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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST6 Mar. 2022| Marchful Mode

What is the best (non-Kirby) Kirby franchise main character?

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Still want to try ans get into game cube collecting as well. I know some of the games are pricey but I would like to get more as well
How many TVs would be destroyed from people launching “dodgeballs” as hard as they can but not remembering to wear the wrist strap?
It's a tough call for me. Gamecube had two Timesplitters. Switch has no Timesplitters. Can you really be on fire with no Timesplitters?
Switch has no TimeSplitters...for now 👀

I got all my fingers and toes crossed for whatever a resurrected Free Radical Design is capable of and whenever the next

Either that or Nintendo plans to remaster gamecube titles like the one with Metroid Prime that’s a badly kept secret
Oh definitely more Gamecube games could use a quality remaster, but I'm scared unless they completely revise their metrics for what might constitute a successful ROI, we won't see anything beyond Sunshine, Prime, and Windwaker/Twilight Princess if they can't be emulated (only one of which was ever officially announced/released as of now). Third parties have been more caring of their legacy that generation with Resident Evil franchise, Super Monkey Ball, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, but I doubt Nintendo will look at something like Starfox Adventures and think "Yeah, we can make money off this with uprezzed assets and 16:9."
Switch has no TimeSplitters...for now 👀

I got all my fingers and toes crossed for whatever a resurrected Free Radical Design is capable of and whenever the next

Oh definitely more Gamecube games could use a quality remaster, but I'm scared unless they completely revise their metrics for what might constitute a successful ROI, we won't see anything beyond Sunshine, Prime, and Windwaker/Twilight Princess if they can't be emulated (only one of which was ever officially announced/released as of now). Third parties have been more caring of their legacy that generation with Resident Evil franchise, Super Monkey Ball, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, but I doubt Nintendo will look at something like Starfox Adventures and think "Yeah, we can make money off this with uprezzed assets and 16:9."
Yeah I can understand that, especially with the price some gamecube games go for. I do wish to collect more for it but those prices for some…
I'm a little late here but the Kirby demo is fun! So far still a bit on the easy side, but I guess that's Kirby for you
Switch is probably going to have over 10,000 games when all is said and done. PS2 is probably next closest with like 4000.
A lot more than 10,000 games. Currently it's between 7,000 and 7,500 according to Dekudeals. And (also) according to Dekudeals, PS4 has between 6,000 and 6,500 games.
Switch has no TimeSplitters...for now 👀

I got all my fingers and toes crossed for whatever a resurrected Free Radical Design is capable of and whenever the next
I trust Doak and Ellis will do the right thing regarding the target platforms. Doak never wanted to release game that's not on Nintendo system anyway, that's the main reason why Haze was a piece of trash.
A lot more than 10,000 games. Currently it's between 7,000 and 7,500 according to Dekudeals. And (also) according to Dekudeals, PS4 has between 6,000 and 6,500 games.
Ooooh that's a useful site for counting that, I didn't realize it tallied everything.

Yeah makes sense that the PS4 is in second now.
Derachi's Ranking of 2017 Games

1) Yakuza 0
2) Super Mario Odyssey
3) Breath of the Wild
It shows how stacked 2017 was that I wouldn’t even have the non-BOTW games here in my top 5 (I haven’t played Yakuza 0, sorry!), hell I love Odyssey a lot and it barely makes the top 10
I trust Doak and Ellis will do the right thing regarding the target platforms. Doak never wanted to release game that's not on Nintendo system anyway, that's the main reason why Haze was a piece of trash.
Timesplitters trilogy remaster first 🤞🤞

then Timesplitters 4 with jo beth casey level untouched
For Gamecube (Wii by extension) I would prefer if they remaster individually each of their key titles.

Thats what they are doing so far…

  • Zelda WW and TP are already on WiiU and surely they will come to Switch someday. Skyward Sword got released last year.
  • Metroid Prime trilogy will come by one title.
  • Xenoblade has its “Definitive Edition”
  • Wii Sports/Resort and Wii Fit has their spiritual successors with Switch Sports and Ring Fit.
  • Super Mario Sunshine and Galaxy are already on Switch, via emulation yes but its better than NSO service. Hopefully they will re-release them with Mario Galaxy 2
  • We are getting (some) MK Double Dash/Wii circuits via MK8DX dlc.
  • There are already 3 mario sports titles (tennis, golf, soccer). The only one left is baseball.
Other notable NGC/Wii titles worth a remaster:
  • Pikmin 1/2
  • New SMBWii
  • Luigis Mansion 1
  • Punch Out
  • Sin & Punishment 2
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns
  • F-Zero GX
  • Paper Mario TTYD
  • Smash Melee
  • Fire Emblem PoR/RD
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Kirby Air Ride/Epic Yarn/Returns to Dreamland
  • Animal Crossing maybe?
  • Wario Land Shake it
Last edited:
Sadist’s ranking of 2017 games

Xenoblade 2
Yakuza 0
Resident Evil VII
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Uncharted the Lost Legacy
Splatoon 2
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Metroid Return of Samus
Horizon Zero Dawn
Fire Emblem Shadow of Valentia
Tales of Berseria

Insane huh?
Sadist’s ranking of 2017 games

Xenoblade 2
Yakuza 0
Resident Evil VII
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Uncharted the Lost Legacy
Splatoon 2
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Metroid Return of Samus
Horizon Zero Dawn
Fire Emblem Shadow of Valentia
Tales of Berseria

Insane huh?
No Cuphead or Sonic Mania???... I don't know how you even live with yourself tbh /s

Seriously, that year was unbelievable.
After the Switch era, I don't feel much nostalgia for the GameCube era anymore.

