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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST|

When will the next general Direct (full or mini) be?

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I would very much like another No One Lives Forever game. Such a fun series with a great premise. It looks like WB owns the license so probably no shot it ever gets resurrected.

Based on several articles written on the situation over the years the rights situation seems to be an absolute mess so I sadly don't expect it to ever come back. Just sad that Night Dive didn't manage to work on it....
National Umbrella day (Feb 10th) would be a great day to announce a Switch Resident Evil.

And National Pizza day (Feb 9th) would be a great day to shadowdrop that TMNT game.

You guys don’t have to reply to everything, you know.
I didn't know this was an option.
Nate knows something
interesting, why?
Nintendo buys Sega.
That would be the dream
two days away
Why not Gex?
Stinky Horse...
Don't forget Fire
leak the nintendo
2020 was rough
likely days
Remember this?
I unironically want
to be a long weekend
Next week for sure
Now we're talking
National Umbrella day (Feb 10th) would be a great day to announce a Switch Resident Evil.

And National Pizza day (Feb 9th) would be a great day to shadowdrop that TMNT game.

National pizza day would be a great day to order pineapple pizzas, isn't it ?
I might finally be getting on that Feb 9th hype train (and suffer when it probably crashes). I’ll sound like a Nate stalker/lunatic, but linking the following:

  • he said he’s going back to Nintendo for his next few podcasts
  • he said he recorded an episode for early next week (didn’t say monday mind you)
  • he replied to a comment on his poll on Youtube that he would have a predictions video when the Direct is announced (which would probably be recorded in advance due to to short timeframe between Direct announcement and air time)

Of course, there is also the possibility that the podcast early next week has nothing to do with the Direct, in which case it probably isn’t next week. So that’s it, I’ve gone mad like the rest of you.
I might finally be getting on that Feb 9th hype train (and suffer when it probably crashes). I’ll sound like a Nate stalker/lunatic, but linking the following:

  • he said he’s going back to Nintendo for his next few podcasts
  • he said he recorded an episode for early next week (didn’t say monday mind you)
  • he replied to a comment on his poll on Youtube that he would have a predictions video when the Direct is announced (which would probably be recorded in advance due to to short timeframe between Direct announcement and air time)

Of course, there is also the possibility that the podcast early next week has nothing to do with the Direct, in which case it probably isn’t next week. So that’s it, I’ve gone mad like the rest of you.
Man you really are a creep.

Nahhh, that was a rough year for everyone. We still got some goodies that year.
Yeah, thank god for Animal Crossing, FFVII Remake, Mario 3D All-Stars and Age of Calamity. It wasn’t a bad year gaming-wise all things considered, depending on your tastes.
We still got directs, just not General Directs. Plus nobody was prepared for Covid.
Nobody was prepared, but both Microsoft and Sony managed to get out major E3 conferences that Summer.

Note I'm specifically talking about mainline Directs. There's slack to give in the early months of the pandemic (Spring 2020), obviously. But not having any mainline Directs for the rest of the year when they:
  1. Had enough first announcements to justify a direct (Paper Mario and Clubhouse Games announced/released in the Summer. 3D All Stars, Age of Calamity, and Pikmin 3 Deluxe all announced/released in the Fall)
  2. Were capable of producing Directs, as proven by all the Partner Showcases and game-focused Directs
doesn't make sense. Just felt like the call was given for "no more Directs the rest of the year" and they had to do Partner Showcases to fulfil contractual obligations to 3rd Parties. Never sat right with me.
Nobody was prepared, but both Microsoft and Sony managed to get out major E3 conferences that Summer.

Note I'm specifically talking about mainline Directs. There's slack to give in the early months of the pandemic (Spring 2020), obviously. But not having any mainline Directs for the rest of the year when they:
  1. Had enough first announcements to justify a direct (Paper Mario and Clubhouse Games announced/released in the Summer. 3D All Stars, Age of Calamity, and Pikmin 3 Deluxe all announced/released in the Fall)
  2. Were capable of producing Directs, as proven by all the Partner Showcases and game-focused Directs
doesn't make sense. Just felt like the call was given for "no more Directs the rest of the year" and they had to do Partner Showcases to fulfil contractual obligations to 3rd Parties. Never sat right with me.
If we did get a mainline Direct in 2020, it would have been absolutely terrible. Two of the three biggest releases that autumn were ports. People would have been pissed.

Also Nintendo was justifiably afraid of setting release dates too far in advance. A ton of games got delayed that year.
If we did get a mainline Direct in 2020, it would have been absolutely terrible. Two of the three biggest releases that autumn were ports. People would have been pissed.

Also Nintendo was justifiably afraid of setting release dates too far in advance. A ton of games got delayed that year.
We've had plenty of mediocre-average Directs that a theoretical Fall 2020 Direct would've been on-par with. Far from terrible, and certainly would have been better than nothing we got.

