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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST|

When will the next general Direct (full or mini) be?

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The alternative we got was playing their cards needlessly close to their chest, not communicating, and frustrating fans.
I would've been pissed if they announced Pikmin for spring as planned and then delayed it to fucking October
The fact they refused to announce anything that didn't have a concrete date is the issue: It unnecessarily led to the Direct drought, which was frustrated fans. I don't know why you're insinuating every instance of a vague 2020, or seasonal release date, would have been followed by up almost-certain delays. Or doing that by itself would be inherently misleading.
Not what I said. The unpredictability meant they didn't want to commit to release dates. And yes, there are good reasons for that; as Skittzo pointed out, any fuller presentations would also have been watched by investors and fans for more complete news and release schedules which were even less certain than 2020 itself. If they stick to the traditional format, fans expect the traditional types of announcements, and so do investors.

Do you know what happened when Nintendo delayed a major title (AC) in 2019? Their share price took a serious tumble, despite the fact they announced a Zelda game at the same time. Delays have consequences, including the displeasure of both fans and investors.
Games get delayed all the time, people are typically understanding when that happens, especially with COVID-incited delays. Ultimately they could have done more effective marketing by utilizing general or seasonal release dates (the more likely of the two in this theoretical Fall scenario with 3D All Stars, AOC, and Pikmin 3) to justify a major direct. The alternative we got was playing their cards needlessly close to their chest, not communicating, and frustrating fans.
And again, we come back to the idea that there was no reasoning behind what they did: "needlessly". There's no point in continuing a conversation that started with you downplaying the effects of a pandemic. It wasn't a needless decision: it was caused by unprecedented circumstances which upended the entire planet.

There's zero point in having a conversation when you're deaf to that. And before you come back with "but Sony and Microsoft!" - yes, with the need to launch new systems, they took a different approach to their marketing cycles for their products, because they had different things to accomplish. And what did they do? Frustrate fans and investors by delaying highly anticipated titles.

You don't need to justify your subjective emotional reaction to 2020 marketing, and given that's what this seems to be about, I don't really see the point in continuing to derail the thread.
If the next direct does end up happening next week, I feel like it would be the least surprising moment to have one.

As opposed to last year, where we had no idea when main directs would even start again.
Has that tweet from Andy Robinson about a super spy returning in the next few weeks been discussed? Could mean Goldeneye remaster being announced at the Direct.
I don't get the complaints about Nintendo's coverage of games during 2020. I mean, putting aside that there was, you know, more important things in the world at the time ... the last two partner Directs (the Monster Hunter one and the Ori one) were better than a lot of Directs are anyways.
Not what I said. The unpredictability meant they didn't want to commit to release dates. And yes, there are good reasons for that; as Skittzo pointed out, any fuller presentations would also have been watched by investors and fans for more complete news and release schedules which were even less certain than 2020 itself. If they stick to the traditional format, fans expect the traditional types of announcements, and so do investors.
You're ignoring my larger point: They had traditional, larger announcements to justify a Direct (Age of Calamity, 3D All Stars, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Smash DLC, Pokemon DLC, SMT5 + 3rd Party announcements, etc), and could have done a Direct in a interval where they would have certain of release windows, if not exact release dates, for all of those titles (Fall 2020).

Do you know what happened when Nintendo delayed a major title (AC) in 2019? Their share price took a serious tumble, despite the fact they announced a Zelda game at the same time. Delays have consequences, including the displeasure of both fans and investors.
That stock argument holds zero water. Nintendo delaying AC in June 2019 resulted in a meager 3.5% stock dip, which was immediately eaten by the end of the week.


That's universes away from a "serious tumble", if you want that look at the Wii U era. Game delays (especially from companies with multiple heavy-hitter releases like Nintendo) don't impact stock prices besides dumbass reactionary investors causing insignificant dips. Animal Crossing's delay and subsequent minor dip generated headlines, which is why you know about it, because it's easy clickbait for ignorant journalists.

And again, we come back to the idea that there was no reasoning behind what they did: "needlessly". There's no point in continuing a conversation that started with you downplaying the effects of a pandemic. It wasn't a needless decision: it was caused by unprecedented circumstances which upended the entire planet.
You're getting stuck up on semantics. It was needless in the context of a better alternative (communicating with fans, utilizing a larger Fall Direct to drum up marketing at the tradeoff of potentially having to use seasonal release dates) existing. I've never at all downplayed the effects of the pandemic, I don't know why you're insuating that besides to appeal to emotion. In the context of what they did reveal and when I thought it was a needless Direct drought for the reasons I've specified, that's all.
Hopefully it doesn't end up being a scenario where the Xbox gets a remastered version and the Switch gets the original N64 version on NSO only.

This thought had crossed my mind but it would seem a bit of a misstep if Nintendo agreed that situation and ended up with the poorer release.
Hmm not really. Nate put up a poll in his YouTube channel asking people when the Nintendo Direct will come. It seems like he knows it’s coming now. He told someone no disappointment ahead only Direct. He even told someone he uses pills to tease things lol. So he knows then.

Nothing on a pinpoint week though. Reading his comments I wonder if he knows Metroid Prime remaster is going to be announced
Pills? I'm not some super villain drugging people with hype.
Sunshine doesn't suck. Sure, it's bad, it's the worst mainline Mario game easily, it's unfinished, buggy, frustrating as all hell, and it sucks, but it is NOT a porn star.
Nobody was prepared, but both Microsoft and Sony managed to get out major E3 conferences that Summer.

Note I'm specifically talking about mainline Directs. There's slack to give in the early months of the pandemic (Spring 2020), obviously. But not having any mainline Directs for the rest of the year when they:
  1. Had enough first announcements to justify a direct (Paper Mario and Clubhouse Games announced/released in the Summer. 3D All Stars, Age of Calamity, and Pikmin 3 Deluxe all announced/released in the Fall)
  2. Were capable of producing Directs, as proven by all the Partner Showcases and game-focused Directs
doesn't make sense. Just felt like the call was given for "no more Directs the rest of the year" and they had to do Partner Showcases to fulfil contractual obligations to 3rd Parties. Never sat right with me.
Many of the games in Sony’s 2020 conference are just now coming out this year (HFW and GOW) or still haven’t even been dated (FFXVI). Nintendo doesn’t operate like that even under normal conditions. They would’ve announced short term release dates that STILL would’ve ended up delayed.

Being a Nintendo fan in 2020 was tough and caused me to tune out most of the year, but let’s not act like there wasn’t reason.
Still waiting for an entire Nate The Hate episode about why Sunshine is a terrible game.

One day....
Hopefully it doesn't end up being a scenario where the Xbox gets a remastered version and the Switch gets the original N64 version on NSO only.

Frankly if GoldenEye is coming to Switch, I think the N64 version on NSO is the most likely way. Majora's Mask is the February game, and they like to announce what's next when they release one. There's still a few others confirmed, but they could plan MM to launch on the Direct day and announce GoldenEye in the Direct.
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