To me personally, the Switch era feels like a much, much better version of the GameCube era. The only thing Switch is missing is a few racers (F-Zero, Wave Race) and the Star Fox series. Otherwise, Nintendo has been on fire with Switch.

You know, I agree with this, GameCube era was my favourite Nintendo era prior to Switch but now I think Switch has taken over. We have got a great, varied selection of games from them this generation (more so if you never owned a Wii U) and the fact we are rumoured to be getting some of GameCube’s best games (WW/TP and Metroid Prime) in a system that can be played portable is huge for me.
Switch and GC era feel very different to me, I don’t see the connection. They’re both great for their own reasons.
Switch reminds me more of the Ps1 than really any Nintendo system, even the DS/3DS.

But that might just be because I keep buying and playing every Ps1 game that gets ported to it... 🤔
The SNES and GBA are still kings in my book, but the Switch is not too far behind imo; Even though I feel I have more strong memories of my time with the Wii U;

I think the lack of certain generation defining titles like Mario Kart, 2D Mario and Donkey Kong, have to do with this; At least we slowed down with ports! No Wii U game slated for this year so far;
My left eye has been twitchy for the past like 3 days.

I feel like that's probably a seasonal allergy thing right? It is that time of year.
So much for "Nintendo is distancing themselves from the Miis" thing; --Now, they just gotta update Switch Sports to have Miis as the default option 👏
It’s not that Nintendo can’t make up their minds about Miis or that they were trying to distance themselves from them (don’t forget we just got Miitopia on Switch last year, too), it’s just that they’re not putting them everywhere anymore like they did on Wii, 3DS, and Wii U. They seem to be using them more sparingly now, except for in games that are fundamentally built around Miis like Miitopia and Tomodachi Life, which honestly makes a lot of sense.

May as well quote my big Mii post from the last thread, I guess, lol:
On the topic of Miis vs. Sportsmates, lately I’ve felt like I’m kind of alone in being someone who cares very deeply about Miis—Miis were basically my whole world when I was running a StreetPass group during the 3DS/Wii U era—but also doesn’t really mind Sportsmates being a thing in Nintendo Switch Sports? Like, hands down, I absolutely prefer Miis—though, depending on the nonhuman Sportsmates options given, it could become a very tough choice for me in Nintendo Switch Sports—and I think Miis are an under-appreciated form of art and the perfect balance of timeless, simple design but with deep range of customization and potential, but at the same time…I’m fine with Nintendo wanting to give the “Nintendo Sports” series its own identity outside of Miis. I mean, if Miis weren’t included at all I’d definitely be bummed, but they’re still there as an option, and the Sportsmates are just the Animal Crossing Villagers, or Ring Fit Trainees, or Splatoon Inklings, etc., of Nintendo Sports, and I think that’s just…fine? I don’t really view this as “Mii erasure” as most other Mii fans seem to be doing, and it’s clear that Sportsmates aren’t actually the “next generation Miis” as some people seem to believe for reasons I don’t understand. Honestly, while Miis were absolutely a core part of Wii Sports, the series isn’t really about them, it’s about the sports. It’s not like games like StreetPass Mii Plaza, Tomodachi Life, Miitomo, or Miitopia, which were absolutely all about Miis, and I’d consider those to be the true “Mii series” games (and I think Nintendo does, too), and I have no doubt that we’ll still get games like that from time to time so Miis aren’t going anywhere and will still get their time to shine where appropriate. But I think Nintendo has been wanting to scale back their usage of Miis in other games that aren’t entirely built on the concept of Miis, probably for multiple reasons—at first I thought it was just to distance themselves from the Wii branding with Nintendo Switch games, but I think the fact that many people (sadly) grew tired of Miis after their heavy (and required, in many instances) presence on Wii, 3DS, and Wii U is also a factor, as is the fact that I think many people are probably overwhelmed with or disinterested in designing a Mii for a game when they just want to get on with playing the game instead, so Nintendo’s solution is to offer simpler, less intimidating (and, as a result, much less customizable) character creation options for games where it’s appropriate. They did this with Ring Fit Adventure, they did it with Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain, despite their previous installments using Miis (if you count Ring Fit Adventure as the successor to Wii Fit, that is), and now they’re doing it with Nintendo Switch Sports, too—but we’re at least getting an option to still use Miis in this case, so it’s fine by me. Now, if they start removing or sidelining Miis from actual Mii-centric games like Tomodachi Life or Miitopia, then yeah, that’s where I’d draw the line and start being very concerned. But as things are? I think it’s fine. I do miss the days where Miis were everywhere, but at the same time I realize that maybe it’s better for Nintendo to not overuse them and make a lot of people become sick of them. I think how they’re being used now—as a system-level thing that’s still used for amiibo and profile icons, and then sparingly as an option in games where appropriate, sometimes, while saving their real starring roles for Mii-centric games like Miitopia—is just fine.

Or, TL;DR—this, basically:
I don’t think there’s anything to make their mind up about, Miis aren’t going away but they now serve a different purpose
@Emily I'm hesitant to ask but just gonna go for it and shoot my shot...do you have any clue on the timeline for when new Switch hardware is planned to launch? Totally understand if you're not in a position to share if you know anything or just don't want to comment at all!! Sorry if this comes off as bugging you.

Getting so excited for this thing and really hoping it's soon so I thought I'd ask.
Wii Sports Resort’s Basketball was way more fun than Wii Sports Baseball imo. That subgame where your shoot a bunch of 3-point baskets in quick succession is classic.
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