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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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officially there's no guarantee that the lobbies aren't populated by bots

I haven't seen any informed speculation on the matter yet though
Purely judging on the difference between the tutorials and actual races, I think it's safe to say there aren't many bots if at all, though maybe I've just been lucky.
It went from civilised to carnage immediately.
Purely judging on the difference between the tutorials and actual races, I think it's safe to say there aren't many bots if at all, though maybe I've just been lucky.
It went from civilised to carnage immediately.
that's been my experience too lol
"Ancient alien" found to actually be Nintendo fan still waiting for Metroid Prime 4
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Hayden 👏 Christensen 👏 Redemption 👏 Arc 👏
For real, shows what he can do with an actual decent script, instead of whatever it was George was doing. Not to knock on the Prequels coz I love them lots, awesome story, settings, fights, music but man the script was definitely something.
Also gimme more force realm stuff! It was so anime.
For real, shows what he can do with an actual decent script, instead of whatever it was George was doing. Not to knock on the Prequels coz I love them lots, awesome story, settings, fights, music but man the script was definitely something.
Also gimme more force realm stuff! It was so anime.
When you look at just how monumentally bad the script is in the prequels, it’s pretty impressive that a few characters still end up pulling something out of it. Mostly Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid. At least IMO they’re the best part of the prequels by a long shot.

Well, and Christopher Lee, but he’s freaking Christopher Lee. That doesn’t really count.
Is Switch screenshot/video sharing via smartphone broken? For some reason mine hasn’t worked for months now.
Last year mine stopped working for I dunno how long. It randomly started working again a few months ago. I have no idea what changed.
Well did a bunch of the inbetween stuff and just have the final battle of chap 12 of Demitri’s route in FEWTH left. Hoping to finish this game this week! If I can stop getting distracted by side content DX
Got all these 100 hour games on my backlog, yet I'm contemplating buying Rune Factory 4 Special just so I can have a little farming sim action for a while, even though I know it's all I'll play and I'll just neglect those 100 hour games.
Is Switch screenshot/video sharing via smartphone broken? For some reason mine hasn’t worked for months now.
Is this the feature where your phone connects to the Switch via WiFi and then you can download the photo via the local network? If so, it's worked for me every time I've used it, but I've had to tweak settings on my phone and it's become less user friendly lately. What issue are you running into exactly? I wonder if it's the same one I had to overcome.
Got all these 100 hour games on my backlog, yet I'm contemplating buying Rune Factory 4 Special just so I can have a little farming sim action for a while, even though I know it's all I'll play and I'll just neglect those 100 hour games.
I could probably spend a decade working on my JRPG backlog alone... I'm doomed
Started replaying P5R immediately after my P4G replay. I think my (modern) series ranking is starting to shift but I'm not 100% sure. It's starting to look like
P5R >= P4G > P5 > P3P > P3FES (I haven't played P3 or P4 vanilla)
I wish I could replay P4G or P3P. Or continue P5R. I don't even remember anymore where exactly I stopped playing. 😂🤷‍♂️
Vampire Survivors is all I can bring myself to start up right now. D:
(And it's just too good. Even after 100+h with it between PC and Switch, I just can't stop.)
I went back to Blasphemous 2 finally, I’m nearly done now. 97% map, so I think all I really have left is the final boss (or bosses?).

Overall, good game that is basically ‘Blasphemous, but more’. If you liked the first one you’ll probably like this one too. Only complaints I have are that the first half of the game was a bit more interesting than the second (it takes a slightly odd turn into being more linear after an open beginning), and while the difficulty has been pretty good overall there’s a bit of a spike right in the middle of the game.

Despite better movement, better metroidvania abilities, and better weapons and variety, I still think I prefer the original by a smidge. I wonder how much of that is just that Blasphemous is such a unique and specific concept and setting for a game that this game just didn’t have quite the same impact and felt a little too similar. Hard to say. But I should finish it tomorrow!
I randomly started watching Russian Doll on a whim and holy shit it's so good? I'm on episode 7 now and I can't stop. I absolutely hated the first episode and almost didn't go forward but it's been getting more and more compelling and I'm now hooked. Goooood stuff.
Just moved in with my girlfriend and she has set up a games room so that she can play on her PC and me on my Switch on the TV next to each other. <3

Damn, sounds like you should start saving up for a ring immediately.

