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StarTopic Xenoblade 3 |ST| Σ Become One

Just so everybody knows, each party member does have hidden base stats. So each party member is not exactly the same as the others.
For example, Eunie objectively has the best base Healing stat and Taion objectively has the best Dexterity. Noah is pretty even across the board.

This was deduced from several of us calculating stat differences across multiple equally-leveled party members across equally-leveled classes with no equipment.

More info can be found here.
The very quick summary is that unlock classes on the non inheritors based upon an invisible stat called succession points. The only reason we know that name before datamining is one of the amiibo prizes is "succession points". The formula is something like this

If enemies are more then 5 levels below the parties you get 0 SP

If enemies aren't more than 5 levels below, you get SP based upon the number of characters in that class (including the hero) and of course class affinity impacts how quickly the class unlocks for each character.

If you have 6 characters in the class, even the D rank affinity character will unlock the class very quickly.
So it basically still depends on the affinity but punishes killing low-level enemies. This may explain why when I was super over-leveled (start of Ch 5) no one learned the tank class unlocked at the start of the chapter. Either way, is not the best idea considering that the game clearly incentivates doing side content and exploring, thus being over-leveled.

I wonder if this game could be better with auto-leveling of main story enemies. Exploration needs to remain as it is, but having a story boss at a decent level to have a fun fight seems a logical improvement over the formula the series has been using. It doesn's utterly destroys the experience like it dit for me in Elden Ring (killing most of the late game bosses at the first try is not what I want from a Souls game at all), because XC still has cutscenes, story, exploration.... but makes the big story bosses a joke.
I wonder if this game could be better with auto-leveling of main story enemies. Exploration needs to remain as it is, but having a story boss at a decent level to have a fun fight seems a logical improvement over the formula the series has been using. It doesn's utterly destroys the experience like it dit for me in Elden Ring (killing most of the late game bosses at the first try is not what I want from a Souls game at all), because XC still has cutscenes, story, exploration.... but makes the big story bosses a joke.
This would be good.
My thought was that they should limit XP gain so that any XP you gain after you reach the recommended level for the current story objective is "banked" as bonus XP and can be redeemed at camps. So if you want to be overlevelled, you can. But otherwise, you can stay stuck at lev.20 until you're done with all the side-quests in chapter 3.

The thing is, DE already kind of solved this problem.
I've heard people say that the system can be abused to gain XP, but, like, so what??
I am missing only 1 class at this point, but I can say with certainty that Agnus classes are just bonkers, especially the Healer classes. I just love them.
Yeah this post if you hated yourself and you did complete Ursula's affinity tree.

Self-yeahs this post

I did it.
It wasn't THAT awful over the runtime of the game. Let it run in the background and use it to level up all your other blades.

If I didn't feel like going into the menu to send her on another merc mission, I simply didn't do it. Not a big deal.
Of course, if you have the misfortunate of getting her late game...

In any case, I still think it's much less tedious than the dumplings bullshit. Fuck THAT.
Also there was one blade that required you to jump an absurd number of times. I put over 200 hours into the game and wasn't even halfway.
Also there was one blade that required you to jump an absurd number of times. I put over 200 hours into the game and wasn't even halfway.

There is one specific spot in Tantal where you can glitch Rex and his jump animation is cut short, making the jump spam faster.
I think part of my problem with it is a personal problem, and that's that I haven't really been able to "enjoy" it because I'm just constantly shifting people around to be learning new classes while still in a roughly-balanced party makeup. I COULD try to really build out my whole party in what I think is the best and has the best skills and arts, but then I wouldn't be learning anything new, and my brain simply won't allow me to do that.

One thing that would be very very nice is if there were party loadouts you could save. Like, "Party Config #1" which saves the class, assigned arts, gems, accessories, and assigned skills (and Hero) for the entire party that you can just activate with the click of one button.
..now, the "Config. #1" set up would be neat
The very quick summary is that unlock classes on the non inheritors based upon an invisible stat called succession points. The only reason we know that name before datamining is one of the amiibo prizes is "succession points". The formula is something like this

If enemies are more then 5 levels below the parties you get 0 SP

If enemies aren't more than 5 levels below, you get SP based upon the number of characters in that class (including the hero) and of course class affinity impacts how quickly the class unlocks for each character.

If you have 6 characters in the class, even the D rank affinity character will unlock the class very quickly.

