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StarTopic Future Nintendo Hardware & Technology Speculation & Discussion |ST| (New Staff Post, Please read)

The "Red Sea shipping is a huge issue that could delay the Switch 2!" stuff is just... What.

"Additional costs for the detour itself may not be that significant. "The cost increase is much lower than the 200% increase in spot rates," Damas said. He estimates that the additional cost of going around the cape ranges from 3% to 20%, depending on sailing speed. Additional costs are not directly proportionate to the distance, as the ship operator does not have to pay the Suez Canal toll."

The S&P 500 probably wouldn't have gone up 10% in the last two months if business people actually thought this was a major issue.
The "Red Sea shipping is a huge issue that could delay the Switch 2!" stuff is just... What.

"Additional costs for the detour itself may not be that significant. "The cost increase is much lower than the 200% increase in spot rates," Damas said. He estimates that the additional cost of going around the cape ranges from 3% to 20%, depending on sailing speed. Additional costs are not directly proportionate to the distance, as the ship operator does not have to pay the Suez Canal toll."

The S&P 500 probably wouldn't have gone up 10% in the last two months if business people actually thought this was a major issue.
I haven’t heard anyone bring that up. I did hear a theory about switch flash carts causing this
You know what they say, where there's smoke, there could be a smokescreen
when the smokescreen clears the culprit is revealed:
Could Nintendo have been to late to their expansion party? They are building a new development building now that will be ready by 2028. Maybe Nintendo need those bums on the seat already by now to be ready for Switch 2 development? Nintendo finds 4k gaming and new Nvidia features too hard to master in their original time window.

Would be tragic if Nintendo devs have just been sitting and playing around with Switch 2 devkits with no chance to develop software as quickly as they planned with it.
Can't help but notice how he words it as though he knew all along

Yeah imo it's just some talk some of these journalist types do. Gotta read between all the lines and have context overall to get what they are reporting on. (Not saying this about you, just in general)

So I also believe he has heard the same rumored report but doesn't have anything else to add to its validity.

What is this Eurogamer article?

Full on "launches 2025" headline like it's a fact, and then can't even solidly go by their own sources cause these are not sure about it themselves?

I... am used to a better Eurogamer.

But dem clicks tho!!!!!!1
So MK and 3D Mario have been cooking for at least 7 years now. I find it hard to believe that those two titles, which I assume are the major releases for the first year of Switch 2, aren't ready for a 2024 launch of the system. So the major tentpole releases should not be a problem I'd think. This would imply that, if software was a reason for a delay, then either some minor releases got them to shift things, or this is not the reason for the delay (in which case I can't think of any other reason tbh).

The entire delay theory seems hard to square with the current situation tbh.

Or perhaps they wanted more tentpole releases and it is indeed a software issue...
Would be tragic if Nintendo devs have just been sitting and playing around with Switch 2 devkits with no chance to develop software quickly with it.
Tragic indeed, as this sounds like one of the reasons why the Wii U's launch was bungled from the start.

Some don't like hearing the "because Nintendo" comments, but they're justified at times.
I think it's distinctly possible that the Switch 2 releases in 2025. On the other hand, it's a real possibility that the Switch 2 releases in 2024. My evidence either way is the madness of fan forums, so I think I'm gonna sit this one out.
He had it from 3 different continents, but I don‘t remember if it were the „titles launching in Q1 2025“ or „Switch 2 Launching Q1 2025“ ones.
It ultimately doesn't matter much on that front - those who claim "titles launching in Q1 2025" know, those who claim "Switch 2 launching in Q1 2025" suspect.

I don't think we've had anyone from any continent claim to actually know when the Switch 2 was launching... interestingly.
It ultimately doesn't matter much on that front - those who claim "titles launching in Q1 2025" know, those who claim "Switch 2 launching in Q1 2025" suspect.

I don't think we've had anyone from any continent claim to actually know when the Switch 2 was launching... interestingly.
We‘ll see in few weeks.
Tragic indeed, as this sounds like one of the reasons why the Wii U's launch was bungled from the start.

Some don't like hearing the "because Nintendo" comments, but they're justified at times.
Yeah if that is true we are indeed in the bad timeline right now, with Nintendo desperaterly floundering about trying to keep a consistant software release schedule for the whole Switch 2 era. But it seems that something has gone very wrong from their original plan which possibly led to the current shitshow.
Wow. Lot to cover huh?

I don't understand the point of the incoming patner if the new console comes out in 2025. Without considering the absence of big games in 2024.
Yeah, I'm having troubles trying to fit the pieces together (something I know I do too much of sometimes). We don't know what the rest of 2024 is going to look like beyond Princess Peach Showtime and a bunch of remakes & remasters, which will not be enough to carry 2024.

