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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

  • Total voters
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  • Suswave: 8
  • 2uswave: 3
  • ████████: 2
  • Sus.wav: 1
  • Bingle: 1
VOTES x 10 will be given to the appropriate FACTION.
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* Election Night had hit the thread, but Volcanic's mind was elsewhere. He was awaiting the vote, but surely Suswave had it in the bag. But what of his friends, old and new? Suswave was out of commission and 2uswave was still gone. Choco helped him before but sped off, no doubt ready to care for Bingle. The others kept up their quarreling. And Sus.wav...Volcanic still didn't know what to make of them. Their hesitancy kept playing in his head, over and over again. Could Sus.wav have more capacity for thought than even they realized? Could they learn true justice? Maybe even become allies?

* Volcanic had no answers and no leads. The election results were the only clue. So he waited. And for his waiting, he was greeted with a video broadcast.

  • Suswave: 8
  • 2uswave: 3
  • ████████: 2
  • Sus.wav: 1
  • Bingle: 1
VOTES x 10 will be given to the appropriate FACTION.

* It was almost funny - Volcanic attempted to end the game, hoping to save a friend. He should have known that It had the same plan - but It had the means to succeed. The game was over...but a new one had taken its place.

* Volcanic doubted that any of them could stop what was to come. But they still had a few days to prepare. That was better than nothing. But he needed help.

Sus.wav! Are you still out there? It's VolcanicDynamo! The election is over...things are not going well with the game! I need you to listen to me. Is Suswave okay? Are you okay??

* Sus.wav said that they could be counted on. That they cared about the members of the forum, even if just for the game. It was time for them to prove it.

If Sus.wav is gone and 2uswave was already removed and Suswave is resting then

who's running the game right now?

( You sense on the breeze that automatic UPDATES for Page 40 and Page 50 will still be posted. )

( You also sense that everything else is in precarious standstill until this supposed Direct airs. )
( but there’s no answer. )

( Sus.wav is gone. )
Shit. Shit!

* They were alone. No traces of Suswave remained. Not them, not their twin, not their scripts. Just the menace using them as a battery.

* Volcanic caused 2uswave to be banished. He didn't connect with Sus.wav. He couldn't get Suswave to safety before It took over. He failed.

* ...but was Volcanic truly alone? Of course not. He had his fellow members on the board. And a feeling that came in like a gentle breeze.

( You sense on the breeze that automatic UPDATES for Page 40 and Page 50 will still be posted. )

( You also sense that everything else is in precarious standstill until this supposed Direct airs. )
( Lastly, you sense that passive ACTIONS like STRIKE and EXALT will still count for something. GAMBITS will not be processed, but now might be a good time to discuss working together for whatever’s coming. )
Well, uh, thank you, mysterious second person narrator. May we do you some good. We'll need all the help we can get to tackle the oncoming threat. So, @chocolate_supra, ready for a team up? We got a job to prepare for.

...hey wait a sec, did this just turn into...Direct Speculation? Oh, the horror!! It really is evil!
@xghost777 @meatbag all done on the first box. Bit conflicted, not the worse Moderoid I’ve done but not the best. There’s some parts they annoyingly cheaped out on. Has a Popuko anime mini but that’s shelved as a painting project for another day with Daisuke and GinRei.





Think I'm going to save the Bari Bari combo pack for next week tho and start Kiryu (Mechagodzilla 3) tomorrow. Got a very long and active work week next week so I'd rather have something shorter at the end of that
The direct speculation should have been over here the whole time!
I have some experience with this! I can help! Direct Speculation is all about looking for smoke and reading the signs so we can figure out its existence, the date, and the content. We got two out of three of those, existence and the date, right off the bat in the elections result video so we’re in a good spot here. There’s plenty of smoke and signs to work with here to figure out the content as thankfully most of the plot has been helpfully threadmarked. I think we need to look back on these last few pages though to review the smoke and signs from the more recent posts. Any posts by @VolcanicDynamo and the account that formerly belonged to @Suswave are a good place to start.

Lot going on with Nintendo Direct Speculation, but I’m here as a member of the GHOST Union to help us get through this together in UNITY!
ya know what

I dunno when they'll see this because timezones and such but, it's worth a shot.

Despite the blood that's been shed, I EXALT MEATBAG OF HOUSE TWO IN THE NAME OF LOVE!! They've exhibited tremendous passion and determination in defense of their House and I'm willing to set aside the past in the name of having all hands on deck for what appears to be... some sort of takeover, that I fear none of us would benefit from.
ya know what

I dunno when they'll see this because timezones and such but, it's worth a shot.