Suddenly I'm deep into Hollow Knight again??

I hate the Deep Nest.

For real, shows what he can do with an actual decent script, instead of whatever it was George was doing. Not to knock on the Prequels coz I love them lots, awesome story, settings, fights, music but man the script was definitely something.
Also gimme more force realm stuff! It was so anime.

Honestly, i think Anakin (and thus Hayden) was also too young in Episode 2 and 3. When you listen to Obi Wan's recollection of Anakin in the OG trilogy, you'd think of an experienced, almost middle aged guy and veteran.

The movies didn't transport that.

His portayal was done better in Clone Wars ... though it doesn't help that Episode 3 is basically the last "Anakin" part of the story given he ends up as Vader in the end there.

My final week in Japan 😢

Today I took a breather in Kobe and let the sea breeze cool me off.

Remember to bring the Ramen!
Can't finish my current freelance work until someone else gets back to me sooo I guess I'm using this very rainy Monday morning to play more Xenoblade 3 Future Redeemed

Now it's rain time!

Tee hee
Enjoy it while it lasts, and watch out for kaiju
Haha I kept an eye out, no giant monsters coming. But thanks.

Damn, sounds like you should start saving up for a ring immediately.

I hate the Deep Nest.

Honestly, i think Anakin (and thus Hayden) was also too young in Episode 2 and 3. When you listen to Obi Wan's recollection of Anakin in the OG trilogy, you'd think of an experienced, almost middle aged guy and veteran.

The movies didn't transport that.

His portayal was done better in Clone Wars ... though it doesn't help that Episode 3 is basically the last "Anakin" part of the story given he ends up as Vader in the end there.

Remember to bring the Ramen!
Sorry, no room for ramen in my suitcase :(
Is this the feature where your phone connects to the Switch via WiFi and then you can download the photo via the local network? If so, it's worked for me every time I've used it, but I've had to tweak settings on my phone and it's become less user friendly lately. What issue are you running into exactly? I wonder if it's the same one I had to overcome.
Yes it’s that one. Usually when I try to scan the first QR code, my iPhone is unable to connect to the Switch’s wifi.
When you look at just how monumentally bad the script is in the prequels, it’s pretty impressive that a few characters still end up pulling something out of it. Mostly Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid. At least IMO they’re the best part of the prequels by a long shot.

Well, and Christopher Lee, but he’s freaking Christopher Lee. That doesn’t really count.

I absolutely detest Anakin's opening scenes in Attack of the Clones. That childish spat he has with Obi-Wan in front of Padme and her crew is just pure cringe beyond belief and just way too much. It's then followed up with Padme asking Anakin not to give her creepy looks which he responds to with an even creepier look. In one of the documentaries, they basically admitted it made Anakin and Obi-Wan look like they hated each other so they added in that first lift scene where they share a joke to try and reduce the effects of those following scenes.

In general Anakin is written so bad throughout the movie and is basically a bad apple from the very beginning rather than a good man who was seduced by the dark side of the force. Thankfully Clone Wars did a much better job with Anakin's character and it was clear to see this had an impact on Hayden's performance in Ahsoka. If I remember correctly Hayden has even said he watched Clone Wars and liked what they did with Anakin so it was no surprise the show may have influenced his performance.
Oh and apologies for the double post, but while I was looking for a place to eat, I came across this little store;






I got myself a boxed copy of FF VI, in great shape for just € 12…

There is something pure about Japanese video game stores. Especially retro ones.
Oh and apologies for the double post, but while I was looking for a place to eat, I came across this little store;






I got myself a boxed copy of FF VI, in great shape for just € 12…
I'm... I'm going to need to know exactly where this is
If the Switch 2 has trophies/achievements of some kind I WILL play every single game I own from start to finish again
So, with the PS5 software update that shows you your most played titles I realized that most of my playtime is actually like 70 Switch 30 PS5. I thought it was more even but it's like not even close. My most played PS5 title is Ghost of Tsushima haha. Whereas I've already reached that with Tears of the Kingdom this year and I've played even more of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 3 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. F-Zero 99 is also going to be a problem for me, I can tell.
Oh and apologies for the double post, but while I was looking for a place to eat, I came across this little store;






I got myself a boxed copy of FF VI, in great shape for just € 12…
I wish Japan's love for sealwrap made it's way to the west
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