And now they're coming out with a partner showcase?
Why would they do a Partner Showcase next week and a reveal in March... only to not launch it within the calendar year?? Even if TTYD and LM2HD get their own trailers with dates... why not just make a General Direct?? Right now, they literally have nothing past Peach that they're releasing. I
A three month hardware delay doesn't suddenly invent games that can be launched to fill in the gap. We don't know if this delay is real. We don't know when this delay, if real, was decided on.

But if Nintendo had a fairly recent schedule change, wouldn't you expect them to have to s t r e t c h out the remaining Switch 1 releases to cover a longer period? If their original intent was to have Switch 2 + Big Launch Title as the holiday package, and now they delay to next year, wouldn't you expect them to take the biggest, last Switch 1 game in the hopper, and pull it out of Summer and push it into the Holiday?

Let's pretend we're in the middle of the Switch lifecycle, and we're in the runup to a Generic February Direct. Let us assume that Nintendo doesn't have any big hitters coming soon, and the release schedule is looking thin. What basically every game company does in those cases, is start announcing software early, with CGI trailers and vague dates, as a way to paper over the lack of announcements.

But in a world with delayed hardware, all the paper launch marketing tactics aren't available to you, because all the games 2 years out are tied to your Switch 2 marketing. Hell, if they're exclusives, you certainly don't want to be advertising games that can't be played on the only hardware customers know about

I have no idea what, if anything is happening at Nintendo. I'm just saying, any recent delay of the NG launch, if it was happening, only makes the Partner Direct make more sense, not less. Nintendo has to stretch out the existing calendar.

If you humor this, T239 in Q1 2025 is older tech than TX1 in Q1 2017 right? Or about the same? I know that's an oversimplification, but does that enable them to spec and launch a device at a more compelling price point, like $349.99 12-13 months from now?
T239 in 2025...
So how outdated is T239 going to be in 2025 when this thing launches?!
A 4 month delay doesn't suddenly age a product intended for a 7 year life cycle. It will not impact pricing (which, historically, Nintendo tries to not change over the course of a generation).

How "dated" hardware is depends on what comes after it's launch. T239 will still be the most advanced GPU design in a handheld if it launched in 2025, because right now, Nvidia's GPU designs are still light-years beyond their competitors. And the last three Nvidia micro-arches have all been pretty small refinements of the same design. Radical changes aren't happening in that space. In that sense, while the "on paper" date of T239's GPU design might be slightly over that of TX1's by launch time, it is closer to the state-of-the-art than TX1 was, which was still the most advanced (if not most powerful) console GPU on the market.

Will the next Nvidia GPU radically change up the core of their design? And if so, is that radical change successful? Does it lead to new programming models that the industry adopts? We can only guess, and guess even less about the generations after that. Will AMD catch up, or Intel disrupt the market? Who knows. These things will determine how rapidly T239 ages, not the ticking of the clock.
I swear this next system has been nothing but "slipped to next year" rumors. I'm honestly exhausted.

It might sound silly, but the Switch 2 has sort of been a bright spot to look forward to for this year and if it doesn't come I'll just be bummed out more than is probably reasonable for hardware speculation. 2024 is looking grim.

If Nintendo's next console isn't revealed next month for a 2024 release, I'll delete my account.

Bring it on.
y'know what? i've barely been here for a week and i'm already joining in with you in the same scenario. i'm legit just so tired of this cycle and have been losing passion in gaming as a hobby as is.
This is a good time to practice stoicism.
Wow. Lot to cover huh?

A three month hardware delay doesn't suddenly invent games that can be launched to fill in the gap. We don't know if this delay is real. We don't know when this delay, if real, was decided on.

But if Nintendo had a fairly recent schedule change, wouldn't you expect them to have to s t r e t c h out the remaining Switch 1 releases to cover a longer period? If their original intent was to have Switch 2 + Big Launch Title as the holiday package, and now they delay to next year, wouldn't you expect them to take the biggest, last Switch 1 game in the hopper, and pull it out of Summer and push it into the Holiday?

Let's pretend we're in the middle of the Switch lifecycle, and we're in the runup to a Generic February Direct. Let us assume that Nintendo doesn't have any big hitters coming soon, and the release schedule is looking thin. What basically every game company does in those cases, is start announcing software early, with CGI trailers and vague dates, as a way to paper over the lack of announcements.

