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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST20 May 2023| Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall

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Yeah, I can totally see that (at least in terms of Uncharted-style setpieces and Souls-lite combat, but I haven't seen enough of the first planet after being done with the opening section of the game to really comment on its exploration/level structure yet).
So far I'd have to say that the setpieces don't work for me, like at all (I really dislike them when they're as lengthy and frequent as they were right in the beginning); while the combat is good, it isn't exciting or great in its current form. I'm anticipating that it'll still evolve to some degree, but the base mechanics, which I assume stay relevant throughout the rest of the game, are solid, yet nothing too thrilling. I don't know how to put it other than "yeah, works well enough" and then look for something else in the game that's more of a standout aspect to me.

Ngl, it'll be an up-hill battle for the game from here on out, trying to keep my attention and making me wanna continue playing. The Star Wars theme is what got me interested in it to begin with, but that isn't enough to carry the experience, I can say that much already. If combat and exploration fail to make up for the setpieces.... eeeeh, I might just end up watching a playthrough or some such.
The good thing is that the setpieces in FO are mostly concentrated around the beginning and the end with only a few sprinkled inbetween (only two notable ones come to mind but I might be forgetting something). The combat opens up somewhat later on as you get lightsaber upgrades but if you don't gel with it now I don't think it's going to change. Hopefully you enjoy the exploration though, it can be pretty fun.

Thankfully I'm not at this stage

I'll be in trouble though in 10 years when this is replaced with "was a teenager when Twilight Princess came out"
I was 16 when Twilight Princess came out but the internet is definitely trying to make me feel like I'm already ancient as far as my gamer age is concerned.
Really want to share something rather interesting: The standard (physical) edition of Tears of the Kingdom has been completely sold out on Amazon Germany for a solid day now. That is quite unusual for a blockbuster release and something I haven't seen before in the past few years, and that includes AAA-releases on other platforms as well. Think people like this Zelda thing.

(hope no one saw this in any other thread which I might've mistakingly posted it on initially)
The game tries to hit a balance between Uncharted-style setpiece driven gameplay, Souls-lite combat and Metroid Prime exploration and imo doesn't always succeed but that might be just me liking the latter two components better. Survivor seems a bit better in that regard but I'm not that far.

I feel more or less the same with FO. I liked it fine but it was very much a 7/10 game in all aspects. Navigation was meh, combat was fine, and the game never pushed you to explore and find hidden spaces like metroidvanias usually do. Star Wars paint really pushed me to finish it.

I'll wait til the sequel is on GamePass to try it out. Still waiting for a SW jedi game that makes me fall in love like Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy. Probably won't happen, since I'm no longer a star wars obsessed 12 year old and am now, instead, a jaded old man.
I was listening to the night variant of the Rito Village tune from BotW and found myself thinking how nice it will be to return there in TotK soon. Reusing the world has been criticized a lot, but to me it's an exciting idea to return to a slightly changed version of something familiar to see how time has passed. Kind of like returning to your old hometown after years of living elsewhere.
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One thing that I think BotW should really get credit for is its incredible opening. Not talking about the great plateau or even running up to the cliff. I mean the very beginning, when the words “Nintendo presents” and then “The Legend of Zelda” and then “Breath of the Wild” appears in plain white font over pitch black background. It’s extremely elegant in my opinion. I hope TotK repeats this. I swear that I will start to get emotional already at “Nintendo presents”.
One thing that I think BotW should really get credit for is its incredible opening. Not talking about the great plateau or even running up to the cliff. I mean the very beginning, when the words “Nintendo presents” and then “The Legend of Zelda” and then “Breath of the Wild” appears in plain white font over pitch black background. It’s extremely elegant in my opinion. I hope TotK repeats this. I swear that I will start to get emotional already at “Nintendo presents”.
nintendo should follow sony's lead and do one of those corny MCU styled intros. and hey they are technically a billion dollar film studio now so its justified.
Finally, he was able to beat CHAOS

TotK is getting an Essential by them without any sort of shred out of any sort of doubt.
If it doesn't, I'll eat my hat.
Oh totally. Of the major non-system specific sites I feel like they tend to be one of the more “Nintendo friendly” ones. But not in a fanboy way, just EG tends to reward things that play well, are crafted well, or do something interesting.
My Amazon order of TOTK had apparently shipped. A little earlier than expected but nice to know it’s on the way and still projected for Friday.
Crazy to realize that the gap between Switch and the next system is likely to be longer than the Famicom to Super Famicom.