So, you are punished for fighting too much and being over levelled. That's the reason my healers can't learn the war medic class even after a whole chapter has passed. In a game that incentivates you to do side quests. Great to know, class system getting better all the time... /s

Also, why the game hides the "evasion" stat? Some items grant you evasion, but the stat doesn't appear in your character stat list. (Why it's needed an evasion stat when you already have agility, I don't know either).
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I don't remember launched enemies spinning this fast in 2.

I'm not complaining, it's just that sometimes I hit the wrong button because I'm laughing too hard.
Affinity Charts were, most of the times, a masked version of the mundane sidequests in Xc1. Kill X Ys, collect X Ys...

Xc3 side content is far better than aff. charts or the long sidequest chains of Xc1 (anyone here remembers the silly "I dream with monsters" chain of quests on Frontier Village?).

But there is still too many quests in Xc3 that make you collect nonsense, you are enjoying some nice conversations and combats and then the quests stops to make you collect X Ys again... I feel that late sidequests are specially bad with this, but it may be may fault as I'm doing most of them now before the end.
I don't remember launched enemies spinning this fast in 2.

I'm not complaining, it's just that sometimes I hit the wrong button because I'm laughing too hard.
It's especially funny when you do a chain attack while they're launched. I initiated a chain attack while the final boss of Chapter 2 was launched and I still was being really slow and careful in figuring out what to do, so she just kinda kept spinning the whole time, lol
But there is still too many quests in Xc3 that make you collect nonsense, you are enjoying some nice conversations and combats and then the quests stops to make you collect X Ys again... I feel that late sidequests are specially bad with this, but it may be may fault as I'm doing most of them now before the end.

I went something like 55 hours before encountering these (exception: Big Fucking Friend), and when they started coming up I was just like.. "... here we go."

There's a lot of talk about how good the side content in this game is, and so far, to me, the hero quests have just been less varied versions of the Blade Quests in 2. But I think maybe by front-loading the game with THEM instead of the tedious "I need all the ingredients" quests, Monolith have managed to present a better overall image of what the side content actually is. Also, obviously, by the time you start getting those quests, you're more likely to already have the items. But the downside is that you're LESS likely to be incentivised to Mario-collect all the orbs up until that point, and you're not going to see those super-tempting blue sidequest markers on top of various orbs that could lead you to interesting places.
So, you are punished for fighting too much and being over levelled. That's the reason my healers can't learn the war medic class even after a whole chapter has passed. In a game that incentivates you to do side quests. Great to know, class system getting better all the time... /s

Also, why the game hides the "evasion" stat? Some items grant you evasion, but the stat doesn't appear in your character stat list.

Also, you know how they could solve that issue? Letting you lower your level in the camps, same as Xenoblade DE, but hey... let's take useful QOL features even if they are made to solve our design issues.
So, you are punished for fighting too much and being over levelled. That's the reason my healers can't learn the war medic class even after a whole chapter has passed. In a game that incentivates you to do side quests. Great to know, class system getting better all the time... /s

Also, why the game hides the "evasion" stat? Some items grant you evasion, but the stat doesn't appear in your character stat list.
Agility is the evasion stat. These games usually handle hit/evade rates in a simple way:
100 + Attacker's Dexterity - Target's Agility.

I think when an effect says it increases evasion it's talking about your final evade rate. So if a monster with 50 DEX attacks a character with 60 AGI, the evade rate would be 10%. If a skill or something says it increases evasion by some amount, I believe it's applied to that 10% evade rate rather than the 60 agility.
ngl all this talk of Blades and affinity trees is giving me the urge to do a XC2 replay. I might have to do Soul Hackers 2 in between as a palate cleanser though, that’s a lot of Xenoblade
Watching these early chapter 5 cutscenes, and I have to say... They need to do something about the.. Physics... engine...
If you're talking about Monica then uh.. yeah.

I noticed it a little throughout the game but was kinda pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as outrageous or intrusive as I've seen before, until.. yeah. Chapter 5. 🤷‍♂️
Agility is the evasion stat. These games usually handle hit/evade rates in a simple way:
100 + Attacker's Dexterity - Target's Agility.

I think when an effect says it increases evasion it's talking about your final evade rate. So if a monster with 50 DEX attacks a character with 60 AGI, the evade rate would be 10%. If a skill or something says it increases evasion by some amount, I believe it's applied to that 10% evade rate rather than the 60 agility.

I see, it would be cool if that was explained or even if the accumulative evasion stat in your character was showed somewhere...

