says " oh by the way, this game has new content"

I really hope for most of the Social Media / Marketing Team that they don’t know much about such things before hand. Imagine how frustrating it must be people talking how disappointing it is that a game is just a port while you could clarify that by just a simple tweet but aren‘t allowed because of 'reasons'.
Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.

I guess all of those are likely to be cross-gen releases, but I want to see them asap during Switch 2's life either way.
  • Monolith Soft's next release: Whether it's going to be an all-new game or a remaster (I second X Definitive Edition would be great since I never got the chance to play it), I'm really looking forward to see their next game, and it releasing on new hardware is a bonus.
  • Metroid Prime 4: We have waited for so long. I need it yesterday, but I'm going to settle for a year one release for Switch 2.
  • Fire Emblem: We'll probably get the rumored FE4 remake next, and I'm looking forward to that one.
  • New 2D Zelda: I'm really grasping at straws here, but we haven't gotten a new 2D Zelda game since –checks notes– A Link Between Worlds in 2013. Come on, Nintendo. It is time, treat the classic Zelda fanbase. At least throw us another remake if nobody wants to make a new one. Minish Cap's 20th is coming up, just saying.
MP4 : could be a good move to do that.
Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.

Realistic: new 3D Mario, something with the magic of Galaxy 1. Odyssey was great technically, but it just didn't pull me in the way Galaxy/64 did in the past. I sank so many hundreds of hours into 64 and Galaxy both that I'm itching for something that plays like them, but new. My best friend and I are on opposite ends of the platformer vs explorative Mario Preference Scale, so since she just got Wonder, I'd love to get my preferred style next.

Mid-Level: FE4R coming out as a cross-gen release. Released for the Switch this May for the anniversary and then re-released (special edition? dlc included? baked-in preorder for FE5R? who knows) upgraded for Switch 2. I love Genealogy and after being disappointed with Engage on every level I'd love to have a souped-up, supports-added, QOL-enhanced FE4 to play when Admissions Season starts slowing down for the summer. Plus I'm the only one of my group of fire emblem fan friends who's played Genealogy (2 others know the story, 1 is vaguely familiar but doesn't know big pieces, and 1 is blissfully and purposefully in the dark), so I want to watch their reactions to Certain Plot Events.

Pipe Dream: JB HAROLD MURDER CLUB, please, please, please...i am but a humble detective game enjoyer and would like to Partake of it. It's on the JP Switch so maybe it's not too pipe-y -- but it's definitely pie in the air, if not pie in the sky.
Hot take:
All of the "big" games still expected for Switch (Sailor Peach, FE4 Remake, Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 4) should be cross-gen and have Switch 2 versions, simply to not have them being drowned by the new console hype.

Buuuuuut given we're pretty much all expecting Switch 2 to have BC with Switch 1, it's "less" of a problem if they don't have Switch 2 SKUs.
At least, situations like back on 3DS with FE Echoes and Samus Returns Remake, where they were pretty much left behind on a dying system, aren't repeating with BC.

Though, Retro is a very tech-focused dev, so having a polished up Switch 2 version of Metroid Prime 4 is a pretty good idea.
I honestly think that all 2024 Nintendo Switch games will have a upgraded version

There is no reason why and make the Switch 2 appear as having more games that it actually have
If Golden Sun isn’t announced today for NSO

I will continuously say “because Nintendo” in negative connotations due to severe case of pettiness
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• No January or February Direct
• We’ll get Twitter Direct
• Princess Peach Showtime will get a 5-10 minute gameplay video a la TOTK. Maybe an eShop demo
• Nintendo announces Switch 2 trailer Sunday, February 4th for the next day: Monday, February 5th, a day before Nintendo the results day
— Or it could be announced on the 6th after the briefing, for a Wednesday release
Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.
Wave Race - This is at the very top of my list for any console but I think the time is finally right to bring Wave Race back. The Switch 2 looks like it's a pretty big leap which should allow them to make a beautiful game with a complex physics system. Mainly want something that's closer to the N64 entry in mechanics, aesthetics and sound with new courses and remade classic ones, a new soundtrack by Kazumi Totaka, and online multiplayer. Other stuff I’d like to see is a bigger Dolphin Park, perhaps with unlockable areas and secrets, and more options for water conditions and weather. I loved how you could set the water from calm to very choppy in the original and think that’s something they could expand on which would also add a lot of variety to the courses.

Donkey Kong - This feels like a pipe-dream for various reasons, or rather a Year 2 release but I’ll mention it here anyway. They’ve been mistreating my boy for long enough. 2D or 3D I don’t really care as long as it’s as good as Tropical Freeze.

Buddy Mission Bond - I can’t believe this still hasn’t been released outside of Japan. Looks super unique and has an amazing soundtrack from what’ve listened to. Apparently there have been multiple live concerts so they’re not completely done with it but it stinks that there’s seemingly no sign of an English localization. I know it’s an OG Switch game but maybe they could rerelease it with a bonus scenario or something.

