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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST3| Speculate Chronicles 3


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I am usually not one to wish death upon another human being. I’m not now, either.

But lately I have been reading so much about the gross inequalities between the poor and the rich. How much easier the rich have it, how much more simple life is for them, all the struggles they don’t even know others have, and how much more fun they can have in life. While for some others, life is about survival and making it to the next day.

It’s disgusting.

So I am not sad to hear of the Queen’s death. Whether you believe she was a good person or not, she was the figurehead of the monarchy, which steals from the poor, tries to hide their wealth, benefitted from slavery and colonization, and the list goes on.

Yes, I hope she rests in peace. But not because she was Queen… simply because she was a human being.

At the end of the day, we’re all worth the same. Even if some people, like many of those in the Royal Family, don’t see it that way.

Edit: steals from the POOR, not rich. Oops
the live funeral will be really emotional.

RIP September Direct. The world didn't deserve you.
I don't what's more ridiculous - Nintendo delaying a Direct because an old woman died, or refusing to release Advance Wars until all wars on planet Earth have come to an end.

Come to think of it they might as well delay the release of Splatoon 3. After all we can't have such a big new game release in the middle of a global tragedy.
Why there is going to be a Nintendo Direct on September 1st

Having Direct in September is not matter of if but rather when. In this post I will tell you why will team September 1st win.

There has been September Direct every single year since 2016, I am listing here every date when Direct happened and next to it when Tokyo Game Show was taking place in that year.
September 1st 2016​
TGS starting on September 15th
September 13th 2017TGS starting on September 21st
September 13th* 2018TGS starting on September 20th

*Direct was delayed due to earthquake in Japan, it was pushed back by one week to September 13th from September 6th.

September 4th 2019TGS starting on September 14th
September 17th 2020TGS starting on September 23st
September 23th 2021TGS starting on September 30th
September xx 2022TGS starting on September 15th

As you can all see, all of the Directs took place before the TGS started so that Nintendo could announce games from their partners that they can showcase at TGS. So we are looking for a Direct that takes place before September 15th. All the Directs took place around 1 or 2 weeks before TGS started.

But we can’t just look at past dates and figure out what will happen, that’s not how Nintendo works.

This week is empty, yes some might say that the Direct this week will interrupt Splatoon’s marketing and that might be true but am not really supporting this logic. Because if the Direct takes place on September 1st (2nd in Japan and EU) that is one whole week before Splatoon launches. Usually when Direct ends Nintendo will tweet about the games that were featured there for one or two days and that’s it. They don’t look back and say „Hey look, here is another reminder that you saw new BOTW2 trailer 4 days ago“ and so on.

I would say the Direct taking place in the Splatoon week this is also not a good spot, since you need to put out reviews for Splatoon. Going by last of their major releases the embargo for Strikers dropped on Wednesday while the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was Tuesday so it will be either 6th Tuesday or 7th Wednesday for reviews. That leaves a very little possibility to announce or air Direct on these dates. There is also a Apple Event happening on 7th and rumored Sony showcase on 8th. I would guess that Nintendo don’t care since they held a Direct in September 2017/8 day after Apple event but am just posting this for full context. The Direct also can't take place on 8th since that would already be 9th in JP and EU and I think doing Direct on Splatoon 3 release date is literally out of the question that's for sure.

One last week that is possible is second week of September from Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th (TGS starts on the 15th but Direct imo can’t take place in JP the same date as TGS starts). Some people say it will happen since Splatoon 3 will be out by then. If we exclude all possible days that week we really come out with one single date and that is.

Announcement on Monday 12th.

Direct taking place on Tuesday 13th in US (14th midnight in most of Europe and 14th in the morning in Japan).

Sounds good.

But I have one big problem with this date.

Direct would take place just one single day before TGS starts. One day imo isn’t enough for a titles announced in the Direct to then showcase at TGS next day. If it would be 3 to 4 days I would be on team that week, but the one day window is just so small that this opporunity is basically non existent.

And that brings me to the actual date of the Direct.

September 1st.

Announcement taking place on August 31st at 23:00 JST for a show on September 1st in NA, 2nd midnight CEST and 2nd morning in Japan.

If you may be wondering if it's problem that the Direct announcement will be different month than the Direct itself. This isn't the problem. As shown in the past:
September 1st 2016 Direct announced last day of August, April 1st 2015 Direct announced last day in March, Smash Ultimate Direct on November 1st 2018 announced in last day of October and list goes on and on.

Also it will never be week of Splatoon because of reviews. If the reviews drop on Tuesday they can't announce Direct on Tuesday 6th. And if they try to announce Direct on Wednesday 7th that will already be air date 9th in Japan (fucking Splatoon's release date).

Last but not least shout out to all of the other 65 people who also voted for team this week. We got this. See you on Wednesday.
Furukawa I hope that you are reading this and scratching your head right now.
I'm watching the "extremist left-wing" news in America and like an hour ago they were running shit about how badly Meghan treated the royal family and now they're running stuff about "King Charles" and I wanna do a puke

Edit: shit, this isn't the General thread sorry
As I said previously, in the span of 5 hours, someone high up at Nintendo would have had to hear the news of the queen being ill, made the decision to postpone the Direct, notified the other Nintendo branches worldwide, maybe notify third parties, and then that news somehow gets passed down to someone at Giant Bomb. All of this while most people in Japan are sleeping.

I can see someone at someone at NOA or NOE speculating about what they might do and it might ultimately be delayed. But I have a hard time believing that Nintendo had made an official decision about it in such a short amount of time.
I agree. This makes the most logical sense to me. If the direct is heavily correlated with TGS it will have to air normal time. If it is heavily Nintendo focused there is a chance they push the Direct out to not compete with the news cycle.