It's confusing for me because the agility stat doesn't change when the item is equipped.
Affinity Charts were, most of the times, a masked version of the mundane sidequests in Xc1. Kill X Ys, collect X Ys...

Xc3 side content is far better than aff. charts or the long sidequest chains of Xc1 (anyone here remembers the silly "I dream with monsters" chain of quests on Frontier Village?).

But there is still too many quests in Xc3 that make you collect nonsense, you are enjoying some nice conversations and combats and then the quests stops to make you collect X Ys again... I feel that late sidequests are specially bad with this, but it may be may fault as I'm doing most of them now before the end.
I have said this before, probably in this very thread, but yeah, I also felt that towards the end of the game those collectathon quests become more prominent. Two of them are actually quite ridiculous.
I see, it would be cool if that was explained or even if the accumulative evasion stat in your character was showed somewhere...

It's confusing for me because the agility stat doesn't change when the item is equipped.
There's not really an evade rate they could show because it depends on the dexterity of the enemy you're fighting.

There's also skills that offer a flat chance to evade attacks. Like tactician has one that gives a 10% chance to evade any attack, and stalker has a skill that gives something 40% chance to evade a ranged attack. They're both Master Skills, but I think these just act as separate checks rather than being added together for a 50% chance.
I passed the 100 hour mark so I decided to go ahead and finish the story.

I think if you really start to dig deep into this game, problems start to arise. Some things small, some things rather large. It's a shame that some of that stuff starts to really boil to the top by the end of the game, leaving a somewhat bad taste that could potentially taint the experience for some.

But overall, the lasting feeling for me is that this is easily my favorite in the series. The combat is leagues above the other entries, the exploration is the most rewarding it has been since X, the cast is one of the best in gaming (period), and the narrative highs are insanely high. It's a shame they somewhat dropped the ball on that front in the end, but the theme resonates and I was pleased with the overall arc.

Now I'm left in that rare state where I just don't want to start another game. I need to give it a few days and let such an amazing experience settle before moving on. My ever growing gaming appetite is appetized. Thank you Monolith Soft.

XC3 >> XC2 = XCX > XC1
I just uppercutted a giant bird boss monster like 50 times bigger than me for my first blow in the fight and it fell over.

It later got launched and spun around in the air at like 100 miles an hour too lol.
video games
The very quick summary is that unlock classes on the non inheritors based upon an invisible stat called succession points. The only reason we know that name before datamining is one of the amiibo prizes is "succession points". The formula is something like this

If enemies are more then 5 levels below the parties you get 0 SP

If enemies aren't more than 5 levels below, you get SP based upon the number of characters in that class (including the hero) and of course class affinity impacts how quickly the class unlocks for each character.

If you have 6 characters in the class, even the D rank affinity character will unlock the class very quickly.
threadmarked! great rundown!
Agility is the evasion stat. These games usually handle hit/evade rates in a simple way:
100 + Attacker's Dexterity - Target's Agility.

I think when an effect says it increases evasion it's talking about your final evade rate. So if a monster with 50 DEX attacks a character with 60 AGI, the evade rate would be 10%. If a skill or something says it increases evasion by some amount, I believe it's applied to that 10% evade rate rather than the 60 agility.

100 + 50 Dex - 60 AGI = 90, where exactly is this 10% evade rate coming from? Is the resulting 90 more of a hit rate percentage, where the remaining leftover of 10% is inherently the evade rate?
Ok I have to mention this because it really grinds my gears, whats up with Nintendo localization (don't know who worked on this) hating japanese names? We clearly have one of the nations based on japanese culture and yet they decide to go with western name for a lot of them. This was already bad in X2 but at least was consistent with all the name, but here they actually have japanese/asian names for characters in the colonies, just not the important ones. And then some of them doesn't even make sense like Nina / Alexndria, Isuru / Isurd and the worst offender Mashiro (refuse to call her Fiona)

with her name carrying meaning in the events that happens in her colony and the Consul

At least with Yuzuriha / Juniper they kept it consistent using a nature related name

Of course it later hit me that the heroes that joins you with those names have dialogs and are called constantly by their name in the events, so they probably didn't want the VA to butcher the pronunciation
In terms of 2 vs. 3 there definitely is no accounting for taste because the Blade Affinity tables were one of my most hated things in that game and I'm amazed to see people saying they miss it here.
Same, it’s the kind of thing that’s so daunting I don’t even want to attempt it. I think going for all of them would literally double or triple my playtime in XC2
Also, you know how they could solve that issue? Letting you lower your level in the camps, same as Xenoblade DE, but hey... let's take useful QOL features even if they are made to solve our design issues.
This is one thing I'll definitely agree with. With all the improvements this game has this is the strangest omission. It would allow everyone to play the game as they wish.
Just hit 50 hours and started Chapter 5, this game has me hooked
Also I really should be listening to the instructions they give you more. I just realized how to raise my Interlink level in combat after wondering why it was always stuck at lvl 0 for so long lol
So, for the Z battle(s). Please tell me they didn't make you repeat the entire thing if you died.

