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StarTopic Nintendo General Discussion | ST24 September 2023 | Barely Able Will Star as the Main Poster in a Brand New ST (temp.)

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Using the Process for frivolous bets was obviously going to have consequences. You pushed the Process too much and it pushed back.
I still trust the process, though it's sometimes hard to figure out what the process is. I somewhere lost my way but I'm sure I will be back track as soon as I can be Anime Detective Lexony again.
Whenever I saw your avatar on the little square box instead of next to a post, I kept seeing it as Robin from Teen Titans.
Whenever I saw your avatar on the little square box instead of next to a post, I kept seeing it as Robin from Teen Titans.
You're right, they have kinda a similar vibe:

I think it's the eyes.
Well I’ll be on the road the next couple days so you’ll only be hearing from me in the evenings
I’ve currently been working on finishing my last route of FEWTH. On chap 11 of Dimitris route
Sure, I'll stop heading towards the apparent end of Future Redeemed and double back to check out those tasty side quest exclamation marks. Woop woop
Just downloaded it. You need to sign into an EPIC account before you play.
oh they’re lying, lmao

close it the first time, press A, then close it the second time

you need it to play online but i’m not fucking doing that

fuck Epic
Beat Pokémon Scarlet base game last night. Technical issues aside, it's safe to say that SV are my favorite mainline entries in the series to-date next to Legends and ORAS. Really hope Gen 10 can satisfy on the tech side of things. And maybe have voice acting? Please? There are way too many scenes that would have hit harder in either comedy or drama if the cutscenes were actually voiced.

Not gonna buy the DLC yet, though, since I want to focus on other games at the moment. Used some expiring gold coins to buy Ord. a few days ago. Just started playing it this morning and I can't put it down. Really charming text adventure game that I highly recommend. Also charging my 3DS in order to chip my way through all the 3DS games I bought back in March.
I thought I hurt my back in some extraordinary way, but turns out I was stung by a wasp. Perhaps this is better, although it doesn't take the pain away.
I wanted to have a good time with a cozy RPG but I don't know if I should opt for Paper Mario or M+L Superstar Saga
Both are a good time, but if cozy is your goal then I think Paper Mario is your best bet. M+L is a bit more hyperactive due to its combat and puzzle-solving mechanics; Paper Mario is a little more methodical while also looking like a bedtime story.
I've done almost everything I want to do in XBC 3 Future Redeemed. A handful more question marks and one or two boss monsters to do, so I might try and finish it tomorrow, depending on how much work I end up with.
I wanted to have a good time with a cozy RPG but I don't know if I should opt for Paper Mario or M+L Superstar Saga
Haven't played M+L but I can confirm Paper Mario is cozy as heck

I've done almost everything I want to do in XBC 3 Future Redeemed. A handful more question marks and one or two boss monsters to do, so I might try and finish it tomorrow, depending on how much work I end up with.
Grab a bowl so you can catch your brain as it melts. And make sure you wait for the post-credits. Godspeed o7

Finished Gears of War 4. That's 3 games beaten in 3 days. Gross.
eww, how are you even allowed on here?
Anyone checked out Chants of Sennaar?

I vaguely remember it being in (I think) an Indie show, it's out today. And hearing this has me VERY interested, I love Obra Dinn to death:

I've been playing it! It's absolutely enthralling lol i keep picking it up and it just immediately fills my entire brain space, what a fascinating game. Obra Dinn is a very good comparison but the way you are learning multiple languages from conversation, context clues, puzzles and then how they reflect and differ from each other is just amazingly unique. Hopefully the devs do a postmortem or making of type thing because it must have taken a huge amount of iteration.

(Late response I know lol but i searched the forum to see if the game had been discussed and your post popped up hah)
If anyone had told me when PUBG and Fortnite kicked off this whole Battle Royale nonsense that Nintendo would latch onto the craze with annual BR takes on classic games and that they would be good, I would’ve thought I had been hit on the head and woken up in an alternate dimension.

My dad thinks F-Zero 99 is "pretty cool."

Nintendo manages to reach the boomers once again.

Also each time I've logged in to play, the races have gotten 99 people like immediately. As opposed to stuff like Splatoon where I'm usually waiting and sometimes timing out just tryina get to 8. How many people are playing this?? Is it pretty big?
I won't take any avatar bet slander.

Turning into a punchable abomination is part of The Process.
It takes us one step closer to redemption.

My dad thinks F-Zero 99 is "pretty cool."

Nintendo manages to reach the boomers once again.

Also each time I've logged in to play, the races have gotten 99 people like immediately. As opposed to stuff like Splatoon where I'm usually waiting and sometimes timing out just tryina get to 8. How many people are playing this?? Is it pretty big?
officially there's no guarantee that the lobbies aren't populated by bots

I haven't seen any informed speculation on the matter yet though
Started replaying P5R immediately after my P4G replay. I think my (modern) series ranking is starting to shift but I'm not 100% sure. It's starting to look like
P5R >= P4G > P5 > P3P > P3FES (I haven't played P3 or P4 vanilla)
officially there's no guarantee that the lobbies aren't populated by bots

I haven't seen any informed speculation on the matter yet though
I remember playing and winning my first game of Fortnite and being so excited until I learned the first game is always filled with bots and not other humans.
Signs that a new Smash Bros. is close by...


I'll be honest, I'll remember this period fondly. Everyone is Here and a shortened marketing schedule denied as the prolonged speculation we had with Brawl and Smash 4. But the Grinch leak made up for it and brought a whole lot of insanity in such a short period of time. Surely it must be fake? But what if it isn't? Banjo would be a dream. And Mach Rider? I didn't want her before but now that I think about...maybe I do. Such a fun time (harassment of people and insiders aside).
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