If other companies and events go forward I believe Nintendo will keep with their original plans.
Yeah I’m confused at why the Queen’s death would matter at all to Nintendo? Especially next week? Seem like different news “spheres” that wouldn’t crossover too much. Maybe I’m naive.

I’m a dumb ol’ American that has never cared about the UK royal family or known anyone else that really has either.
Let’s all remember that Nintendo went along with a Splatoon Direct the week after Bill Russell, a Seattle icon died. That is a bigger travesty to me than a direct next week
Don't think it'll impact much. The elderly English queen dying a natural death doesn't seem like such a world-shaking event. But I may be naive.
Queen Elizabeth II is like the most famous person in the world. The UK is entering a 10 day period of mourning and a lot of countries are going to be covering everything until the funeral. The next 10 days are going to be heavily focused on the Queen's death.
Don't think it'll impact much. The elderly English queen dying a natural death doesn't seem like such a world-shaking event. But I may be naive.
It’ll be one of the biggest media events of the century so far. It’ll impact media planning over the next couple weeks for sure, at the very least until after her funeral.
The direct is (probably) almost a week away
Media coverage is gonna slow down after the weekend

I might slightly off on the specifics (timing) but the entire country basically shuts down and the funeral proceedings take 10 whole days with the actual funeral on the last day. So like the coverage will go on for a while, obviously some countries will report on it more than others but still

I think they should just go on as planned
If anything I believe what @Raccoon said about it being a business decision to not get lost in the news cycle
Good one. Not sure how much overlap there is though between the audiences.
Queen Elizabeth II is like the most famous person in the world. The UK is entering a 10 day period of mourning and a lot of countries are going to be covering everything until the funeral. The next 10 days are going to be heavily focused on the Queen's death.
It’ll be one of the biggest media events of the century so far. It’ll impact media planning over the next couple weeks for sure, at the very least until after her funeral.
I forgot the tabloid-ific nature of news. God am I glad that I don't have any TV =P .
Yeah I’m confused at why the Queen’s death would matter at all to Nintendo? Especially next week? Seem like different news “spheres” that wouldn’t crossover too much. Maybe I’m naive.

I’m a dumb ol’ American that has never cared about the UK royal family or known anyone else that really has either.

I think the idea is that the news will be so focused on the Queen's death that any other news will get drowned out. Although I'm not really sure how much overlap there is. I rarely ever see the BBC or CNN talk about videogames. The people who follow gaming news are still going to follow it. Sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc. aren't going to halt their coverage. The whole point of Nintendo Directs was to deliver the news directly to the consumer and those people will be watching a Nintendo Direct and following Nintendo's social media accounts no matter what.
Not saying that'll have that long of an impact on any possible Direct newscycles or anything, but a lot of news outlets, channels are going to be covering this.
Don't think it'll impact much. The elderly English queen dying a natural death doesn't seem like such a world-shaking event. But I may be naive.
you would not believe the amount of bending over backwards the canonical english and uninfuriated commonwealths will do for ol’ granny genocide
I might slightly off on the specifics (timing) but the entire country basically shuts down and the funeral proceedings take 10 whole days with the actual funeral on the last day. So like the coverage will go on for a while, obviously some countries will report on it more than others but still

I think they should just go on as planned
Would they have covered the Direct News otherwhise ?
Do all the Canadians here have to do anything? Like sackcloth and ashes? Is that part of being in the Commonwealth?
all I know is that it’s my sacred duty to stick a royal fork in the RCMP’s bike spokes

er. horse spokes?

horses have spokes now
you would not believe the amount of bending over backwards the canonical english and uninfuriated commonwealths will do for ol’ granny genocide
I'm Dutch and we have a monarchy here (hee Willie!), but still I don't understand why it's so important emotionally to people =P .
We're back to a wait of at least

Actually I don't know why we are bothering with the speculation anywhere when we can just ask someone at Nintendo who would know. @Barely Able , has your dad, Furukawa, delayed the Direct? Surely your cousin-in-law Chris Pratt would know as well.
Don't think it'll impact much. The elderly English queen dying a natural death doesn't seem like such a world-shaking event. But I may be naive.
folks love them some white, rich, powerful people. Especially if the one in question sat on the throne for like 400 years.

We won't escape this shit.
Would they have covered the Direct News otherwhise ?

I mean no probably the main news sources wouldn’t cover the direct anyway, but you just said media coverage which will most definitely not be dying down after the weekend : p. But yeah I agree that the media covering the direct and the media covering the queen probably don’t have a ton of overlap and they should just do it

Edit: I hate typing this face “: p” with a space in it like but it’s the emotion the first one has isn’t the same as the emoji it’s auto replaced with :p
Do all the Canadians here have to do anything? Like sackcloth and ashes? Is that part of being in the Commonwealth?
Nah, at most the Mint will have to adjust the back of the $20 bill but like...fuck if I remember what physical money looks like since 2019 lmao
I will honor this occasion by referring to the NFL game todsy as the handegg match, but only for one day. Then back to calling it football.
england never got over the notion that they were the center of the known universe and by god they’re gonna keep making it everyone’s problem
Haha wow, you're bringing it! xD England sure seems like a creaky old dinosaur of a country.

Honestly though, European Monarchies have genuine fanbases. The Dutch royalty is just as beloved - or more! - in Germany for some reason :p . It's so weird to me.
Ewwwww Truss just said the words "His Majesty the King, Charles the Third" and I think I need to lie down
let’s look at this in a positive light, though:

if he does us all the courtesy of dying on the spot, they can do a two-fer on the funerals
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