I was playing on hard, but the party was at level 90. When they started doing the individual chain attacks, I immediately had a sense of dread at the slight possibility of repeating that. And then the battle just went on and on. There was one scare where Eunie and Taion both went down, but thankfully I had the revive accessory equipped on Mio so it was fine.

I thought the battle was pretty great, but curious to know what others opinions on it were. I could definitely see major complaints arising out of repeating all of that.
In Chapter 4. Decided to go back and keep exploring parts of the map I couldn't before (even though I'm already like 10 levels over-leveled), and now I'm stumbling onto Hero quests left and right. Love these. I FAR prefer them to the blade mechanic in 2.

Only thing I'm getting a little tired of is constantly switching character classes.

Also, how am I JUST now finding out about the dash in battle?? Damn.
So, for the Z battle(s). Please tell me they didn't make you repeat the entire thing if you died.

I was playing on hard, but the party was at level 90. When they started doing the individual chain attacks, I immediately had a sense of dread at the slight possibility of repeating that. And then the battle just went on and on. There was one scare where Eunie and Taion both went down, but thankfully I had the revive accessory equipped on Mio so it was fine.

I thought the battle was pretty great, but curious to know what others opinions on it were. I could definitely see major complaints arising out of repeating all of that.
It does. Probably the most bizarre design decision in the game. There needs to be a retry battle option for each phase like there is for newrly every other fight in the game
100 + 50 Dex - 60 AGI = 90, where exactly is this 10% evade rate coming from? Is the resulting 90 more of a hit rate percentage, where the remaining leftover of 10% is inherently the evade rate?
Yes, that's right.
Attacker's Hit Rate: 90%
Target's Evade Rate: 10%

Oh, it also might be worth pointing out that in all the previous Xenoblade games, Hit rate always caps at 95% and can't go lower than 5%. So no matter how much DEX you have, there's always a 5% chance to miss. And no matter how much agility you have, the enemy will always have a 5% chance to hit. I assume it's the same here just because 1, X, and 2 all did that.
It does. Probably the most bizarre design decision in the game. There needs to be a retry battle option for each phase like there is for newrly every other fight in the game

Wow. What in the world. There are like four stages! It would have been so easy to implement.
Finished the game, put my full thoughs in the spoiler thread but I'll keep it short here.

Gameplay: Easily the best in the series, tho I have problems with some things like relying too much on the chain attack and how unrewarding it feels.

Music: Still need to listen to all of it but it's fire, as expected. the region themes are weak tho. Not sure if I would put it above 2's godly ost but we'll see

The regions: all good but none of them have that wow factor like 2 does. They also feel too big at times.

characters: Main cast is great, really like the relationship with each other. I don't feel like they change that much compared to the beginning, with some of them getting development in flashbacks. Not as great as 2's cast, but still good. Villains are bad.

Story: weakest part of the game honestly, starts off great with some amazing chapters, but then goes downhill. Leaves too many unanswered questions and some of the explanation aren't satisfying. should have had one more chapter or a full set of 10. also it's funny how out of all 3 games this one, which is supposed to be the more serious one, ends up feeling like a classic shonen complete with power of friendship and talk no justu. The message is also hammered in instead of being subtle. Weakest story in the trilogy, but still better than X

Overall, very great game and second best in the series. Can't rank it above 2 due to the story, but gameplay is the best in the series.

My ranking so far is this
  1. XC2
  2. XC3
  3. XC1
  4. XCX
God I want a multiplayer Xenoblade game so badly

Imagine creating a party of 3 with friends online and killin monsters together.
X sort of had that. If Nintendo ever wanted to wade into the mmo space a Xenoblade Online would be the best series they have for that sort of thing. That said I'd rather that get outsourced to an external developer with Monolith in a supervisor role, I really want them to keep their focus on single player games.

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