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StarTopic Nintendo Direct Speculation |ST8| Press Your (Nintendo Direct) Luck!

I know Jeff Grubb said something about Metroid and May. I can’t recall what he said, but I’ll take whatever he heard was good info, except the Metroid Prime 4 info is coming in the confirmed June direct
Grubb heard (from a source that also told him about the Epic Mickey Remaster) that as of sometime last year, Retro/Nintendo were planning to have Prime 4 assets prepared by May 2024. This would probably be stuff like a CGI trailer and gameplay footage, basically the kind of things you'd need for a re-reveal; He also stressed that plans could have changed since he got that info and that having assets prepared for May isn’t the same as “something happens in May”

As always, let me tell you exactly what I know. First, I don't know if the game is coming out this year. I do not know. As in I'm saying that I don't know, and if you agree I don't know, I won't be mad. But as of LAST YEAR, N was looking to get assets by May of this year.
Those assets would likely include a CG trailer and possibly a gameplay trailer. Everything about this could've changed since I was last updated. And having assets in hand by May doesn't mean something happens in May. OK. Now you know everything I know. Feel free to ignore me.

Essentially, a bit of smoke pointing towards Prime 4 getting a re-reveal sometime soon that's looking a bit more likely now that we know there's a June direct happening
I still do not expect TP and WW to be bundled together.

Maybe they save one for a Switch 2 remaster.
Ayyyyy the cooler @Mr.Bones is back!!!

So long as you don't engage in blatant sexism and go "but my psych degree!", you'll clear that bar.
Omg did you miss when he came in? He joined like almost immediately after the bad Mr Bones was perm'ed, like it was a whole Buu-reincarnating-as-Uub thing 🤣

May is going to be a very long month :(
We're already through the first week of it, if anything May feels like a rocketship to me so far
As much as we joke about Nintendo hating its fans (it only hates most of you), they are really the only console manufacturer that is making software specifically for the super fans. I'm talking about making titles that won't blow up the sales charts but are appreciated by a select group of people. We joke about how many times Bayonetta has bombed only for it to get a sequel, and then another game, and even a spinoff prequel. Nintendo has made some remakes of Famicom Detective Club, Advance Wars, Another Code, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Mario RPG, The Thousand Year Door. None of these are the usual high profiles games you would expect a developer to remake. Yeah, it's old shit but let's be honest, Nintendo fans love old shit. They brought back Pokemon Snap. Ported over titles like Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong County: Tropical Freeze. Actively invested in traditional JRPGs from Square Enix.

They're never going to satisfy everyone (especially Arms fans) but at a time when companies are getting shut down for not being successful enough or having a 10 million + annual seller, I'm glad Nintendo is smartly investing in a variety of games because each one plays a role in making the company successful.
I know what you are going for, but I want to add one thing;

Nintendo fans like the smaller games too and it’s just not the blockbusters. That’s a good thing though.
Pretty good predictions, I would personally just (sadly) replace 3DK with Mario Party
Well I would replace that specific DK game to any DK game like Wii Returns, GC Jungle Beat, GC Konga remaster/remake or a new spin-off. Ideally I would love a new platform title but I have faith that a DK project will come this year to Switch this fall to coincide with its expansion opening at Nintendo World in Osaka.

Same with Kirby, I think we will see another Kirby project, it can be something like a new spinoff or a remaster/port of an old title (Rainbow Curse is getting its 10th anniversary next January so that was my guess).
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Back at it again to push for DK and beg for Banjo Tooie on NSO :cool:
We'll get a second wave of that Rare NSO batch we had in the last Direct, and it could be something Banjo themed.

