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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST19 April 2023| A tradition unlike any other

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He should do an employment survey of Castle Town in Breath of the Wild. I think it would be a pretty easy count.
Watching BattleBots tonight and one member of Team Overhaul has been cosplaying as 2B all season, but tonight she stepped out front and pressed the "team ready" button with her fuckin katana 😳
It is! I was up in Wyoming today and around I-80 it was really coming down, rough visibility too, although that’s kind par for the course up there. I wonder if this’ll be our last snow for the year or not.
Never say never until Memorial Day.
Was talking with my partner about moving in together and our dream home, and she says she wants a game room with all the consoles.
I think I've found The One.
This might be my final post before the site goes down. It'll be a tough hour, but try to be strong. We'll all be back together before long.

(yes I know it's in like nine hours or something but I'm going to sleep)
This might be my final post before the site goes down. It'll be a tough hour, but try to be strong. We'll all be back together before long.

(yes I know it's in like nine hours or something but I'm going to sleep)
Random, but I discovered there's a chillhop lofi radio with a raccoon!

It is! I was up in Wyoming today and around I-80 it was really coming down, rough visibility too, although that’s kind par for the course up there. I wonder if this’ll be our last snow for the year or not.
Lol that’s like 6-7k elevation. Not rare to get snow into May. I moved back across the country in late May a few years back and got snow up by Gillette. And that’s at 4.5 or so.
Lol that’s like 6-7k elevation. Not rare to get snow into May. I moved back across the country in late May a few years back and got snow up by Gillette. And that’s at 4.5 or so.
Well, yeah, but I should clarify it was snowing down in Denver, too, all of northern CO! But Wyoming is always way higher elevation than you think it is. The top of the hill between Cheyenne and Laramie is like 8500 ft, even though it doesn't look it
Well, yeah, but I should clarify it was snowing down in Denver, too, all of northern CO! But Wyoming is always way higher elevation than you think it is. The top of the hill between Cheyenne and Laramie is like 8500 ft, even though it doesn't look it
Ok Coloradans, we are mortal enemies until the Kraken-Avalanche playoff series is over.
God these are weird playoffs, I feel like there's a 50% chance Boston steam rolls everything in their path.
Probably. No one really had an answer for them at all. Amazingly Seattle did pretty well against them. Burakovsky having surgery just now is a real set back to the Kraken’s chances. Just don’t have enough offense. I’m just glad we improved so much this year. If we get even competent goal keeping and Slightly better defense next year we could be a real force.
Probably. No one really had an answer for them at all. Amazingly Seattle did pretty well against them. Burakovsky having surgery just now is a real set back to the Kraken’s chances. Just don’t have enough offense. I’m just glad we improved so much this year. If we get even competent goal keeping and Slightly better defense next year we could be a real force.

Great regular season offense (players) can be overrated come playoffs, I'm a Leafs fan and look at us lol. Gotta perfect your 4 lines and hopefully your goalie can win you a game.
Great regular season offense (players) can be overrated come playoffs, I'm a Leafs fan and look at us lol. Gotta perfect your 4 lines and hopefully your goalie can win you a game.
Well we had AHL call ups at the end of the season for some games, so not looking too hopeful in the goaltending front. But we shall see. Never know how these things are going to play out. Why hockey playoffs are the best.
So for some reason, the regional sports network won’t let you screen cap the feed (just comes up black). But Nintendo (who still has a 10% ownership in the Mariners) is advertising the switch behind home plate. Interestingly, they have a Mario render of him holding a red baseball bat. Could be baseball specific thing since it’s MLB, but want to try and find to share anyway. I know some here (@Derachi) would love a Mario sluggers reboot.
Oh good, I wasn't sure I was up for a duel :p. But really, if the Kraken win I'm okay with that, I like the team. And they're named the KRAKEN, I mean, come on. The Avs had their year last year, anyway.
Quiet you. We owe them a beating for the Russel Wilson debacle.
Hopefully the forum shuts down permanently so I no longer have to read posts that I disagree with
Just got out of Suzume about an hour ago. I'm disappointed to say I came away quite mixed on it overall. I spent a lot of my drive home trying to figure out why. There's a LOT in this movie I liked. The world building is phenomenal (like always), it's visually spectacular (again, like always), the characters are well written, the music is great, and there are some spectacular moments mixed in. It feels like a movie I should love on paper, but it didn't work for me. Then I figured out why.

The two main characters have little to no chemistry. And in a romance movie, that's a death sentence.

Basically, the characters are given very little time to actually get to know each other outside of the current plot. This is because he's a chair for most of the movie. Yes, you read that right. He turns into a chair about a quarter through the movie and doesn't change back until the very end. So nearly every discussion is related to the current plot of turning him back and stopping a major earthquake.

What I loved about Your Name is that you get to know the characters first before the plot kicks in. You get to explore what their lives are like, their aspirations, their friends, their jobs, their families. You get to explore how Taki and Mitsuha make each others lives better and truly understand each other.

That isn't a thing here, outside of a few moments that feel like an afterthought. These characters don't know each other. So that makes the Sota's "death" not have any impact. And because it's a Shinkai movie, you know it's not going to stick. Suzume (the main character) spends half the movie trying to rescue someone she barely knows, but claims to be in love with. She knew him for three days as a chair. I had no connection to them as a result, so the main plot felt uninteresting and I was left feeling empty when Suzume finally rescues him.

It's very unfortunate, because the rest of the movie is so damn good.
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Pleasantly surprised with GoW: Ragnarok so far. I’ve heard about all the improvements but all those come together to be bigger than the sum, if that makes sense? The electric iguana monster was such a fun fight. And I kinda expected it, but it’s cool that you get to directly control Atreus. Looking forward to put more time into this game.
It’s good that Famiboards was down for a bit, gave me time to catch up on TotK trailer 3 analysis videos.
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