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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion |ST28 January 2024| This Is Our Year

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Huh, well, that last tweet is enough to get me to stop working on the farm I had started last month. My apologies Abigail, we shall meet again in the next save.
So apparently Anodyne 2 doesn't suspend when you go to the Switch home menu, it just keeps running in the background. I noticed because I was in the middle of an autorunner section and when I went to the Switch menu for a few minutes and went back I was on a "you failed, retry?" screen. Not a big biggie.

But just now I loaded my save and it shows 15 hours, which.. I was expecting around 8-10 hours based on what HowLongToBeat says. So I was about make a snarky post saying "welp, starting hour 15 of this 8 hour game!" but then I remembered it doesn't suspend (and my typical way of pausing a game when I get up to go do something is to just go to the Switch home menu), so I went "hmmmmm I wonder," then checked my Play Activity on the Switch itself aaaaaaaaand 5 hours.

My Switch has logged that I've got 5 hours in the game, meanwhile the game itself says 15 hours. 🤣 How weird is that?? Explains why I assumed I was taking waaaaaaaaaay to long to beat such a short game, apparently I haven't been playing for very long at all. 😅

So @slide's just fyi I have no idea how to gauge what the "second half" is anymore because I do not know har far in the game I actually am. 🤣
Been watching classic movies on 4k. I gotta say. I don't care about hdr and all that. The fact they removed most of the film grain and make it clean. Makes 4k worth it for me.

Evil dead and the fugitive looked so good in 4k.
Having trouble sleeping so I'm replaying kotor. HK-47 please tell me a lullaby

Rock-a-bye baby on the treetops.
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.
And down will come baby, cradle and all.

...Good. One less meatbag."
Having trouble sleeping so I'm replaying kotor. HK-47 please tell me a lullaby
Was re-watching Murder She Wrote and HK's VA showed up in an episode...I didn't even recognize his voice until halfway through and started yelling for the other roommates to come listen once I did. We're a KOTOR house in general but I think I've personally played K1 about two dozen times through and K2 even more than that, so I really should have recognized it sooner.
I, er, umm...

well this is awkward
So apparently Anodyne 2 doesn't suspend when you go to the Switch home menu, it just keeps running in the background. I noticed because I was in the middle of an autorunner section and when I went to the Switch menu for a few minutes and went back I was on a "you failed, retry?" screen. Not a big biggie.

But just now I loaded my save and it shows 15 hours, which.. I was expecting around 8-10 hours based on what HowLongToBeat says. So I was about make a snarky post saying "welp, starting hour 15 of this 8 hour game!" but then I remembered it doesn't suspend (and my typical way of pausing a game when I get up to go do something is to just go to the Switch home menu), so I went "hmmmmm I wonder," then checked my Play Activity on the Switch itself aaaaaaaaand 5 hours.

My Switch has logged that I've got 5 hours in the game, meanwhile the game itself says 15 hours. 🤣 How weird is that?? Explains why I assumed I was taking waaaaaaaaaay to long to beat such a short game, apparently I haven't been playing for very long at all. 😅

So @slide's just fyi I have no idea how to gauge what the "second half" is anymore because I do not know har far in the game I actually am. 🤣

In Stars And Time is like that as well, my save file is 180 hours or something.
So apparently Anodyne 2 doesn't suspend when you go to the Switch home menu, it just keeps running in the background. I noticed because I was in the middle of an autorunner section and when I went to the Switch menu for a few minutes and went back I was on a "you failed, retry?" screen. Not a big biggie.

But just now I loaded my save and it shows 15 hours, which.. I was expecting around 8-10 hours based on what HowLongToBeat says. So I was about make a snarky post saying "welp, starting hour 15 of this 8 hour game!" but then I remembered it doesn't suspend (and my typical way of pausing a game when I get up to go do something is to just go to the Switch home menu), so I went "hmmmmm I wonder," then checked my Play Activity on the Switch itself aaaaaaaaand 5 hours.

