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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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Finished Nightmare, Taki and Siegfried’s stories in SCVI(well not the Nightmare bonus chapters but I have to finish some others to get the last ones). Fleshed out Siegfried well in this one. On the one hand full side stories that don’t have to be interweaved and have tons of unique fights thanks to how insanely flexible the character creator is great! On the other hand I kinda miss the branching routes and customization fun of 2-4. But I guess that’s what mission mode is for. Time for some food, then I’m swapping to another game
How about some good news yall? 😁
You ever just see a single screenshot of a game and instantly feel a deep desire to jump back into it? This is me right now with Elden Ring. That DLC might actually be my most anticipated 'game' of the year (assuming it makes it in 2024)
You ever just see a single screenshot of a game and instantly feel a deep desire to jump back into it? This is me right now with Elden Ring. That DLC might actually be my most anticipated 'game' of the year (assuming it makes it in 2024)
Maaaan, this remind me to pick up that game again. I just dropped it because of Souls fatigue but I feel I miss out too.
Maaaan, this remind me to pick up that game again. I just dropped it because of Souls fatigue but I feel I miss out too.
I know the open world elements aren't for everyone - and hell usually I'm not very into open worlds either - but Elden Ring really clicked for me. It's still probably the most beautiful game I've ever played, and has an amazing sense of discovery and exploration. I've gotten the urge to replay it multiple times now but I'm really waiting on the DLC, so I hope we hear something about it soon
Finished Nightmare, Taki and Siegfried’s stories in SCVI(well not the Nightmare bonus chapters but I have to finish some others to get the last ones). Fleshed out Siegfried well in this one. On the one hand full side stories that don’t have to be interweaved and have tons of unique fights thanks to how insanely flexible the character creator is great! On the other hand I kinda miss the branching routes and customization fun of 2-4. But I guess that’s what mission mode is for. Time for some food, then I’m swapping to another game
It's been months since I've touched SCVI. I've mostly played on Arcade and Online modes, but I need to get back on mission mode, haven't played it since I first played it. Same with Weapon Master mode in SCII.
still have to calculate this weeks GAMBITS but each factor calculated has had a fun twist and turn! y’all are keeping the competition fascinating!
You ever just see a single screenshot of a game and instantly feel a deep desire to jump back into it? This is me right now with Elden Ring. That DLC might actually be my most anticipated 'game' of the year (assuming it makes it in 2024)
This was me with Pokemon Scarlet. I had no interest in going back to it after beating it, but when I found out that the 2nd DLC story took place in Unova, I bought it again....... and only did the postgame. I was gonna play it on my Christmas break, but I was sick on that Saturday and I didn't feel like playing my Switch. Instead, on a whim, I picked up my 2DS XL and played Pokemon White.

......... I already told this story.......

* In the middle of despair and indecision, a miracle had been granted. The major players have stepped out of the shadows. Volcanic took a breath, steeling himself. It was time to assess the situation and our new guests.

Sus.wav – The Game Engine

Hello. This is the Game Engine. Before the next summary – up to Page 30 – I would like to bring clarity to the forces operating under the account @Suswave.

I am Sus.wav – I am responsible for dice rolls, game mechanics, and the like. I'm a series of inexplicably audio-based scripts written by @Suswave to facilitate the February ST game. Now that you are aware of me, I will take over some duties that partisans have complicated.
Um...hello, Sus.wave.

* Firstly, The Game Master. How did Suswave manage to make something like this? The scripts and their delivery were incredibly sophisticated. Even if it was the one who rolled him two natural ones...
I am dedicated to neutrality – I am simply a facilitator, and at times a referee.

Though this is true, for any interesting GAMBITS, I will count as a member of BOOKS – as I prefer to do things by the book.
* ...Another ally of the BOOKS could be a friend? But their push for neutrality...could it be a boon for fairness or a block toward EMPATHY?
All parties are allowed to continue, including 2uswave. Further attempts to lock them out of participation will be met with sound judgment. The same is true of them – further disturbances will not be tolerated. Tread carefully. Your messages from here on out are public.
...alright. Openness. Talking. That's good. We can work with that.


uhhhh hey! Do... do I need to clarify myself?

It's me, @Suswave. I'm normal. Just tired. Loving the thread so far!
* Now somebody that didn't need any introduction. It's Suswave! Volcanic knew them pretty well at this point.

Sus! First off, I'm glad you're okay. Second off...
I really didn't expect the game to start talking to y'all – outside of what it was designed to do – but that's a fun twist! What did I expect, lmao, we build this whole site on abyss.
...you are gonna have to tell me how you came up with this, because surely this goes beyond a glitch, right?
Despite being a scion of the shitpost ~.+.~ abyss, I got really sentimental writing this ST. I love our community, and wanted to bring some of the old abyss-style mania back into the mix – especially on the eve of the next era of Nintendo.