But in a world with delayed hardware, all the paper launch marketing tactics aren't available to you, because all the games 2 years out are tied to your Switch 2 marketing. Hell, if they're exclusives, you certainly don't want to be advertising games that can't be played on the only hardware customers know about

I have no idea what, if anything is happening at Nintendo. I'm just saying, any recent delay of the NG launch, if it was happening, only makes the Partner Direct make more sense, not less. Nintendo has to stretch out the existing calendar.

A 4 month delay doesn't suddenly age a product intended for a 7 year life cycle. It will not impact pricing (which, historically, Nintendo tries to not change over the course of a generation).

How "dated" hardware is depends on what comes after it's launch. T239 will still be the most advanced GPU design in a handheld if it launched in 2025, because right now, Nvidia's GPU designs are still light-years beyond their competitors. And the last three Nvidia micro-arches have all been pretty small refinements of the same design. Radical changes aren't happening in that space. In that sense, while the "on paper" date of T239's GPU design might be slightly over that of TX1's by launch time, it is closer to the state-of-the-art than TX1 was, which was still the most advanced (if not most powerful) console GPU on the market.

Will the next Nvidia GPU radically change up the core of their design? And if so, is that radical change successful? Does it lead to new programming models that the industry adopts? We can only guess, and guess even less about the generations after that. Will AMD catch up, or Intel disrupt the market? Who knows. These things will determine how rapidly T239 ages, not the ticking of the clock.
Voice of reason.
Q1 2025 launch could happen, if it's the case I would not expect a reveal next month. This isn't the same situation as revealing the NX codename.

I do not believe in a both March 2024 reveal and a March 2025 launch. Conflicting reports from reputable outlets means it's not worth becoming particularly emotionally invested in this.
Wow. Lot to cover huh?

A three month hardware delay doesn't suddenly invent games that can be launched to fill in the gap. We don't know if this delay is real. We don't know when this delay, if real, was decided on.

But if Nintendo had a fairly recent schedule change, wouldn't you expect them to have to s t r e t c h out the remaining Switch 1 releases to cover a longer period? If their original intent was to have Switch 2 + Big Launch Title as the holiday package, and now they delay to next year, wouldn't you expect them to take the biggest, last Switch 1 game in the hopper, and pull it out of Summer and push it into the Holiday?

Let's pretend we're in the middle of the Switch lifecycle, and we're in the runup to a Generic February Direct. Let us assume that Nintendo doesn't have any big hitters coming soon, and the release schedule is looking thin. What basically every game company does in those cases, is start announcing software early, with CGI trailers and vague dates, as a way to paper over the lack of announcements.

But in a world with delayed hardware, all the paper launch marketing tactics aren't available to you, because all the games 2 years out are tied to your Switch 2 marketing. Hell, if they're exclusives, you certainly don't want to be advertising games that can't be played on the only hardware customers know about

I have no idea what, if anything is happening at Nintendo. I'm just saying, any recent delay of the NG launch, if it was happening, only makes the Partner Direct make more sense, not less. Nintendo has to stretch out the existing calendar.

A 4 month delay doesn't suddenly age a product intended for a 7 year life cycle. It will not impact pricing (which, historically, Nintendo tries to not change over the course of a generation).

How "dated" hardware is depends on what comes after it's launch. T239 will still be the most advanced GPU design in a handheld if it launched in 2025, because right now, Nvidia's GPU designs are still light-years beyond their competitors. And the last three Nvidia micro-arches have all been pretty small refinements of the same design. Radical changes aren't happening in that space. In that sense, while the "on paper" date of T239's GPU design might be slightly over that of TX1's by launch time, it is closer to the state-of-the-art than TX1 was, which was still the most advanced (if not most powerful) console GPU on the market.

Will the next Nvidia GPU radically change up the core of their design? And if so, is that radical change successful? Does it lead to new programming models that the industry adopts? We can only guess, and guess even less about the generations after that. Will AMD catch up, or Intel disrupt the market? Who knows. These things will determine how rapidly T239 ages, not the ticking of the clock.
You are always a voice of reason lol

Thanks man
Tragic indeed, as this sounds like one of the reasons why the Wii U's launch was bungled from the start.

Some don't like hearing the "because Nintendo" comments, but they're justified at times.

Where did we hear that Nintendo was too busy to working on WiiU dev kit to develop games? Not to mentioned making dev kits changes till the last minute is hardly uncommon and not a because Nintendo things.
Q1 2025 launch could happen, if it's the case I would not expect a reveal next month. This isn't the same situation as revealing the NX codename.