Release date logistics is a fair concern, it's impossible to know what truly goes on behind the scenes. But I have serious doubts they wouldn't had known 3D All Stars, AOC, and Pikmin 3 weren't locks for 2021 by early Fall. Couple those announcements with the SMT5 re-reveal and you're looking at a decent Direct.
I'm sorry I opened this can of worms lmao. I missed the general directs in 2020, but there were far, far bigger issues in the world and we all still had a lot of fun losing our minds in the Nintendo General threads at the time. My point was supposed to be that waiting for Directs nowadays is far easier than it was then. I think it's best to shift the discussion now.
It sure was frustrating having to buy Nintendo games in 2020 without them being advertised properly in a Direct. I still haven't recovered.
With that mentality you would be okay with never having press conferences or livestreamed reveal events ever again.

Ultimately I do agree that nothing matters more than the end product and game you're playing. But that's separate from, and doesn't negate, critiquing Nintendo's marketing strategy either.
With that mentality you would be okay with never having press conferences or livestreamed reveal events ever again.

Ultimately I do agree that nothing matters more than the end product and game you're playing. But that's separate from, and doesn't negate, critiquing Nintendo's marketing strategy either.
I don’t have issues criticizing Nintendo on anything, but that was a very very unique situation and I don’t see how you can fault them for not organizing general directs with the unique situation the whole world was in. Everyone was impacted. Sony and Microsoft were launching systems that holiday so they must’ve felt pressed to really get something to put together because they’re launching next gen systems.

In the end of the day it’s not a big deal consider the situation of the world. We got all the game announcements they wanted to give for the year.
With that mentality you would be okay with never having press conferences or livestreamed reveal events ever again.

Ultimately I do agree that nothing matters more than the end product and game you're playing. But that's separate from, and doesn't negate, critiquing Nintendo's marketing strategy either.
Are you implying my post was insincere? This is almost as bad as Nintendo not having any Directs in 2020!
Nobody was prepared, but both Microsoft and Sony managed to get out major E3 conferences that Summer.
So you'd rather they put together a video of a bunch of games that either wind up delayed by a year or more or just plain broken at launch?

Reminder that Sony and MS had new consoles launching that year, they had absolutely no choice but to put out these presentations. If Nintendo also had a new console launching you can bet for sure they'd have put together a few Directs.
I don’t have issues criticizing Nintendo on anything, but that was a very very unique situation and I don’t see how you can fault them for not organizing general directs with the unique situation the whole world was in. Everyone was impacted. Sony and Microsoft were launching systems that holiday so they must’ve felt pressed to really get something to put together because they’re launching next gen systems.
I agree it was a very unique situation, one which justifies a good amount of slack and empathy. But I don't think it's unfair to find fault in the lack of mainline directs when they had the material and were capably producing what were essentially Directs with the partner showcases

Are you implying my post was insincere? This is almost as bad as Nintendo not having any Directs in 2020!
I don't know what it was, but it certainly didn't contribute to any meaningful discussion.

So you'd rather they put together a video of a bunch of games that either wind up delayed by a year or more or just plain broken at launch?
I never said that at all. With the material they did have, they were likely more than capable of producing at least a Fall direct containing the games they did reveal that year through alternative means: Age of Calamity, 3D All-Stars, Pikmin 3, Smash DLCs, and SMT5 + other material from the Partner Showcases.
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Any new hint/rumor about the direct? I’m really starting to believing it will be next week even if I said to myself to keep my expectations low lol
I never said that at all. With the material they did have, they were likely more than capable of producing at least a Fall direct containing the games they did reveal that year through alternative means: Age of Calamity, 3D All-Stars, Pikmin 3, Smash DLCs, and SMT5 + other material from the Partner Showcases.
Except, because of Covid wreaking havoc on production schedules, they couldn't announce all of those release dates in more concentrated clusters like they normally do. If they were capable of doing that, then there'd have been no need for monthly news updates in Partner Showcases; they'd have clustered the announcements together.

They didn't radically adjust their regular, effective marketing on a whim or because they're incompetent. They did it because they didn't want to communicate information and especially release dates for products unless they were certain they would hit them, which meant frequent, smaller scale news bursts.

Why else do you think they spread it all out like that?
Any new hint/rumor about the direct? I’m really starting to believing it will be next week even if I said to myself to keep my expectations low lol
Hmm not really. Nate put up a poll in his YouTube channel asking people when the Nintendo Direct will come. It seems like he knows it’s coming now. He told someone no disappointment ahead only Direct. He even told someone he uses pills to tease things lol. So he knows then.

Nothing on a pinpoint week though. Reading his comments I wonder if he knows Metroid Prime remaster is going to be announced
I feel like a Prime announcement is likely. Strike while the iron is hot and all that jazz. Plus, it seems the game wrapped up a good 4 or 5 months ago at this point, so it is ready.

Release timing will be interesting. I think Emily and Nate expect it in the second half of the year, and the original was a November launch in the US. Dread did will with an October launch alongside OLED, too, so perhaps Prime lands around then.
I agree with many arguments here. One thing I‘d like to add is that Nintendo could’ve been more transparent in 2020. at one point it was clear to us that Directs were gone but I think Nintendo could have posted a statement in the first half of the year. It’s no big deal of course, but it was kinda painful given the lack of general Directs and the software drought overall. All of this is perfectly understandable with COVID. The fan communication is something Xbox and Phil Spencer are doing a lot better imo.
Except, because of Covid wreaking havoc on production schedules, they couldn't announce all of those release dates in more concentrated clusters like they normally do. If they were capable of doing that, then there'd have been no need for monthly news updates in Partner Showcases; they'd have clustered the announcements together.

