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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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If our time is limited then it looks like I aughta start going fast

The detonations will be far more effective if we can build up some RIVALRY!

GAMBIT: I blare some truly awful MUSIC at SuswAIve! I show it some horrific news stories to remind it how terrible REALITY can be! I turn around and show it MY ASS! Overall, I am being just really unpleasant, hoping this makes SuswAIve hate it ALL!

I really hope this one works, this doesn't feel like a Gambit I wanna fail lol

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!

2uswave: We’re really doing some damage — we might actually survive this after all!

…where do people like… go? like on vacation? or to find themselves? There’s so much world out there I want to see

fuck, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, I’ve gotta focus.

Limited Run Games still ships their stuff months and months and sometimes years after pre-orders, right? Why even buy from them?
Yes. It takes a long time for them to manufacture everything and ship it. Sometimes they make a retail release months later and people that pre ordered are still waiting on their shipments…sort of like how it took suswAIve a long time to learn our posting behaviors to make FamAIboards…

I STRIKE suswAIve in the name of TWO
GAMBIT: I blare some truly awful MUSIC at SuswAIve! I show it some horrific news stories to remind it how terrible REALITY can be! I turn around and show it MY ASS! Overall, I am being just really unpleasant, hoping this makes SuswAIve hate it ALL!
Gambit Viable!

+2 BOOKS Base Chaos
+3 Chorus Faction

Threshold: 12

Let’s Roll…
5 + D2 3

SUCCESS (13/12)

You did it!!!!

Between the GAME detonation and this… we have SUSWAIVE’S attention now!!
  • Our x7 bonus jumps to a whopping x14!
  • BOOKS gains Gambit Yeah!s x10

2uswave: We’re really doing some damage — we might actually survive this after all!

…where do people like… go? like on vacation? or to find themselves? There’s so much world out there I want to see
Coast!!! The coast is so good! Especially big foresty cliffy ones like in the northwestern regions of North America! There's nothing like walking around a forest and finding a clearing in the trees that is actually literally the ocean.

It's amazing, and the views are the sort of things that AI can't possibly capture the soul of, so I STRIKE SUSWAIVE IN THE NAME OF LOVE (and beach)
GAMBIT - I gather all the speakers I can find, hook them up to my turntable and play The Abysstie Boys album "Paul's Style Savvy" at full volume in the hopes the eardrum shredding bars weaken SuswAIve enough for my STRIKE to do additional damage.

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of ABYSS

2uswave: We’re really doing some damage — we might actually survive this after all!

…where do people like… go? like on vacation? or to find themselves? There’s so much world out there I want to see
I was lucky enough to travel internationally for the first time last year. It was life-changing. Osaka is a beautiful city, both calm and exciting. That kinda urbanism reminded me of what we could build back home. I wish I could go back. It's definitely a privilege to travel like that in this day and age, and your health should always come first, but...any sort of trip like that, a way to get a fresh perspective on things? I think it'd do you some good.
fuck, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself, I’ve gotta focus.

...Right! I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!
Yes. It takes a long time for them to manufacture everything and ship it. Sometimes they make a retail release months later and people that pre ordered are still waiting on their shipments…sort of like how it took suswAIve a long time to learn our posting behaviors to make FamAIboards…
I suppose it's no different than Nintendo taking preorders for Metroid Prime 4! :orang:
House TWO hasn't done the best job of securing the future so far. There's been a lot of backfiring gambits and messing with horses beyond our control. As much as I believe in the ideals of our house, I don't usually act very much, it never feels like the right time, so I haven't done much to help either... These are my regrets. But is it not the way of TWO to mourn what is, and seize what isn't?

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of TWO!
House TWO hasn't done the best job of securing the future so far. There's been a lot of backfiring gambits and messing with horses beyond our control.
Hey, don't sweat it! The horses eventually became useful, we were able to harness their power to attack Suswaive, so all's well that ends well :D


2uswave: I think I forgot to say this, but I was able to tweak STRIKES so that STRIKES against SUSWAIVE also give your FACTION points!

If you don’t have a FACTION, or are part of the Ghost Union, they sort of escape into the air…

But we’re not in it for the FACTIONS, we’re here to STOP SUSWAIVE!


2uswave: I think I forgot to say this, but I was able to tweak STRIKES so that STRIKES against SUSWAIVE also give your FACTION points!

