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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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"A great country is not one in which the poor own cars but that in which the rich use public transportation."
- Abraham Lincoln
Whether you believe Phil was just trying to explain why Microsoft can't buy Nintendo in that email, there is still a bit of hubris in it, especially the part about Nintendo's future not being on their own systems. I think he really thought the upcoming launch of the Xbox Series consoles would change things dramatically and he has been humbled since. This is evident from the way he talks about losing the console wars and him going on podcasts to talk about Microsoft fucked up the cadence and quality of first party releases. If that email were written today, I doubt that final paragraph would be the same as it was in 2020.

Phil strikes me as someone who has grand ideas but forgets the minor details. Microsoft was releasing the most powerful console, plus a still powerful one for budget consumers. Subscriptions were the future and Microsoft had the best one. All the studios that he bought would churn out hit after hit, year after year. But under his tenure, he could have invested in rebuilding Microsoft Game Studios to put out brand new exclusives. He could have better overseen Microsoft's big properties like Halo and Gears of War. He could have done a better job making sure the new studios he bought had the adequate resources. But he didn't do those things. He every intention of releasing Halo Infinite in 2020 and only delayed after public backlash. Even then, the multiplayer and features for the game were undercooked when it launched in 2021, essentially ruining the reputation of the game. The campaign team, arguably the team that made the best part of Infinite, were laid off this year. 2022 has empty of major releases. They released Redfall, somehow thinking that the game would at least by a 7/10 based on their internal reviews. Their marketing outside of North America is terrible. Microsoft isn't lacking in money or manpower. You can have the best services, best hardware, best ideas, but if you don't excel at making the games then that's going to hinder your plans.
My general feeling is that leadership has never known what makes their games and the developers behind them so successful. They had a great run in the mid oughts but never evolved, releasing the same types of games in the same series to lessening acclaim. They let an internal developer cut Halo apart like a rotisserie chicken while another internal developer kicked around the same old Gears for a decade. When that didn't work, they threw money at the problem and bought studios that have some of the same vision issues.

As a whole, I just don't think the organization gets it. I like Phil fine and think he has done well enough with the hand he was dealt, but it definitely feels like he (like the others before him) has squandered some of the potential of their portfolio.
Getting the Xenoblade DE soundtrack has been great for discovering who wrote which pieces, and learning that damn near every track in the game that I love are all by Manami Kiyota, which I hadn’t previously realized. She has a definite style for area themes in particular that I adore.
Still have to recover from my latest foray into Super Mega Baseball 4 from last night. Offense has been struggling mightily, especially in the HR department. Was losing 1-0 in the 9th, just barely tied it, and then in the bottom of the 22nd inning hit a walkoff 2 run HR. Game took over an hour, and it's moments like that that make such long games worth it.
Getting the Xenoblade DE soundtrack has been great for discovering who wrote which pieces, and learning that damn near every track in the game that I love are all by Manami Kiyota, which I hadn’t previously realized. She has a definite style for area themes in particular that I adore.
I’m now realizing this trend continues with XC2 (a little) and especially XC3. I was a lot more mixed on the area themes in XC3, and I’m now finding out that nearly all of the ones I really liked? Manami Kiyota. I feel like I’m having a revelation here.
man i really need people to explain all this hardware leak stuff in caveman terms
Imagine if you will:

Ooga booga booga ooga. Bunga goooga ooga tooga. Gunga? Boog boog, gooba oonga foonga.

Boogoo- gooba dooga. Gooba, magooba flooga gadooba. Ooga ooga ooga tooga magooba, gabooga fooga!

Got the rare visit to an actual Gundam store(well a hobby store that’s recognized as one) with a pretty rad inventory. Wish I had taken pics of the other rider kits they had but these were what I wanted and unlike the Gundam these were retail price or even a slight deal(the one piece ships are a pain to find these days)

Been wanting Fourze so stumbling across the kit felt like fate
Got the rare visit to an actual Gundam store(well a hobby store that’s recognized as one) with a pretty rad inventory. Wish I had taken pics of the other rider kits they had but these were what I wanted and unlike the Gundam these were retail price or even a slight deal(the one piece ships are a pain to find these days)

Been wanting Fourze so stumbling across the kit felt like fate
Desperately awaiting S.H. Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Fourze… man, the Figure Rise Standards are wayyyy better than the non-Shinkocchou Seihou Figuarts
I hope Microsoft's little TGS show has some good announcements. Given how cozy they are with Atlus I'd love to see ports of Odin Sphere, 13 Sentinels, and SMT3 Remastered. Of course SMTV would be the dream but I'd be shocked if an announcement like that is made there (though I do think it'll come to PS/Xbox/PC eventually).
I hope Microsoft's little TGS show has some good announcements. Given how cozy they are with Atlus I'd love to see ports of Odin Sphere, 13 Sentinels, and SMT3 Remastered. Of course SMTV would be the dream but I'd be shocked if an announcement like that is made there (though I do think it'll come to PS/Xbox/PC eventually).
Is there any place to watch these presentations??
Less than 11 hours, give me that megaton Musashi wired release date

Desperately awaiting S.H. Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou Fourze… man, the Figure Rise Standards are wayyyy better than the non-Shinkocchou Seihou Figuarts
I’m up to episode 18 on Fourze in case you were wondering. It’s been fun. Wasn’t like a discount on the kit but I save shipping and a little on tax at least
So I got rear-ended back in May. Well, after multiple run-arounds from two different insurance companies and dealing with a super shady person that hit me (and the cops), dealing with an auto repair shop that kept losing track of my status and paperwork and lost half their workforce in the middle of preparing to work on my car, only to then decide it was actually totaled, and then having to talk to my insurance company AGAIN, only to find out that I needed the title to the car (which makes sense) but somehow we never received it several years ago when the car loan was paid off, so I had to work with the finance company to get the notarization which I then had to take to the DMV to get a new title created, which I then had to send in, and then FINALLY... I got the money for it. It only took... four months.


TLDR: Bureaucracy and paperwork bad
Excited to find out the release date for Apollo Justice tomorrow! I'm sure Capcom will continue to be Capcom and just do a physical release in Japan, but oh well.
Excited to find out the release date for Apollo Justice tomorrow! I'm sure Capcom will continue to be Capcom and just do a physical release in Japan, but oh well.
The Great Ace Attorney games came west in physical form but I do think it’s probably Japan only for this release. Maybe an Asian version with English but at least the Japan version of Trilogy swapped to your language settings.
Oh shit. Maybe I'll actually play Izuna this time. I wasn't about to ask my mother to buy me that game back then lol.

So this game is coming to Switch/PC. I only know this character because of Rondo of Swords on the ds lol


I remember playing the second one years ago, crazy that they're bringing the series back. Maybe Rondo of Swords will be next on the revival block.
I've noticed that more and more physical games are getting out-of-print. Titles that used to be in print for years and years, being stocked at my to-go retailer. Publishers seem to be moving on.
It’s rather interesting talking to people outside of enthusiast circles about gaming and listening to their perspectives on the market / industry. It’s only then that you also get a sense for how small the dedicated gaming market is in comparison to the one where people consume digital goods like video games on their day to day / allrounder devices like phones, tablets, and computers.

Not that it’s some kind of revelation, but I find it — well, refreshing, I guess, given that I mostly touch upon the hobby on here and not really in real life, where other stuff takes priority (and many folks aren’t into dedicated gaming, rather engage with the medium by other means, outside of the platforms we celebrate so much).
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