They didn't radically adjust their regular, effective marketing on a whim or because they're incompetent. They did it because they didn't want to communicate information and especially release dates for products unless they were certain they would hit them, which meant frequent, smaller scale news bursts.

Why else do you think they spread it all out like that?
By late Summer/early Fall they would have known games like 3D All Stars, AOC, and Pikmin 3 were locks/highly likely for 2020. Not to mention 3rd party announcements like SMT5. They had the material to do a concentrated cluster of announcements around the Fall (and arguably around E3 if you want to go full armchair analyst), they just didn't.
So, uhm… How 'bout that strategy game that is releasing in less than four weeks now? You know, the one with the traingles, and the… strategy.
By late Summer/early Fall they would have known games like 3D All Stars, AOC, and Pikmin 3 were locks/highly likely for 2020. Not to mention 3rd party announcements like SMT5. They had the material to do a concentrated cluster of announcements around the Fall (and arguably around E3 if you want to go full armchair analyst), they just didn't.
"Highly likely for 2020" isn't the same thing as specific dates. Look at everything they announced in 2020 itself: it all came when Nintendo could lock it down to a specific date, not when they could do a vague "2020" date; they didn't even do seasonal dates. So yes, they could have given vague dates, they could have delayed from that, they could have adjusted that - they preferred to talk when they were certain of product launches. What would you prefer? Delays, vagueness, prevarication? Is certainty of release dates a sign of incompetence?

And the reason they waited why is obvious: dates were unpredictable and liable to change at the last minute, as the rest of the industry witnessed.

The fact you're resorting to "they just didn’t" demonstrates how empty the argument is. You can't even explain why they did that, or why they would do that. Fair enough if you didn't like their marketing strategy; but that doesn't mean it was incompetence, nor does it mean they lacked reasoning for why they did what they did.
I never said that at all. With the material they did have, they were likely more than capable of producing at least a Fall direct containing the games they did reveal that year through alternative means: Age of Calamity, 3D All-Stars, Pikmin 3, Smash DLCs, and SMT5 + other material from the Partner Showcases.
For as much flak as they were already getting for people calling Switch a port machine, a direct with a grand total of one new first party game that also was a Musou would've been received very, very poorly. People and investors would've been (rightfully) asking about their 2021 output which obviously was at the time very much in flux.

Directs always have both upcoming games and a look at games coming in the 6-18 month out window, they make it a point to satisfy both of those outlooks in Directs and that was impossible to do in late 2020.
Ultimately I do agree that nothing matters more than the end product and game you're playing. But that's separate from, and doesn't negate, critiquing Nintendo's marketing strategy either.
Here's my problem. And this was happening a lot recently with Pokémon Legends' marketing too. The purpose of marketing is to sell a product. So if the product's sales did not suffer demonstrably, how can you critique the marketing? You're just speaking to your own personal preferences at that point. Which is fine, but in that case just say so, instead of calling Nintendo incompetent.
I actually liked the Twitter drops and partner showcases…

Other than having an intro announcement and a “one more thing” most of the direct reveals work better as targeted announcements since they don’t get lost in the shuffle that way.
"Highly likely for 2020" isn't the same thing as specific dates. Look at everything they announced in 2020 itself: it all came when Nintendo could lock it down to a specific date, not when they could do a vague "2020" date; they didn't even do seasonal dates. So yes, they could have given vague dates, they could have delayed from that, they could have adjusted that - they preferred to talk when they were certain of product launches. What would you prefer? Delays, vagueness, prevarication? Is certainty of release dates a sign of incompetence?
And the reason they waited why is obvious: dates were unpredictable and liable to change at the last minute, as the rest of the industry witnessed.
The fact they refused to announce anything that didn't have a concrete date is the issue: It unnecessarily led to the Direct drought, which was frustrated fans. I don't know why you're insinuating every instance of a vague 2020, or seasonal release date, would have been followed by up almost-certain delays. Or doing that by itself would be inherently misleading. Games get delayed all the time, people are typically understanding when that happens, especially with COVID-incited delays. Ultimately they could have done more effective marketing by utilizing general or seasonal release dates (the more likely of the two in this theoretical Fall scenario with 3D All Stars, AOC, and Pikmin 3) to justify a major direct. The alternative we got was playing their cards needlessly close to their chest, not communicating, and frustrating fans.

The fact you're resorting to "they just didn’t" demonstrates how empty the argument is. You can't even explain why they did that, or why they would do that. Fair enough if you didn't like their marketing strategy; but that doesn't mean it was incompetence, nor does it mean they lacked reasoning for why they did what they did.
It's easy to explain why they didn't have any mainline Directs in 2020: They wanted to play their cards close to their chest. That's completely irrelevant to my point: Regardless of the reasoning behind not doing any Directs, which we'll never know, a practical alternative existed that would have been better than what we got.
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