My Switch has logged that I've got 5 hours in the game, meanwhile the game itself says 15 hours. 🤣 How weird is that?? Explains why I assumed I was taking waaaaaaaaaay to long to beat such a short game, apparently I haven't been playing for very long at all. 😅

So @slide's just fyi I have no idea how to gauge what the "second half" is anymore because I do not know har far in the game I actually am. 🤣

Anodyne 2 is an amazing game. The soundtrack is one of my favourites on the Switch as well.

Explains why I assumed I was taking waaaaaaaaaay to long to beat such a short game
i know this is easier said than done, but some of my best advice in this life is:
  • don’t know how long games are “supposed” to be
  • don’t measure your time against others
this will save you from an entirely made up category of anxiety that you don’t need to have
It's not just the menu that's different (I am jealous of yall's mozzarella burger) but the quality of ingredients themselves is better. Like a base model A&W burger in Canada tastes better than the same base burger in a US A&W. I was shocked. 😅
For whatever reason I wound up looking into this (thanks internet) and yeah, totally different! A&W Canada and US are owned by different companies:

i know this is easier said than done, but some of my best advice in this life is:
  • don’t know how long games are “supposed” to be
  • don’t measure your time against others
this will save you from an entirely made up category of anxiety that you don’t need to have
The second one is a big one that I finally got over about a year or two ago. A few months after Animal Crossing released I'd see people with 1,000 hours in it and I'd go "am I doing something wrong?", but no, I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was playing it my way, as those people were playing it their way.
Because I don't know how long games are supposed to be, or have any sense of how time works, whenever people talk about how long a game takes to finish I'm just like "wow that's way longer than it took me, I'm much faster than everyone else!"

Other's anxiety is my completely unvalidated self-esteem boost.
Kinda hope the GC CX 1+2 remaster will make it to the west.
i had no notion of what you were talking about, so I scrounged up results ‘til I found the right one and watched a trailer…

and I think now I have even less of an idea what you’re talking about!
That sounds preposterous. Why would someone play games?
Yeah I know it’s stupid. Even if fun was real, how can something which makes people scream and cheer (so I heard) something good. I‘m glad we guys on famiboards aren‘t falling for that crazy „fun“ thing. Let‘s hope Switch 2 hasn‘t games, so people can‘t claim they would have „fun“ with it.
I would say it divides pretty cleanly into three acts, with each one beginning with more of the overworld opening up for you to explore. The third act would probably be the second half, though. At least in terms of length.
Yeah now that I've beaten it I have a more solid idea of the progression's "acts" and I'd agree with you on where the second half is.

i know this is easier said than done, but some of my best advice in this life is:
  • don’t know how long games are “supposed” to be
  • don’t measure your time against others
this will save you from an entirely made up category of anxiety that you don’t need to have
I do need to follow this (and I used to be much better about it), I'm just in this sort of limbo where big life changes are coming and I don't know exactly when they're hitting but I know they're hitting soon™ and that makes me consider average game length more than I used to because I wanna be able to complete a game before shit hits the fan and I gotta tear everything down.
I'm gonna be moving soon for the third time in three years and it makes my brain think I need to hyperschedule 🤪🫠

For whatever reason I wound up looking into this (thanks internet)
i had no notion of what you were talking about, so I scrounged up results ‘til I found the right one and watched a trailer…

and I think now I have even less of an idea what you’re talking about!
Lol, I've been following Gamecenter CX for years and years, it'a Japanese show where Arino, a well-known comedian in Japan plays retro games. Next to him, the whole cast from director to camera man join in too. It's very entertaining and fun.

He had two games made on DS about the show, mini game collections of retro style games. Those two are now being remade for Switch.

Here is a great resource: https://www.sa-gccx.com/

And we also have a Startopic here on Famiboards:
Oh also now that I've beaten Anodyne 2 I literally need to give games a rest for a little bit so I can process what that game was. Good lord.