Metroid Prime 4 - This is somewhat self-explanatory. It was one of the first games they announced for the system and Retro’s first original project in a decade. At this point I just wanna see it, regardless of what shape it’s taken (though I’d obviously prefer if it was good).
Our first two weeks of this thread have flown by and while we of course can’t rule anything out as Nintendo has a regular degree of unpredictability in their actions, after this week of speculation it seems we are getting a clearer consensus on when to expect the next Nintendo Direct! Before this week’s discussion question, the only greater thread business I want to touch on is we did have a fun new poll this past week. It will close somewhere on Friday night or on Saturday and be replaced with a new poll given it was tied to this week specifically. While inspiration may strike, I’ll just say if you have suggestions for fun polls that can garner 300+ votes by all means share them in thread. I do read every post here even when it gets wild :) Onto this week’s question then!

Week 3 - What four games would you like to see most in Year 1 for Switch 2 and why? You can pick either realistic or dream guesses.

For my own answer, a new 3D Mario and Metroid Prime 4 are definitely my top two. It’s been far too long since Odyssey and certainly too long since Prime 3 so I really want these two games to be there ideally at launch. I’d also like to a see a Definitive Edition of Xenoblade Chronicles X on Switch 2 in year 1 that adds a significant amount of new story and perhaps a new area to explore somehow. With the trilogy done, I really want to get back to Mira and open world Xenoblade and I think a Definitive Edition done right would really be a showpiece for the system. For my fourth and final pick, I’m going to pick a new Advance Wars game. It won’t be a graphical showcase I imagine, but it’s something that done right I’d be playing for years to come.
1. Monolith Soft New IP

Monolith Soft has proven to be exceptional at making JRPGs, but I do feel they need to stretch their legs and make other genres. The rumors of it being an Action-RPG sound enticing, I'd love to see their take on something like Final Fantasy 16 or something akin to that. A mature medieval setting with fleshed out characters would be stellar. i also want to see how they handle themselves on new hardware as well.

2. New 3d Mario

Pretty self-explanatory. Nintendo makes good games, I just want a solid 3d mario that uses next-gen hardware in creative ways

3. Metroid Prime 4

Again, very obvious. Prime as a series is one I haven't had the oppotunity to enjoy like other Nintendo series, but they're very quality and I'd like to see a true graphical showcase and fun first-person shooter again.

4. Next-Gen Upgrades for all Struggling Switch 1 titles

This doesn't really count for the purposes of this list as a whole, but there are a lot of titles from the Switch 1 that I want to see get upgrades to their graphics, resolution and framerate. If they can make the Xenoblade trilogy finally run at 60fps, I'll be a very happy man.
Wave Race - This is at the very top of my list for any console but I think the time is finally right to bring Wave Race back. The Switch 2 looks like it's a pretty big leap which should allow them to make a beautiful game with a complex physics system. Mainly want something that's closer to the N64 entry in mechanics, aesthetics and sound with new courses and remade classic ones, a new soundtrack by Kazumi Totaka, and online multiplayer. Other stuff I’d like to see is a bigger Dolphin Park, perhaps with unlockable areas and secrets, and more options for water conditions and weather. I loved how you could set the water from calm to very choppy in the original and think that’s something they could expand on which would also add a lot of variety to the courses.

Donkey Kong - This feels like a pipe-dream for various reasons, or rather a Year 2 release but I’ll mention it here anyway. They’ve been mistreating my boy for long enough. 2D or 3D I don’t really care as long as it’s as good as Tropical Freeze.

Buddy Mission Bond - I can’t believe this still hasn’t been released outside of Japan. Looks super unique and has an amazing soundtrack from what’ve listened to. Apparently there have been multiple live concerts so they’re not completely done with it but it stinks that there’s seemingly no sign of an English localization. I know it’s an OG Switch game but maybe they could rerelease it with a bonus scenario or something.

Metroid Prime 4 - This is somewhat self-explanatory. It was one of the first games they announced for the system and Retro’s first original project in a decade. At this point I just wanna see it, regardless of what shape it’s taken (though I’d obviously prefer if it was good).
I really hope we get more racing games on Switch 2 from Nintendo than just Mario Kart. Wave Race would be so cool to see come back. Would love a new extra fancy F-Zero too.
I really hope we get more racing games on Switch 2 from Nintendo than just Mario Kart. Wave Race would be so cool to see come back. Would love a new extra fancy F-Zero too.
Wave Race with particle simulation and ray reconstruction.

F-Zero using fast loading to have expansive tracks loading in and out as you race on them.

We could see some incredible stuff from Switch 2.

Ooor we could just see Switch 1 level graphics with a smattering of RT 😅

Up to Nintendo.
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