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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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The main thing I’m getting from some of the leaks I’ve read is that MS is unsurprisingly well informed and self aware about their place in the industry. Which is a good thing to see and for people to be reminded of.

I’m also reminded of why I never really dug into the Sony leaks or the Gigaleak. There’s just something that feels very weird and voyeuristic about seeing internal emails and documents without the context or knowing the parties involved or the internal culture.

True, but with a market cap of about $50 billion USD ... MS just paid $68 billion for Activision-Blizzard. MS has that kind of money to be able to purchase companies like that.
Nintendo has been in business longer than the entire computing market segment. No clue how big their coffers are but that’s a long time to build up a hoard of money that can be earning interest or thrown into investments the entire time.
Tfw you never were able to get into Persona, but love tactics games.

It looks rather promising, and since it's on Game Pass, I might as well at the very least give it a shot.
Unless it retains the calendar system from the mainline games, in which case, ewww.
Phil walking into Nintendo’s boardroom like

Nintendo's board:

The last time this subject came around, wasn't it said that there's some sort of legal wall in Japan that keeps foreign entities from taking over domestic companies? Or am I remembering something wrong?
I remember something like this too. Could be a reason Japan is filled with companies that have decades of history while being 100% Japanese.
Mortal Kombat 1’s story mode is delightful. As someone who’s grown up with this series since the Sega Genesis I’ve been grinning like an idiot the whole time.
True, but with a market cap of about $50 billion USD ... MS just paid $68 billion for Activision-Blizzard. MS has that kind of money to be able to purchase companies like that.
They have the money, but:

1) Nintendo has to be willing to sell
2) Other partners with shares in Nintendo have to be willing to sell
3) Japanese government will most likely butt in
4) No way in hell it passes through regulators
It was unpleasant going into any Pokemon Center in and around Tokyo when I was there. Just wall to wall people in a slow moving line to get to the exit lol.

The Nintendo store was better when I went because you had to get a ticket to get in, which gave you a window of time to enter.
Yeah the Pokémon Centers used the ticket system as well.

In Kyoto it wasn’t that busy. Until the day word got out that they had Pokémon cards again. Everyone and their mom came in to get cards 😅
A little off topic and I don't wanna vent too much but god some people are so annoying.
I was playing a game with a friend and they're one of those people who takes things too seriously and gets really annoyed. They started complaining and swearing about any mistake, big or small I was making and just being generally rude, so I left the vc and the game. They then messaged me and said I was a child and stubborn because I couldn't admit to my mistakes without excuses. I wouldn't even say I was making excuses, I was just trying to explain why whatever happened, happened.

I wouldn't even mind so much if they'd apologized for losing their cool instead of messaging me and calling me a child.
Me trying to follow the discussion of who's to blame for the MS leak, the FTC, the court, or MS themselves?:

Phil walking into Nintendo’s boardroom like

Wait how did you get a video to embed clean like that?

Going to try installing a new battery for my Switch tonight. Never done something like this before. Wish me luck.

Gonna guess it was a mix of

1) a lot of money
2) the PS3‘s cell processor being a pain in the ass to work with
Not that they're representative of Japanese devs as a whole, but I do remember Itagaki straight-up saying Xbox was the most powerful console at the time and that's why he wanted to build DoA for it, whether the system sold well or not. And then Kamiya had X360 as the lead platform for Bayonetta development too, and while I don't remember the reason given I do remember the PS3 version ran so badly that it got different review scores than the Xbox. I assume it was that cell architecture.
Guess who managed to catch covid a second time around 🙃 Thankfully it seems to be mostly mild, but earlier today was rough. Felt like glass shards in my throat and the side of my ribcage was hit with a car. Stock up on masks and covid tests if you can folks, especially with flu season around the corner too.

Anything I've missed since Friday? Something about MS FTC leaks, new Switch close to PS4 in terms of raw power before DLSS, Jurassic Park collection has Genesis games now, anything else I've missed?

F-Zero 99 fun, although the best I've managed to reach is 17th place without crashing out. I keep telling myself I'll start the Pokemon DLC after one more race....okay one more race starting now...okay one more race starting now...okay one more race starting now...
Going to try installing a new battery for my Switch tonight. Never done something like this before. Wish me luck.
batteries are the fucking worst imo. if you have an LCD model be careful with any solvents. destroyed a lite screen that way. if you have an OLED model the screen should* be fine, but the speakers are open back iirc. if you can, skip the solvents and just use careful pressure with a wide prying tool
Guess who managed to catch covid a second time around 🙃 Thankfully it seems to be mostly mild, but earlier today was rough. Felt like glass shards in my throat and the side of my ribcage was hit with a car. Stock up on masks and covid tests if you can folks, especially with flu season around the corner too.
Ick, geez, glad it was mild, hope you recover speedily!!