I do not believe in a both March 2024 reveal and a March 2025 launch. Conflicting reports from reputable outlets means it's not worth becoming particularly emotionally invested in this.
Basically where I'm at. Next month almost entirely determines where I stand on the validity of these reports, failing additional information before then.
What really confuses me is like we’ve discussed before and was said by Furukawa, these things are planned years out and I find it really odd or hard to believe Nintendo with no way of knowing the switch would still be selling relatively well at this point made the decision years ago to put out their successor when the switch would be entering year NINE on the market.

We have to assume plans for this system and its release were made sometime back in 2020-2021, which brings up another point that it’s incredibly odd for a device to finally release three years after its internals are taped out.

It just doesn’t strike me as a good decision or supporting the “smooth transition” they wanted deciding to release this system long after the switch could have potentially been dead in the water.

Sure, they had the Mario movie and some games still planned but other than tears of the kingdom there’s nothing that screams system seller so for all they knew 3 years ago the switch would not be even close to hitting their projected 15 million sales which even they claimed was a stretch.

Just… seems like very odd planning.
Q1 2025 launch could happen, if it's the case I would not expect a reveal next month. This isn't the same situation as revealing the NX codename.

I do not believe in a both March 2024 reveal and a March 2025 launch. Conflicting reports from reputable outlets means it's not worth becoming particularly emotionally invested in this.

Yup I'm with you here.

My silver lining in this run up to next gen Nintendo hardware is that IF a reveal happens next month then I think this Q1 2025 release is extremely unlikely.

If nothing of the sort happens next month then well something else is afoot.
re: dog-piling

I want to apologize for making anyone feel dumped on. As the thread gets bigger and bigger, closer and closer to launch, and moves faster and faster, the sheer number of people who might, in the heat of the moment, say Basically The Same Thing increases. That can turn a civil discussion into a heated one, and a heated one into a bloodbath. I'll do my best to not contribute to that.

I wrote a post yesterday that was intended to shut a conversation down because I believed all the people involved were genuine, not trolling, and incapable of changing each other's minds. I recognize that I did so in a way that was kinda scathing. That didn't accomplish what I meant to. It's a hard line to balance between a culture of welcoming fans and a culture of armchair detectives.

A lot of the welcoming fans are here because they were drawn in by the detective's work. And at least one of the detectives is here because the fans were so welcoming to me when I showed up, something gaming culture isn't exactly known for.

For the record, as far as I'm concerned, any opinion is welcome - if you want to think Nintendo will use the Intel chip in the MSI claw to make a VR console for dogs, and this all came to you in a dream, that's rad. Share your vision. But if you claim this is well supported by the technical data, expect me to disagree with you.

I'll try to keep those disagreements respectful, and again, I'm sorry I didn't keep to that recently. It should be fun in here, as much as Nintendo's quixotic nature allows.
Q1 2025 launch could happen, if it's the case I would not expect a reveal next month. This isn't the same situation as revealing the NX codename.

I do not believe in a both March 2024 reveal and a March 2025 launch. Conflicting reports from reputable outlets means it's not worth becoming particularly emotionally invested in this.
Besides the reveal next month no longer making sense, they don't have anything for Holiday this year. I'm sure they have some games which were supposed to be crossgen coming up, but are any of them big enough to be the holiday game? I imagine the best they can do is delay Paper Mario out of summer and make it the November game and maybe drop Prime 4 around that time too. Either way, this year is looking dire for everyone except Xbox ironically when it comes to new releases.
Since publishing this story, VGC has heard from multiple sources who said Nintendo has told publishers its next console will now launch in Q1 2025.

According to the sources, third-paty game companies were recently briefed on an internal delay in Nintendo’s next-gen launch timing, from late 2024 to early the following year.

One publishing source suggested the delay was so that Nintendo could prepare stronger first-party software for the console.

It’s possible the next-gen Nintendo console will now follow a similar timeline to the Switch, which was released in March but announced the previous year.

VGC has asked Nintendo for comment on this story.
"Since publishing this story, VGC has heard from multiple sources who said Nintendo has told publishers its next console will now launch in Q1 2025.

According to the sources, third-paty game companies were recently briefed on an internal delay in Nintendo’s next-gen launch timing, from late 2024 to early the following year.

One publishing source suggested the delay was so that Nintendo could prepare stronger first-party software for the console.

It’s possible the next-gen Nintendo console will now follow a similar timeline to the Switch, which was released in March but announced the previous year.

VGC has asked Nintendo for comment on this story."
Please read this new, consolidated staff post before posting.

Furthermore, according to this follow-up post, all off-topic chat will be moderated.
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