Banjo Tooie
Banjo Kazooie Grunty's Revenge
Banjo Pilot
Diddy Kong Racing
Conker's Pocket Tales

This batch offer too few to base NSO subscribers so they might add some extra stuff as well. maybe not from Rare.
Look at my profile picture. All I need is the FE4 remake and then I’m happy. (Not only because I love FE4, but it would mean FE5, my favorite video game of all time, would be the next remake on the docket)

It feels so strange to know that a direct is coming so far ahead of time, but I kinda wish that Nintendo would announce their directs several weeks ahead of time like this more often. It takes away a lot of the mystery and anticipation and let's us just look forward to what's coming, instead of over-analysing and endless speculation about the dates and timings, rather than the content itself
Honestly I hope this becomes the norm. A month ahead saying “Direct next month”. Call me overdramatic, but it feels much calmer, soothing, and assuring this way. I love having that concrete info. Same reason I prefer long telegraphed release dates compared to shadowdrops. I’d rather budget and plan for everything in advance
Oh third party wise there should be tons of heavy hitters for Japan, not just DQ3HD. We also have much teased Bravely and FF tactics games coming up. Fantasy Life and Decapolice also will rule the sales lists. I just wonder if there's something much bigger than all of those. Mother/Earthbound returning is the biggest thing Nintendo can do right now. That's be some "swan song" for Switch.
I would think of some publishers:

  • Level-5 Inazuma Eleven, Fantasy Life, Decapolice, Layton
  • Square-Enix: Bravely Default (1+2?), FF Tactics, DQ3 HD, other remasters like SaGa Frontier or Vagrant Story or surprise SFC remakes like Bahamut Lagoon or Treasure Hunter G
  • Microsoft: Battletoads, Gears Tactics, Psychonauts 2, etc (this is purely speculation)
  • Capcom: more collections (Marvel Vs, Megaman Legends, etc)
  • Konami: MGS Vol 2, Castlevania DS Collection
  • Bandai-Namco: Dark Souls 2/3 (very late ports but never be late lol)
I think Elden Ring will be on Switch 2 very early on, considering it's a PS4 game.
And funnily enough the PS4 version was better than the PS5 version at launch.

Still an absolute phenomenal game, extremely excited for the DLC this summer.
Nintendo fans like the smaller games too and it’s just not the blockbusters. That’s a good thing though.
tbh this is actually huge

Feels like where a lot of other publishers (Sony's one of the bigger offenders imo) have trained their audience to see smaller games as inherently lesser and not "important", Nintendo meanwhile has kinda drawn a line in the sand that their smaller games are absolutely things people should get excited about and value on a similar level as their big premier titles and it has paid off very well for them in the long run.

At this point I think most companies simply could not get away with charging full price for something like Another Code Recollection or even a Metroid Dread, but Nintendo sticks to its guns and tells its audience "nah, smaller games matter too,we say they're of equal value as a Zelda or Mario" and it seems like more often than not the audience listens. They've positioned themselves to basically be the only ones who can really make full price money off "small budget" games, and that gives them a lot of leeway in being able to make more niche projects make sense for them
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At this point I think most companies simply could not get away with charging full price for something like Another Code Recollection or even a Metroid Dread, but Nintendo sticks to its guns and tells its audience "nah, smaller games matter too,we say they're of equal value as a Zelda or Mario" and it seems like more often than not the audience listens
There's also the fact that Nintendo has games that don't have to sell like a gajillion copies to turn a profit
I would think of some publishers:

  • Level-5 Inazuma Eleven, Fantasy Life, Decapolice, Layton
  • Square-Enix: Bravely Default (1+2?), FF Tactics, DQ3 HD, other remasters like SaGa Frontier or Vagrant Story or surprise SFC remakes like Bahamut Lagoon or Treasure Hunter G
  • Microsoft: Battletoads, Gears Tactics, Psychonauts 2, etc (this is purely speculation)
  • Capcom: more collections (Marvel Vs, Megaman Legends, etc)
  • Konami: MGS Vol 2, Castlevania DS Collection
  • Bandai-Namco: Dark Souls 2/3 (very late ports but never be late lol)
Too many re-releases, I think. There should be some big new stuff, as Directs always have.

