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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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I thought i could post an update on my Ring Fit Saga again.

As of last sunday, i'm down exactly 13.5 kg since the start of the year.
And given the "pacing" of the last few weeks, i might be able to hit 20 kg down at the end of the year.

Planned target weight is ~ between 90 and 95 kg at a height of 181cm.

I know that's still not the "ideal" weight, but i'm built pretty wide to begin with, and will never be/look skinny, so i decided to end on a "feel good weight".

To be fair, in addition to playing RFA three times a week for ~1 hour (+/-), i went easy on sweets and eat a little less generally. But i'm not "hungering", if i wanna eat a burger or a nice pizza, i eat a burger or a nice pizza.

Though, after playing RFA for a while now, there's definitely some points that annoy me:

- Levels that are basically just "gimmicks". For example levels where you progess mostly by water/flying or those carts. I don't understand their value, since doing the walking "exercise" actually burns more stuff than anything else.

You know, doing a whole level progression by doing squats for example is ... simply mean.

- Similar to above, "walking" levels that have a gimmick slapped on. Namely "beat it in less than X steps". No. Fuck those.

- Enemy HP. I'm at the end of the second playthrough (let's call it NG+) and enemies, no matter what type, are nothing but HP sponges. I can understand that for mini-bosses, or the adds the level boss has, but man ... sometimes the battles feel like you're grinding yourself dead tired without doing much.

- Partially in connection to the above point, areas/worlds that are setup like a fucking Gauntlet. Keep it varied, okay?

There's a few other nitpicks i have, but these above ones are my main annoying points.

I hope there will be a sequel one day, and if they look into improving some things, it could be really one of the best games.
Girlfriend got us a PS5!
She's playing with it now while I take care of dinner haha

Two things though:
1. Why does setting up a modern console feel like joining a cult? (Give us all your private info, please sign up to our subcriptions, will you crease yourself and become one with us, etc)
2. Photos do not capture the sheer size of this thing, I swear you could spot it from a low flying space shuttle.
Work got cancelled at the last minute, so I get to catch TGS! Maybe even get some AC in this evening!

You know, doing a whole level progression by doing squats for example is ... simply mean
Nintendo really wanted you to tone that butt

Why does setting up a modern console feel like joining a cult?
It’s not enough that you’re a player, you have to be a member of their ecosystem. Gotta convince you to sing on to that subscription for that sweet, sweet reoccurring revenue.
But what a ride it has been!
Not sure if there’s much interest for a thread, so I’ll just share here I’m hyped Under Night In-Birth II is barely four months away! UNI is probably my favorite active 2D anime fighter franchise at this point since I didn’t vibe with Guilty Gear Strive as much as prior Arc System Works games. New UNI looks rad!

Also I saw this tweet from Wario 64 earlier and the end of January into February is absolutely packed now.

Think I’m picking up UNI2, Tekken 8, LAD 8, and Granblue myself.
Not sure if there’s much interest for a thread, so I’ll just share here I’m hyped Under Night In-Birth II is barely four months away! UNI is probably my favorite active 2D anime fighter franchise at this point since I didn’t vibe with Guilty Gear Strive as much as prior Arc System Works games. New UNI looks rad!

Also I saw this tweet from Wario 64 earlier and the end of January into February is absolutely packed now.

Think I’m picking up UNI2, Tekken 8, LAD 8, and Granblue myself.

Lol only Under Night is for Switch. Switch truly loses by winning.

So far Q1 2024 is not as "stacked" for Switch as other consoles, but we might get some announcements. So far Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Peach and Unicorn Overlord are on my list and I'm hoping for some publishers to expand this list. Please?
i am SO pumped for rebirth after watching preview videos, the combat looks insanely fun

also gimme more remixed OST pleeeeeaseee! remake has some of the best tracks in gaming history.
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Lol only Under Night is for Switch. Switch truly loses by winning.

So far Q1 2024 is not as "stacked" for Switch as other consoles, but we might get some announcements. So far Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Peach and Unicorn Overlord are on my list and I'm hoping for some publishers to expand this list. Please?
I don’t have my full list in front of me, but for Q1 Switch for me it’s:

Definite - Under Night In-Birth II and Unicorn Overlord
Almost definite - Peach Showtime
Strongly considering / probably - Prince of Persia, Another Code, and Mario Vs Donkey Kong

The definite squad on PS5 is Like A Dragon 8 and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Super pumped already for Q1 between the four I’m 100% picking up. The rest across platforms is an awesome bonus.

Think I’m picking up UNI2, Tekken 8, LAD 8, and Granblue myself.

