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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST7| It’s Showtime People! Famiboards Productions Proudly Presents: What Lies Beyond The Door? Act II - Rebirth

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real ones remember
the fact that this has barely any yeahs means that a lot of people in this thread are not real at all
Here's what I'm thinking: a Partner probably doesn't make much sense because at this point I'd expect that third parties are holding out for new hardware more than Nintendo is. So if it's a mini, it's probably because Nintendo wants to show some of their stuff off and it's only branded a "mini" because it's a bit shorter than the typical 40mins due to third parties being quiet (aside from maybe EveningStar if I had to guess). And if that's the case, then the stuff Nintendo have been showing on twitter woulda suited a first-party focused Direct (I know they've done pre-Direct infodumps before but that MvDK video really really felt Direct-style).

So the way I see it, that leaves two likely options:

1. It's a full-on Direct and people have nothing to worry about, or

2. There is no Direct because everyone's waiting for a Switch 2 blowout in March. And people have nothing to worry about.
The Mario vs DK trailer was a standard overview trailer we get for every game release, and the game is out in under two weeks anyways. Everything we've seen recently is standard marketing.
I'm about to have an absurdly busy, unfun weekend prepping for the classes I'm teaching next week on Monday and Wednesday, creating a pitch deck for my film department by Wednesday, and practicing a script pitch I'm presenting Monday for a project I'm EP'ing, all while my gf is away today-Sunday on a work trip, so to say I'm looking forward to Nate's podcast episode is a massive understatement.
Hope you do get to enjoy the podcast and at least the direct too, regardless of what it is, good to hear from ya.
Hope you do get to enjoy the podcast and at least the direct too, regardless of what it is, good to hear from ya.
Right back at you, friend! Like I said in this thread a bit ago, I'm so set on games for the time being, and my excitement for Switch 2 trumps all else, so I'm definitely finding it hard to imagine a scenario where this next Direct truly lets me down.
Someone asked if I had any plans for Feb 7th today and I said “sort of, maybe” because I thought it might go down better than “My friends on the internet think there’s a chance a foreign company might be doing a digital marketing presentation”
This is SO real, I just did the same for trivia night next Wednesday with my group hahaha
Right back at you, friend! Like I said in this thread a bit ago, I'm so set on games for the time being, and my excitement for Switch 2 trumps all else, so I'm definitely finding it hard to imagine a scenario where this next Direct truly lets me down.
I’m trying to decide what to get myself while focusing on games I own and what for the switch 2, big one for me soon is final fantasy 7 rebirth but I still got stuff like ragnarok, spider man 2, and a few others on my ps5 to beat along with a switch backlog. Trying to enjoy myself though.

I have a renewed love Zelda after replaying ocarina of time though I still haven’t played TotK, Game came out at a bad time for me.
Someone asked if I had any plans for Feb 7th today and I said “sort of, maybe” because I thought it might go down better than “My friends on the internet think there’s a chance a foreign company might be doing a digital marketing presentation”

Same but for explaining to my boss why I need to work from home on Nintendo Direct days. "I'm feeling a bit under the weather" sounds better than "I can't have you interrupting my video game commercial time."
Some people use fake leaks to will things into existence... I use the power of photoshop


I wanted to create these based on the hype from the Gamecube trademarks that came up a couple days ago!!!
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Don’t worry guys, it will be a mini partner that is focused exclusively on ports of ea’s sports titles. But git hyped, because ea decided to grace us with a port of army of 2: the devils cartel.
I think the next Direct being a Partner Showcase is the best option actually. All of us actually desire nothing more than the 'First Look at NSW 2' video, yet another Partner Showcase is inevitable before EoL for the current system.