Anything I've missed since Friday? Something about MS FTC leaks, new Switch close to PS4 in terms of raw power before DLSS, Jurassic Park collection has Genesis games now, anything else I've missed?
Not really? The FTC leaks happened months ago and were covered at length in the hardware thread, this one email just somehow got picked up and circulated by media now, so gaming socials are treating it like it's new. But Activision speculating that the next Switch will be "closer to Gen 8 consoles" is olllllld news.

Jurassic Park Genesis is new and rad, though.

F-Zero 99 fun, although the best I've managed to reach is 17th place without crashing out. I keep telling myself I'll start the Pokemon DLC after one more race....okay one more race starting now...okay one more race starting now...okay one more race starting now...
it’s a microsoft leak world, we’re just shitposting in it

also I can’t remember if I’ve posted this one yet or not, but this is keeping me relatively calm even though I feel like there’s a worlverine inside me right now about a great many terrible things

I've been a little MIA recently but...

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Amazing how MS leaked emails are just like "Hey wanna spunk the entire revenue of GP on one game? Yolo"... where as leaked Nintendo emails on the cost of Nintendo Switch Online games is probably:

"Doug, I'm just enquiring about the status of the Subway giftcard that was supposed to be sent out the rights holder for Quest for Camelot. I paid for his grand slam breakfast and an Uber ride home from the location of the Denny's where we met but that was only half the deal. Let me know if you need me to resend his address in case it hasn't been sent out already.

Best Regards,


"Doug it's Bill again but I just want to let you know that the Bar tender of the joint we ran up the tab on the night of the Christmas Party came to me with a proposition and said if we rereleased Jelly Boy and Spanky's Quest on our online services that we would be all square. His older brother apparently did the box art for those games when he was in college and said he thought it would be 'really hilarious' if he was able to remind him and everyone else of those because he's been ribbing him about it for years. Has his name saved as Spanky on his phone's contacts. Just wondering if you are interested or get back to me if you want me to pay off the tab myself. Thanks."
Sad thing is he reportedly didn't want to, it was the studio who pushed him to make "another LotR" out of it. Can't tell you how much I'd love to see the version he and Del Toro were planning and working toward before the studios fucked it all up.

So yeah, great example of something that shouldn't have been stretched out getting stretched out because corps went "but that's the trennnnd"
I would have loved a one-movie Hobbit that kept the more storybook, whimsical-yet-sometimes-serious tone of the book and also had a ton of Del Toro charm to it. Huge fuckup by the studios on that one. There are still some great scenes and bits in the Hobbit trilogy but it’s surrounded by so much fluff and nonsense
Tfw you never were able to get into Persona, but love tactics games.

It looks rather promising, and since it's on Game Pass, I might as well at the very least give it a shot.
Unless it retains the calendar system from the mainline games, in which case, ewww.
But… but my time management optimization! Three Houses did it too and it was great there, I wouldn’t mind it here
everyone making a big deal out of MS wanting to buy Nintendo but when I say I wanna buy Nintendo people go "who're you?" these double standards sicken me
I don't want MS to buy Nintendo but I'd be thrilled if MS buys my company. Talk about double standards.
Playing Armored Core 6 makes me wish I could more easily get into From's other games.

I played like half(?) of Sekiro, and idk, I had fun but that game makes me kinda anxious. Creepy enemies in an oppressive environment with a punishment if you die isn't really my jam, even though i really liked the gameplay

AC6 however is rad as hell. I guess shooting robots with more lenient checkpointing is more my speed.
Don’t mind me, just sitting here legally listening to the Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition soundtrack and wondering how much of a flex it would be if Monolith ever could contract Uematsu, Ito, or Hamauzu to contribute a track or two to the next game while still retaining Shimomura and Mitsuda
I imported this from the US just by a trailer. Anybody here seen this Mother Documentary? Imma watch it tomorrow :)

I almost feel sorry for him, Spencer willl probably have a rough couple days going forward dealing with the leaks :LOL:

And they did it themselves apparently, which means they can’t really blame anyone except for whoever the specific employee is. I don’t feel sorry for him though. The lower level staff who might get affected by this for sure. Phil talks out of both sides of his mouth trying to be gamers’ best friend and cutthroat executive (I understand that’s his job but don’t expect sympathy. This would be my opinion on any of these high up executives).
It kind of always irked me how Phil Spencer tries to be buddy buddy with gamers. He's almost screaming "I'm one of you guys!" on every outing which, let's be real, is just PR imo.

I hate myself for being such a cynical asshole lol.

I almost feel sorry for him, Spencer willl probably have a rough couple days going forward dealing with the leaks :LOL:

It was a pretty exceptional level of dipshittery he displayed so he's probably embarrassed af right now. That being said, I don't think the brand itself comes off too badly from the leaks mostly just some conceited ass personalities within the company, so it probably won't be too bad in terms of damage control.
It kind of always irked me how Phil Spencer tries to be buddy buddy with gamers. He's almost screaming "I'm one of you guys!" on every outing which, let's be real, is just PR imo.

I hate myself for being such a cynical asshole lol.
That's not cynical though, it's an observation (and an accurate one).
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