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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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So I started playing Paper Mario 64 and... it is pretty good?? I just finished the first chapter but I really like the dialogues and the atmosphere. The battle system is solid, it sometimes requires a bit of strategy and it is quite engaging at the moment. The level design is mid tho, I much prefer what they did with TOK.

It makes me think that in the span of a few months I'm gonna play for the first time PM64, SMRPG and TTYD. Not bad.
The first Paper Mario is glorious. Simple but super fun.
Not to sound snarky ... but yes, it explains Phil does his job he was hired to do. ^^

You might not like it, i'm not, but in the end, it's really just Phil doing his job.
I meant more it explains why he's so bad at his job, he needs to take it easy with the 'caine if he believes half the shit he comes up with.
the enemy in original FFVII was a boss in Remake 👀

stealing can take while lol. But in the remaster it’s easier cause you can speed up.
Managed to get it in the end! Tbh I did google it and learnt that level is the biggest factor for stealing, so equipped it on Cloud instead of Tifa. That clearly helped!

Also learnt that the game has a 'Defend' function lol. Previous attempts I was just making my party stand there doing nothing as the dude threw lasers at us over and over.

And yeah, I remember just how long the Train Graveyard section was in the Remake. Here it's literally two screens and an incredibly simple train puzzle.
I meant more it explains why he's so bad at his job, he needs to take it easy with the 'caine if he believes half the shit he comes up with.
I think Phil is underrated. Xbox was as good as dead when he took over and he has at least turned them in a more positive direction.
I really don’t see anything in that email that’s worthy of the level of attention it’s getting. Some internal posturing and locker room smack talk but it’s pretty much a nothingburger. Like the language on display isn’t any different than some of those internal Sony emails that North Korea hacked and leaked years back.

Sometimes things happen that seem important or huge in the moment but actually really aren’t. I think this is one of those times.

The most interesting thing, that probably everyone on the Internet is going to ignore because it’s not spicy, is that there’s a seat on Nintendo’s board that MS thinks could start pushing Nintendo to seek out more profits and that could be an in-road into a M&A deal between MS and Nintendo. Particularly because it sounds like MS has/had a contact at that firm.

That and the internal analysis on the ZeniMax and WBIE potential mergers (at the time) pointing out that they wouldn’t diversify the gaming divisions offerings. And Phil seems acutely aware that they have few studios outside of North America.
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i’m tired of these succession dipshits spiraling each and every damn thing out of control while killing the heart of the star

and for what? for what?! ten of them hoard a billion dollar bill and the passionate creators and project enjoyers are beer can chickens grilled to shit in the fray

sick of our lives being dictated by these mall shooters, sauntering up in crowns of ammo singing “you gonna finish that?” to every last licker living from the ocean to the sky

enough with the horseshit

spare us the salt
Thanks, everyone! I'm not going to follow a step-by-step walkthrough but I think I'll definitely look up guides for the ultimate weapons and secret characters.

Just got to the Train Graveyard and, having played Remake, it's quite crazy how... quick everything is lol. The pacing here is just constant and it's really cool to see the sheer amount of backgrounds and locations put into such a small chunk of time. Of course the game itself is old, and you can feel it (both in gameplay and in certain scenes...), but with the storytelling on display here I can see why the game's so beloved. Also think there is a certain charm to everything being done by these tiny chibi models with exaggerated acting, instead of today's template of hyper-realistic mo-capped characters.

That's one of the downsides of playing the original before the remake. You see how certain sections are stretched to hell to pad out the length of the game. What may have been one screen in the original is now a 30 minute walk with Aerith complete with a shifty crane mini game.
That's one of the downsides of playing the original before the remake. You see how certain sections are stretched to hell to pad out the length of the game. What may have been one screen in the original is now a 30 minute walk with Aerith complete with a shifty crane mini game.

I pray to every god, goddess or divine being that exists that the hacks who're responsible for the FF 7 Remake will never lay a hand on FF 6 or Chrono Trigger.

I knew all along
Chrono Trigger.
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 1 - Millennial Fair to Proto Dome
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 2 - End of Time to Magus encounter
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 3 - Prehistory to Mt. Woe
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 4 - Underseal Palace to Death Peak
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 5 - Open world and Black Omen

Fortunately, I don't think anyone involved with FFVIIR was involved with CT originally. VI is a different story though, since Nomura did monster designs and Kitase I think was one of the scenario writers or planners.

EDIT: Well crud. Kitase was a Director on both projects, and Nomura was an artist on both too.

Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 1 - Millennial Fair to Proto Dome
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 2 - End of Time to Magus encounter
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 3 - Prehistory to Mt. Woe
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 4 - Underseal Palace to Death Peak
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 5 - Open world and Black Omen

Fortunately, I don't think anyone involved with FFVIIR was involved with CT originally. VI is a different story though, since Nomura did monster designs and Kitase I think was one of the scenario writers or planners.

I know, I feel dirty just for suggesting that, but those are natural arcs in the game.

VI would be much much harder to break apart given the back half of the game is open-world. Like you could probably do World of Balance pretty easily, I just don't know how you do World of Ruin in an episodic format without compromising the design.


