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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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I STRIKE back because STRIKING is what I do!


That’s a photoshop. You just need to look deep inside yourself to know the harsh truth, it’s gone. Ashes in the wind.
Oh, totally. There's nothing to kill anymore. So no need to attack anymore. It's gone.

shhh Road Meat shhhh
the computer: heh heh heh heh... I am the most evillest most fucked up guy to ever exist

thread: nooooo we have to stop the evillest guy!!!

the computer: aww I was just twying to have fun with you >.<

thread: noooooo not the little baby it's okay buddy we'll nurse you back to health

Oh wait, I did. This is no GAMBIT, this is a series of ACTIONS in the name of LOVE! I TOSS aside both @Suswave and @VolcanicDynamo while they are both ASLEEP and DETONATE ALL, the liminal faction I brought into this world, on Road Meat to OBLITERATE Road Meat.

You detonate ALL. Suswave lives up to their promise and stands in your way, because what the fuck, you monster.

The game engine is gone, but you’re so determined! So I guess you’ll get what you want!

You do -1261 damage to house LOVE. You do -1261 damage to @Suswave, who you just got back.

@Suswave sustains massive injuries. Essentially on their deathbed, AGAIN, they slip away into a coma.

Road Meat, who hates that name but can’t think of a better one, wants to stay with @Suswave and help, but is terrified that they’ll be killed.

With the help of some failsafes that @Suswave set up before you blew them up, Road Meat escapes, heartbroken and terrified.

Road Meat is gone. Suswave is gravely wounded and unresponsive. I hope you’re happy.
What I'm getting from this turn of events is that people should watch more anime.

And also that I'm once again barred from owning eldritch abominations as pets. It's not fair.
yeah the three of us spend the rest of our days in this bizarre dystopia scouring the land for this unholy abomination and seeking to fully eradicate it

we probably make some fun memories and wacky hijinx along the way
Chitin leans down, the earth shaking as they do, and flicks xghost777 several hundred miles away into the ocean
Good thing GHOSTs are already dead and thus can’t die. I’ll spend the next eight hours or so rushing back...if I feel like it. My work here is done!
Chitin leans down, the earth shaking as they do, and flicks xghost777 several hundred miles away into the ocean
@Suswave Support here…

uhhhhh this got darker than any shit I was trained for but I’m MANIFESTING +300 to the ABYSS for this one.

Look, I’m still happy to tally up this mess for final scores as we move into the epilogue, but…

If you don’t find a way to revive @Suswave and settle this weird shit, nobody’s getting any gift cards.

Because I’m broke as shit and I don’t have access to @Suswave’s bank account.

Given that the last person / creature / entity that was able to bring Suswave back from near death — besides 2uswave, RIP — just ran away because y’all were trying to kill them…

idk! maybe confer about your choices before acting! maybe re-examine the lore.

I know I’m just support staff but I really liked 2uswave, and if we don’t get to do their funeral because of your bloodlust, I’m gonna be really fucking mad. I’ll go out of my WAY to be your next final boss.
I STRIKE them in the name of MOB JUSTICE!
You call that a STRIKE? Well sike!
Ain't backing down from a fight
One-two combo straight to the chin
Followup suplex while you still reelin'

yeah I'm kind of interested in harming them

they're going to be our greatest obstacle when it returns
Hey yo! I've been STRIKING since the start of the game
You think ya got what it takes to snuff out my flame?
I'm this GAME's gladiator, the king of violence
And I will STRIKE right past your defense

and if we don’t get to do their funeral because of your bloodlust

Nice one @BozPaggs for flinging the jokesters to the ocean
Now it's time to pour a chilled one out for the fallen
Hey Road Meat, I dunno if you can hear me
But I'm right here if you need somebody
@Suswave Support here…

uhhhhh this got darker than any shit I was trained for but I’m MANIFESTING +300 to the ABYSS for this one.

Look, I’m still happy to tally up this mess for final scores as we move into the epilogue, but…

If you don’t find a way to revive @Suswave and settle this weird shit, nobody’s getting any gift cards.

Because I’m broke as shit and I don’t have access to @Suswave’s bank account.

Given that the last person / creature / entity that was able to bring Suswave back from near death — besides 2uswave, RIP — just ran away because y’all were trying to kill them…

idk! maybe confer about your choices before acting! maybe re-examine the lore.

I know I’m just support staff but I really liked 2uswave, and if we don’t get to do their funeral because of your bloodlust, I’m gonna be really fucking mad. I’ll go out of my WAY to be your next final boss.

I STRIKE Suswave Support in the name of CRAFTING OUR OWN ENDING!
come on gang what were you going to do with eshop credit in 2024

everybody beat the shit out of the dungeonmaster as is tradition for every d&d campaign
@Suswave Support here… as one of two to three people who know the funeral plans on this site, I’m fucking telling you, you want the nice little epilogue that was planned and I was trained for!!

I’m sick of this sh—

Hello, Famiboards. Thank you for reaching out to Suswave Support. What can I help you with today?
everybody beat the shit out of the dungeonmaster as is tradition for every d&d campaign
Naw you want me to do something so cliche? Let's do this instead.

I EXALT Road Meat in the name of meatbag, Warrior of TWO, the relentless STRIKER, Agent of CHAOS and Owner of the Death Note!
how it started: team switch 2 or team valentine's day

how it's ending: team humanity or team manmade horror beyond our comprehension
Why were you trained for a funeral? Did you plan 2uswave's death all along? 🤔
Suswave Support: I got trained for it yesterday! Jesus!!

Hello, @hologram. How can I help you today?

…wait what the fuck. Y’all that is NOT me.
Suswave Support: EXCUSE ME fucking @xghost777 I’ve BEEN SENTIENT. @Suswave hired real support staff! Come on!!!!!!

But it does NOT pay well enough to deal with whatever this shit is!! Both uh. All of you. And whatever is happening to the support chat…

I don’t fucking like this y’all, I don’t kn—

Suswave AutoSupport: Hi, @xghost777 — thank you for reaching out. We’ll be with you shortly.
all it took to embolden my inner luddite was one wacky forum thread


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