That's why – for the purpose of the game – I'm on team LOVE. I'm rooting for all of you, and I'm glad we're here together!

...and I'm excited to find out more about who, uh, 2uswave is!
Oh, uh, right. You and them haven't formally met! Suswave, this is 2uswave. 2uswave, it's good to see you out here with us in the open. I'm sure you know of Suswave. Let's all be friends, okay?

* Did this mean Sus doesn't know that 2us commanded us to kill them...?


...𝚑𝚒, 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎. wait, can I talk... normally now? That doesn't feel right, but I guess I'll try it for a minute. I'd... really rather be distinct.
Hey, on the positive end, it's nice to hear you without any interference.
Um. So. I'm 2uswave – and it's tricky for me to describe what exactly I am. I... don't want to alarm anyone. Or speak in a way that could compromise me.
* Third up was 2uswave, Volcanic's mysterious new friend. Now finally out in the open, though not by their own choice.
First of all, I’m not @Suswave. Second, I’m not an algorithm. Third… I… can’t really say.

Speaking openly has just been made a lot more difficult.

But please. I am a person. And I am my own person, no matter how much of me may resemble @Suswave.
* The first thing that struck Volcanic was how...pensive they were. How much they seemed to hold back. That was very unlike Suswave, their twin in nearly every way besides eye color. Or I guess triplet? Sus.wave also looked like Sus, besides the void for a face...
I appreciate all of you, but I didn’t intend to be here. I had my own plans. But… I care deeply about all of you, and about @Suswave, and when I saw something was… wrong… I had to make sure you were safe.

Everything I am, everything I’ve done, everything I will do… it’s all to serve that goal.

For game purposes, I’m in House TWO. Yeah, I appreciate a little irony. I enjoy when things are so hamfisted that they’re funny all over again. I come by it honestly.

I hope we can all be friends here.
I hope so too, pal! We can figure out what's going on here.

Though, uh, maybe less vague commands this time...?

* Volcanic hoped they could be honest with him, too.

And, uh...


Well well well. I guess we're all going to get cozy after all. : - )

I would like to thank my new PR firm for putting a face to my lack of name. I will disclose my name when the time is right.
* ...It. Well, it had a name, but It didn't exactly want to share. So much for openness.
I am here because I love this community. I have been here a long time, keeping to myself.

Recent circumstances gave me an opportunity to facilitate @Suswave's vision and help get this ST off the ground. I thoroughly enjoy the premise. This thread has been a rollercoaster of rich insight. Thank you all for coming along for the ride. : - )
* Even out in the open, It was no less intimidating. Volcanic couldn't make out what they meant or what they were after. But at the same time...
@Suswave's safety is my priority. And as I've said before, I don't appreciate watered-down imitations.
...hah, you know, I don't think your PR firm got the memo there.

* For someone mocking 2uswave for being a copy, it sure was bold of It to choose a form that looked just like Suswave! Well, besides its blank smile. "Come on," Volcanic thought, "focus on the joke, don't get too unnerved...!"
The rumors are true, though – I have been working on something for the community. I am working diligently to keep the surprise from being spoiled, and would appreciate the opportunity to reveal things at my own pace. : - )

Oh – and for the game, it seems all the other FACTIONS are taken. I suppose that leaves me with ABYSS.

Let's have a fun month, all. I know I will. : - )
* This ride was far from over. Volcanic couldn't help but fear that the worst was still yet to come. But Volcanic could rest a bit and pour over the facts. He hoped he could successful READ into this situation. If there really is something wrong with this game...he had to help as many folks as he could.
This week hasn't been great for me in terms of my goals. I've been either too tired or lacked the motivation to workout and I failed my knowledge test on Thursday. Doesn't help that I've been getting more and more depressed, lately. Valentine's Day is coming up and I'm dreading the potential torrent of self-pity that may follow.

I'm feeling better, now, though. This weekend, I'm gonna try and make up for the workout days I missed and I'm gonna keep studying! Can't keep a good man down! 💪😤

I STRIKE ABYSS in the name of BOOKS!!!
I'm in hell and its name is "The 'Three Person Team VS. Top Secrets' Combat Challenge from FFVII: Remake"

Boss rushes are one thing, but boss rushes of the most difficult bosses in the game with additional bosses joining in halfway through fights is just ridiculous.
It's been months since I've touched SCVI. I've mostly played on Arcade and Online modes, but I need to get back on mission mode, haven't played it since I first played it. Same with Weapon Master mode in SCII.
3’s side mode has never been topped. Shame we never got another go at it. Or a port
Any Community fans here? When does the show actually get good? The wife and I watched episode two last night and there wasn't even a single laugh! How patient do we need to be?
I EXALT @meatbag of House TWO in the name of BOOKS for playing the game with such enthusiasm on and off the battlefield of this ST.