  • Daemon X Machina Titanic Scion: Already revealed.
  • Bravely Default 3. Asano's teases kinda indicated a new game. It's time for a new Bravely game anyway.
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 3: Just one simple remaster wouldn't take so long. This is a new game for sure.
  • Etrian Odyssey 7: I think it's time. I expect this to be something drastically different.
  • Arika's Megaman: Arika head mistakenly leaked new Megaman design. There's definitely something coming soon.
  • Marvelous 2 mystery JRPG's
  • Streets of Rage Revolution: A part of Sega's revival games, should be closest one to release. Devs already made a Switch game, I don't think this will skip Switch
  • Konami x Indie studio Castlevania: I think this is just a matter of time. WayForward did Contra, someone else will do a full CV game. Either from Team Ladybug or Drinkbox.
  • Rain Code 2: This was hinted to be coming sooner than ever.
  • AI Somnium Files 3: Same above. It is coming soon.

For Namco, they already have few big releases this year so I expect them to do just re-releases. That recently de-listed Tales games and Pac-man World 2 remake.
tbh this is actually huge

Feels like where a lot of other publishers (Sony's one of the bigger offenders imo) have trained their audience to see smaller games as inherently lesser and not "important", Nintendo meanwhile has kinda drawn a line in the sand that their smaller games are absolutely things people should get excited about and value on a similar level as their big premier titles and it has paid off very well for them in the long run.

At this point I think most companies simply could not get away with charging full price for something like Another Code Recollection or even a Metroid Dread, but Nintendo sticks to its guns and tells its audience "nah, smaller games matter too,we say they're of equal value as a Zelda or Mario" and it seems like more often than not the audience listens. They've positioned themselves to basically be the only ones who can really make full price money off "small budget" games, and that gives them a lot of leeway in being able to make more niche projects make sense for them
This is a big part of why I don’t mind that games like Mario vs Donkey Kong are full price. I played that like it was a big-scale release, because Nintendo positioned it as one, and I had a fantastic time. It works in all directions.

Thanks to Nintendo’s clockwork monthly release schedule and a really good pre-orders site, I’ve kinda come to think of first-party Nintendo games as almost like a subscription service. I pay £40 per month, and I get a brand-new, freshly-cooked experience from the best games makers in the world dropping through my door. Sometimes, it’s TOTK or Splatoon and I’ll play it for 200 hours, sometimes it’s Endless Ocean and I’ll dip in and out for a year or so, sometimes it’s Mario v DK and I finish it in a week or so and start looking forwards to the next one. I think of them as part of the same line, the same idea. There’s no big or small games, just Nintendo games. It all comes from how they position and push them.
tbh this is actually huge

Feels like where a lot of other publishers (Sony's one of the bigger offenders imo) have trained their audience to see smaller games as inherently lesser and not "important", Nintendo meanwhile has kinda drawn a line in the sand that their smaller games are absolutely things people should get excited about and value on a similar level as their big premier titles and it has paid off very well for them in the long run.

At this point I think most companies simply could not get away with charging full price for something like Another Code Recollection or even a Metroid Dread, but Nintendo sticks to its guns and tells its audience "nah, smaller games matter too,we say they're of equal value as a Zelda or Mario" and it seems like more often than not the audience listens. They've positioned themselves to basically be the only ones who can really make full price money off "small budget" games, and that gives them a lot of leeway in being able to make more niche projects make sense for them
I think it’s also important to note that Nintendo doesn’t market their smaller titles as lesser quality.

Like Metroid dread was marketed as a return to forms.

Mario Vs donkey was marketed like a brand new game. Especially the thousand year door.

There’s much more example, like ring fit adventure.
I am somewhat expecting the September Direct to have Switch 2 game info in it. The reason for this is that developers are much more hyped about the system than they were when going from Wii U to Switch... there was just skepticism there outside of a few studios like Koei Tecmo, so if now a bunch of AAA pubs want to get into the launch window, is Nintendo really just going to announce their games in a Direct, along with their own games and smaller games from a variety of pubs (including SQEX I'd imagine) and Switch 1 games (unless they announce the 1H of 2025 in Sept)... in 45-50 minutes? That doesn't seem right... But if they start announcing the launch window this year and wrap it up next year they'll be able to announce Switch games + Switch 2 games without it becoming either impossible, a VERY LONG Direct or multiple Directs sprinkled around from Jan to Mar. I think doing either a very long or multiple Directs in such a short span of time might lead to info overload though, so giving the announcements room to breath is better, so starting this year would make more sense.

