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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST6 Mar. 2022| Marchful Mode

What is the best (non-Kirby) Kirby franchise main character?

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I'm gonna hold off on the Kirby demo, but I'm so happy to see all the good impressions!
How are you enjoying Octopath? I've heard mixed feelings on this.

I've been going back and forth with the game over a few years. I keep hitting walls with all of the chapter 4 bosses. I'm hoping that I can just super power my team and blow through the rest of them soon.
I can’t wait for the next entry of the [shape] [video game genre] series.

Triangle Strategy
Rectangle Adventure
Pentagon Party
Rhombus Racers
Is Famiboards loading a bit slower than usual for anyone else?
Just did a reload to check.

It did load slower than usual; I think it took a full 20 seconds and that was on full Internet connectivity.

Maybe it was a one-time thing, but can't say for sure.
It sucks having a customer facing job when your mind is elsewhere. People talking to me and my brain is like



Nope, not touching that demo. I'll wait patiently for the full game 😇
This is where I'm at. I already know my girlfriend and I are going to play and probably love that game. Why bother even looking at the demo? We'll just wait! It's not that long.
Got a parcel, thought it was Triangle Strategy, turns out it was just a book I'd preordered at some point and then forgot about. Boohoo, etcetera.
Is Famiboards loading a bit slower than usual for anyone else?

but my internet’s been messy this morning, who knows what demons are in the tubes
i pre-ordered Kirby on Amazon. How good are they with delivering games on release date?
Legends Arceus is the second of two games over my many many years of buying from them that wasn't delivered on the release date. The first was Advanced Warfare, so more likely than not, you'll get it on release date.
Kirby demo proves it’s going to be an excellent linear 3D platformer.

I've seen someone on Twitter say you get some sort of gift code for the final version of Kirby when you beat all three demo levels!?
Yup, I got two codes. One for completing the demo and the other I believe for doing it on hard mode.
Triangle Strategy comes out tonight, a new Kirby demo just dropped and I'm getting a cheeseburger and milkshake later. This is a super great day for me.
Triangle Strategy looking good, and a Kirby demo! Dang Nintendo slow down. I’m 45 hours into Elden Ring and only just finished the second dungeon, lol
Glad to see that all starters have their fans when looking at the poll. They really nailed it this time.
haha slow down yeah, I'm in the middle of Metroid Dread and still have not played YS IX or Legends Arceus and my copy of Triangle Strategy just shipped, come on I can't keep up
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