Although not as long a gap as GB to GBC, so not sure where this whole “unprecedented” nonsense is coming from
Jesus christ, that just gave the biggest "you're old" feeling since my own kids looked at me funny when i told them that there were no smartphones (or even mobile phones) when i was a child.
Please repost that angry Tom gif as a reply to @Raccoon wave race comment for me
Crazy to realize that the gap between Switch and the next system is likely to be longer than the Famicom to Super Famicom.

Although not as long a gap as GB to GBC, so not sure where this whole “unprecedented” nonsense is coming from
Not anywhere close to the 24 years between Virtual Boy and Labo VR. 8 years between Switch and a successor is nothing!
One thing that I think BotW should really get credit for is its incredible opening. Not talking about the great plateau or even running up to the cliff. I mean the very beginning, when the words “Nintendo presents” and then “The Legend of Zelda” and then “Breath of the Wild” appears in plain white font over pitch black background. It’s extremely elegant in my opinion. I hope TotK repeats this. I swear that I will start to get emotional already at “Nintendo presents”.




people younger than me existing is a human rights violation
I want this on a tshirt for the next time I go to a concert. The Hawaiian print button-down I wore to my last one didn't drive home the "I'm old" vibe enough 🤣
The good thing is that the setpieces in FO are mostly concentrated around the beginning and the end with only a few sprinkled inbetween (only two notable ones come to mind but I might be forgetting something). The combat opens up somewhat later on as you get lightsaber upgrades but if you don't gel with it now I don't think it's going to change. Hopefully you enjoy the exploration though, it can be pretty fun.

I was 16 when Twilight Princess came out but the internet is definitely trying to make me feel like I'm already ancient as far as my gamer age is concerned.
lmao old man (i was 14)
Was this a Jimmy Buffet concert?
Nah that shirt would say MUSIC⚡BAND

Nope, Al Yankovic (so I was nowhere near the only one there in Hawaiian print)
...I've been to see both their concerts (both in Hawaiian shirts)...


good morning fam

what i miss
Us missing you 💜

#Team2023 in shambles
I'm just about to read that thread and I'm already bracing for the imaginary cigarette I'm gonna need to take a long drag from out of exasperation.

At this rate just make it a 2025 release and get something better than T239, fawkssakeb'hy
You're not a real Weird Al fan if you're not going to a concert with a self-grown 80's stache in your face.

Yes, even the ladies.

And the children.

Heck, even your pets have to!
Cool commercial, but what person in their right mind plays Switch on a bus without headphones?

Finding the right place to doompost in today's world can be difficult. There's lots of doom to go around but you need something that caters to your specific tastes. Did you have unrealistic sales expectations? Have you been anticipating new hardware for the past 5 years? Did the internet convince you that your favorite series was more popular than it actually is? Don't know if you'll see a 40 minute advertisement over the summer? We are here to help.

At Famiboard's Guided Shitposts, we specialize in helping our consumers find the correct threads to display their doom and gloom. At the low cost of 500 Famicoins a session, our expects will help you find the threads that suit your specific needs. It's dangerous to shitpost alone. Take us. Famiboard's Guided Shitposts are here for you.
Finding the right place to doompost in today's world can be difficult. There's lots of doom to go around but you need something that caters to your specific tastes. Did you have unrealistic sales expectations? Have you been anticipating new hardware for the past 5 years? Did the internet convince you that your favorite series was more popular than it actually is? We are here to help.

At Famiboard's Guided Shitposts, we specialize in helping our consumers find the correct threads to display their doom and gloom. At the low cost of 500 Famicoins a session, our expects will help you find the threads that suit your specific needs. It's dangerous to shitpost alone. Take us. Famiboard's Guided Shitposts are here for you.
Where do I doom and gloom about Chrono Trigger? I've just been doing it in General Discussion this whole time.
I'm just about to read that thread and I'm already bracing for the imaginary cigarette I'm gonna need to take a long drag from out of exasperation.

At this rate just make it a 2025 release and get something better than T239, fawkssakeb'hy
#Team2023 today / rest of the year:




It should not have taken me this long to find these

Also, bonus which I couldn't rehost in Imgur:

Where do I doom and gloom about Chrono Trigger? I've just been doing it in General Discussion this whole time.

Famiboard's Guided Shitposts Recommends

Here, you can bask in despair knowing that Square Enix is remastering other classic games from their catalogue but not the one you want specifically. As an added bonus, it gives you the opportunity to annoy others who simply want to enjoy the Final Fantasy remasters without someone nagging them about a different series.
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