I would get on this now if you want it. Best buy is clearing stock so who knows if it’s going to be out of print.

Deku Deals is showing Amazon is matching the price too
Episodic remakes better don't catch on.

I remember being flabbergasted at Peter Jackson blowing up the Hobbit, a one volume novel, into a whole fucking trilogy of movies. I get the same sentiment every time I am reminded FF7R is a thing that exists.
Just dealing with some post Future Redeemed, life uncertainty emotions today, and damn what a great soundtrack.
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 1 - Millennial Fair to Proto Dome
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 2 - End of Time to Magus encounter
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 3 - Prehistory to Mt. Woe
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 4 - Underseal Palace to Death Peak
Chrono Trigger Remake Pt. 5 - Open world and Black Omen

Talking about directs…

If they make a re-reveal of Metroid Prime 4 with Prime 2+3 announcements at TGA

Then Pokémon had its own presentation revealing next year RPG title + Scarlet/Violet DLC2

+ April’s game is title more oriented for non-enthusiastic audience, thus it can be announced via some random tweet.

They can make a Mini Direct 1 week after Princess Peach Showtime release, like it was in 2020. With FE4 Remake (July?) as opener and another new game [KI Uprising R] (September?) as closer. Give LM2 and PM TTYD specific dates (May/June?) and can shadowdropped Splatoon 3 Side Order.

Then the battlefield is all clear for full Switch NG attention by starting April.
Feels like I'm the only one actually liking Remake and its approach on here.
You definitely aren’t the only one. Looking at topics about the State of Play and Rebirth show that there are many people who are very excited about the Remake.

My own feelings are that the Remake has some decent ideas, but they would have been far better off using those gameplay concepts to make an original game. It just feels like a bit of a waste because it isn’t a genuine remake and thus isn’t going to appeal to a lot of people who love the original FFVII, but it also still carries a lot of baggage from the original that bogs it down and makes it less accessible to newcomers (and whether it’s a remake or a brand new game wouldn’t make any difference to newcomers or people who are indifferent to FFVII anyways).

I find that all the worst aspects of the Remake (the relentless padding, the dull industrial environments, the fact that it’s an incomplete story) stem from its position of trying to stretch out a small portion of a story into a 30+ hour game, and simply making an original FF game with similar gameplay could easily resolve all those problems.
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Man, I so mad at the Phil Spencer emails...

not even know how to deal with this.. stressed me out as soon I woke up today..
Why would you be stressed out about that?

Edit: unless you're a privacy officer at FTC of course lol
Episodic remakes better don't catch on.

I remember being flabbergasted at Peter Jackson blowing up the Hobbit, a one volume novel, into a whole fucking trilogy of movies. I get the same sentiment every time I am reminded FF7R is a thing that exists.
Sad thing is he reportedly didn't want to, it was the studio who pushed him to make "another LotR" out of it. Can't tell you how much I'd love to see the version he and Del Toro were planning and working toward before the studios fucked it all up.

So yeah, great example of something that shouldn't have been stretched out getting stretched out because corps went "but that's the trennnnd"
the intense part of me that wanted to give Phil Spencer a swirlie just now has been tamped by the fact that he’s about to get a corporate swirlie from damn near everyone after those game pass partner costs leaked
I doubt we'll see any sort of public response/lawsuit from Microsoft about these leaks, since the gaming industry famously likes to completely ignore leaks. I'm sure a tersely worded email is heading to the FTC this morning though.
looking forward to the next great Mario RPG… Toilet Paper Mario
i know the numbers columns will be the major point of contention for other companies here, but that wow factor column is destined to be the fulcrum of vengeance

“not wow enough for you Phil?! not wow enough?!?!?!”
Remember how we always joke about Nintendo buying Japan?

They literally could.

Okay, that was a joke too, i dunno how much money they have, but i bet they could buy Tokyo.
They're literally one of the wealthiest companies in Japan
Yes, but also a tradeable company so investors can get a say in how to operate the business, including possible take overs and mergers. Which would be nearly impossible seeing the wealth of Nintendo, but it is an option.
Here it is


thank you, this is incredible

can’t believe there’s already a cover of a Grögol Bonanza song out there before I’ve even made a (worthwhile) demo

although I do have an absolute trash demo somewhere…
Seeing how packed their stores are in Tokyo and Osaka… my god
It was unpleasant going into any Pokemon Center in and around Tokyo when I was there. Just wall to wall people in a slow moving line to get to the exit lol.

The Nintendo store was better when I went because you had to get a ticket to get in, which gave you a window of time to enter.
True, but with a market cap of about $50 billion USD ... MS just paid $68 billion for Activision-Blizzard. MS has that kind of money to be able to purchase companies like that.
I feel like there'd be issues if Microsoft just went and snatched up one of a nation's largest companies like that. The last time this subject came around, wasn't it said that there's some sort of legal wall in Japan that keeps foreign entities from taking over domestic companies? Or am I remembering something wrong?
Man. I'd really hate having to work at Microsoft today... or for the FTC... or any other company that was sorta involved in this whole debacle :LOL:
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