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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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"Rather than making the Nintendo Switch 2, we decided to regress to 2009. We hope that everyone enjoys losing the functionality that made us billions."
"Nintendo's next new thing must be another home console because it's the only way they can squeeze out power" is intense copium and contradicts the premise of the doomposting
Mood music

Just sitting here drinking some tea with a few more minutes before I have to switch into "work mode". Who truly knows if today is the day we get the announcement? We probably will but if we don't? Oh well. There's always tomorrow or next week, or next month. The great cycle continues.

I've flitted in and out of this thread over the course of... nearly 3 months now. Wow, has it really been that long? Think back on how hopeful we were for E3 timing. Then the chaos. And the pattern analysis. Always the patterns right? And then... hope again as TGS time came closer.

Like I said, the cycle continues.

@Raccoon you did a hell of a job with this thread, keeping it going and rebooting it when it was needed. Thank you for playing the MC role to a T with this thread and I hope you're not so burned out from it that you won't do so again in the future.

To everyone else, there's too many names to single out, thank you for being part of this wonderful community and all of your own individual contributions to this thread. We couldn't have made it to 700+ pages without each and every one of you. And I would say that even though this thread has had its ups and downs it's been relatively chill and calm and just a lot of good vibes. Yea, there's been the occasional drama flare up but nothing so bad that it's spilled into other threads (that I've seen) or resulted in bans or the thread getting locked. Again, thank you.

My cup is now dry and looking at the clock I don't have much time left.

Hopefully we get the word from on high that we've been waiting for. And if the Direct doesn't satisfy, well there's always TGS in a few days.

I wish you all luck today...
Just to entertain that crazy post a bit while longer. Perhaps companies like Square Enix, Ubisoft, Take 2, etc are scared shitless that they've gone all in big time on ps5/xs exclusives, and thus far the software sales aren't making the return on investment needed to justify that action. If you've invested in several "most expensive projects ever need to sell 5 million+ to break even" for cutting edge hardware, and the market is telling you "we're good with gaas, subscriptions, and waiting for games on sale" you probably do feel a crash is coming. Not an industry wide crash, but a repeat of what we saw in the 00's when gaming went HD and we had tons of studios close.
Right. I still don’t see why so many of those companies essentially ignore the Switch. You’d think 100M consoles + lower development costs would count for something, but apparently not.

In any case, “an industry shaking merger will be announced soon” is probably the easiest prediction to make during an era of pretty intense industry consolidation.
Well, ask Nate and Emily, Grubb, etc. or the people affialted with a Nintendo on this site.

It isn’t a fever dream. Of course take with a grain of salt.

All I am saying is…some games are only playable at HOME.

Which really isn’t that big of a deal. It is better than not getting the games at all.

Again, I’m not an insider or looking for clout. Talk to the “personalities” in here you trust. Some of them DO have the information.

*i actually won’t even be keeping the account *.

I don’t know about individual titles outside a small handful.

I do not even know if the Direct tomorrow is real. I just sit and read the info you all provided and am entertained at times, concerned at other times.

Have REALISTIC expectations going forward. No one reinvents the wheel anymore. Steve jobs is dead. Everything is iterative now.

As for the the important sections. That was the real point of the post.
this was written by an AI
I had a very convincing dream last night that Nintendo finally announced ARMS 2 and was so disappointed when I woke up. Nintendo please don’t let me down like Dream Nintendo did.
Im...not shure what that has to do with reinventing wheels and stuff...

Well see if one of those 2 comments on it, as it stands, its just to out there to asume its true.

Just to entertain that crazy post a bit while longer. Perhaps companies like Square Enix, Ubisoft, Take 2, etc are scared shitless that they've gone all in big time on ps5/xs exclusives, and thus far the software sales aren't making the return on investment needed to justify that action. If you've invested in several "most expensive projects ever need to sell 5 million+ to break even" for cutting edge hardware, and the market is telling you "we're good with gaas, subscriptions, and waiting for games on sale" you probably do feel a crash is coming. Not an industry wide crash, but a repeat of what we saw in the 00's when gaming went HD and we had tons of studios close.
Well... thats hardly the industry, and there are still games that will make the money back.
I just hope "were good with gaas, subscriptions and sales" is not taken serious.
I would really have to move to only indies if that happens xD
And I would say that even though this thread has had its ups and downs it's been relatively chill and calm and just a lot of good vibes. Yea, there's been the occasional drama flare up but nothing so bad that it's spilled into other threads (that I've seen) or resulted in bans or the thread getting locked. Again, thank you.
yes, this thread went pretty well despite lasting so long and mostly running on fumes
I hope they announce a full-fledged Pyoro game as a launch title for the new console.
That really sounds like a fever dream. i mean, did you see the sales and earnings of those companies? "crash" my ass.
And its not even a niche interest like back in the 80ties, its a core pillar of our culture (just look at fortnite....)
What could be is that some companies realize that they have misscalculated and that THEY are seeking for help, but for shure not the industry.

And a switch home...i really dont see it. Or lets say it this way:
if, then only as an aditional cheaper SKU to a normal release. Like: Switch Pro for 450€ and switch home for 300€.
Since we asume that the PRO will increase in price and they maybe thought: for the original switch it did not make sense to have a marginally cheaper sku, but here the gap gets big enough.

Mind you, i still dont belive it. if anything, they will market the normal switch as the "Entry" model.

I agree that the games industry is definitely not going to crash anytime soon, and the past 10 years of near limitless growth has cemented some very strong new revenue streams that make it more robust (and harder to accurately measure) - mobile, digital, dlc, mtx, subs, esports etc. etc.

However, it's also undeniable that it's in the most perrillous period right now than it has been for decades. Hardware cannot meet demand (but the demand is definitely there at least). Game development has been thrown all over the place. Staff retention is really low (all industries not just gaming) and getting the skilled workforce is harder and more expensive. The global economy nosedive will definitely be felt.

I believe it's safe enough and will ride out the next couple of years just fine... but food for thought...

Nintendo are obviously safe, but there's no doubt their hardware plans have had to change.
Microsoft are rich and safe in diversity of product but the new console has launched dreadfully.
EA have a lot riding on their new football IP and they will be very nervous about this.
Sony are definitely hurting... but also rich. But also hurting... PS5 is an absolute disaster for them. It is not going to kill them obviously, but they really need to get significant hardware on shelves this Christmas.
SEGA are always doomed(!) but they do have a lot riding on Sonic Frontiers... but Sonic will love on as always even if this proves to be another fail.
Ubisoft are robust enough you'd think, but honestly, it is not a coincidence Mario + Rabbids looks as good as it does... they have strategically given this game a huge focus. Switch has the install base for success.

Like I said... I don't believe in a crash. Not at all. It's definitely the worst it has been in a long, long time though.
Everyone freaking out and tried to believe that new hardware is coming soon when OLED trailer went private will be my favorite memory from this thread.
If BotW2 is mentioned in the tweet, I’ll freak out a bit and make the whole “well, now I’m a moderator, so I have to make sure that I write my post in a dignified and mature manner” a tad difficult.
If BotW2 is mentioned in the tweet, I’ll freak out a bit and make the whole “well, now I’m a moderator, so I have to make sure that I write my post in a dignified and mature manner” a tad difficult.
Nintendo doesn't play by the rules and neither do we
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