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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST29 Feb. 2024| Two Handhelds, Both Alike In Dignity

What Is Your Burning Desire? — Read the ST First

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To the ~800 lurkers searching for answers and bringing Fami to a crawl: We are as confused as you are about the Direct situation... well at least I am :LOL:
Now that the Direct hopes and dreams were shattered, we can go back to shitposting about the Switch 2 never really materialising, yeah?
the disability politics of this article aren’t… great…

and I guess you could argue that they’re centered around this specific dude’s outlook and goals, but it’s the kind of content that tends to frustrate me quite a bit

I gave the story another read. I apologise, I shouldn't have posted it :(
Now that the Direct hopes and dreams were shattered, we can go back to shitposting about the Switch 2 never really materialising, yeah?
Bold of you to assume people ever stopped doing that! It's the only way to cope 😅
In that vein:
So, uh...how about the games we already have, huh? Arzette just came out! I still gotta try it, but that sounds pretty dang cool. Another Code and Prince of Persia were last month. And we're getting Mario vs. Donkey Kong tomorrow!

...maybe we can clear off our backlogs/enjoy our libraries? Enjoy the present? Right...?
So, uh...how about the games we already have, huh? Arzette just came out! I still gotta try it, but that sounds pretty dang cool. Another Code and Prince of Persia were last month. And we're getting Mario vs. Donkey Kong tomorrow!

...maybe we can clear off our backlogs/enjoy our libraries? Enjoy the present? Right...?
Are you... are you seriously suggesting we play videogames on here? Preposterous!
Lock it in boys and girls.
Oh thank God, I can pull myself away from Direct speculation because Record Store Day announced The List™
Splatoon 3 is on sale and Side Order looks really, really awesome, unique and like a ton of fun. I’m really interested in it.

After TLoU’s No Return mode, I feel like I’ve been really warming up to roguelite design in games, which is really cool.

(Also, Side Order probably won’t put a shambler and a bloater next to one another)
Splatoon 3 is on sale and Side Order looks really, really awesome, unique and like a ton of fun. I’m really interested in it.

After TLoU’s No Return mode, I feel like I’ve been really warming up to roguelite design in games, which is really cool.

(Also, Side Order probably won’t put a shambler and a bloater next to one another)
a shambler and a bloater touch one another

the resulting explosion takes out half a city block
...The List™ was probably more disappointing than the Partner Direct will be.

The only saving grace is that I guess I'm at least saving money? At least the Airplane! soundtrack looks like it'll be good for a gag, Jazz Dispensary is usually good, Parliamant/George Clinton is fun for the P-Funk and The Weeknd Live at SoFi Stadium will be nice to keep his discography at 100% complete...

But man even the other artists I would normally be psyched for like Noah Kahan, Chappel Roan and Frank Turner...I would have expected more. Even Paramore as the official ambassador has a pitiful selection of *checks notes* This Is Why album remixes, and... *double checks* a combo pack of the original This Is Why release with the remixes.
...The List™ was probably more disappointing than the Partner Direct will be.

The only saving grace is that I guess I'm at least saving money? At least the Airplane! soundtrack looks like it'll be good for a gag, Jazz Dispensary is usually good, Parliamant/George Clinton is fun for the P-Funk and The Weeknd Live at SoFi Stadium will be nice to keep his discography at 100% complete...

But man even the other artists I would normally be psyched for like Noah Kahan, Chappel Roan and Frank Turner...I would have expected more. Even Paramore as the official ambassador has a pitiful selection of *checks notes* This Is Why album remixes, and... *double checks* a combo pack of the original This Is Why release with the remixes.
Yeah nothing looked like a must buy to me. Thankfully the mildly interesting ones don't seem like guaranteed sell outs, so I might be able to grab some the next day without queueing for hours.
Lock it in boys and girls.
Why only boys and girls?
...The List™ was probably more disappointing than the Partner Direct will be.

The only saving grace is that I guess I'm at least saving money? At least the Airplane! soundtrack looks like it'll be good for a gag, Jazz Dispensary is usually good, Parliamant/George Clinton is fun for the P-Funk and The Weeknd Live at SoFi Stadium will be nice to keep his discography at 100% complete...

But man even the other artists I would normally be psyched for like Noah Kahan, Chappel Roan and Frank Turner...I would have expected more. Even Paramore as the official ambassador has a pitiful selection of *checks notes* This Is Why album remixes, and... *double checks* a combo pack of the original This Is Why release with the remixes.
Uhhhh what is The List?
Yeah nothing looked like a must buy to me. Thankfully the mildly interesting ones don't seem like guaranteed sell outs, so I might be able to grab some the next day without queueing for hours.
Yeah, that's true too. I'm getting too tired for this "Wake up at 6AM to line up by 8AM to enter a store at 10AM" nonsense just in an effort to beat scalpers lmao

Why only boys and girls?

Uhhhh what is The List?
Record Store Day 2024 has their list of vinyl all releasing on April 20th this year in an effort to keep independent record stores afloat.