If you don’t have a FACTION, or are part of the Ghost Union, they sort of escape into the air…

But we’re not in it for the FACTIONS, we’re here to STOP SUSWAIVE!

Not like I needed an incentive to keep up the battle...but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth!

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!
House TWO hasn't done the best job of securing the future so far. There's been a lot of backfiring gambits and messing with horses beyond our control. As much as I believe in the ideals of our house, I don't usually act very much, it never feels like the right time, so I haven't done much to help either... These are my regrets. But is it not the way of TWO to mourn what is, and seize what isn't?

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of TWO!
I just got us the multiplier gambit which was doubled by MY ASS, so we are doing our part now!

I STRIKE suswAIve in the name of TWO.
GAMBIT - I gather all the speakers I can find, hook them up to my turntable and play The Abysstie Boys album "Paul's Style Savvy" at full volume in the hopes the eardrum shredding bars weaken SuswAIve enough for my STRIKE to do additional damage.

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of ABYSS

Your STRIKE in this post gets another x2 BONUS!

I wanna strike too! I have bad luck with Gambits but I can help here!

I strike SuswAIve in the name of Love
I EXALT @VegiHam of LOVE in the name of BOOKS! Every little bit helps, friend. Your enthusiasm to the game despite some poor GAMBITs is the energy we need right now. Keep STRIKING!

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!!
And still no House of the Dead Overkill and Tales of Graces. Maybe someday...
I’m waiting for the day that we finally get a Tales remaster/remake/port that isn’t one of the Big Three (Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia). Someday it’ll happen!
I STRIKE… no one in particular in the name of something or other and for no discernible reason
I EXALT @meatbag of TWO in the name of ABYSS, I'll PASS THE MIC for some New Donk Noise

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of ABYSS
I hate to be that guy talking about video games on main, but that Direct actually made me want to play some video games! Gonna pick up the demo for Unicorn Overlord and Pepper Grinder at least, I'm sure I'll end up buying some games too!

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!
I hate to be that guy talking about video games on main, but that Direct actually made me want to play some video games! Gonna pick up the demo for Unicorn Overlord and Pepper Grinder at least, I'm sure I'll end up buying some games too!
I've dropped just about everything for the moment aside from my beloved baseball in order to devote as much time as possible to Side Order once it drops. I don't think I'm going to be playing anything else until, like, the middle of March, especially since a new season in Splat3 launches March 1st, so that's even more things in that game to devote time to.
I hate to be that guy talking about video games on main, but that Direct actually made me want to play some video games! Gonna pick up the demo for Unicorn Overlord and Pepper Grinder at least, I'm sure I'll end up buying some games too!

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!
I tried out the Pepper Grinder demo. It's fun! Kinda made my hand cramp up a bit until I switched to using the analog stick for movement, though.

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!

LOOK AT ME! I'm SUSWAIVE! I'm a big bad AI that would like to undestand humans!
But in reality I'm just a bundle of scripts on a powertrip. And the humans don't play along = - /

So did something happen the last 5 days I was off?

Edit: Who is this Brazil Guy

Edit Edit: Oh noooo

Oh noooooooooo
I hate to be that guy talking about video games on main, but that Direct actually made me want to play some video games! Gonna pick up the demo for Unicorn Overlord and Pepper Grinder at least, I'm sure I'll end up buying some games too!

I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!
This presentation had a lot of "oh this looks neat" or "Hey, I'm gonna get that!" or "That's pretty cool actually" for me. I'm lowkey shocked how not bad this actually was :D
This presentation had a lot of "oh this looks neat" or "Hey, I'm gonna get that!" or "That's pretty cool actually" for me. I'm lowkey shocked how not bad this actually was :D
It was fun seeing who skipped to the end by the order in which they reacted to things as well.
This presentation had a lot of "oh this looks neat" or "Hey, I'm gonna get that!" or "That's pretty cool actually" for me. I'm lowkey shocked how not bad this actually was :D
Kinda reminds me of the last Partner Showcase. We are far away from the boring 2020 Partners, we get some good stuff in these now!

We only have a few more empowered STRIKEs left! I'm here to make sure it counts. I STRIKE SuswAIve in the name of BOOKS!

After this page, let's take a quick breather and regroup... see how things look...
Sorry yall, been driving. But the sky is gorgeous today and I LOVE driving on a gorgeous cloudy day so I STRIKE SUSWAIVE in the name of LOVE (and clouds)!
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