We'll have to wait and see what Nintendo does though.
Quick hits on potential first-party trailers from me, mostly by my guess of likelihood:
  • Metroid Prime 4
    • This sounds like the last big Switch-only Direct so I think we've gotta see it here on account of every previous Direct having been eliminated via process
  • Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
    • Guessing this one's from indieszero
  • Fire Emblem 18 / Genealogy remake
    • Heavily rumored, no reason to think this is gonna be a Switch 2 exclusive
  • HAL release
    • Next big Kirby game will be Switch 2, but Switch might still get something else smaller in scope
  • EPD4 release
    • They've had something basically every year, I don't think they'd hold off for Switch 2. Maybe this is NWC but I doubt it
  • NDcube release
    • More Clubhouse Games? I don't think they'd hold off for Switch 2
  • Camelot release
    • Don't think they'd hold off for Switch 2, though I'm not as confident. lol Golden Sun
  • Monolith Soft action game
    • shut up
Getting tough to gauge what's waiting to get uncorked for the successor but I think these are all reasonable guesses for Switch in 2024. Pokémon Legends: Z-A seems too far out and I don't think TPC withheld anything big from Pokémon Day. I don't think Nintendo's going to want to talk too much about Switch between revealing and releasing the successor, so I'm expecting we'll see most of the lineup for the rest of the year here.
I think that the September/pre-TGS Direct will likely be too early to do a big Switch 2 blowout. They might do the official announcement with trailer and such like the Switch October reveal before that, and then they could have a Partner Direct featuring third party games that can announce they’re coming for Switch 2. But I think the ‘big one’ will come later
I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Nintendo will have a 2D Zelda releasing H2 2024. Developed in parallel with TotK by a small subset of the Zelda team (plus one or more partner/support studios).
I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Nintendo will have a 2D Zelda releasing H2 2024. Developed in parallel with TotK by a small subset of the Zelda team (plus one or more partner/support studios).
I don't think that a 2D Zelda is coming in 2024.
We might be just getting a port of Wind Waker HD or/and Twlight Princess HD.
Quick hits on potential first-party trailers from me, mostly by my guess of likelihood:
  • Metroid Prime 4
    • This sounds like the last big Switch-only Direct so I think we've gotta see it here on account of every previous Direct having been eliminated via process
  • Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
    • Guessing this one's from indieszero
  • Fire Emblem 18 / Genealogy remake
    • Heavily rumored, no reason to think this is gonna be a Switch 2 exclusive
  • HAL release
    • Next big Kirby game will be Switch 2, but Switch might still get something else smaller in scope
  • EPD4 release
    • They've had something basically every year, I don't think they'd hold off for Switch 2. Maybe this is NWC but I doubt it
  • NDcube release
    • More Clubhouse Games? I don't think they'd hold off for Switch 2
  • Camelot release
    • Don't think they'd hold off for Switch 2, though I'm not as confident. lol Golden Sun
  • Monolith Soft action game
    • shut up
Getting tough to gauge what's waiting to get uncorked for the successor but I think these are all reasonable guesses for Switch in 2024. Pokémon Legends: Z-A seems too far out and I don't think TPC withheld anything big from Pokémon Day. I don't think Nintendo's going to want to talk too much about Switch between revealing and releasing the successor, so I'm expecting we'll see most of the lineup for the rest of the year here.