Therefore, I say: Bring on the mostly irrelevant Partner Showcase, be done with it. Make Nintendo run out of options to not release what we really want.
Ok. This is not Wii U >>> Switch transition we are talking about.
Switch will NOT STOP having new games so soon.
Some people use fake leaks to will things into existence... I use the power of photoshop


I wanted to create these based on the hype from the Gamecube trademarks that came up a couple days ago!!!
I feel like ZR would just be Z and ZL would be one of those extremely tiny oval buttons like the ZR button on the N64 controller to keep the full Gamecube experience

But also

damn I’d buy the HECK out of this
Just like the Wii U, they should close out the Switch by dumping PC Engine games on it

That’s right folks, PC Engine/TurboGrafx NSO let’s fucking GOOOO
I think the next Direct being a Partner Showcase is the best option actually. All of us actually desire nothing more than the 'First Look at NSW 2' video, yet another Partner Showcase is inevitable before EoL for the current system.

Therefore, I say: Bring on the mostly irrelevant Partner Showcase, be done with it. Make Nintendo run out of options to not release what we really want.
eh Nintendo has things they have to show off or even announce like FE4 remake
eh Nintendo has things they have to show off or even announce like FE4 remake
We don't know this for sure. Nintendo likes to surprise us in good or bad ways. Fire Emblem might be a few years away and they're holding onto it for some reason.
Can't fully rule out a Partner Showcase of course, but I'd be very surprised. There are a fair amount of things we know about like TTYD, LM2, Peach Showtime, FE remake that we could use new info about, and I'd be shocked if there weren't at least a couple ports or remakes left to be announced for the Switch. I'm no expert, but making a guess: a final Switch-focused, General Direct this month, new hardware reveal / non-Direct presentation sometime from March-June with games like 3D Mario and Prime 4 shown, no Summer Direct, and then a September Direct that mainly focuses on the next system but also still includes some Switch stuff.
Let Nintendo's Marketing Department cook


Also, random question: is Nintendo's marketing handled in-house or via an agency?
If you could have one unannounced, rumored or "logical" (3D Mario because it's been so long, Zelda ports, DK, etc.) game appear in the next Direct unconditionally, which would you choose?
Alright ya'll neurotic doomposting aside I am genuinely leaning towards a Mini Direct now after Nate's comment.
  • Nate usually hears about an upcoming direct and the date/window, but not the branding. This has been a pain point for his podcast in the past so we know its consistently the case.
  • Nate doesn't usually hear about the content. When he does he often makes it very clear about the one or two games he knows is in there, and that's often a third party game where contracts were signed with a partner. This has been consistent as well.
This time its almost the opposite, where he knows the branding and the general content but not the date. There are two possibilities I can think of:
  1. The info coming out just flies in the face of years of precedent -- sources told him the branding and overview but not the date and that's the way it is.
  2. He was told it was a Mini and that there are a few announcements but not anything huge.
One wrinkle is that since Nate can't or won't always talk about everything he knows, somewhere there could be a breakdown in my assumptions or the logic I am laying out. It's possible but generally you have to go with the evidence that you have in front of you. I think it's a Mini. That fits with my general expectations for what was going to be presented anyway (dating announced games, NSO, Metroid Prime 4, and maybe something small like a spin-off). Yes I think Metroid Prime 4 could be in a mini because it's previously announced.
Honestly I hope the version they go with is GC. They really overhauled the textures in the 3ds version, as well as the models, and it just ain't the same as the GC version. It's really good, the 3ds version is certainly competent, but it ain't got the same vibe. The model Luigi uses in the 3ds version is so much more modern it feels almost sanitized? He's a lot more expressive I find in the original because of it. Also the lighting in the 3ds version is a lot worse. Though if they're going the full remaster route I'm sure they'll take a look at some of these aspects.

Honestly I love the 3D All-Stars version of Super Mario Sunshine, HAGI is a fantastic emulator. I would absolutely prefer HAGI Luigi's Mansion 1 over an upscale of the 3DS one. It seems easier to do that with some texture upscaling than the latter.

The 3DS one always felt like a "de-make" to me. I know EXACTLY what you mean about sanitized Luigi.
Maybe a hot take, but Microsoft bought Activision and Bethesda, two of Nintendo's biggest third party supporters. The least they can do is start porting stuff from those studios. Fuck buying studios for exclusives you otherwise wouldn't have.
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