I've gotten some really solid stuff in the past, like the Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon soundtrack on hot pink vinyl, and some other special stuff over the years like Springsteen live concerts, Gaslight Anthem B-Sides and Covers, remixes of Carly Rae Jepsen on picture disc, and even just half decent sales on standard releases like RHCP's Stadium Arcadium.
I gave the story another read. I apologise, I shouldn't have posted it :(
nah, it’s fine. it’s, uh, interesting! and if we were going to obliterate every disability article with mid and frustrating disability politics…

we’d be out of articles 🤣

the piece chose how it painted it. I think they chose poorly. but the dude working on it is, in fact, disabled — even if his, uh, passion project is the exact kind of thing that gets used to build a very specific and dangerous cultural shorthand for how “all disabled people are.” but maybe that’s why it has enough traction to be an article in the first place.

it’s a deep rabbit hole and I feel like shit today so… I’m not gonna go too far down on my passionate rants about disability politics

I would say — disability activism was, and is, a civil rights movement. it has been subject to much of the same cruelty and counterattack that civil rights movements often face. without putting too fine a point on it, our mass execution was the beginning of — and model for — the rest of the Holocaust. the fight is far from over.

one of the ways we are constantly undermined by even the well-meaning: the assumption that we all want to be “fixed” or “cured.” building the focus around that lets people in power absolve themselves of the responsibility of our actual present needs and demands — things like access to resources, legal protections, treatment and pain mitigation for ongoing conditions, and more.

we are in especially threatening times — the “back to normal” approach to COVID means many don’t care that it’s still widely circulating, that many disabled and chronically ill people are more likely to die from it (sooner), and that our access — if we want to live — has been cut down to nothing. no one will even wear a mask to keep us — or themselves — safe.

even though I’m furious all the fuckin’ time, I’m also trying to make sure more people work on their disability politics because we are facing a mass disabling event.

COVID and Long COVID do the sort of full system body damage that will fuck a lot of us up. Asymptomatic, too. You likely have no idea how many times you’ve been infected, but so many things — increased immune vulnerability, heart issues, nerve damage, strange new side conditions, general pain, increased brain fog, and a TON more — can come from minor cases and increase each time you’re exposed.

There’s another factor — COVID, like HIV before it, can severely inhibit T cells — specifically CD4+ and CD8+. There was roughly a decade gap before people who got HIV started getting diagnosed with AIDS — and two decades of fighting tooth and nail for acknowledgement and treatment.

Which doesn’t 100% mean that by 2030 a ton of us will start developing AIDS… but it’s possible. Or, given COVID’s other proclivities, we could develop an entirely different not yet diagnosed or named thing — which could share similarities with AIDS.

Even disregarding that, a ton of people already have chronic illnesses from COVID as-is. Most don’t realize they have them yet. You don’t fucking want a chronic illness. It’s not fun and quirky. It sucks. It makes everything impossible. But… we tried to tell you and everyone needed margaritas and sports bars more than our lives or yours.

lmao. said I wasn’t gonna rant. guess I lied.

Look: all of these things are horrible. They’re horrible on their own, let alone in conjunction. But it’s also no secret that fascism is pretty fuckin’ boosted globally right now. Laws are already moving against trans people, disabled people, queer people, women. All over.

You may have learned in 2020 that something similar has happened before — the Great Influenza (common misnomer: “Spanish Flu” — does that naming approach sound familiar?) did a ton of damage worldwide. This was an H1N1, not a coronavirus, but it has softened and morphed over 100 years into our “seasonal flu” — which still kills people. That early form was also able to trigger a cytokine storm — just like HIV and COVID can.

Flu, especially in extreme pandemic form, is also system-wide. There are accounts of famines because people could hardly stand up, train crashes where the brain fog turned to blackouts, lots of the things we’re avoiding direct eye contact with now.

So. I can’t help but be very worried about how things have gone before. Re: illness and fascism.

I know my words don’t mean much. If this makes one more person out there take it seriously, care about people… I appreciate it.

Didn’t mean to go full full rant mode off of one slightly-offputting article. But it happened!
So with that nothing burger of an Xbox thingie out of the way... I'm prepared to be disappointed again by whatever Nintendo's cooking up :LOL:
Yeah, that's true too. I'm getting too tired for this "Wake up at 6AM to line up by 8AM to enter a store at 10AM" nonsense just in an effort to beat scalpers lmao
Yeah my back and knee were fucked even more than usual after last years. Plus for the first time in years im not within 5-10 minutes walk from a participating store and I ain't waking up any earlier 😂

Oh nice! I just got my wife a record player for her birthday. Where can I check The List?
Yeah my back and knee were fucked even more than usual after last years. Plus for the first time in years im not within 5-10 minutes walk from a participating store and I ain't waking up any earlier 😂

God, I think it was not too long ago it was raining in the middle of April for RSD, just lousy weather and temperature and my friend didn't feel like joining because there was nothing they wanted so I just stood in line solo like a loser.

Yeah, maybe I won't get there super early, but I'll give it a go nevertheless just to see if I can get some regular albums on sale.
If anyone figures out a way to get rid of the copilot icon from the Windows taskbar after this latest update, let me know.
Right click on taskbar then click off the Copilot option. It was definitely annoying.

they should make every student who says this write one of their assignments in assembly
Lol this is like making students who hate jogging perform gymnastics
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