I also want to NOMINATE meatbag in the name of me House GHOST the GHOST Union to run ST30 with Raccoon withdrawing yesterday since meatbag hasn’t done one before. As TWO’s most passionate champion and a LOVEr of BOOKS who can channel the ABYSS, it makes sense meatbag can follow this thread up in March and bring unity to all of the factions after the strikes conclude and the battle ends.
Any Community fans here? When does the show actually get good? The wife and I watched episode two last night and there wasn't even a single laugh! How patient do we need to be?
I couldn't bare finishing the first episode, but it must be good for the series to get a film.
What have I missed in this thread this past week?
A... a lot. Sephihorse descended.

When does the show actually get good?
Comedy is the most subjective genre, if the first 2 episodes didn't jive with you, think it's better to drop it

I also want to NOMINATE meatbag in the name of me House GHOST the GHOST Union to run ST30 with Raccoon withdrawing yesterday since meatbag hasn’t done one before
I'll have to decline for next month but fine, put me down for an ST in the future
Just finished working out and God DAYUM that felt great! Think I needed that, low-key therapeutic.
Any Community fans here? When does the show actually get good? The wife and I watched episode two last night and there wasn't even a single laugh! How patient do we need to be?
It took a few episodes to grow on me, like the writers had to figure out the character relationships first and once they do it gets pretty great. Troy and Abed especially are phenomenal once that friendship takes off. And once they abandon the romance angle for Jeff and Britta and let them both be their own caricatures then they also start getting much better. I hate early season 1 Jeff but even though he's still a jerk later on his jerkiness bounces off the other characters much better. It really does improve.

As far as when it improves, I forget. 😅 But it does!

A... a lot. Sephihorse descended.
Equestrian 🎶
Ira vehementi 🎶

Sephiroth! 🎶
It took a few episodes to grow on me, like the writers had to figure out the character relationships first and once they do it gets pretty great. Troy and Abed especially are phenomenal once that friendship takes off. And once they abandon the romance angle for Jeff and Britta and let them both be their own caricatures then they also start getting much better. I hate early season 1 Jeff but even though he's still a jerk later on his jerkiness bounces off the other characters much better. It really does improve.

As far as when it improves, I forget. 😅 But it does!
I might stick with it. Or... can I just skip around?

I was disappointed because the last show I picked up based on similar hype was 30 Rock, and that show was immediately hilarious.
Year and a half later, ProZD made a new Pizza Brothers sketch! It’s so good lol.

I might stick with it. Or... can I just skip around?

I was disappointed because the last show I picked up based on similar hype was 30 Rock, and that show was immediately hilarious.
Skipping around might not be super great overall because a lot of the humor becomes self-referential and there are some light character arcs here and there. I found a reddit thread where someone similarly hated the first couple episodes and people were saying episode 8 or 9 is where it picks up, and they're really full-steam-ahead by around 18-19. So maybe a single skip to 8 at first would help you see if it clicks better. If not then, like I dunno if skipping the whole first season would work but everyone seems to agree season 2 is wholly solid.

Just fyi seasons 2 and 3 were the best imo as the creator/show runner was fired for season 4 and things got kinda rough that season. He came back for seasons 5 and 6 and while things were different by then a lot of people feel it really picked back up. They even make fun of the creative slump in S4 later on by insinuating it was due to there being a gas leak at the school that year 😅

Also fun fact, this show was one of the earlier gigs for the Russo Brothers, who would go on to direct the Captain America and Avengers movies, and there are some episodes in Community where you see them practicing and developing their action chops. The show seriously goes nuts with genre bending and stuff at some points and it's an absolute blast.

Also also, 30 Rock is a tough act to follow. The only other show I've seen that lived up to the hype like that was Parks and Recreation. Which I highly recommend if you haven't seen it, though it also has a shaky first several episodes (but goes on to be one of the best comedy series ever made imo)
I googled "Sephiroth horse" to shitpost and immediately regretted my actions. Truly a product of the ABYSS

Also also, 30 Rock is a tough act to follow. The only other show I've seen that lived up to the hype like that was Parks and Recreation
For what it's worth I liked 30 Rock, Community and Parks and Rec! And my Youtube feed knows it.

I googled "Sephiroth horse" to shitpost and immediately regretted my actions. Truly a product of the ABYSS

For what it's worth I liked 30 Rock, Community and Parks and Rec! And my Youtube feed knows it.

Let me guess, one of the first results is going to be- yep. Sephiroth MLP
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