I don't even know how to describe how weird it felt. That mix of early PS1 graphics plus environments that sometimes looked like prerendered 90s PC cutscenes, plus the ways the characters moved (and the ways some didn't) and the layout of everything.. it felt surreal playing through this. I couldn't even tell what I was doing or where I was going for the first hour or so because it was challenging my expectations for what assets are for progression and what is for window dressing. It all blended into this consistently weird world.

And yeah @bixente, the music is something else. Haunting at times and uplifting at others, and I got to a point where I looked forward to the beat from the autorunner sections (which were overall super weird, right? It's not just me? Like the whole vibe with the lighting and the beat and intro camera angles was kinda strange in a cool way). Sometimes I'd buzz around on the highway even if I didn't need to because I liked that music.

And then the second-half surprise of an even deeper shrink, into friggin Atari territory had me cackling, and the way the 2D dungeons started really going hard on puzzles was really satisfying. And then the genre-hopping, my god!!! WTF were they thinking?? It's amazing!!! It just launches in that second half and goes places I never woulda thought.

And all that is to say nothing of the story.

Hell of a game, geez. And what was it, two people? Indies are the best, I swear
This isn't something one should admit to in polite society.
Who here is polite?!

My brother said it controls like the developers never played an action game before and tried to make it up on the fly. How else do you explain those silly jumps?

And yet I love those silly jumps.
Who here is polite?!

My brother said it controls like the developers never played an action game before and tried to make it up on the fly. How else do you explain those silly jumps?

And yet I love those silly jumps.
Forget action games, the entire concept of movement seems to have been foreign to the devs.
You ever consider how hard it would be to walk a mile in Sora's shoes?
For real, the struggle. And he lived on an island with sandy beaches ffs, doing competitive sprints with Riku on those beaches with those shoes. How?????
YouTube decide to recommend a random video that took me back to the Wii U days

Wonder if some of y’all remember when this went Viral

I still remember the thread on ERA (or was it the old old place?). Damn that was fun!
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For real, the struggle. And he lived on an island with sandy beaches ffs, doing competitive sprints with Riku on those beaches with those shoes. How?????

I still remember the thread on ERA (or was it the old old place?). Damn that was fun!
Was the old place I believe. Era was created in 2017, I think right before Mario Odyssey came out
I do need to follow this (and I used to be much better about it), I'm just in this sort of limbo where big life changes are coming and I don't know exactly when they're hitting but I know they're hitting soon™ and that makes me consider average game length more than I used to because I wanna be able to complete a game before shit hits the fan and I gotta tear everything down.
ahhhh, overthinking – it sure uh. yeah.

also, I'm out here trying to give good advice while I can... because in mere days, I'm tearing famiboards apart
"Final Fantasy meets Disney" was the reason I gave KH a try. The gameplay and the original characters being the focus is what keeps me away from it.
ahhhh, overthinking – it sure uh. yeah.

also, I'm out here trying to give good advice while I can... because in mere days, I'm tearing famiboards apart
Ope, better make sure the next game I start is a short one so it can be done before I shift my focus towards The Fall of Famiboards!
see what I mean about the hyperscheduling?
Assuming bezels roughly like those of Switch OLED, how much bigger would a 8-inch Switch 2 be compared to a Wii U GamePad?
First, I'm going with 7.91" as some older rumors more specifically said.

Quick search pointed me to this image with Switch OLED, Wii U GamePad, and others sitting next to each other. I've scooted the systems on the right down a bit, and at top right is a new copy of the OLED, scaled to 7.91/7 in both dimensions. Technically this results in bezels also slightly larger than the OLED version, buuuut such a small difference it would just turn out worse if I tried to be more accurate.

Wider than GamePad, still way shorter.
I keep thinking about how crazy the physics programming and Q&A of TotK must have been. That's dedication.
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