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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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This is rad as heck, there’s even a Metal Heroes medley with Akira Kushida(he’s in amazing shape too! Makes me wonder if they’ll try to get him for a new OP for the new Kinnikuman show… or new versions of the old ones for the EDs)
This is rad as heck, there’s even a Metal Heroes medley with Akira Kushida(he’s in amazing shape too! Makes me wonder if they’ll try to get him for a new OP for the new Kinnikuman show… or new versions of the old ones for the EDs)

I just watched this earlier today. Definitely an experience, can't even begin to imagine what it must be like in-person 😅
rebirth may be available on other platforms from 05/29/24 if I read that correctly, which is quite a short time period for exclusivity this time around
I like to imagine discontented xbox fans looking for a new community to join, deciding to check out this forum and then clicking on this thread....
anyone want to try restarting suswave? I’d do it but I feel like I’m rolling 1s on the d20 most of the day

rebirth may be available on other platforms from 05/29/24 if I read that correctly, which is quite a short time period for exclusivity this time around
Yea, it’s only a 3 month window this time. S-E exclusivity deals have progressively gotten shorter with each release despite Sony’s assurances that their relationship “has never been stronger” 🤷‍♂️
Ah, a pet playmate! After all of...this, it's nice to be able to unwind and have a moment of peace. I don't exactly know how we ended up with pets, but it brings a smile to my face. Maybe we can write another novella together! If only times were always this peaceful.

...everyone is here. Maybe this is my chance. While things are calm, I can-
This is not the Famiboards you knew and loved

This is chaos. This is strife. This is Suswave's General Discussion ST!


 God damn it!  Attacking at a time like this?  meatbag, get it together!  Be civil for once! I didn't want it to go down like this, but I have bad news. This game is going to be the end of us!

Something is wrong. We were a community! United! But we are all divided, and at the worst possible time. Something is going on behind the scenes. I don't have much time to explain. Suswave is in danger, and if we don't team up and do something about this-
my hhead hurts
...oh no.

I’ve been so tired

it’s. it’s okay though. just having one of th
Hey, @VolcanicDynamo you have any of that banana bread left? Maybe it'll help Suswave? 👀
Uh, r-right! The bread! Good thing I always carry extra. Shoot, will the rules of this game even let me offer it to them? I attempted a GAMBIT already...

...oh, forget the game. Sus! Sus!

* VolcanicDynamo rushes towards Suswave.

Come on, Sus, it's gonna be okay. I got you some banana bread. Remember the novella? Y-you gotta eat something. You gotta hold on.
The tonal whiplash of seeing Mario & Luigi dancing underneath this.
lowkey the best part of reading his posts :LOL:
(It's OoC!Volcanic, posting some appropriate mood music:)
Look. If you can't handle Famiboards at its... whatever suswave has conjured up within this thread... you don't deserve it at its best either.
This is Famiboards at its best, holy shit

i don’t think it would be worth arguing that this is the best it’s ever been. this ST in THIS month. sus is on a mad one

 God damn it!  Attacking at a time like this?  meatbag, get it together!  Be civil for once! I didn't want it to go down like this, but I have bad news. This game is going to be the end of us!
I see what you did 👀
House Two and everyone else, I love how wildly off the rails we've driven ourselves
If our prospects are looking pretty bleak, I say we just ban everyone in the other factions until March 1st. House TWO is all about winning by any means necesssry. I don’t make the rules!

I STRIKE LOVE in the name of TWO!
 God damn it!  Attacking at a time like this?  meatbag, get it together!  Be civil for once! I didn't want it to go down like this, but I have bad news. This game is going to be the end of us!
GAMBIT Recognized.
Not Viable

Continue. : - )
Continue. : - )
Continue. : - )
Continue. : - )

Do not worry, @VolcanicDynamo.

You will get your wish.

We will be united again soon. : - )
* VolcanicDynamo rushes towards Suswave.

Come on, Sus, it's gonna be okay. I got you some banana bread. Remember the novella? Y-you gotta eat something. You gotta hold on.


holy shit my blood sugar was low

thank you for sharing, @Volc — I needed that
Sus is this like a normal headache or..

And why is Bingle so quiet all of a sudden..?
mmmmhard to say. I mean. I’ve definitely been really tired all week but that banana bread gave me life, lmao

oh and Bingle seems fine, just a little gassy. probably just tuckered out from an exciting first day!
Do not worry, @VolcanicDynamo.

You will get your wish.

We will be united again soon. : - )
@VolcanicDynamo I swear if you end up accidentally triggering Human Instrumentality... 😶

mmmmhard to say. I mean. I’ve definitely been really tired all week but that banana bread gave me life, lmao

oh and Bingle seems fine, just a little gassy. probably just tuckered out from an exciting first day!
Okay good. goodgoodgood.

*rubs Bingle's belly*
bingle belly
page is wrapping up — if anyone wants any moves in before the next update, get ‘em in now!
Oh goodness, seems every G-Witch suit is getting a dang P-Bandai kit XD


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GAMBIT Recognized.
Not Viable

Continue. : - )
Continue. : - )
Continue. : - )
Continue. : - )
* A sudden chill falls over VolcanicDynamo. He feels a face, a vacant and unnerving smile staring right at him, ceaseless and unflinching. No charismatic speech of unity could save him right now.

* It is here.
Do not worry, @VolcanicDynamo.

You will get your wish.

We will be united again soon. : - )
* As soon as it arrives, It is gone, leaving nothing but a taunt. Volcanic looks like he has seen a ghost. Given its otherworldly nature, he might as well have. The only thing that snaps him out of it is...


holy shit my blood sugar was low

thank you for sharing, @Volc — I needed that
...Sus! Oh thank goodness. Hey, eat as much bread as you want, I got plenty more where that came from.

* As relieved as Volcanic feels, darker thoughts begin creeping up on him. Whatever it is, it knew about him by name. He was caught in the crossfire, and both him and Sus could be in grave danger. And yet...he knew nothing! How could you prepare for nothing! No BOOK to read for info, the Chaos continuing as usual...
@VolcanicDynamo I swear if you end up accidentally triggering Human Instrumentality...
H-hey, I didn't cause this! Something...else did, I think. I hope.
I would think the abyss would cause this to start not a member of books. But honestly, house love would be the one to do this if it happened…
...and no making the in-fighting worse!!!
Random update to Mario Maker 2 to fix bugs apparently. So random.
Even Nintendo is falling to prey to the forces of uncertainty and pandemonium

I swear if I end up accidentally triggering Human Instrumentality... 😶
It would be a shame if someone "accidentally" robbed humanity of its free will 😌

page is wrapping up — if anyone wants any moves in before the next update, get ‘em in now!

and no making the in-fighting worse!!!

You really don’t know. : - )

Your little friend is out of the way. I guess that means you’ll find out when I want you to. : - )
* The chill returns. It never left. And It knows more than Volcanic does.

* Volcanic has no retort. He does not know what is going on. He can only remain silent, hoping the voice leaves him...

...oh, hey, what's that card doing here...?
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