I still haven't finished Yakuza: Like a Dragon yet :( With that and Gaiden it'll probably be 2026 before I get around to 8 lol. Persona 3 is Game Pass, so I could play it, but tbh I'm not sure I'm up for such a long RPG that I, unfortunately, have already been spoiled on.

Also completely forgot that Suicide Squad is coming out. I... do not have any plans to play that game. Can't imagine they've changed it enough from their poor last showing to make up for how bad it looked back then.
I still haven't finished Yakuza: Like a Dragon yet :( With that and Gaiden it'll probably be 2026 before I get around to 8 lol. Persona 3 is Game Pass, so I could play it, but tbh I'm not sure I'm up for such a long RPG that I, unfortunately, have already been spoiled on.

Also completely forgot that Suicide Squad is coming out. I... do not have any plans to play that game. Can't imagine they've changed it enough from their poor last showing to make up for how bad it looked back then.
With the Yakuza / Like A Dragon games, I would just focus more on enjoying them than worrying about keeping up with them. They are really meant to be savored and enjoyed at a relaxed pace I feel. I’ve already played Persona 3 before so while a remake doesn’t appeal to me at all, especially a $70 one that isn’t a definitive edition, I wouldn’t worry about knowing the main plot ahead of time if the game looks interesting to you. The main part of those games is enjoying the calendar / social sim more than the plot.

Yeah Suicide Squad didn’t look like it was for me at all after they fully detailed how the online worked which is a huge bummer as I loved the Batman games.
Wait, I didn’t realize this was a full-blown sequel. Surprised this got made at all. Or maybe not, Nasuverse is popular right now.

Xbox TGS presentation was weirdly paced. Several points I thought it would end and it didn’t.
Oh Under Night is French Bread’s own original thing entirely! It’s not related to Fate/Nasu at all aside from a crossover character from Melty Blood which French Bread also developed.
With the Yakuza / Like A Dragon games, I would just focus more on enjoying them than worrying about keeping up with them. They are really meant to be savored and enjoyed at a relaxed pace I feel. I’ve already played Persona 3 before so while a remake doesn’t appeal to me at all, especially a $70 one that isn’t a definitive edition, I wouldn’t worry about knowing the main plot ahead of time if the game looks interesting to you. The main part of those games is enjoying the calendar / social sim more than the plot.

Yeah Suicide Squad didn’t look like it was for me at all after they fully detailed how the online worked which is a huge bummer as I loved the Batman games.
Yeah, true with the LaD games. Though I must admit I did sorta marathon through 3, 4, 5, and 6 back in 2021. Though I don't regret doing so; they're great (if many times flawed) games and I love the continuous story aspect to them. My main issue with LaD is finding a time to fit it in with games like Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield also vying for attention (alongside everything else).

I think I might play P3 sometime later next year, but who knows really. Definitely feels like a game I should play sometime given how big P4 and P5 were to me.

I'm juggling between Separate Ways, Paper Mario 64, F-Zero 99, Tears of the Kingdom, a new run of FF7R and I have to start Future Redeemed. When am I supposed to sleep?

Seriously though I fully understand. 2023 has been just a deluge of amazing, often very long, titles and now 2024 is shaping up to be similarly ridiculous. Kinda hoping that 2025 is another slow year just so I can keep up lol.

Mario did it!

Furukawa: okay, we finally did it everyone, there's not anything else for us to achieve. I'll let the press know that Nintendo as of today will be closing it's doors and every game, movie and park is cancelled. There's no higher achievement than popular kid's costume for Halloween and everything from now on would be going downhill.
Dragon's Dogma II is literally just, "Dragon's Dogma, but better", and I am so here for it.
Oh Under Night is French Bread’s own original thing entirely!
Oh I see. That’s kinda cool, they just made their own thing.

When am I supposed to sleep?
That’s the neat part, you don’t!

2023 has been just a deluge of amazing, often very long, titles and now 2024 is shaping up to be similarly ridiculous. Kinda hoping that 2025 is another slow year just so I can keep up lol
This year has been a trial in shuffling around the to-play list
I know it seems daft, but last year we got some "X is coming to Game Pass... NOW!" type announcements, and as a recentish convert to PC gaming I still have the subscription that came with my computer so they might let me play some cool stuff
Oh I don't doubt them bringing cool stuff to show off, I just doubted the region giving a damn. 😅
and I know they're doing better there this generation but I was just kidding around
Wish companies would stop uploading their trailers at only 1080p. First Square did it with FF7 Rebirth and now Capcom have done it with DD2. I wanna see these games as they would actually look when we play them in 4K fgs. Square is especially weird because I'm pretty sure the Rebirth trailer was actually 4K but only in the State of Play stream.
I would argue that Yakuza and Persona 3 don't have quite the same target group, it's still an odd choice releasing them so close to each other.
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