If I had to guess, NWC is likely a co-development between Indieszero and EPD4, just like Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training and Big Brain Academy. They already have a history working together, and I'm pretty confident that like NES Remix, there will be some internal team working on it.
If I had to guess, NWC is likely a co-development between Indieszero and EPD4, just like Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training and Big Brain Academy. They already have a history working together, and I'm pretty confident that like NES Remix, there will be some internal team working on it.
Not impossible, but it doesn't sound to me like an EPD4 project. I'd sooner believe they're working with the Tokyo team as with the NES Remixes
July: Nintendo World Championships - NES and a Legend of Zelda title of some kind
August: Zelda release, if not in July
September: Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War remake
October: Metroid Prime 4 and NDcube party title
November: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Deluxe and a Pokémon spin-off
December: IDK, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn remake? Probably nothing, though.
I think that the September/pre-TGS Direct will likely be too early to do a big Switch 2 blowout. They might do the official announcement with trailer and such like the Switch October reveal before that, and then they could have a Partner Direct featuring third party games that can announce they’re coming for Switch 2. But I think the ‘big one’ will come later
I see it basically like switch. Announcement in September or October. Full blowout presentation in January. We’ll get a Partners Direct in September
I cannot wait for the opening of the June direct confirming Kid Icarus Uprising HD coming in August.

I am coping so hard right now
July: Nintendo World Championships - NES and a Legend of Zelda title of some kind
August: Zelda release, if not in July
September: Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War remake
October: Metroid Prime 4 and NDcube party title
November: Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Deluxe and a Pokémon spin-off
December: IDK, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn remake? Probably nothing, though.
Broadly with you but perhaps a few tweaks-

July: Nintendo World Championships (Plus Metroid Prime 2 and maybe 3 shadowdropped)
August: Rhythm Heaven
September: Fire Emblem remake
October: Metroid Prime 4
November: Finally, the Zelda remasters. Likely two of them, with one acting as December’s game

January: Pokémon Legends ZA
February: Another smaller franchise revival, like Another Code or Endless Ocean. I think a new Starfy game is impossible but probably not the filler content this month would be, so probably more likely a Wii remaster (Punch Out? Excite Truck/Bots?)
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While we wait for the Direct next month, Nintendo is going to surprise by announcing Master Mode for Tears of the Kingdom for the 1 year anniversary to hold us over. Just do it Nintendo. DO IT! And a Xenoblade X shadowdrop wouldn't hurt either.
june 2024 direct predictions:

opening -
fire emblem genealogy of the holy war remake/remaster

first segment -
f zero gx remake/remaster
mario and sonic at the paris 2024 olympic games
update or dlc pack for super mario bros wonder for new content
nier replicant

center segment -
metroid prime 2 remastered + metroid prime 3 remastered

last segment -
at least 1 farming game
chrono trigger remake/remaster

ending -
either mario kart 10 with no platform listed or metroid prime 4
Nintendo fans like the smaller games too and it’s just not the blockbusters. That’s a good thing though.
they do? they didn't show up for Another Code Recollection - this one is worse because they're releases of the older games that no one bought so fans missed this the 1st and 2nd times - and this month's Endless Ocean 3.
Punch-Out!! REMATCH

An enhanced version of the Wii game featuring a second career mode against the Super Punch-Out crew... yeah I'm on MEGA copium I know 🥲
they do? they didn't show up for Another Code Recollection - this one is worse because they're releases of the older games that no one bought so fans missed this the 1st and 2nd times - and this month's Endless Ocean 3.
Another Code is a visual novel with extra steps and Endless Ocean got bad reviews. A more appropriate comparison would be stuff like Captain Toad, Mario vs DK, the Kirby spinoffs, Nintendo Switch Sports, pretty much any Metroid game, Clubhouse Games, etc.
june 2024 direct predictions:

opening -
fire emblem genealogy of the holy war remake/remaster

first segment -
f zero gx remake/remaster
mario and sonic at the paris 2024 olympic games
update or dlc pack for super mario bros wonder for new content
nier replicant

center segment -
metroid prime 2 remastered + metroid prime 3 remastered

last segment -
at least 1 farming game
chrono trigger remake/remaster

ending -
either mario kart 10 with no platform listed or metroid prime 4
Problem with your last one is that Nintendo has already said that it will be just looking at switch games for the rest of the year
One thing I loved about the Wii U was games throwing a U at the end like the N64 days.
I'll admit I'm an absolute sucker for this kind of thing. Or even the more subtle ones like all the DS games that had subtitles like Dawn of Sorrow or Dual Strike or the first 3DS Kirby being Triple (3) Deluxe (D)

Wish we saw more of it on Switch but I guess there's not as much to work with there

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