Despite the blood that's been shed, I EXALT MEATBAG OF HOUSE TWO IN THE NAME OF LOVE!! They've exhibited tremendous passion and determination in defense of their House and I'm willing to set aside the past in the name of having all hands on deck for what appears to be... some sort of takeover, that I fear none of us would benefit from.
Various potential plot twists ahead aside, if we don’t get to have the big anime / JRPG, power of friendship team up, attack and dethrone God finale here I’m going to be a little disappointed not going to lie.
Various potential plot twists ahead aside, if we don’t get to have the big anime / JRPG, power of friendship team up, attack and dethrone God finale here I’m going to be a little disappointed not going to lie.
what scares me though, is if that's in fact what we're leading up to then..

just what the hell is the god we're gonna have to dethrone?

it sure as shit ain't just a damn emoji.
Various potential plot twists ahead aside, if we don’t get to have the big anime / JRPG, power of friendship team up, attack and dethrone God finale here I’m going to be a little disappointed not going to lie.
( A restless wind blows. It reminds you of the wind before a storm. )
@xghost777 @meatbag all done on the first box. Bit conflicted, not the worse Moderoid I’ve done but not the best. There’s some parts they annoyingly cheaped out on. Has a Popuko anime mini but that’s shelved as a painting project for another day with Daisuke and GinRei.





Think I'm going to save the Bari Bari combo pack for next week tho and start Kiryu (Mechagodzilla 3) tomorrow. Got a very long and active work week next week so I'd rather have something shorter at the end of that
BiggusMcHuge Guy looks awesome :)
I sure hope not. We need the shitposting power of House ABYSS on our side. If they're with ████████, it won't be much for UNITY.
@BozPaggs? How's things?
No like the evil Goddess of Abyss, not the good one. The Chorus of the ABYSS will be a powerful ally against ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛
There was a small complication, but this Famiboards user is glad to report that their organs are sustaining life. With the game over, it is only a matter of waiting for the blessing. Let us members of Famiboards join hands in receiving it. It will be good for all mortals.
There was a small complication, but this Famiboards user is glad to report that their organs are sustaining life. With the game over, it is only a matter of waiting for the blessing. Let us members of Famiboards join hands in receiving it. It will be good for all mortals.
Already hit our first plot twist @chocolate_supra . We have to find and save meatbag!
also sorry yall, I gotta go to bed because it's late o'clock and tomorrow I'll be gone most of the time due to IRL stuff but I ain't abandoning, I'll just be... delayed.

kinda like Switch 2

*runs away*
Ohh! The results are in! Nice
Suswave won, that means everyhing's going to be okay, right?
uhhh... that video is not inspiring confidence 😶

I guess it's time... to attack and dethrone god?

Whatever you guys are planning, you have my axe!
Just ignored all the Switch 2 threads for my own mental health's sake. Not for any reason specific to here (I've muted the term on Twitter, and ignored the similar threads on Era as well), though. It's just that with the delay all my excitement for the thing's gone and likely won't come back until January at the earliest, and so having those threads around is just gonna make me feel bad :(
Not to sour the mood or anything, but the whole stuff about the Switch 2 last night has been a fucking bummer, man. With the implications of the Big 3 having an anemic software lineup this year, 2024 is looking to be a pretty shitty year for gaming outside of certain releases. Well, at least I have my backlog or whatever. I just wanna play my Switch games at better settings without needing to mod them or emulation! 😭😭😭
I like that this is the "good vibes" thread of the forum atm, even after this existencial threat that was just revealed.
So we join houses now?
I don't think we can, mechanically, because Gambit are disabled. Suppose we could all change our poll votes to the same option?
Not to sour the mood or anything, but the whole stuff about the Switch 2 last night has been a fucking bummer, man. With the implications of the Big 3 having an anemic software lineup this year, 2024 is looking to be a pretty shitty year for gaming outside of certain releases. Well, at least I have my backlog or whatever. I just wanna play my Switch games at better settings without needing to mod them or emulation! 😭😭😭
Last couple of years were pretty incredible for games, that can’t last indefinitely.

I’m gonna put a bit of positivity into the outlook since personally this doesn’t phase me much. This is basically my schedule for the year right now:

January - March: Wii U / 3DS shutdown last chance things. Mostly just working my way through Mario Maker and unlocking as many costumes as I can.

April - June: Side Order or Princess Peach if reviews are good. Otherwise catching up on 2023 releases (TotK, Pikmin 4, Mario Wonder). I’m also jonesing for some SimCity/Tower and The Sims lately on PC so maybe I’ll scratch that itch then.

June - December: Largely depends on what gets announced for the rest of the year. Otherwise see April - June with the addition of Xenoblade Chronicles or Final Fantasy X. Maybe going back to Hades to get caught up for the sequel.

And I forgot board games too. I’ve still got the starter campaigns in Arkham Horror and Lord of the Rings to complete. Not to mention old solo standbys of Pandemic, Elder Sign, Eldritch Horror, and Sentinels of the Multiverse where there are scenarios and villains I still need to play against.

Plus new expansions for Dominion, New Frontiers, Race for the Galaxy, Star Realms, Netrunner, and Ahoy to dive into. And old ones for Pandemic and Wingspan that are new to me!
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